: ȣ : ȣ ǻ: Ͽ콺 : ȣ dz⵵: 2000215 쳽: Ͽ콺 Էڿ: , ڼ, , 輱 ۰Ұ: ȣ 1945 £ ¾ ȫʵб, , б , ȫʹб ̼а п graphice design ߽ϴ. ڽǾб б ̼ , б, ȫͰ, ǿڴ 縦 δнðΰ . ν۰ȸ,ȫ ðȸ, ѱ̼ȸ ȸ Ȱϸ鼭 , ϴ ټ picture book 쳻⵵ ߽ϴ. 1987 ijٷ ״, 1993⿡ ְ Ʈڸ å < > , ̾ 1994⿡ ûҳ ,1996⿡ ̸ 쳿ν ޴ ۰ Ǿϴ. Ӹ ƴ϶ 1995⿡ 쳽< > äο İ Ƿ ϱ⵵ . 1997 ô 帧 ū ȣ ִϴ. < > ֺ ̵ CD-Rom ŸƲ, õǾ ̺ TVDSNch23 濵 ٽ , Ǹ̸, īƮ ۵<ͷ > Ƽ ̵ ô븦 ¾ ̵  нȿ ̴µ ⿩ϰ ֽϴ. 1998⿡ ϺSanduisha Ϻ< > 1999⿡ϺInterbook翡 < >ǵǾ, 2000⿡ ߱ ü(ǻ) ߱< > ־ ǰ Ʈ۰ . 𼭳 ī޶ ٴϸ 尨ִ äϴ ״ ƯƮִ ϷƮ̼ε α⸦ , ٴϸ鼭 پ å ϴ ̾ϴ. ī Ƹٿ Richmond Hill Ƴ;Ƶ, ı ܶϰ ִϴ. 2. -- 1. '' , bar ѷ ڼյ 2. 忣 ֳ 3. ̸ ƹԳ ϱ ۿ!4. ' ɿ ñ'- ٵŸ ϸ鼭 5. "Contikiȣ ƶ!" 6. 'tip' ''θ ˰ ƴ϶- 7. () Ӹ ª ¥°shortcut̶? 8. Avenue Boulevard Manor? ̰ ?9. ''̶ ϱ? 10. , Vulcan ֳ? 11. 츮 , 忡 ? 12. Boat+HotelBotel ȥ 13. ̸ ϳ ׳ Ƴ 14. ȣƼ hospital 谡 ? 15. ̸ ׷ ? ٵ... 16. ڵ Ǹű⿡  17. װԿ (?) 18. ȭ ̸ 'ó׸' ... 19. , plaza()  ! 20. ' ' SALE? 21. ̰ '߶' ÿ 22. ̵, ' ' 23. Italy 2 primo piano Ѵٳ! 24. Ƿ(?) д Żƾ 25. ̵ ̴ 'ڵ ȣ'26. " ?" 簡 տ ִ ' Ȳ'27. ̸ ϳ ȴѰ? 28. ݵ ϰ ִ Atals 29. " ϴ å ٱ". 30. Trees Toady!"-Rhode Island ƽó? 31. '״ ſ!' mortage() ܾ ǹ32. ؾ߸grand openingϱ? 33. beer store, liquor store ? ű⼭ ְ 34. " ?" " ̷α... ." ׷? ƴϿýô. 35. ̹ û翤 ô! 36. 츮 â 'Ŀư' ޾Ҵ? 37. " Ḹ ھ ƴѰ?" 38. ҿ ? 39.  ׸, ƾ Ƽ ִµ... 40. Vigor? ? 41. abopt a highway ? ԾѴٴ ΰ?42. lube? love? 43. "ƴ, '¹'? ٽô Ҹ ƴٵ..."44. " ?" 45. , ܱǰ׿ sign ߰? 46. DIP? ణ ؾ߰ڱ... 47. "chamber, ù ?" 48. ٰ (bargain store) ٰ 49. E-Z Pass"(easy Ͻʽÿ. New York) 50. 'toiret' (!) 51. port(ױ) ' ' ȭ ''52. 53. " sign, ƴ ?" 54. ξ̿ Ư ǹ̰ ִٱ? 55. Ϻ, Ϻ ȭ Ŀ 56. "̰ sign languageϱ?" 57. " ϴ ϱ?" 58. "Kat? Cat?" 59. do-it-yourselfer paradise North America ݰϴ. *ְ ϸ? ׸ ǿ ĵ ϴٸ?(Ųٷ) ְ dzϸ ׸ ǿ ĵ dzϴٸ? θ Ϸ 켱 dz ָ ߾ Ѵٴ ǼҽԴϴ. 콺 ɴ 𸣰ڽϴٸ,  '' ̶ ֿ شϴ '' ־ (ƾ) ǵ ǵ ʽϱ. ׷ , ζ 켱 ִ ű. Ծ ? ְ ϰ 濡 dzؾ ؼ̵ ۹̵, ׾߸ ѱε ְǼҿ(?) ȸȭ ϴ ε, ֿ 濡 ªٸ? Ѹ ؼ ó ִ . µ ... . 𰨻, ׷ < > ް Ŀ ڴ ʰ Ȱ(?)Ŵ޷ȴµ, ׸ ȭδ ' ϸ ó ̱ ߽ ѿǿ ϴ ǿ ָ , ?' ϴ ̾ϴ. ̹<> ޸ڴ , ưװ ڸ (?) 丮Ͽ ְ, 簡 ־ ڴ ̾. ׷ ̳ ڴ 15 (Ī)< Signs>å ȹϰ ־, 踦 ƴٴϴ Կ ̵ ؿԽϴ. ' ãƼ... .' ׷ äǴ signӿ ' ̽ ֵ' dzϰ Ƿ ִٴ ݰԵǾ, ׷ ̹ ƿ ȴ Դϴ. ư ΰ  ʿ ͵business ǰ, ׷ ͵ ü ϱ sign Ÿϴ. ̴ sign Ͽ 濡 θ ǹ ֽϴ. ׷ sign鿡 ȸ'100% '̴ ٴ (Ȱ?)Դϴ. ֺ ǿ ޶ٴ ̷ ? ƾ . е鵵 డ ڰ Ʊ ħ å ϴٰ, Ǵ ģ ̰ plaza ómall, ׸ '̰ ? sign ߰ , ʽϱ? ô. "chiropractor ?" "īͶ?" ̷ ܾ ٰ ص ƹ ʽϴ. ¼ ̷ܾ ϳ ˾Ҵٰ ص ƴϰ . 'chiropractor'¸ ֱ ̷ ܾ ƴ ׸ ̴ϴ. ֽǷ پ ̰ų , Ǵ Ƿ ϴ ̶ . ׷ ̱, ij ׵ , ű⼭ ֿ ȣ ƺٸ, chiropractor 󸶳 ׻ȸ Ϲȭ ̰, ׷  츮μ ݵ ¤ Ѿ ΰ ݹ ˰ ̴ϴ. Ÿ ׸chiropractor ϱ. "װ ׷ ġ װ ϴ ε?" ܾ ? ׷ ߿ ְ 'ð' Ͽ ' å 'λȲ ִ ̴ϴ. ڰ ̱ ä ߿ 簡 ߵ ̶ å P.122 ־ ѹ DZ? chiropractor ô߰ Բ ׷ ? ׷ٸ ô߿ ִ ? , 'ô ġ'Դϴ. 鵵 ׷ Ư Ϲ ֿ 㸮 ΰų ô߸ ޴ ϴ. ׷ ׸ٱװ ġϴ chiropractor's office ְ ̰, sing̿ ̰ , chiro- ׸ 'hand' ṉ̀ 𸥴ٰ ϴ, ϴ ׾߸ ̵鵵 پ ٴϱ. "Seeing is Learning." ߿ ϴ. Կ semi-professional(!) ڴ ݵ ̷ ſ Ϸ , ƴٴϴԴϴ. ' ' 'from China to Peru' ִµ, ״ China (Lima, Cuzco, Machu, Picchu...) ϴ. Caribbean Sea, ư Africaʿ̸ Amazonۿ ϴ.( ӱ װ͵ Ӿƺ ϰ ٸ ʰڽϱ?) ׷ Կ ,ü迡 ٸ å ٷ ̹ < 2.>Դϴ. Կ ǵ ϸ ڵ IJ, ƴ 鿩ٺ ּ. Ƹ ߰ϰ ǽ ̴ϴ. ', ̱ ֹ Ȱ regular $1.29 ... (ȯ ذ )α... ' " Ȱ¦ ֽϴ." *'̸ '* - ġ⿣ Ʊ ͵ - å غϴ ʰ ƴٴϴ ͵ ɷ, ͵ () ϴ. ߿ Ư ̸ Ұմϴ. Caution 'Do not jaywalk' 2-way traffic jaywalk ? jaywalk ? ̵ ر sing ? Ҵ ̱ L.A. downtown. ׷ ? jay ''. 츮 ϴ (sparrow)ϰ ٸϴٸ. ׷ ' walk'? ̵ 丮 ° '' Ƣ ٴմϴ. ׷ϱ jaywalk '(̱ ) Ģ̳ ȣ ϰ θ ȴ/Ⱦϴ'. ҿ ܼ Ǿ fine $70.00 ߰Ѵٴ . ׷ ɷ'Do not jaywalk'Ͻñ Zero Tolerance-Police Patrolled "ֱ? No! Į ׾." -- tolerance Դµ- 켱, ̰ մ ӵηξణ 簡 ٰ, Dont Valley Parkway ̸ Ͻϵ  Ƽ Speed limit 90kmԴϴ. ׷ 켱 'ӵ Ű,࿩ ð ϴ . ɸ .' ̷ Դϴ.sign ׷ ܰ ڵ , ׸ ǥ. tolerance: (ǽž.  ), , . "Who will teach him to be a man?" No father. No guidance. No hope. ƺ ȣڵ ̵̾  ΰ? 켱 𵨷 ˴ ε ? Ÿ̸ volunteer ҳ鿡 Ÿ̸ ִ, ̱ Florida Miami bill borad 츮 û ݴϴ. sign volunteer ٸ ڿ racism Ǿ Ǿ. No father ͵ ǹ մϴ. ɽٴ ڼ ε ȸ Ƶ ٰ ɾƹ ־ 찡 ٴ . ε ռ ( Ÿ Ͽ)ʹ ª Դϴ. ׷ κ ҳ ƹ guidance . GTA 'Wildlife Removal & Pest Control' 켱 GTA ? Greatr Toronto Area . 並 6 ÷ ̷µ װ 1999⿡ ϳ mergego. ׷ Ŀ ׷ GTAԴϴ. raccoon̶ tower ð ֱ. tower CN Tower, ij 信 ִ 迡 towerfh ̰ 55.4 raccoon Ϲ ʱ ٰ Ȱ İ  ٹ ־ δ Ϳ Դϴ. ׷ δ ĩŸ. ٰհ ־ ׾߸ 츮 嵶 ִϴ. 'ϴϱ ġŵ... ׷׳ POST(ĩŸ ) ǥ . D+D+DThis " ̰ Ŵ?" Ѱ ̱. ڴ ̱돋 Ⱦϸ鼭 ַ ηθ ٴϰ մϴ. '׷ Ÿ ְŵ. ӵο ֳ? .' ׷ ǻ sign ̴ϴ. D+D+DThis (̷ ȴ) ׷ ⼭ D,D,D,? ھ? ʽϱ? 켱 D drink? D drive̺ ڱ. ð ϸ ȵǴϱ. ׷ D ϳ ɱ? ô. Drink ä Driveϸ ڵ?! ? Doze * D+D+D Drink + Drive + Doze ̲ ȴ. (ڻ쳭 ) ƴ϶ װ doze ߴٰ ūϳ. "Merge" ο ַ pictorgram traffic sign , ̷ 'merge' ֽϴ. ڴ merge ãƴٴϴٰ ̱ Goergia State 100% ϴ. ̱, ij 濡 ߿ϰ ߿ 2km . ̰ ڸ, ̶ 3-way traffic 2-waytraffic merge Ǵ Ѵ Դϴ. 1. '' , bar ѷ ڼյ , þ ܵ ִ ̱. ü ϴ üϱ? ۾ ׸İ бⰡ ̴ϴٸ, ŭϰԽ ... . '5 Mr. ƹ barristers and solicitors' barrister(s) ⿡ advanced state()ϼ ġ ҵ ϴ. ˴ ΰ ڽڹϰ ִ ͵ε ϳ (law, bylaw), , , ... ʹ ٴ ̴ϴ. ε (?)̿Ͽ ì, Ϸ , ذϷ ϴ Դϴ. ǰ, ȭ ǰ̳ Ư ⱸ, 缭 magnifying glass(Ȯ)γ ƾ߸ ϸŭ ڵ ϴٽ س ֽϴ. '! ǰ ٸ, ̷ ģϰ(?) ְ(?)Ȯϰ(?) ϰ ̾' ϰ ϴ 𸣰ڴµ , õ . װ   Һڵ鿡 ɷ𸣴ϱ װ Ͽ Ȳ Ͽ ̸ , ̸׸ shiled : , ȣϴ (), ȣϴ. The Lord is our help and our shield. ִ 츮 ̽ø ̽ö, () ° ڰ ִ. ? ȣҷ! ̷ ȣҸ shield ϴµ shield Ѹ Դϴ. ? κ а ȣ ִ ̴ϱ. * law ö ڿ ̶ . 귯 Ǫ ̶ ε ... Ӹ ϴ . ŭ ٴ ԹݿǴ Դϴٸ- ׷ ȸ ԰ lawyer(ȣ) 󸶳 Ȱ ֺ , lawyer(ȣ 繫) ׸ .(ֽ Ͽ ڰ ׺е ڴ оƴմϴ) barrister - ϰ (ư?) ܾ? ( )ȣ Դϴ. 켱 barrister غ ô. ģ κп ''̶ ǹ ״ϱ-er -ist . ׷ barr ? barr? double 'r' , ׷? ᱹ bar ±. bar . barδ ְ? ׷ . . ¶浵 ֽϴ. janet was afraid too much education would be a marriage bar. ڳ з ȥϴµ 庮 ɱ η. ƴѰ ƴ϶ barδ ְڱ.밡 ؼ ٸ̵带 ġ, 븦 ٸ̵带 ġµ ٸ̵带  ?barricade!(å, 'ٸ̵ ' 絵 ֽϴ.)̷ ?-er ̸? - barrier : ֹ, 庮, θ . They have a language barrier. ׵鿡 庮 ִ. Cash the only barrier for deaf team - . û (û ְ ƴϰ)199936 Davos ȴ 14th World Winter Games for the Deaf 翡 ̾ҽϴ. û (deaf) (barrier) ȴٴ Ͽ ǥ ߱. barrage : ź, ~ ġ. ģ е ʹ ƽǰɿ?Ⱑ ؿ ߿ ڰ vulcan automaticcannon() ƴ ̿. barrage ' ȭ ' ϴ. ( , ȭ , . ̸vulcan vulcanؼ å p. 73 ɴϴ) *"̽ Դ ?" ౸ goal (cross)(bar) crossbar ݾƿ. ǿ츮 ߿ ѱ Ͽ ̽, ó '' ϴ , ׷ bar ? ܿ ڵ minivan ߿ ö󰡵 θ ޾ ִµ װ strp bar, տ ִ 浹 bar safari bar մϴ. safari : ī (׳ ī Ž/൵safari .)ϰ ̴ ٴ? - ڵ! - ǰ μ ȣ-bar code *Ⱑ ° '' ̶ Ǿ? "Let's go a drink up." ( ĵ Ŀ ôϱ up-) "츮 (bar) ϼ" ̶ bar ĭ̸ ⿡ Դϴ. ȭ barȿ ϸtough guy鳢 ο Ǿ ִµ, ׷ پ 'bar' μ߸鼭 ڷ Ѿų Բ Ʒ ׷? [ ׷ ϰ bar ?] () ȭ ְ! ׷bar  ȵ bartender bar+tender(ߵ )tend : ߵ. , ϴ, ϴ. * ׷ ̶ bardms Ϲ ̱ ʿ ̰,̳ Canada  󿡼 pub, tavern̶ մϴ. (ܿܵ ֽϴ. װž δϱ ijٿ ִ¼̶ ̱ bar ϴ . ,) I passed a bar exam. 迡 ߴ.? (׷ ... ֳ?) barhopperbar+hop(Ѷٴ)2,3 , ̱ bar ̱ ȸȭ 'bar' ϸַ ( ƴ)ǹմϴ. court() ǻ, ȣ ڸ bar Ͽ Ҵµ, ⼭ Ͽ bar ̶ . [Ϲ court մϴ. court tennis court ̶ ϵ ', ."̶ ̰ŵ. *court , ? the Supreme Court : ,׷ ' I passed a bar exam' ϸ ' ÿհߴ' ǹ̰ Ǵ bar barristerԴϴ. barrister Ư ȣ縦 մϴ. * gas bar bar ϴ þϹ ҵ gus bar մϴ. gas station̶ ,⼭ gas '(ü)' ƴ϶ gasoline ϴ . ڵ gasoline̶ ٽẸ±. Ϲ̿ ٿ ׳gas ϰŵ. * ׷ solictor ? ̱, Canada lawyer ȣϴ ܿ 츮 ǻ ϵ þ մϴ. Ÿ, leasa(Ӵ)Ѵٵ ִ . ̷ ϴ ȣ縦 solictor մϴ. solicit : ûϴ. . solicitation : û, մԲ, Ȥ, solicitor :ûϴ , ȣ ('ȣ' ׷ ?) * ̱ ȣ縦 ַattorney մϴ. Attorney General ; . ̱ȣ縦 ڷJ. D. Ǵ Jur. D ϴµ ̰ ƾJurum Doctor, doctor of laws( ڻ) . ġ ΰ ? ȣϸ ȣ Ī ׸ .. ̴ϴ. * 1998 ѱ TVǿӱؿ ܷ ״ ִ <Ŷ>(advocate. ȣ â) Ϲ̿ Ϲ 'ȣ' ƴմϴ. ׸ 󸶿 Ƕϰ, ϰ ܼ, client(Ƿ) ʴ Ἥ ̱ ׷ ȣ縦ŵϴ. 'Ǹ ȣ' ǹ. 1997 Warmer Brothers ȭ ׷ ְ ֽϴ. 2 忣 ֳ? ̱, Canada condo(condominium. 츮 'о Ʈ' ) 1ݵ party room, library(), ׸ helalth exercise room indoor.outdoor swimming pool, whirl pool.(ҿ뵹 ). saunaǿ ü ߰ . tenant() tenant 湮 guest 쿡 ֽϴ. , ׷ 츮 ѹ guest ڰ . condo 忤  ? 켱 changing room , ĥ shower ϰ.. ׷ ݵ sign پ ִ ݴϴ. * Pool Regulations( ) A. This pool is unsupervised, ǰ . () . super + vies() ϴ, ϴ. supervise : ,. superintendent : . (Ʈ ). therefore, bathers under12years of age not allowed within the pool enclosure , ׷, 12 ϴ(ڵ) 忡 ġ . en + close ѷδ --- enclosure : , ƴ ׷ ̵ ̾? (׷ . ٷ .)unless accompanied by a parent or his / her agent who is not less than 16 yearsof age. ac + company to + ϴ com + pan Բ + Ѽ Դ - company : ȸ, ģ agent :븮, ߰, ǿ, ׷ϱ ̷ ̱. ', θ 16 ̻agent(ȣ) Բ O. K.'. The total number of bathers on the dack and in the pool shall not exceed 10. ȿ () 10 Ѿ ȵȴ. 10̶? ׷ ? ϰ ڴ. װ ƴϿ. 10̸ ̴ϴ. 鿩ٺ ŵ. ׷ 1996 1, ѱ guest dz 忡 ȥ ϴٰ ׸ 3mǹ ͻϴ ߻ϱ⵵ ߽ϴ. Ź ũ ϰ . 忡 ʹ Ƶ Ż ʹ  Ż, ī޶ ߱.  ߿ ƴϿ. ʼι ΰ Դϴ. "You should lram how to swim in order to save your life."* ִ ȵ! B. That no person infected with a communicable disease or having open sores onhis body shall enter the pool. infect in + fect(to make) ۿŰϱ :Ű. infection : , . to make ǹ ƾ fec fac , , ̶ factory ǰ? ̶ǹ per- +ϸ perfect : ϼϴ. ݴ ǹ de- +ϸdefect : , . ζ ǹ ex- +ϸ effective :ȿ. A billpassed by Congress becomes effective as soon as the President signs it.. bill : (* bill Ǹ law մϴ) Congress : ̱ȸ(簡 Ϳ ϼ) ѱ ȸ : the National Assembly. , ij. ȣ ȸ : Parliament (). Ϻ : the Diet. sore : ִ ó, Ų, . sorely : ļ, ϰ, ص. Polic's widow pours out her sorrow. ( ̸ ׳ Ƴ.. ׷ϱ ̾߱ ' ִ ְų ó ִ 忡 ' ̷ ̱. ̰ž 翬 ̾߱. C. That no person shall bring a glass container into pool enclosure. 츮 '̳' ¼ ϸ ȭ '' ̳ʸϱ , container ǹ. lipstick ִ ׸ ݼ 뵵 container մϴ. ׷ϱ ' ֺ(- ) ' . ٵ ϸ ϴϱ. D.That no person shall pollute the water in the swimming pool in any manner,and that spitting, spouting of water and blowing the nose in the pool or on thedeck are prohibited. polutte : Ű. pollution : , Ұ, Ÿ. antipollution : ߹(anti- ݴ¶.) air pollution : , spit :ħ ( ) . You call me misbelliver ... and spit upon my jewish clothes. ʴ ̴(mis + belliver) θ ... ʿ ħ . (ߴ)- Ϸ spout : մ, ֵ. prohibit : ()ϴ. prohibition : ( ִ 'Smoking is prohibited') ʹ 밳 'Smoking Free' . ' 踦 ǿ(?) ƴϰ' Ⱑ ' ' ' ̷ Դϴ. The students are prohibited from bathing in the pool. л ׼忡 ϴ Ǿ ִ. * Ʒ ܾ, ܾε ̳ ǹ̿ ȥ ⽬ ѹ ȹ մϴ.(ٸ ε ) bath : , , barthroom(, ȭ) bathtub(). steam bath(). Turkish bath(Ű) bathe : Ű. ô, ġ. bathing : , ,. bathing suit() bathing pants(ڿ )* Ϲ '' ̾߱. 츮 Դ bathing pantsƽ? ﰢ , ijٿ ȵǾ , ѱ ԰ 忡 . '?' ƴ? ijٳڵ  ̿ ̸ ˴, ġ turank boxerŸ ũ 混ϰ '' ԰ ʰھ? θ󱸿. (?) ̴ ׷? Ծ. When in Rome do as the Romans do."* , ̵ ⸦ δٱ? E, That no person shall engage in boisterous play in or about the swimmingpool. ģ boistrerous play, ̰ ̰ھ? 忡 峭  ϱ? Ҷ ? 츮 θ ߿ ڱ ̵ '⸦ δ' ؼ ̷ (?)ϴ Ǵ Ҹ. ̷  ھ?"Don't monkey around!" , ? boisterous : Ҷ ǿ, ĥ ٴ engage ' ڽӹϴ' . 'ȥϴ' ǹ̷ ϴٸ ' ü ' 浵ֽϴ. ׷ϱ( ǿ ڸ) '忡 Ǫ Ҷ ؼ ȵȴ' . Ģ 翬 ͵. 츮 忡 sign ֽϴ. ׷ ε, Ű ? ׷ üϸ鼭, 忡 ĥshower ϰ  , ̰ڰ ƴϰ ϴ ϴ. ׸ ̷ ٿ ϴ ǵ... 'All bathers must get a shower with soap before entering the pool.' ̷ ־ Ⱦİ ڴٴ ¿ ... soap : (̰ ٵ ƴ Ű) ׷, soap opera ? ϰԵ ӱ, ֳ?̱ ʱ⿡ ӱ տ ַ ־ٴ±. ׸ÿ ̱ ֺε鵵 밳 housewife ־ϴ. ׷ϱ 'ű TV ұ. ⳪ ű⳪ ӱ ƹֺε ַ Ǵϱ. ׷ٺ ƿ TV guide 'Soap Opera' . ׸ 񴩴 ε巴? ׷ б ̼ ð 񴩷 sculpture() ݾƿ. soapstone : ε巯 . ̰μǰ µ, Ư lnuit(ϱؿֹ)̳ ī ֹεǿ soapstoneǰ collector's item(ǰ) մϴ. * Inuit ˾Ƶӽô. 츮 ϱ ̶ֹ Eskimo ˰ ִµ, Ϲ̿ lnuit(ֹ 'people') ٲپ ϴ. Eskimo 'Դ ' ̶ Ư ϴ ӽ dz ̰ŵ. "Free From Racism!" ( !) , signϳ̷ ü ǿ 󸶳 sign ְ, Ǿ󸶳 ֵ ְھ? 3. ̸ ƹԳ ϱ ۿ ' ' Tom, Dick, and Harry' մϴ. 츮 ̸ ڸ ', , ,' ǰ? δ , (ٵ). , ö, ǰڰ. 쿡 켱 MarkTwain ( ҿ ) Tom ? ׸ ȭ Dick . Harry, Harry ... ̰ Ѱ . Hal, Hank, Hanny Բ Hanry ̸ Ī ϳε, Ӿδ ΰ ̶ 浵 . ̾߱Ⱑ ణ --- ̸ ӿ ǹ̸ ϴ. Dick '' ܿ (penis) 浵 ְ, Tom ο DZϴ ̶ 浵 ִϴ. ׷ Stowe ( θ) ΰ ̸ Tom̱. ƴϿ. ŷϽ jeuse Christ disciple () ̸ john()ٰ ־ Ҵ Ƽ?(. , ̰ ⿡ ⵵ ϳ) , ¥ϴ. , , ϸ մ̶ . ׷ john school̶ ϸ 'ᱼ 峪 ɸ ϴ б' ˴ϴ.(һ) ' ׷ ܾ ...?' ߴ Ź ׷ԽǸ. ƹư jesus ڵ ̸ ġ ׷ ΰ ٽ ϴϴ. ׷ Tom Thomas(ž༺ ǵ) ϴ ̸̳׿. '', ... Ұ潺 .' ̵ ̸ ؼ ڱ ̳ ̸  ǹ̰ ִ 𸣴 鵵 Ӹ ƴ϶. ȴص ׷ ǹ̿ ġ ʽϴ. ' ̰ ̸ ̸ ̴.' - ̷Իϴ ̿. ׷ Mr, Coffin(ü ִ )̶ ̸ ϰ. , 츮 鵵 () ڱ '' ϰų, () θ '泪' ϸθ ݾƿ. *. ̸ ⼺ǰ δٱ . ׷ ̾߱⸦ ? 츮 󿡼 ׷ ڱ 缭 ǹ̸ ־ ϰ ̸ Ϳ , Ϲ '' α̴ٽ մϴ. ֽ Ʊ⸦ ̸ŭ δٰ ũ Ʋ ƴմϴ. ׷ ƿ Ʊ ̸ å å渶 ְ Ź ݳ⿡ αִ ̸ , DZ⵵ ϰ ׷ '̸ ϴٴ... '. ׷ ̸ װ װŰ װ װſ. л30 ä Ǵ ݿ John, Steve, David, Andrew, Michael, James, Daniel, ... ̶ ھ̵ ְ. Carol, Janet, Jessica, Christine, Jennifer,Suzan, Linda, Vivian ... ̶ ھ̵ Ʋ ֽϴ. ִµħ 츮̰ Year Book ޾ Ա淡 ̾߱⸦ Ȯε ( ) . ׷? " . ", Mike 3,Andrew 2, Christina 4̳ Ǵ. year book : б ٹ,츮 ٹ ٸ ִٴ , ׸ 밳 α(?) . . ̷ Ǹ εμ ̸ business Դϴ. ְ ̸ ȱ. ڱ å󿡵 湮 ̱⵵ ϰ ׳̷ ְ, ǿ scroll saw() ̸ ܼ Ĵ°. ̸̴ϱ ƿ ⼺ǰ(?)  Ǵϴ. ׷̸ ʴ ̸(?) ⼺ǰ ϱֹϿ ϴ. ׸ custom-made(). ?Ư Russia̸ ' īŰ' ϴ ʴٸ$15, Ƶ canadian̸ ϵ 'Pater'(). ׷ ̰Ǽ£ 翡 Christian name() ״ ̴ϴ. Peter ׸ . rock̶ Դϴٸ, ̷ ̸ old-fashioned()name. 40 鿡Դ ̵鿡Դ ̸Դϴ. * ο Peter ̾߱Ⱑ 迡 , ϼ̶ ǹ̸ ܾ ãƺ ? the New Testament, Matthew 16:18(ž༺ º) Simon "Peter, you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I well build my church." ξ. ʴ ݼ̴ ݼ ȸ 츮' ϼ̽ϴ. θ Żƾδ Pietro, ξδ Pedro, δ Pierrot, δ Peter ǥմϴ. ׸ Petros ϼ, ׷ (Petro-) ⸧(-oleum)̴ Ͽ Petroieum ̶ ϰ, (rockcarving) ̴Ͽ petroglyphs. bomp(ź)̴ Ͽ Petrol bomp :ȭ(Molotov cocktall)̶ .) ϸ Ź û - OPEC : Organization . of Petroleum. Exporting. Countries(ⱸ)* 丣ܿ The City of Stone.(ϼ)̶° ִٴ?Jordan Amman 160km , ׼ Harrison Fordֿǿȭ ִ, Ǯ εȻ縷 ӿ Ⱑ ִµ ̰ ٷ Petea. ǹ̴ The (ancient)City of Stone. 浵 ׸ ޾Ҵ Դϴ. The city's name wasinfluenced by Greek. influenced ༺ (̱/ijٿ flu մϴ.) Petros ̸ Simon̶ ? Simon ̶ ̸, ˷ ÿ  ʾҳ? Ư ̸ , 'ø, ʴ 鸮. Ҹ?' ⼭ α ϰ ̸ ߿ ̸ Simon ?װ Simon ´ٶ ̱ ̴ϴ. Ҹ'鸮?' ־ . * Maize maze, amazes ̷ ã 1999 , Բ ̷ ǷȽϴ. е鵵 Ǹ maze(̷) Ǯ ? װ ũ ̴ϴ. Ÿ DZ maize()翡 maze(̷) . ׸ ŵϴ. ε ε鳢 ͼmaize maze Ÿ amaze()! ׷ 'Maize maze, amazes' Ǹ ʽϱ? ⼭ mazesms amazeӸ a ҽǵ , ̱ ij, ȣֿ com̶ rhyme() ߱ ؼ maize Դϴ. 4.' ɿ ñ'-- ٵŸ ϸ鼭 London double-deck bus(2) Ÿ е ߿,̷ е鵵 ̴ϴ. "If you're 16 or over, and don't understand why trying to get away with buyinga child's ticket is wrong, don't worry. You will when you grow up."(16 ̻ε ǥ Ÿ ϴ .  Ǹ ˰ ״ϱ. ׸ ۾̷ ҽϴ) London relies on the system that relies on your fare. Alwaysbuy the right ticket. relies-reiy : ϴ. ŷϴ. I relied upon your promise absolutely. ö ϴ´. fare : , fare 浵 ־. . ׷ 'farewell'~ ϸ? ̰ ˾Ƶξ Դϴ. ȳ,ۺ~ ̰ŵ. go + well ( + ) . ׷ϱ ϸ Hemingway Ҽ <⿩ ְŶ> ȴϴ. a fare-well party : ۺ ׷ϱ ո sign ݰ Ű鼭 ɿ ִ Դϴ. '16 ̻ ° ̿ ǥ ϴ ߵǸ ݿ ó' ̶ ̴ Դϴ. LondonӸ ƴ϶ κ Europe ý ǥ˻ ͺ (?), ƴ , ε (?) . Ư Northern Europe ̰ ε ̰ . ׳ Ÿ , ŵ ̳ ǥ ׳ ȭĭ ڱⰡ Ǿٰ ׳ ڱⰡ , 'ɸ ϸ ΰ ɷ ٲ Ÿ ˷? ׷ back packer(賶)߿ , (?),峭(!), Ͼ ' ½ ǥ ٰ ɷ Ŵϴ°쵵 .  賶 ž. ̷Ե ұ? ڶϱ? װ ƴ. ׵ credit(ſ) Ͽ ð ȸ̱ Դϴ. ׵ȸ ˰ װ װŰ, ̷ ȸ ǵ ߵ Ű . ƹ ϳ. ̶ϴ ǹ ̴ а  쿣 ݵ ڸ ƺ, ڿ ̸ ٵ ٷ ִ ȸ Ǵ° ִ. ̷ Դϴ. * GO Train Ÿ սô ij satellite city() ϴ commmutertrain(ٱ) 'GO go ǹ̵ Govermment of Ontario ̱⵵. ŸProvince ϴ ŵ. ϰ double-deck ˴ϴ. ߽ɿ CN(canada. National)ö ó subway, bus͵ Ǵ ̸ Union Stationε. Ÿ ̱׷ . ǥ 鼭 ѹ׳ ½(?) 󱸿. ó ߽ ִ¿츮 ↑̳ ε Դϴ. ׷ ִٴ ϴ. commuter()  ִٴ Ź-mute change ̴ϱ. com- + ϸ commute : ٲٴ. ȯϴ. ȸ ϴ. ٰŸ. commutate : ٲٴ. commutation : ȯ, ü, , (tranist pass) * ijٿ ̷ ö ־? ( ȭԴϴ. ѹ ; ) ij Ư(!) The Underground RailroadIt was a network of black and white people who helped slaves escape to Canadawhere they would be free. One of the most famous conductors on the UndergroundRailroad was Harriet Tubman.(ο) She was a former salve who escaped tothe North. in 1849. After her escape, she helped 300 slaves find freedom in theNorth. For 15 years Tubman risked her life night after night in the struggleagainist slavery. Slave owners offered a $40,000 reward for her capture. She wrongdisguisses and carred a pistol. She told her fugitives. "You ll be free of die. Thereis two things I have a right to, liberty of death. If I could not have one. I wouldrather have the other. For no man shall take me alive."Tubman helped slaves escape on the Underground Railroad until after the CivilWar. After the war. Tubman traveled the country speaking out for equal rights forblacks. 5. "Contikiȣ ƶ!" ̶ ʳ? ̾߱ ̷ϴ. ߿Belgium(⿡) 鷶µ, coach() ȸ̸ ۶ ſϴ. Contiki?? Contiki? ', װž, װ!", ,⸷. ȸ ̸ Contiki ... ? ( е鵵 ð) ׻ 'Contiki' coach λϴ. Ĵڴ Ѿư ȸϴ ð ɷ 'Too late!' ׷ ˾ƺ Contiki Trafalga迭 ٱ ȸ ſ. , Ⱓ߿ bus ϴ ̾ϴ.(. ʰھ? åǼݻ ... ) 븣 capital city Oslo غ Bygboy ְ, ű⿡ '츮 밨ϰ Ҵ϶' ִ Viking Ship Museum, Farm Museum, ׸ ̾߱ Ǹ Kon-TikiMuseum. ؾ ڹ ֽϴ(Viking ٵ ƴ Ű, Farm 1911 ƹ Ÿ Žߴ ̸) * η ̿ٸ ... To make a long story short(ŵϰ). к ̾߱ ؾ߰ڱ. 1947 Norway η ̿ٸ(Thor Heyerdahl) (?) 迡 ߽ϴ. South Pacific Polynesian() Souty Americaκ (ǥ)dzʿԴٴ ڱ ̷ϱ , Inca ô ״ ¸(blasa-log raft) Ÿ Peru Polynesia . ų ϳ ٶ (- ٴ ǥ)Ͽ 428Ϻ 87ϱ 8,000km drift ... ! Eastern Polynesia Tuamout lsland ߽ϴ. ڱ м . blasa-log raft repaica(ǰ) ٷ Oslo , Bygboy Kon-Tiki ڹ õǾ ֽϴ. He and five companions maded the trip to test his theory thatthe islands of Polynesia could ahve been settled by Indians from South America. ׷ϱ ƽþε 3 ice age( ô) the Bering Strait() dz ϾƸ޸ī ٰ ٽ Ͽ ij ϸ Ƹ޸ī, ߿ ؾ翡 ִ ӵ ű⼭ ٽ ¸ Ÿ Դϴ. '¾ 츮 ִ... ' 1997 Kon-Tiki's 50th annivrrsary, ׸Heyerdahi 82 Ǵ ؿµ ̿ ұϰ ״¿ Canary isiands(-) stone pyramid ϰ ־ϴ. Age is notslowing him down.(̵ ׸ ): 'This planet is not fully explored yet' ̹ٷ Դϴ. sight : ÷, , ڼ . seeing : . ÷. *sightseeing : . go sightseeing in Oslo : ( ϴ) in sight : , . Heyerdahl ¸ balsa-lograft(¸) blasa : Ƹ޸ī ܴؼ raft. life ring() ϴ. * "츮 س´ٱ!" "We did it" If you enter the Dongkuk University, on the laft side, you shouldsee a banboo eaft with a mast. The raft named East-Mediterranean left SouthemChina on June 15. 11997 and arrived in Inchon. Korea after 24days. 1.200kmnavigation and drifting in other to prove that between Korea and China theyexchanged much culture across the Yellow Sea in the prehistoric age"츮 ̷ س´ٱ!" б Ĺ  bamboo raft(볪 ¸) ô ֽϴ. ( ϳ)Ȳذ ô ߱ ѹݵ ȭ ϰ ߴٴ ϱ 1997 6 15 ߱ ְ÷ (رó) Ͽ 24ϰ1,200km ǥ, Ͽ õ ¸, "ȣ"Դϴ. Ѹ س½ϴ. ǥ ?- drift ̷ 󸶳 踦 Ÿ, rough sea(Ȳõ) driftϴٰ 'Ȳõ'()ΰ, Ǵ ű⼭ 󸶳 ϴٰ, ׷鼭¿ ֹ/ ڽ ٰ׾ڽϱ? װ͵ 𸣰 ٷTdfm ھ? Ե 'μ!' , ε ... 츮 ֵ Quelaprt lsalnd ǥմϴ. ? ⿡ ׷ ⸷ drift ־ٴ . 1653״ gunner() ̾ Hamel Tawan Ϻϴٰ 38 Բ drift(ǥ) 츮 ֵ ǥ, ׸ ѱ Ǿ ´ٴ ٵ ƴ Դϴ. ( ־ ư ϰ .) ׷ٰ 13⸸ 7 Բ  ŻϿ Ϻ ٽ 2 ڿ ׸ ư ־. ( ׵ .) ٷ װ <ϸ ǥ> ֵ Quelaprt lsalnd ǥǾ ִµ, װ Hamel ֱ ĵ ׷ ǥ ̾ϴ. drift : ǥ, ǥϴ, Ǵ´ α, ~ δ. ڰ lake shore(ȣ) åϴٰ 丷 ϳ ־µ ٻ߽ϴ. ׷ װɷ ϳ ޾. ó 丷 driftwood Ѵٴ ,drift bottle : ǥ(ط ϱ , Ǵ ڰ ڱ ġ ˸ . ¥ ȭ Ӿ .)adrift : (谡) ǥϿ, , () ó (װDZ׷, 츮 󿡼 Hamel ?׵ ĵ 質 ǰ Ƶ 츮 ξ ־ٵ... ׵ ü л̶ Բ ϰ ߴ  γŸ?) * "! ƼŰȣ" , Now to retum to the topic, ں ڴ ԰ coach Contiki(?)ߴµ ó ӰԵ 丮 ϸ鼭 Կ ȸ ʴ, ϰԵ Ʈ 濡 ִ miniLiechtenstein(Ÿ) ҽϴ. ƼŰ Puru ֹξ ¾̶ Դϴ. ֹθ German 븣̾ ǥϿ Kon-Tiki. װ ȸ翡 ٽ ƾ öϿ Contiki . ڰƯ coach̸ ȸ̸ 밳 ̳ 谡 ְ(翬ϱ⵵ ϰ), ǹ (?)ϱ . * Contiki(kon-Tiki) ̹ ƽ ״ΰ- ̹ ٸ ȸ縦 . 1928⿡ 'Globus' ϴ ȸ簡 ֽϴ. symbolcolor red. ȸ ǰ Globus bagݴϴ. װ ׿ ϸ uniformed Globushost/hostess ģϰ ¾, ٹ ¿ ȣڷ ȳ ִ ο ۵˴ϴ. giobus ƾ , ball ⼭ global : , global village : globalsim : globe : , , ϴ. ð ۷κ(hemoglobin) globin ٷ, globus Դϴ. homo- Ƕ ̱. ϸ ̷ ܾ ֽϴ. March 17, 1999 ѱ ö ȸ̾ (62)ð ͷ Ͽ ϰ ϴ ũ Ͽϴ. Suh Sang-rok, former vice-chairman at a top Kordan conglomerate(know aschaebol ), ⼭ conglomerate ܾ ? װ͵ؼ ϸ ǿܷ Ǯϴ. conblobate: con boat( )+ giobe( ) - ϴ. ձ۰ (ϳ) . * conglomerate : 𿩼 ձ۰ . ,  ,ձ, ܾ 𸣰ڽϴٸ ׳ оӽô. ѿ ', ~ϴ' ϸ Դ ſǺ , 谡 globe()? ׷ globefish? 踦 Ǯٰ ؼ swellfish ϱ. swll : Ǯ. Ǭκ, swelling : Ǯ, dz " If you injure your wrist, it may swell. Then it is called a swollen wrist." I have swollen tonsils. ( ξ)*Globus ū(!) Cosmos , Ƹ Ͻ е ó 忡 ̵麸 ̴ϴ. Cosmos ϴ ȸ coach . ȸ Globus ̷, design symbol color ϴ. option ̰ Ƿ ڱ ⿡ ߾ ȸ ִ . client(մ)鿡 ִ ȥ Ʊ(?) ãµ ȿ ! "We are lost. Find the red bags!" (our members with bags) cosmos±׸ , , ȭ . ׷ cosmopolitan : . ׷ Globus Cosmos, ȸ ̸ ~(~ η Ѵ) ǹ̸ ֱ. (* cosmos Ǵ° J ̸̱⵵ մϴٸ, ɸ ٸƴ , â?) 'Insight' ȸ symbol color blue. 踦 Ŀϰ ִ ȸԴϴ. ٱ . sight տ ٶ . ׷ϱ in() + sight()(ڼ ) 鿩 . * insight: , , ' a viewing of the inside or inner parts ofsomething with understanding' insideful : ִ She is an insideful student. * ̷ ...! 1998 1 24 6, 츮 raft(¸)drift(ǥ) Ž翡 ־ϴ. 1997 12 31, DZ 1300 ¾ ׷ м Ž縦 ofjþ 𺸽 raft( 15m. ʺ5m.) Ϻ Ű ó ż dz ¾ Ǵ ٶ ö 4 Դϴ. 6. 'tip' ''θ ƴ϶- ̱ Tennessee Nashville conveyor belt ȸ縦 ϰ ִMr. Lucius E. Agee Peru , coach() 鼭 drivertip ־. Mr Ageeٴ Lucius, Lucius ٴ ׳ɾĪ 'Luke' Ҹ ϴ , ƹ Ұ ߿ܿ£ frieplace() ϳ ¥ cabin(θ) ӴϿ ư б ġ ڼ ̱Դϴ. (ȸ ǰ ѱ ǰ ֽϴ.) 70 ξ Luke, ū ȸ ̸鼭 ٰ , Ȱ µ Դϴ. Ƴ ݵ flier()coupon ξٰ shopping ϰ . ׷鼭 ȸ ȸ donationϴ±. Ƶ ڰ ַַ Luke. ̱û ٰ , յ,"̰ ̷ ̱ ǰڴ ̿. ?" donate : (ڼ , ) ϴ (ȸ )ϴ. donation : ( ϴ ), . conor : .() * blood donor (ױ)* country music Nashville ƽó. Nashville(Tennessee ֵ) country music Դϴ. ũδ ƴ ׸ country music ġ ̶´ . 1998, ô 'Predoter'(ƸԴ ) ϴ (ice)hockey teamź׽ϴ. ó ߾ӿ arena(hockey) . ⼭ Memphis ̱ rock'n'roll ElvisPresely(1935-19 77) ̱⵵ մϴ. (Memphis ϴ ̸ Ʈ ϰ ϱ ̸ Խϴ) convey : , ϴ, 絵ϴ convey con- Բ, ׸ vey (way) Դϴ. via : ~ Ͽ װ ? -via airmail freeway427 South via(Ͽ)401 . ijٴbilingual country(2  ), Ʒ Frenchεǥ .? ߿ ̷ ?' 庴 յڿ ĭѴ.' ̶ convoy convey Դϴ. ȣ, ȣ, ȣ, ȣϴٶ . conveyance : , , , Railroad trains and buses are public conveyance donation : , - ⿡ ٿ ? con +ϸ? -condonation : ()뼭, ׾߸ 뼭 ִ(give)Ŵϱ- * , , Luke ̾߱⸦ ݸ ұ? Luke Would War2 ر ݱ bommber(ݼ), ַ ϸ鼭 Ϻsubmarine() depth charge( ) ϴ ߴϴ. ڵ R,O,K, Navy(ѱر)ſ submarine ϴ destroyer()crew( ⿡, ׿ Peru ϴ ȿ츮 Ϸ ϰ ̸ patio ɾ ر ̾߱⸦ ⵵ ߽ϴ. ׷ ... ̱ ̱ ԰ ѱ û(?) ̾߱¼ Ǹ ϰԴ , װ Tennessee dialect() ٶ (Ǵ Ⱓ )  ˾Ƶµ ޾ ϱ? ׷ ʾƵ ε ӿ ϱ ˾ƵⰡ  , ̰ space[̽],whisky [̽Ű]. want [Ƽ], thintgdms[] ̶ ϴ Tennessee ϴ! ? ѱ л ٰ ΰ ƴմϴ. ´ٱ. Tennessee 鷶 ű ģ װ Bourbon whisky ־⿡, Bouegon ġ ', Ű ̱' ϰ Ѱ¤ ˾Ƶ ôϿ. ׷ ׷ ͵ Ѱ谡 ʰھ? . . '̷ ˾Ƶ質... ' Ǿ. ߿ (ij) ƿͼ ׷ ̾߱⸦ ٸ Canadian ־ ׳ . the Deep South(Tennessee ) (Ϻ) ̱ε鵵 ˾Ƶ ƴٴ ſ. Բ ٽ Nashville ִµ, ǿ ڶ л 츮 (grade 9. ѱ 3) the Deep South ˾Ƶ. [-, ׷ٸ μ Ƚ! ˾Ƶ ƴѰ ; 󸶳 (!)ߴ... ٽ , ̷ ̴ϱ ' ' ߰ մϴ] * - δ dialect ׷ ̰, ̱hillville Ǵ southern tweng ̶ ϴ. He speaks with hillville. Ǵ "He speaks with southern tweng' ̶ ǥ. hillville hill +villeg 굿-- ӿ ̳, ̰. southern tweng ̱ , Georgia, South and North Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Texax... (ʹ )  ġ ̿ø ޾޾޾ްŸ Ҹ(twang)ٰ ؼ Դϴ. ̷ ֵ the Deep South մϴ. Northem(Yankee) 򺸴 ӽ ϴ .(ű⵵ ̸ŵ, Ư ﶧ ӱ ݵ ֽϴ.) װ ׷, Luke п bomb, depth charge ±. bomb ƴ ܾװ... bomb"BOMB!"()ϴ Ҹ ̶ϴ. bomber : ݱ, ݼT B-2 planes dropped 900kg bombs, the stealth bomber,s combat debut (March24 1999, NATO ձ Ƹ Ƿȴ ). B-2 Stelath Bomber rader ȵȴٴ (2billion¥, 2 4õ¥)bat-winged plane, ݱԴϴ. nuclear bomb : ź. bomb shelter : ȣ(air-raid shelter)Shelter? shelter ? bomb̶ ׸ ʰ, shelter ̱̳Canada ȸ ̴ Դϴ. shelter dzó, ȣ,ȣϴ. dzϴ. ܿ£ ΰ'homeless people(ϴ ǥ ) Ͽ ȣ ִ ü shelter . Ƶȣ ˵Ǵ Ⱥθ鿡Լ ̸ (Ѿƴٰ?)ٰ ȣִshelter ֽϴ. ׸ , дϴ κ ٰ(Ѿƴٰ)ȣִ shelter ֽϴ. ׷ϱ ⸣ ͱѵ puppy() ($200-1,500) ϱ ̶ shelter ű о ִϴ,, װ̶ ׳ ִ ƴϿ. ⸦ ɷִ ΰ ݴϴ. ޱ Ѱܿ£ ٴڿ ְ(?) ϴ ӵ þ ְŵ. ' ߸ ѿ ſ ٴڿ ...'. ( ڰ 󸶳 þ ε, .) shelter ж shield 谡 ֽϴ. shelter shield, οܺ κ ȣ(protection) ִ ʽϱ?* U. S. Navy bomber Luke ߴٴ 'depthcharge'  ? depth charge : ݿ , 1.5m 2.5m drum µ, ⳪ destroyer() sonar(Ž) depth () ӷ Ͽ ̸ dial ߾ ӿ '͸' ϸ "SPLASH!"(dz!)ϰ ̿ ѷθ . 2 , 'ڹ' ĹԴϴٸ ߷ϳ Դϴ. ݸε ıǰ ϱ. " Բ 㿬 յ̵̳ ھƿ." ( ) charge : ϴ. ƴ. ϰ ϴ. ûϴ. . . . ȭ . 屺 庴鿡 "!" ĥ? ؿ. "Charge!" * , tip  ֳ. . ̾߱⸦ ô. tipȭ ѱε ؼ(Ǵλؼ?)tip ְų, ʹ ְų, ƴϸ ʹ Ŀȸ ʰ ְų ϴ 찡 ϴ. ׷ tipٹڵ Կ̱ ߴ ׸ŭپ . ׷ ˰ ̶ϴ. ϸ coach , driver local guide(ȳ) Ϸ $2 ݴϴ. ׼ ̰ų ̰ų ̰ ϴ. ׷ ޴ tip ׼ (Ϸ$200-300 ϴ) ̹޴ 쿣 û ׼ ǰ. ߿(Ư ̱ մϴٸ)Cuba , Ѵ US $9 -12 ذ ̴ϴ. ׷ ε ̵带 ϰڴٰ . "? ʿ. Money talks! ( ̴)"̴̰ϴ. * ' ƴµ...?' Ĵ翡 ִ tip ̱ 10-15% ־Ѵٴ° ٵ ƴ ε, Ųٷ 絵 ް б ƴ?̷ "ٽ " ϰ ׳ ´? ׷ tip Ծٴ Ҹ ˸¾ƿ. ׷ ̺ ޶ 10Ʈ ͵ Դϴ. ̰ ' ұ ǥ'. tip ԰ ٴ¼Ҹ , üϰ ο ʿ䵵 Դϴ. '׷ ̷ ....' tip ڴ ƴϱ- 밳 cigarette filter ޷ . ݿ ֿ ڸ , ûҳ ȸ þ ֽϴ. Դٰ ' ȭ' Ǿ ߼ ciger Ǹŷ þ . Cuba ciger 'cohiba' $70-80 մϴ. ܿ 'Remeodhk Juliet' Ͽ Montecristo, Predrictor ciger 20-25 $400 - 600 Ǵµ Ϲ̿  ̶ϴ. Ƽ 忡 ϱ ϴ Ѱ谡 ֱ . װ ׷... * ̹ ٸ tip  ciger ڿ Ͼ öƽ ޷ ֱ⵵ ѵ װ tip̶ θϴ. ƽôٽ tip , ÷, ̴ ̶ ݽϱ? δ '~ ޴'. ̶ tip top͵ 谡 ִ Դϴ. (׷ Ϲ̿ ' Tip Top'̶ ϴ 纹 üε ִϴ.)Evryone was examined from tip to top at the gate. տ Ӹ ߰ ˻縦 ޾Ҵ. ׸ tip one's hat(to person) ڸ ¦ ġѵ λ縦ϴ. . On April 12, 1998, ̱ 58-years-old golf legende( ) Jack Nicklaus Georgia Augusta 62ȸ ' U. S. Magstersȸ 6th-place(6) ߽ϴ. 23 ó Masters Green Jacket 6̳ ȸ ߴװ , ȣ ܷ 6 װ ڸ ߵ鿡 λϴ 1鿡 ߽ϴ. Ʒ caption. Jack Nicklaus tips his hat after a final round68 on his way to sixth-place finish at Magsters. [ ȸ Masters Green Jacket pro 18 Ma O' Meara(41) Ծ, ⵵ champion̾ Tiger woods 8] ׷ װͺ ִ , tip ' hint ִ' 浵 ִٴ . 'Would you give me some useful tips?' ֽǷ.?" I'll give you tips." ٰ. " Thanks for the tips." ּżؿ. "What I told were good tips for you?" ̾߱Ѱ͵ Ǿ? 1. Reach out : don't always wait for someone else make forst move. A simple"hi" and a smile go a long way.( 󱼿 ħ ´ٰ ?)2. Let people kmow that you'reinterested in tham. Don't talk about yourself : askquestions about others. ( ȥڸ ...)3. Be a good listener( ̾߱ⱸ .)4. Don't be a show off. ( ̷ ߳?)* show-off : . 5. Be honest. Tell the turth about yourself and yourconvictions (ų). ( ϸ ݹ Ƿ ݾ.) 6. When necessary. temper your honesty with diplomacy. 7. Don't just sue your friends as sounding boards for your problems andcomplaints. 8. Do your share of the work.( ̰ ߽ؼ ʵб Ʈ ϰ, Ȱ ޽ϴ. ' ߾!' ̷ մϴ.) 9. Be accepting. Not all of your friends have to think and at like you do. (װ ׷... ٸٴ ). 10. Learn to recognize the so-caklled friends you can do without. Some gidtedkids get so lonelythat they put up with anyone-including friends who are reallyfriends at all. Follow tips 1-9 and this shouldn't ahooen to you! (׷ ᱹ ģ . 1 9 Ű ٱ? ˾Ҿ!)* ϳԲκ ' ̶ ǹ̿ gifted kids γ ¾ ģ ŵϴ. ģ ܷο , Ϲ̿ θ ϰ Ÿ ٸ ģ 'end' ϴµ. ̰̾߸ ġ Դϴ. 7.()Ӹ ª ڸ° Shortcut̶? ׷. "ı ģ"- ׷ ̾߱⸦ ġ Sweden ȸ IKEA Toronto store ޸ ִ Դϴ. 'Shortcut to Marketplace Shope' market ƴ Ű,marketplace ״ , Ǵ ̶ . Europe 󿡴´κmarketplace . 踦 Ÿ Finland ׸İ Ƹٿ ױ Turke , װ marketplace λ̾ϴ. "Wow! About half if marketplace is for flower shope." , Ĵ ̴. , ġϱ⸦ Ѵ ΰ?δ Poland ¼ ɰ԰... : snreet vonder. shortcut ѱ  'ª ģ Ӹ' ׷ϰ ǰ ׷ ϴ Ϲ ϴ. ̷Դ . hair dresser " How would you like to ahve your ahir done?customer : I would like it cut short.(Ǵ) Have it cut short plaese. ¦ ּ. ܾμ short cut ̶ Դϴ. 鿡 ϰ ִ ܾ. IKEA Toronto store ̵ڸ ö ϴ 2 showroom ؼ1 showroom-marketplace(⼭ ٰ)-cashier ڿ ġ߽ϴ. IKEAǰθ ä showroom ڰ Ĩϴ. ҿ ġǾ ִtape measure() ⵵ϰ, ޸ ǥø ϰų clerk()鿡 ǻͷ ڷḦ ̾ ޶ ϱ⵵ մϴ. ߿ ̵ ̳ ĿǼ ְ, 캼 ̵ þ ִ½dz ü ֽϴ. õõ wimdow shopping(ѱ ) 鼭 Ʒ ȭǥ εǴ marketplace ڱⰡ ٰ, Ǵ cart cashier Ǿ ִµ... . 'Shortcut toMarketplace Shops'-- ׷ ̷ sing ʿ ? ̷ ٴϴ ġ ʰ catalog Ͽ ̸ ξٵ ؼ ƿ ó ׳ Ǹ ̶' shortcut Ͽ Marketplace Shops' ٷ ʽÿ' ϴ¶̶ϴ. We took a shortcut to gat to IKEA marketplace, shortcut : , ð, . ' ' There are no shortcut to wisdom and learning. ̸ ٳ. (׷ ִٳ, ... ) A shortcut to riches - perapring to attack a treasure-ship (the pirates saying) pirate : . ۱, Ż. ϴ. Żϴ. ǥϴ. ۱ ħϴ. ⼭ , Pirate ϰ ȥϸȵſ. ̰ ڰ ǰ θ ѵ' ' մϴ. * 'place' ̾߱Ⱑ ε Europe place  . ΰ Ϲ̵ Դϴ.Belgium Brussels17 time-honored buildings( ǹ) ѷ ѱ Grand Piace . ڸ ư ? 'Mannekin-Pis' (ϸ ) ְ . : " ƴϳ." ? ƴѰɺŷ 鿩 . ǰ θ ڸ ϰ Ϲ ׷ ƴ. ׷ ° ƴϰھ? װ gold mine()̰ŵ gold mine : (informal ) a source of something fo grate value mannequin :ŷ(mannkin ⿡ ǥ) pis-piss . ܴ. ( Դϴ.) 츮ε ϰԴ ' ' νؼ-ܴ- Һ-(ϰ?) Ǻ( Դϴٸ)¸ ֱ. ܿ ǥ ֽϴ. ڸ, ϼ ̷ . " 񸸽Ƿϰڽϴ." . * 'ܴ' Գ! ' . X' ұ? ̸ ٸ pee-pee մϴ. "() !" . ׸ poo-poo ϴµpee-pee ׷ Ҹ 䳻 , ǼԴϴ. ׷ ̵ ׷ ˾Ƹ ,  ׷ Ǿ. ڰ غ ε 뺯 ΰ ʽϴ. 츮ι " Һ ð" . ¿츮 ' ' شϴ ƿ ϴ. ׷ ,  ϱ. ̳ Ϲ̿ ¾ ѱҳ⿡ ". ' ' ϴ?" ϰ . ׷ 밳", ׷ " ̷ ̴ϴ. "׷ ϴٰ Բ ϴ?" ϰ ? ȱ "May I goto the washroom?" ̶ Դϴ. ׵ 뺯 ݱ մϴ. , ǻ ϱ ̷ ֽϴ. "Do you have difficulty passing urine?Һ ʴϱ? ׷, 'ƱⰡ (信 ) Ѵ'- The baby wets the bed. ϰ ¦ ±... . * 츮 󿡵 plazq ⿡ Graed Place piace piaza()Ͱ Դϴ. 츮 빮 ȭ ̴ ο 'Zö' ְ û ʿ 'öȣ ܿ 󰡳 '/ ö' ̸ پ â̾ϱ. ƾ Ż, 󿡵 Plaza ϴ. Ư Ż. ߺ Ƿü(δFlorence)50km Siena ϴ, Ƹٿ ѷΰ ִϴ. ׾߸ , TV׳ Ⱦٸ߼ Ⱑ ִ . Ʈ 20⸸Ǿ Ҵٰ ϴ 츮 dzμ.  ׷ ⾿ ׸ ϸ鼭 ű Դϴ. plaza ̴ ̰, ڿ ̾ ̴ϴ. ׷ plaza Ͽ ̱, ijٿ 밳 (Ȥ2) ٶ 󰡸 Ű Ǿ,װ 츮 ͼ տ ְ Ǿ , ǹ ̸ '~ /ö' ¸ ó ְ . *  Ÿ Ǵ .... ſ(?)ڿ Դϴ.  ־ ߸ , ð ҿ ڱ ϰ Ӿ ȭϰ ϱ. Ģξ 츮 ϰ ܱ Ȯϰ ͵ ϴٸ. 츮 ʰ Ϻ ' ' ޾ ڵ ġ (steering wheel) ڵ(handle), motocycle (autobi). warranty() a/s(after service) ε, ׷ ϱ? 信 ׷ Ⱦ .(̰, å ̷ ص dz?) ȿ ׷ ϴ. ƾ ڸ . ׷ ׷ 湮ϴ» ' ϰ ±' ϴ ϰ ׳ /  ϴ lift ̱,ijٿ elevator ϴµ. ׷ٰ ̱, ijٿͼ װ Ż (?)ְڳ . 6000kmsk Ǵ 䱹 ´ ִ ̱ ijٿ ϳ ̷ AmericanEnglish ְ Canadian English ִ ɿ. ' ȣ' ̱ zip code, ijٿ postal code ϰ, ݶ ᵵ̱ soda ϰ ijٿ pop θŵ. "We are different from America!" 츰 ̱ϰ ٸ !. 8. Avenue Boulevard Manor? ̰ ?Ź 簡, Dowing Street 10 PrimeMinister()  Ǿٵ ϴ 簡 մϴ. ׷̷ ׳ ˴ ƹ ϰ װ ƴ. 信 Beaverbrook Avenue ְ Beaverbrook Court ִµ, "My house is located on Beaverbrook " ̶ Ѵٸ ? - ȵǴ ̴ϴ.! ݵ Avenue Court ٿ߸ Ǵ . ׷? - postal code(ȣ ̱ zip code) ϰ װ͵ ٸ?- ϴ. , Beaverbrook ؾ߰ڱ. 켱 ܾ ƴմϴ. 忡. beaver ϴ ̸ ̶ ϴ brook ̴ϱ. ׷ϱ ̶ . beaver 䳢 , ǥԴϴ. ﰡ 鼭 Ű ʾҴµ Ӱ 峪糪 ٰ dam ׾ . ׷ Ӱdz °谡 Ǿ, ǰ ̴ϴ. ó beaver ij ɹ̱⵵ մϴ. ijٿðŵ . ij province coat of arms(), Ǹũ, ü ɹ beaver ׷ ְ, beaver ̸ ü ִ ߰ϰ Դϴ. ̱ Pacific Coast State Claiforniaʿ ִ Oregon State ɹ ٷ beaverԴϴ. ׷ ָ 'The Beaver State' .-- ' ' Ѹ Ϲ̿ٸ鼭 beaver 𸥴ٸ 'ø' ̿ ( ø 츮 ޾ Ŷ.) "You, 008, we'll have infiltrate into Canada. What animal is the Canadiansymbol?", 008, 츮 ʸ ijٿ ħŰ Ѵ,  ij ɺ?" "Yep! That's the beaver, sir!" infiltrate : ħϴ. ϴ. ħ. ܾ in into, filtrate firter غ ݼ ֽϴ. beaver ư... brook Ѿ ? ħ 츮 ɸη̶ ȭ ־ ϱⰡ . Kerrybrook kerry . ׷ϱ ( ִ)̶ . ׷ ,, ̶  river(/) ؼ stream() ְ ׺ brookֽϴ. . ̰͵ Ȯϰ . (beaver з ڴ ϰ ε巯 ֻ Ĩϴ. 'ҽֵ ض, ѵ̶ Ī ׸ ƴ ⸦ иڸ ϴٴ... '.) *beaver , ׸ brook ̾߱Ⱑ µٽ ̾߱⸦ ̸ - Դٰ ̸ ׳ street, avenueƴ϶ ? , Դϴ. ' ? , , ƴµ ̷ ƴϰڼ? road, boulevard, drive, court ?' ½ϴ. ׷ ̴ϴ. ׷ ׷͵ Ϲ ̰, Ȥ ͵ Ƣ´ٴ ̰, DZ׷ ͵ ˾Ƶθ ֺ ȭ ϴµ ȴٴ°. 츮 󿡴 (), (λ), () ȴ޷(뱸), (), ȿڷ(õ), ߾ӷ(), ū濡 ̴ 'ro ' ְ - - θ մ ū濡 ̴ 1, 2, 3 'ga' ǥԴϴٸ, ü , ִٴ ܿ ٸ ϴ. ׷ٰ ٷ ͼ 'ܱ', ',() 'gil' źϱ , ū ܿ 鿡 ̸ .( ڴ ǰ ϱ ؼ ѱ۷ ̸ ٱ ߴ.)̷ 츮 ʹ ޸ ƹ ̶ ϴ ̸ ְ װ͵', , ' ƴ϶ ȭǾ ֽϴ. ƿ ô , ̸ ǥǺ . ٽ ̾߱⸦ ̸ --- Դٰ ̸ ׳ street ƴ϶? . Դϴ. ' ? , ƴµ ̷ ƴϰڼ? * 켱, п  ͵ ֳ ѹ ô. ̹ ͵ . lane, line, highway, apth, manor, crescent, gate, circle, way... , ׷ ̹ ǹ̵ ֳ 캼? street: sidewalk(ε) ְ ǹ þ ִ , ڴSt, , ̰ saintϰ ȥϸ ȵ˴ϴ. ̷ ̸ ְŵ. St John St ( ) avenue: μ . ڴ Ave. Ư street ϴ ϴ ̸ Դϴ. New York Manhattanó ѹ 캸. ݹ ˰ ˴ϴ. ʿ , First Avenue ؼ 13Avenue ϱ. lane: . ڴ Ln, 'lane change ϼ' ¸ ? ǹ Ϲڵ Ű. Toronto , '401'(four-o-one) (!) 14 lane expre-ssway(ӵ)ϴ. *  ڸ 0 zero ĺ o д°쵵 ؾ մϴ. ѱοԴ o 5 鸮ŵ. ڵи ֽϴ. ּ ߿ 0 5 ˾Ƶ ߸ ãư̴ϴ. Trip for nothing'() boulevard : μ ִ , ڴ Bivd. 迡 boulevard ¾ ? װž ̱ ƴϰھ? "õ !" Argenntina Buenos Aires ִ ߾ӷΰ дϴ. ̸ Avenida 9 de Julio ϴµ, ̰ 130m! dzʾ ϴ󱸿. ߰ 2 밡 , Avenida¿ avenue ǹ̷ μ, Julio '7', 'ٸ '̸ Խϴ. drive : 'ϴ, ' 浵 . ׷ ̸drive , ︲, մϴ. , ȿ ִ 濡 'driva' ߸ Եٸ, ׷ drive 밳 ڷ Dr. θ ǥѴٴ , ׷doctorϰ ȥ õ, court : ٸ , ڷδCt. ǹ̴ ǹ ѷ ȶ(), Ǵ ̶ ε ̶ ε . ׷ tennis court ''̶ ϴ ̴ϴ. ڿ ɴϴٸ, mall ʿ foodcourt ̷ food court ϸ ´ Դϴ. " Are you going to court for your speeding ticket?" 濡 ӵ ɷ ̴? srescent : ʽ´ ڷδ Cr. ׷ ڱ. ʽ´޸ Ŀ갡 ױ. ׷ϱ ϴٰ ̷ ', ηڱ' ϰ ̸ ִ ſ. gate : '' ̶ .( ?) ڴ Gt. trall : 'trall' ?' ϸ '?' ص, 'trailer?' ϸ ", װ~ ƮϷ?"ϰ ݹ ɴϴ. ƮϷ ' ٴϴ '? ׷ϱ -er trail : . ڿ ٴϴ.(׷ ڱ ? ׷-) ~ ڱ Ѵ, ~ ڱ . ɰ Ѵ, ̷ ְ ,δ ֱ, ڱ, ġ ̶ ǹ̰ . ׷ Ư Ƹٿ 濡 trial̶ Ī ̴µ Niagara Falls ó Vinery Trail ̶ ־. Ÿ vinery() پ־ 'trail'Ҹ ' ڽ'̱ Դϴ. (̱ ü Դϴ.) circle : ׶. ο ū ȹ ٵ ÷ , ȭ Ƹٿ ֱ ұϰԵ, Ǵµ׶Ե ϴ. manor : (ǽô lord of the manor() ߴ ʸ). Ī Mr.(misterϰ 򰥸ڳ) . ̷ ̸ 幮Դϴ. *ǿܷ , ̱  ڼ 鿩ٺ õ , ǿܷ Spanish(ξ) ̰, Դٰ ڴ þ ִ ߼ , ȭ,Ư 1848 Mexico 俴 Claifornia CanadaVancouvar ̸ ,  Ѹ ġ ֽϴ. 켱 츮 ƴ ǥ ̱ L.A. Los Angeles ص Spanish õ̶ ̴ϱ. ׷ ̸ ijٿ Ư ͵ , PaseoPadre Pkwy.(Park way) ִµ Paseo ξ'to work' '꺸 å, μ ִ Ѱϰ ִ±. ', Padre ƾ pater, father ź,, ׷ϱ Paseo Padr 'źδ å' ִ . ܿ ٸ ̸ ãƺ ֽϴ. , Buckingham ÿ St. James's Park , ð߾ ȭ ⺴밡 ϴ Ƹٿ μ The Mall ̶ մϴ. mall μ ִ õ̶ . Princess Diana ʽ(funeral service)  ̾ϴ. mail̾߱ ϳ , , ̱ dz? ̱ , Potomac Lincoln Memorial( ) ְű⼭ ٶ󺸸 Washington Mounment( ž). , ָ U, S Catipol(ȸ ǻ) . ο 󸶳 нϱ? ʿ ְ  ? װ The Mallմϴ. õ ƴϰھ? ׷ mall 'shoppingϴ '̶ǹ̷ ̰ . ? mall ΰ ' õ'(?)ó Ǿ ְŵ. ǹ ʳƮӸ 2- 4 department store ְ, ׻ ʿ ̺پ ֽϴ. 켱 . air conditionνÿ. ܿ ̄ . ʿ ־ . ߰ ߰doughnut, coffee shop ־ . ׸ ݵfood court ϴ ڳʱ ְŵ. ׷ϱ ׳ shopping» retire() ҸӴ, Ҿƹ ſ 'mall õ' Ǵ ̴ϴ..(̷и ׷ ռ.... ǾڿԾ˴ ׸ õ ƴѰ. ' A castle in the air') ̷ 浵 . promenade- Ѱ? ƴմϴ. ǻӸƴ϶ Ҿǿ ̴ Դϴ. pro- ƾ ζ¶? ǥ ̶ promotion ʽϱ? ¾., propel( а ư) + er propeller(緯, ,ϴ ) ƴ ܾݾƿ. promenade å, å, åϴٶ Դϴ. ׷ Ϲ̿ promenadeMall Ͽ Ī η ̰ . ׻Ӹ ƴ϶ ø , Ҿ ߰ ֽϴ. 9. '' ̶ '' ϱ? Brazil ǥ 뼭纯 Reo de Janeir, (?) νCopacaba-na Beach. Ѱܿ£ ű ãư Ϲݱ ̳μ 20¾ ε νŰε, νð ϴ ? - ı? ° Brazil γ׵ ȭ ƽ? " Ծ?" غ Ƽ 氡, ο ׾߸ ' Eve fashion(?)' ̴! ' ̰ ̶ ? Ⱑ ٷ õ̶.'(볷 ġȵ ϴ) װ ׷ ڰ ű⼭ ȣ ̸ 'MIRASOL'. ڴ ' ... . mira? mira? mirasol? sol? sol ¾ƴѰ? ͵ ... (켱 CLICKI", IN case "CLICK"!)in case : 츦 Ͽ Probably that sign's got a hidden code. I thinkI got the ciue. that sign : Mirsol clue : ܼ, Ǹ ñ. 迡 켱 ƽ Brazilian() ҽϴ. ׵ ִ body language ̷ mira- ٴ . ׷⿡ ſ '' ô ϰ׷? ", '' ̰?" ׷ٸ ĺ mirror(ſ)⼭ ƴұ? ׷ٸ ٷ mirage . ī޶ ߿ mirage filter ִµ װ ε '̰', ε лǾ '̰' ׷ ʴ°? ׸ ڶϴ jet fighter / bomber (/ݱ)߿ Mirage ? ׷ٸ Ȥ, ̶ miracle ⿡ ʾ? sol ¾̶ ̷Ǵ.? Ƹ ѱ '(Sol, pine)' ¾ ε鵵 ̴. 'Sol'- öڰ ϱ. ׷ ȣsign ٽ 鿩ٺ ű⿣ ƴѰ ƴ϶ '¾'̱׷ ʰھ? ׷ٸ Mirasol Hotel ¾ ȣ, ڷξ ȣ ǰڱ, , ν ¾ غ Reo de Janeir, ȣ ̸δ Ⱑ ʽϱ? , Ŀ ƿͼ Ȯ ϱ mira- ´. (, ܱ Ͽ Ѱ¤ ̴ϴ) ƾ mira- ̰ŵ. 鵵 Ƹ ſ °̾ ̴ϴ. ȣ ̸ Mirasol ̷ . 켱, , ҰǶ miracle The greatest miracle in the New Testamentis the resurreecton of Jesus Christ ž༺ ū ׸ Ȱ̴. 'Miracle' ijٿ ִ supermarket ̸ ̱⵵ . " ̸ 'Miracle̾?" Ϲ Һڵ ǽ?(smart shoppers)׵ mail box ̾ flier( ¥ ) ؼ غ , cent󵵽ξ߸ 緯 ŵ. ׷ ٸ supermarket ߸ ȸ Ǿ ִ Ϲ̿ ̷ 'miracle' ̶ ȣ ̴ ͵ ϸ. '츮 ŭ ݿ Ǵ' ̴ϱ.(׷ ׸ £ , (marge)Ǿ Ҵϴ) The supermarket 'Miracle' vanished by miracle. mirage : ű, . an optical illusion, usually in the desert, at sea, or over ahot paved road, in which some distant scene appears to be much closer than itactually is. an optical illusion : ȯ, ȯ. A mirage is an illusion. 縷 Ե Ÿٴ ű- 𸣽ô ? ϳ, Ʈ ߿ Egyptain(Ʈ) ' . ٷ miragre. ϰ հ ָ 縷 ʿ ̴ dz ־µ, ڰ ⿣ ¥Ƽ "Where ?" " Which on?" ߴ ֽϴ. ӾƳѾ 󱸿.( ʹ ϸ ̰ ... ,) miragre ܾ ֱ 繰 ̸, ȣ  ٿ . տ ̾߱ mirage filte׷ , MiraMax Film̶ ϴ ȭ絵 ֽϴ. ׸ Ϻ Mitsubishڵ sedan߿ Mirage . ֱٿ ۵ Mirage LS Mirage ũ , ɸ δ ̱ Dodge Neon. Ford, Escort, Chevy(ú Ī)Cavalier, Ϻ HondaCivic, Nissan Sentra ֽϴ.(Cavalier'߼ ', Ż' ¶)Mirage : jet fighter() ϳ. the Mibble East War(ߵ)Mirage ϴ ٶ Ⳣ ɽ DZ⵵ . 迡 Ը ũ ´ ϳ ƴѰ? 󱸿. , efm ִ ѵ ϱ. װ ǰ ̰ڴı, ׷ . missile(̻), ũ, jet fighterǰ ü ϱ? mirror : ſ, ߴ, ݿϴ. ,rearview mirror(츮 ѱ 'back mirror' θ?ڵ ȿ ޸ ڸ ſ.) ijٿ Ҿ Montreaÿ The Mira Foundation of Montreal̶ ֽϴ. ϴ ϱ? ġ ' ' 谡 ʽϱ? , seeing-eye dog(ο )ϴ ,Τ ֱ ϰ ִϴ. Ź Ϻ Դϴ. The 12-years old blind girl Esther appeped a $5,000 cheque for the MIRAFoundation, whidh helped train the guide dog(The Mira Foundation guide dogass-ociation̶ մϴ. ε ִ ü) Russia ּ Mir ' ' 谡 ϴ. ̰ ̶ü yȭ, ǹ̴ϱ. * .... 츮 sol ̾߱⸦ ? ϰ ¾ ӵ ҽϴ. ¾ ü ٺ ϸ ׷ ϴٴ ⵵մϴ. åp.37 Kon-Tiki Peru ¾̶ ̾? ǻ⿡ Ұ ruin() ǿֹ 'inca' ٷ '¾' ϴ. · Sol Rome ¾ ̸. ׷ ݵ , ƾ ȭǿ sol̶ ȣ ϴ. 츮 󿡵 'ǥ Ŀ' '¾', '' ó ȣ ڷ . ¾ ڰ ִµ, ̶ ְ. 켱 ޺ ̿ Sol̶ ȸ簡 Ƿεó Sol gas() ֽϴ. ¾ǥ gas bar . ׷ٸ 翬ξ (!) ο sol̶¸ ? ڴ ׷ 븦 ѷҽϴ. the Pyrenees(Ƿü )Ѿ ο ڸ ƴϳ ٸ, ù ° gas station̸ REPSOLƴϰھ? rep republic ״ϱ ͵ , sol ¾. '. ̰ͺ?'ϴ ƴٴϴ ̹ Ÿ Sol bank!'¾'̶... ¾ó ϱ Ծ. ¾ Sol solar ¾Ƕ . ⼭ 츮 ̷ ֽϴ. solar energy: ¾ solar spot : ¾ . solar eclipse : Ͻ. eclipes : Ͻ, , , ǰ, ϴ. Ұ ϴ. ecex. out, lipse to leave ̴ϱ. solar calendar : ¾(츮 ִ ) * ? ׾ ̴ϱ Luna ־ iunar calendar. , ̰ ܾ̰, Ϲ̿ ׳ Chiness calender մϴ. solar system : ¾. solar salt : õϿ. solar furnace : ¾翭 (mirrorsun's ray ) furnace : , ( Ͻǵ ġ ġ furnace մϴ) electric furnace : solar ~ ̶ ǹpar- +ϸ parasol, ޺ . - arium +ϸ solarium : ޺ ش . condominium ߿ bolcany()õ ְ, ٴ尡 ִ ȣ  ޺ غ solarium ġϱ⵵ մϴ. - arium ~ ϴ Ҷ . ǰ ', ' -arium ٷ ׷ Դϴ. ⿡ ξ + ?aquarium :, (aqua- ̶ ) planetarium : ǿ⸦ ̿Ͽ ༺ ִ . õ. planet : , ȭ ༺, emporium : , ȭ, harbarium herb(Ǯ ) + arium Ĺ ǥ. herb clinic : ǿ. ehrb doctor : ǻ, ѹ herbla tea : * ׷, Sol Loco ʹ? sol ״ϱ ٸ ̾߱⸦ ϳ ұ մϴ. ε ۸ ǰŵ. CanadaDisneyland ұ. Torontoʿ ڸ 'Wonderland ' üԴϴ. ǰ SOL LOCO sign ?SOL LOCO? ϱ? 켱 gate ϱ ¾ ϴMaya ٸ ұ. ¾ sol -- µ... . loco? . , ȭ Կ ٰ ? ''sms ٷ location ѱ ߶ ε. (ƹ  location ̶ ؾ ´ ) װ ٷ ġ ̿. loco- ƾ place ̰ŵ.  ̸ ǰ ġ ǥ ִµ, ׷ locater ϴ. ġ ˷ ִ . ̶ . The shop has a good location. There ate lote of traffics. Դ ġ , շ ŵ, IMF, ô븦 ϸ鼭 my own business 'location'ְ󱸿. Ӵᰡ ص װ ġ . ̳ 'Rodeo Ÿ' ƴմϴ. ' location ϰŵ...',locationտ Բ ǹ con- collocation 迭, ġcollocation( ) 迭ϴ. ׷ϱ SOL LOCO ¾Ҷ ǰڱ. Ȯ ؼϸ ¾ ̶ ǹ̰ǰ. ƴѰ ƴ϶ ⱸ ̵ ַ Ÿ ε, ߿ ߿ Ҿ ġ ¾(sol) . ׷ϱ ̷ ̸ ϳ ̸ ´ٴ ? ̷ ϸ ۸ ִ ̴ϴ. * loco- ̾߱Ⱑ ±迡 '' ϴ Ƹ ӹŸ ̴ϴ. Ǵ ׳'train' 𸨴ϴ. "train?" ƴ! װɸٰ ؼ ϴ. ܾ  дϱ? ! ƴ 𸣴 !. 'train'-- ̷ ϰ µ װ ƴ. ߿ ۰ '̰ ' locomotive մϴ. ׷ locomotive ұ? ׷ ? (loco) ̵ motive-move) ֱ Դϴ. ? loco+motivelocomotive. 10. , Vulcan ֳ? towing car() ִ reawview-mirror(̷)ģ. ', tough guy ô±. .' towing car driverԴ ׾߸ 'Time money'. 忡 ϴ ' 'ϰ collision center ƾ ϴϱ. ׸ 绡 ؾ ϴ. ׷ڴ ޷ . 밳 ׵ driver ܰ tough guy, ִ ׷鼭 towingcar ︮ ʰ(?)cocorful , ڰ ġǾ ִٴ Դϴ.( Ծ.)tow : 罽 . ~ . . * TOW ̱antitank guided missile( ̻) ̸̱⵵ մϴ. anti- ±׸ ~ Ͽ ̾ anti-imperialistϸ , ̸ ''A' ־ anti-A ϸ 'A ' ̵. (anti- 簡  ̿'-' ִ .) ϳ ұ? ( ܾ) ϱ arctic̶ . ׷ٸ ұ? ϱ 'ݴ' ϱ ϱ̶ տ ̶ ant(i) +ϸ? ׷, anatrctic() ȴϴ. airtic : ϱ, ϱ the Arctic Circke : ϱر(׷ رǵ տٰ anti- ̸ ǰ?)collide : 浹ϴ, 浹Ű, ǰ 븳Ǵ. collision : 浹, ǰ 浹 ȥ ? ̻ Բ(con-)ؾ.(⼭ Բ ǹ con- col- ٲ ڿ öi 'ε巯 ' ȭ Դϴ.) ̰ ̾߱Ⱑ ڲ ٸ  Ẕ̇. * , . ׷ lane change towing car Կ . տ ޸ִ tough guy towing car, ٶ Ÿ mudguard() ', ű⿡ Vulcan?' ׷ ׳ vulcan̶ ־' ׳ ׷....' ϰ ٵ װ ƴ , ű ׷ ִ '׹' ݾƿ. , , 尣 symbol̳ , 踦 ε帮 , װ ׷ ʰھ? ('' δ anvil̶ մϴ.) , űϴ󱸿. ȭǿ Ǵ ߰ , ȭ ų ٸ ȭǿ ذ ״ϱ. ϴ Դϴٸ Bible ̰ Greek, Roman mythology(׸ θȭ) ذ Ǿ ָ sfmfl ˴ϴ. װ ȭ ̱ . Vulcan Rome ȭ ӿ ´̽? ȭ 鼭 ȭ ӿ ̻ ִٰ ߴϴ. 尣 ûӰ Ÿ Ǯ ϱ. ׷ Vulcan ܳ ܾ ִ ѹô. 켱 ȭ volcano ? volcano Ȳ ̽ µ, ׷(ϻ Ȱ ܾԴϴٸ) vulcanize'Ȳ óϴ' Դϴ. ƹư ׷ Ʊ towing car mudguard() Vulcan ̶ ۾ Բ anvil ׷־ ̴ϴ. - volcanic : ȭ the eruqtion fo a volcano : ȭ. erupt L (, )ϴ. Ű. active volcano : Ȱȭ dormant volcano : ȭ extinct volcano : ȭ extinction : , . extingui-sh : (), Ű. frie extinguisher : ȭ in Korea, the were extinguished iong ago. vulcaan ̸, ? ( ģ пԴ ̷ ɹ Ƿʰ)̰ 6 '¸-' ϰȸϸ鼭 1п 4,000-6,000̳ ߻ ִ jit fighter() 20mm , ٷ vulcan̶ ̸ θ ȭ ,ȭ , ̸ vulcan ̴ϴ. * ̾߱Ⱑ 迡 ̴ Ϲ blacksmith, Ǵ ׳ smith մϴ. 12-13 ߼ last name , ŵ ڱ smith last name ٰ ϴ±. last name ϳ ٷ SmithԴϴ. (The wealthy of Nations) ,<η> ̸ Adam Smit(1723-1790)ƴմϱ? Smith , Ŀ 踦 ٷ´̴ biack Smith. Ͼ ö ٷ ̴ white Smith. Ǵ tin smith, մϴ. ٷ (?- ?)silver smith Vulcan Ŀ black smith α ̴ϴ. bit(簥) 鷪, 鷪, ⱸ 鷪... ϰŸ 󸶵 ־ڳ! Դٰ ̴ ɾٴ . forge(Ǯ)anvil()̳ Դ ϸ鼭 踦 ε帮 Ǿŵ. ׷ ߴ Դϴ. Greekmythology(ȭ) Hephaistos(̽佺) . lame(ҹ)god. ׷ ̴ϰԵ wife Venusٴ . *: ׸ Hephaistos θ δ vulcan̰, Aphrodite VenusԴϴ. ̾߱⿡ ׳ ذ ߵǴ ǻ ׸ θ ̸  ϴ. * ö, ۼҷ ׷ ó , μ smith Ǿϴ. ƴ, ° ޶. 尣 ƴ϶ ö "Times arechanged!"( ޶!) 氡 尣 پ ִ 7 Ŵ1 Ѿ dz ̸ . ö, ۼ ̸ ٲپ ޾ҽϴٸ, ϴ űⰡ ٷ ѱ blacksmith townϱ. ڰ 踦 Ÿ Ʈ ϰ Ž ٰ, Esna 㸧Ѹ Ÿ ׸ 忤  ֽϴ, Ƹ ׵ Ѱ ƴ϶ ׵ ڸ (!) ̴ϴ. ׷ ǿ 츮 尣 ô ͵ ǰ ߰ ̴ ؼ, ٵ time machang Ÿ ణ ð Ž п $4,00 ְ bit(簥)ϳ ֽϴ. װ Ǹ trophy Ǿ. trophy - Ʈ? տ ̶ ߳? bit '׸ , Ĵ drill (blade), 縦 ̴ screwdriver dz, computer bit, ׸ Կ 簥' ̶ ֽϴ. ִ 簥 ¦ ϰ Ű ?׷ bit ' 簥 ' ܿ ''control ϴ' 浵 ֽϴ. * trophy? ƮǶ  뵵 ϼ? ȸ ± trophy ޾ƿ ϴµ... ǹ̷ǰ, ȹ̶ . ׷ ⿡ ٿԴٵ ǰ̶ ǹ̰ ִٴ . ׷ϱ ̽󿤿 ٰ the sea of Galilss() ȣ ൹ϳ ֿ Դٵ ߴٸ ̰ ٷ trophy Ǵ ̴ϴ. Hekept a pabble as a trophy of the Sea of Galilee. 11. 츮 , 忡 ? New York Central Park , Ȯ Broadway 42 street ְ ȭ Times Square() ֽϴ. ų 12 31 ̸ȭ 鿩 Happy New Year countdownϴ . squre շϴ ǿ ׸ ȹ ִ, ̴ ̸Դϴ. ׷ Ƹٿ ǰ̳ ͵ ְ ׷. ׷ ̶ ʴ ̰ Times Squre , 濡 New York Times(Ź ̸) ־ Դϴ. Times Square sign . ֵ ݿ City Hall Nathan PhilipsSquare θϴ. ̰New York Times Square ùεԲ ū ε帮鼭 Happy New Year countdownϴٰ, "BANG!"Ҹ 鼭 ذ Ǵ (!) Ȱ kissϰ ׷. ð ó ŷ (!) մϴ. Nathan : ༺ , King David( ) ఢ ѿ, ε ̸ ̸ ϳԈ. * Trafalgar Square LonDon Trafalgar Square ó signԴϴ. øϴ ä ϴ. Trafalgar ð Spain 1805 10 21 ر Nelson Դ밡, Դ븦 Ͽ ο 縦 . Ѱ ٶ column() pedestal(´) ְ, λ Admiral() Nelson ֽϴ. Trafalgar Square in LonDon was anmed in memory of Nelson's victoryatTrafalga -r . square : ѷ , Դ :faeet Դ 'British fleet' fleet ٴϴ Դε¾ ߴ . ߴ/ ٶ ܾ floatϰ ̺? װǿ. ̶ ׷ϴ. ͵' ' ? ׷ fleet ΰ 浵 ֽϴ. Evangeline> ̱ Longfellow ׷. Art is long and time is fleeting' ̶.('Art is long, life is short' .)column : Ź, Ư ϴ Į̶ ܿ '׸ . θ  ִ ̶ ֽϴ. ̷ ͵˾ƾ ϴı? װ ƹ ÷ ô ϴ ǰ ִ ๰ ˴ ׸ ԰ ϱ. ׷ Ϲ Ϲ ϳ Ƶ colu-mn ־ ٹ̰ų ϴ. ̶ǹ̷μ 'colu-mn' ȸ Ϲ ܾ. .(Ź, Ǹ Ư 'Į' ̶ ϴ , Ʒα ġ ղ÷ Ǹ Դϴ.) pedestal : ÷ ´ ׷ pedestal ÷ ִ (, ) Ǹ е̽? ׷ ̷ ǥ ִϴ. put someone on a pedestal( ~ ޵ ô. ϴ)The Koreans tend to put seniors on a epdestal. (̷ Ƹٿ ־µ ϴ dz䰡 ٴ...) ped- 'foot' ̶ . ǥ ܾ Ÿ Ż ߷ pedal ֽϴ. ׸ ƴٴ pedestrian()̶ sign Ȱų dzʸ ˴ϴ. 鿡 Ŵť ٸٰ' ٸ ǥ ped + cure()pedicure( )̶ ؾ մϴ. peddler : , Ҹġ ȷ ٴϴ . ̳߱ ƿ Ÿ , 3  ڿ ¿ ٴϴ ֽϴ. ̰ pedicab̶ ϴµ. cab cabriolet( ̲ 2 ) ظ taxi . ׷ϱ ߷ ý Դϴ. pedicab tri-shaw մϴ. Ź ַα׷ . , ' ' ǹ̿ ricksha մϴ. 'η°' . η Ϻ jinrickisha ϴµ װǾ ϵ Դϴ. * -ٽ sign ư- parliament , ij, ȣ ȸ Ű Դϴ. 'ȸ'ϴ ܾ 󸶴 ٸ. ѱ, the National Assembly, ̱ Congress. Ϻ, ũ, the National Diet մϴ. parliament 'to speak' ǹ̰ ֽϴ. ȸ speech ʽϱ? ijٸ 湮ߴ ġ, ִ 쿬 ޵ μ⹰ ٰ 'B, Wilfert, M.P. Oak Ridges' ߰ߴٸ ̰ Oak Ridges ( ̸) ȸǿ B. Wilfert' ϸ ˴ϴ. (M.P. Member of Parliament ȸ ǿ)* 1999 12 6. ѱ ʷ ij Northwest Territories() ̽½() M.P 缱Ǵ Ű ־ϴ. ̸ Oak Ridges aokCanada ǥ , ܴ Դϴ. (). , dz ٴ . 츮Դ Ϲ̿ Oak Ridges Ϲ ε, 'ũ ִ .' radge д ̶ . Ϲ̸ (̾°ӵ ) η ϸ鼭 ̸, ̸ ڼ 캸 radge ܾ . ̱ Tennessee ο Ϻ ϵǾ ź ҷ Atomic Bomb City, Oak Ridge ϴ õ ֽϴ. assembley 'ad + ͳ' ֽϴ. ׷assemble : (, ), ϴ. ϴ. Assembly : ȸ, Թ ȸ (ȸ, ڰ ٷ 'δ' ݾƿ.)assemblyman/person : Թ ǿ. assembky : ( )ȸ,ȸ, assembly plant : , assembly line : ϰ ۾ . assembly language : ǻ ' ȣ 'congress con(Բ) + gress(to go) ǹԴϴ. gress ζ pro- +ϸ progress : (-ϴ). ̹ ݴ ǹ re-+ϸ regress : (-ϴ) . ǰ ƹ Ǹ ݿϴ ص ȸ ƴմϴ. ǥڵ ̾Ƽ (-gress)Բ (con-)ȸǸ ϰ . congress : (ǥڸ İϴ) ȸ. Congress: (̱) ȸ ~man/person : ̱ ȸ ǿ, Ư Ͽ ǿ * ǿ sanator diet : 츮ü ̾Ʈ Ѵٰ ׷ ǹԴϴ. ̾Ʈ λϴ , װ ƴϰ ̷ . ' , , Ļ縦 ϴ. Դ,' ׸ ޸ öڷ '() ȸ, Թ ȸ, ȸ,' . . ̶ Dڸ 빮ڷ ϴ. ׷ ִ Pisscadilly CircusԴϴ. 츮 3 'ī ' ̸ ű⼭Դµ, װ ַ Ĵ ŵ. Ÿ ͸  hexagonal(6)pedestal(´) ErosԴϴ. 츮 ѱ 'ero ȭ. eroticϴ' ܾ ΰ ǽ Eros statue() arrow(ȭ) ִ . ȭ쿡 ¾ ְ, ȭ ¾ ڱٰ ٴϴ /ڰ ׾ Ⱦ ѻ ... ׷ ༮(!) 峭Դϴ. ׷ Ÿ ֺġ ɾ ð ̰ ִ punk༮Դϴ. ׷ رѺ ahir design ߴ? ׷ ̵ Դ? ʰ ... ƹư ̳ Դϴ. 'ѱ backpacker(賶)鵵 ܰ ѹ ɾҴ '. Eros ׸ ε׽(θδ Venuse) ̵, θ ȭ CupidԴϴ. 12. Boat + Hotel Botel ȥ L,A motel ڰ ħ Ͼ ϴ . ѿ쿬 ϴ, ', ̰ L.A smog ! 'װ ׷ϱ... ħ Ա ʹ ʾ brunch ? δ ̸... .' motel, smog, brunch ռ ֽϴ. ȥ blend ϴµ. ״ ȥյǾ ̷ Դϴ. a wordmade by combining two words. often with a syllable in common,'(portmanteauword) blend : ȥ, ȥչ, ȥ, ȥϴ,ڼ̴, ȭǴ, Even if you mix water and oil, they will not blend ƴ ̰ motel ܾ ھ ٰ -tel̶ ̺پϱ hotel 谡 Ŷ ׳ɵ ġ . ư motorist + hotel(ڵ + ȣ)̶ ̶ ͵ ׳ ڰ Դϴ. L.A, Mexico City, 뵵 ϴÿ ִ ׵ ˰ ? smog smoke + fog(Ȱ) - Ȱȭ (L.A smog ֹ ڵ) brunch breakfast + lunch - ħ Դ Ļ(?) '' ̶ ִٴ ڴʰ ˾ҽϴ. ħ Դ '' ̶ Ѵٴ±. ¼ ׷ brunchϰ Ȱ ϴ. blend(ȥ) ٸ δportmanteau word ϴµ, ɹ, ׾߸  Դϴ. 縵 Ÿ Ȱ . ̷ ˴ϴ. ׷ϱ Ʒ ̾߱ ׳ ʱͷ 긮鼭 μ. portmanteau Ѱ ־ Ǿִ ϴµ. ġ å . ' ϳ ǰ', ׷ ܾ ܾε portmanteau word(ȥ) Ѵٴ . ̷ ϵ ƴ portmanteau word ܾ ׸. ̶ ߱׳ l uggage/baggage ع, ̷ Ÿ ?Դٰ portmanteau word? ƹ Ƶ ⿡Canadian鿡 Ȯ Ҵ 'ó ...' 밳 𸣴󱸿. 츮 ѱ (?)Ѵٰ , ѱ ϴ ܱ 'ȭ' ϴ  ô ִ ̳ǰھ? * ˾Ƶθ ׷ ׷ ' ˾Ƶθ ǰڴ' 󱸿. м(?) portmanteau ô ڸٸ ɱ. Ƹport- ƴϰھ? 켱 port- transport(ϴ, ۼ) ٽ to carry ? ϴ ױ port̰. Կ airport , ٵ, manteau ? 縵  ʳ? ׷ ѹ ͸(?) . ? ? - ? 츮 ƴ, Ҹ Tm , '' ? cloak̶ ϴ , ַ Ծ ̿. װ ԰ ϸ鼭 ࿡ʿ port(to carry)ؾ ̴ϴ. ׷ ū ־ ߰?׷ portmanteau ϴ . '' 'portmanteau' ׷ ()˾ ϴ ΰ, ܾ ڸ ̰ Ͽ  (!) غô. ̰ ̴ϴ. Ư ȣ,ǥ ų ʿ . * 켱 'Seeing is learning' ̴ϱ - AMSTEL BOTEL -- ̰ , ϰ ڽð ͵ . ٸ ̵ ź ϸ O. K.. ħ ̸ Amsterdam̰ڴ. ̰ ڸ hotel . ? boat + hotelbotel̶ . ִ Amstel Botel rhyme()ġ״ٴ , ٻ Դϴ. 츮 ø ųݾ, ǥ 밳 ? ܿ⵵ ְ 絵 ŵ. ̷ - Axe the Taxi(' δ' Ź head line)Snail Mail ( ). Jelly Belly (ĵ ǥ). Maize maze amazes (ʸ ̷ ã ) װ ׷ - ̷ 'botel' ´ܾμӸ ƴ϶ Ư ȣ, ǥ  ϰ . ׷ 츦 帮 մϴ. 츮 ִ ȣ üNovotel ? ȣ, Ǵ żȣ ̶ ε  ׷ dz ô. . ƾnova new, ż̶ ̰ŵ. nova + hotel Novotel Budgetel. budget , ¥budget + hotel  ġ tϳ ߶ budgetel ̵! ׷ϱ 'traveler budget ´ ȣ̴ Ƚð ö' ̸̰? The traveler budgeted his money which included accommodations. ,, , ڽü. My eyes soon accommodated themselves to seeing inthe darkness. ȭ  ó ? ׷ٰ accmmodateǸ鼭 Ҽ object(ü) ̱ ݾƿ. ̱ Florida ؾȿ ִ St. Augustine ̷ sign( ) ҽϴ. , ̺DZ? ܾ ܾ Ϲ Ȱ ϴµ . WASHATERIA' ̰ laundry(Ź)Դϴ. laundry߿coin laundromat(self service Ź). ڱ ŹⰡ ־ ٻ ̹и Ѳ ð ʹ ɸݾƿ. ׷ϱ Ѳ ְ ִ coin laundromatdmf ̿ϴ ̸ϴ. Ѳ ⿡ ְ ׵ Ź, ⳪ ̰ ǰŵ. 25Ʈ¥ coin(quarter ) ְ °ε... ̸ Washateria . ̰ ͵ wash + a + teria. -teria ̸? cafeteria Դϴ. մ Դ Ĵ ӵκ̳ б, , ǹ (߰ a h t ̸ Ű ׳ Դϴ.) -teriaĴ /Ʈ * cafeteria coffee Ĵ / Ʈ ׷ϱ Washateria ''׷ ۰ fluff&fold ϱ? fiuff: ó úϰ Ǯ. fold : . ָ . մ ռ Źϴ coinlaundromat ٻ staff() ñ⵵. ׷ϱ fluff&fold ' ҿ ð ֽ (ϰ Ͽ).  帮 񽺵մϴ.' ǰڱ. 13. ̸ ϳ ׳ Ƴ Toronto ϵ ٱ, Markham ̶ town Ѱϰ, ׾߸ steering wheel(ڵ) ư ̺긦 ϴٰ 'Bethesda Road' ̸ǵο Ttmqs. ', ? 𼱰 ̸̴󱸿. ׷ ¾ ! New Testa-ment(ž༺) '' ¿ ̸ ʴ? Near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem there is a pool with five porches, in Hebrew itis colled Bethesda. A large crowed of sick people were lying on the porches - theblind, the lame. and the paralyzed. * porch δ ñ̳ ǹ մ ٶ ִ ϴµ, ұ縦 ϸ ϴ. δ ū ǹ Ա ִ . ѱ ఢ Ǿ . ( )췽 The Sheep Gate ִµ 翡 'Bethesda ־, ѷ ٶ ఢ(porch) ټ ä־ϴ. ̰ blind() lame(cirppleҹ) paralytic(dz) ڵ ־ٴµ - * (gate) ־ 췽 ִ ̸ ־ϴ. ׵ ģ Lion's Gate. Flowers Gate, Golden Gate ̸ پ . Dung()Gate ִϴ. ⳪ κ ۼ´ . 鵵 峪 . ô ʹ(빮)̶簡 (빮) ̸ ־µ, 6 ȭ ó ü ־ ñ ̶ . ٽ ư ȯڵ ̴ ٸ ־ϴ. ̰ϴ ̵ ϴÿ õ Ͽµ, ׷ (when the water stirred up)  ڴ ̵ Ҵٴ ̴ϴ. ׷ ϴ ڵ߿ 38̳ ڵ ־ٴµ, ״ ⿡ Ŀ  ߴ . Ƚ(Sabbath ,ʰ Ͽ ε ƹ͵ ϰ Ƚϸ罬 Ǿ ִ ), ׷ ׸ ҽ ż 'Get up, pick up yourmat, and walk'(Ͼ ڸ ɾ)ϰ ֽ John 5 :1- 16 ϵǾ ֽϴ. blind ƴ Ͱ blind date : 밡 𸣰 డ dateϴ , ѱ Ұting- * 츮 󿡼 'ε Ŀ' ̶ ߸ ִµ װDZ׳ 'blind' ϸ ˴ϴ. ׸ â ϴ'Ŀư'(drapery) ؼ å, p. 233 ڼ ҽϴ. ̾߱⸦ٽ 'Bethesda ϴ ׷ ٽ - ̸ ϵ ġʰ(?) , 'Bethesda Road õõ ޸鼭 ¿츦캸ҽϴ. ׷ 鼭 ƴ ͵ ϴ. ׿ ־µ, ڼ ƿ ū ȣ ۵Ǿ. ׷. ׷ (?), Ǵ žӽɱ(?) ôڰ ̸ ž 濡 ٰ Bethesda ΰ.( ij ħ ο Ư ȣ ϴ. Ϲ 5 ȣ ο ʽϱ? ȣ. ׷ ijٴ 差 ̱⵵ մϴ.)* ? ̾߱Ⱑ 迡 ϳ ? ̷ ̾߱ ̴ϴٸ-ij, Ontario ֿ Brampton(밳 m p ?)̶ ֽϴ. 信 50km εװ 'Terra Cotta' sign ɴϴ. ó ', װڴ' ;.( !) ׶Ÿ б ̼ð ٵ ƴ ƴմϱ? ¸ µ ҷ ߱׷ ǰ . ϴ. terra- , ̶ θ ȭ Terra Դϴ. Greeceȭ Gaea ƾ ȭ θ ͼ â . ߵ ̾߱Ⱑ ŵ ǰ ѱͼ 㰡 Ͱ, Gaea geo- ͼ geograohy(), п . ʹ ȭ'T' terrestrial, , ̶ ̶ ̹ 귯 ̾߱Ⱑ Ǿ? ó terra- ܳϴ. ׶󽺶 ? terrace , ܽ ̶ ִµ. ʸ̳ ruin(s)() ݵ ҰѰܽ ֽϴ. Ư Dz⿡ ݵ ״ ִ ܽ terrace . յ ġ 꿡ٰ Į tattoo() Ͱ ̴. ⿡ terrace ? ô뿡 Ѱܻ ӵ Ⱓ ġ Ż 縦Ծ ƿ ־, landslide() ִ ̾. terrain : , ( ), . terrane : . . territory : , ij ȣֿ α province Ǵ 並territories մϴ. ijٿ Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory 2 ־µ 1999 4 1. Ŵ Northwest Territories ѷ 鼭 ο Nunavut Territory ϴ. ϱ ǺϹ Ű ġ ѱ 10 Ǵ Դϴ. ֹ޷ ǹ̷ ׵ ǵ . Nunavut Eskimo '츮 ' ̶ Դϴ. ׷ Դ ̶ Eskimo ֹε Ⱦϴ ̿. Inuit ׵ ֹε people ̶¶̸, Ϲ̿ Դϴ.. ˾Ƶθ ɴϴ. 츮 '׽ƮѴ' ~ test terra Դϴ. ߼ ݼ ׸(earthen pot). '' ݼ ְ ؼ '̰ ¥ΰ, ¥ΰ?' ˾ƺҴ(test) ȸ̴ϱ. I' ll test you in a pot. ߰ھ.( ǥԴϴٸ) ׻ΰ? ǥ ׻ terramycin̸ terra  ͵ ׾ fungus Ǿ ̶ . mycin׸ fungus Դϴ. fungus: , , ȿ, . ׻: anti() + bio()ric antibioric. ׷ ü? anti() + body(ü) antibody. , ̷ - ׷ Ȯϴ ̷ Terra Cotta ϴµ׿  ҽϴ.  ̾ ǵڱ⿡ ̰ ־ŵ. ű , pottery( ) ־ϴ. ׷ϱ ô ô 'ڱ⸦ ' ̾. pot : , ׾Ƹ. - melting pot () America is a melting pot but Canada is a mosaic society. ̱ Ͽ ־ 쿩 ϳ ̱ ,ijٴ multicultural countryμ Ư Ѹũó Ƹٿ ̷ϰ ֽϴ. ׷ ų ʰ Ǹƽþ ȭ 12 ǥ մϴ. 1999 ⹦⿡Year of the Rabbit ̶ ؼ ̶ ڿ Բ Ϳ 䳢 ǥ . mylti () + cultural(ȭ). potter: ,pottery : . ceramic: ڱ ceramic art, cera-mic industry ()ceramics: ڱ, ڱ . ceramist: ڱ . ,porcelain: ڱ, ׷ ڱ ߿ ڱ ?celadon: ȸϻ û. ûڴ Koryo celadon multy- , پ. multimational (ٱ) cultural: ȭ,culture: ȭ, , multicul-tural(پ ȭ)* multicultural country ( Ư ϴ , ij ) 14. ȣƼ Hospital 谡 ? 츮 󿡼 'ȣƼ' ̻ θ Ǿ ׾߸ ' '(ro-om - salon? room salon - ̰ž߸ ¥͸ ) ڶ ǰ Ҵµ, Ƕ װ ƴ. hostess Ƽ  մ ϴ οڶ (?) ܾϴ. ѱε ϱ⿡ ½ų Ǵ±ٻϰ(?) 鸮 Ϻη ܷ Ǵ ܷ ϰ . ٶ ׸ hostess '(û ?) η tip ' θ ̰ ǰҽϴ. "What does she look like?" " , ϴ ?""She look like a hostess...." " ..."( ) 'ڴ Ƽ ?' ŵ. װ ׷, hostess ܾ ٴ. ̹ ñ ѹ hostϿ(?) ' ' մϴ. 켱 hostess ϱ 翬 host ־߰. εguest(մ) ʴ? ׷ host ϴ, ϴ 浵 ֽϴ. Korea hosted the 1988 Seoul Oltmpicssuccessfully. ̾߱Ⱑ 迡 ӵ ˴ ˰ ? 켱 hostel̶ ϴ ' ü' . backpackers(賶) ̿ϴ youth hostel ֱ. ׷ϱ host() guest(մ_) ִ°hostel ̶ ϸ . ׷ Spanish Peru South America hostal(μ)̶ sign ֽϴ. Ǽ ڵ , ξ Ҹ ִ pensions ̶ ֽϴ. ƾ pensione ϼ, ϼ, ̶ ֽϴ.(δ e ϴ.)׷ ̳ hospital ֱ.hospital, ƴ . (δ hopital) (ȯ) ִ ? ִ, ఴ ڼ ü Դϴ. ׷ 鵵 ־? + able ϸ hosp-itable: 湮 Ǵ , ̳ʱ׷ She is very hospitable. ̷ (verse) ±. Rememberto welcome strangers in your homes. There were some who did that and welcomed angles without knowing it. ׳ Ȧ ʽÿ. ׳׸ ϴٰ 𸣴 ̿õ縦 ֽϴ. hospitality : . ȯϱ, Ĵϱ. Your hospitality was such blessing. ' ȯ뿡 帳ϴ. ʴ޾ ٳ ī忡 ִ Դϴ. blessing ູ, ̶ ̶ 浵 ֽϴ. hospitalization: Կ. hospitably: ϰ, ģϰ Ȳ hospital ϴ ٿ ˰ ô. ׷, hospital hospiceڸ ü, Ǵ poverty-stricken(غ) shelter(). hostel ̸ öڱ hotel̶ ᱹ hospital Ŷ ? , ں ȥ ȣԴϴ. ִ ڲ ް, ģ ƿ ᱹ ģ. ŷϱ 翬Ѱ? hotel ô뿡 motel(motori-st + hotel)̶ ̳԰, å p83 Botel(boat + hotel) , ȣ ü Novohel̶ ̸ Խϴ. 뺸 new nova + hotel ȣ ~ ̶ ̶ p.84 ҽϴ. * hosptial sign ԰ȭ ? North America sign ԰ݰ , ä Ǿ ֽϴ. ʹ : ' ...' Ȳε ̸ ˾Ƽ մϱ? general hospital(պ)̶ sign̴ϱ ã ⸸ ϸ . ӵθ ޸ Ķ Ͼ Hڸ hospital sign ɴϴ. װ 󼭰ӵθ Ķ sign ϸ Ÿ. װ͸ 󰡸 չġ ̵, ⿡ ĶH sign . visual design(ð) Ǹ ̸ ̶ ˴ϴ. ̱, ijٴ ̰ ߽,ƸƼ  ϰ ֽϴ. * " ̷ ƾٱ" ڴ hospital̶ ܾ ڽŵ 𸣰  ø մϴ. 'Ͻ ' (man among kids, stands out in the crowd)ƿ ־ŵ. ó 6,25 ״ ִ 1955 , 6 սʸ 濡(Ŵ絿)ִ 츮 б( ȫʵб, ڽǾб ڸ)տ̱ ð ġ ߷Ƚϴ. '' ̱ G.M.C.(TURCK) ѱε 𸣰 ׳ ׷ θԴϴ. ׶ ȣ dzθ ̰, ַα ϴ 'ణ !" ׷ ÿ ġ ״ 鵵 . ū Ƿ ð ġ ձ׷ հ, ҳ̾ ڵ ű⿡ ־ϴ. ߿ ٷ б ()ҿ ޷ ־. ġ Ȳ ̱ 簡 µ ˾Ƶ ִ ϳ ϴ. ˴ ˾Ƶ ־ ̰ cellular phone(޴) ־ ̽żϰ Ǿ, ô ޶ϴ. ̱ ߵ ѷ . ߽ϴ. Ĵٺҽϴ. ϰ ... ó , '̰ ¥.... ?' . * . cllular phone ( ׳ cell phone ̶ մϴ) cell , ̶ ƾ Դϴ. Ƹ ˼ δ Ͻǿ Ҵ Դϴ. [׷߰ 鵵 Żϱ⵵ ? ο ξ 鵵 ο Ҵٴ , â ޸ (?) . · ߿, Żϳ ؾ. ϴ ڵ ... ׷ cellar ϸ ķǰ̳ ϴ Ͻ ϴµ, ÿ basement(Ͻ) cool room̶ θ celler ֽϴ. ü ̶ . ô밡 Կ cell , ¸ Խϴ. ׷ photocell̶ ? photo - () + cell Ӽ ̱ Duracell ̶ ͵ ְ. dura + cell durable: Ӽ, ִ durably: . durability: Ӽ, . duration: , Ⱓ, cell ð cellulose() , cellulose celluiodi ̸̳Դµ ̰ film ϴ. Ⱑ Ÿ ִٴ . ( ڵ ) ׷ ҿռ plastic üǾ. cellophane ()̶ ϴ ̵ cellulcse Դϴ. cellulate : . * ٽ ̾߱⸦ ' ' -˾ ¿¿Ű - ׶! ٷ ׶ γ! ӿ  " , װ ִĴ ̿! !" ϴ ̾ϴ. "WOW" ߵ ٶ󺸾. (normal person) û ϳ. ¥ Ҽӿ ָ ̱ , 6 Ų ̴ϴ. ٷ ʿ ùκ(óDZ߾Ӻ) ־ŵ.( ϰ ? , ׷Ƿ ־ ¿¿ű ʾҰ?) ڴ ׶ ̱  ˾Ƶ 30 ڰ  ̾ մϴ. ׷ ׶ , " , װ ִĴ ̿! !" ϴҸ ݵ Ӱ մϴ.( غ)Ƹ ̱ ְ "Hospital! Hospital! Where's the hospital?" ϰ ҸԴϴ. ߿ ȥ ˾Ƶ Ͻôºп , 氨 ڴ ݲ ִ. ̸. 6.25 ʵб 3г̾ ó  ٰ̾ ұ? ׶ ϴ.. '  ϴ Ҵٱ!' G.M.C.(Geneeral Motors Company ̱ 3 ڵ ȸ ϳ): Messiah , Christ 15. ̸ ׷ ? ٵ... Ƿ ũ ݵ ڰ, Ǵ staff(, , ֺ) ִ ׷ ֽϴ. 츮 , ̳ ģ ũ ׷ ִٴ ˰ ̴ϴ. ¡ ڰ ׳ɵ ذ ϴٸ, ? װ͵ 翡 ȴٰ ׾߸ ġḦ ޾ƾ ġ? װ ¹ϱ? װ ׷ , ׷ ̸ Ƿ (ġ) ǥÿ ׸ܸΰ? ű⿣ ̷ / ־ϴ. Greek mythology (׸ ȭ) Ǽ ̽Ŭǿ(Asklepios/Asclepius) ¡ ٷ ̾. Դϴ. ׶ ص ¡ϰ, herb() ߰ϴ ϰִٰ Ͼŵ. ߵ Ͽ Ʈ ̸ Ǿϴ. ', ״ ſ, ڱ.' "Cobra ڴ Ʈ Բ cobra ҽϴ. ѹ ܺ. Ʈ յ հ հǹ鿡 Ǿ ִ°, ű⼭ deadly(ġ) ͵cobra . ְ ̸ Ѳ ˳Mediterranern()dz ָ θ Emperor(Ȳ) Caesar(,öڰ ?). Antonius ѷȴ ׸ Ʈ Cleopatra 30 B.C. , Ҹ ڻϱ cobra Ͽڱ Ͽ ѹ ״ (?)ߴٰ մϴ. ٰ öߴ(?) ׳ ̸ ̿ Ȯ ȿ(!) ࿡ Űٴ±. ' ھ... '[What a saake! She is awicked() woman]' , ̾߱ϱ, Ǽ ƽŬǿ ̾߱⸦ ϰ ĥ? ƽŬǿ, ̳ ٰ ٶ̿ Apollon̿ ΰ迡 ϰ ѷ Ƶ ϳ ϴµ, ʻ Ǽ ݽŹιݸ ̷(Cheiron) Ǵ Ǽٰ մϴ. ׷ ϵ Ǽ پ ̰ܱ׾߸ ̹ ϳ ״ ̴ϴ. ׷ ɼ迡 ϴ ȥ ۿ. ׷ ǽ Hades ʽ Zeus Ǹ ߰, Zeus ϰ '' ƽŬǿ ׿ ȴϴ. " 䳻 ׾ ſ! "ʳ ׸ε (shrine) װ ڵ̸ ãư⿡, ׸ ҿ '' Ǿϴ. (츮 Ӵ ϴ ִ. ϰ ڸŴٴ ) ̷ ǻ/Ƿ ɹ Ǿ̱ the U. S. Department of Health(DZ), Education(), andWelfare() ɹ Ǿϴ. Asclepius( ö)was the good of helaing in Greek mythology(ȭ) Hisstaff is used in modified from as a symbol by the U, S, Department of Helth,Education and Welfare. staff: ( , , 浵 ⼭) , ֺmodify: ϴ, ϴ. heal: ġϴ, ȸϴ, heal-all: ġ. ݽ : demigod. * demi hemi Բ half Heades : ׸ ȭ , ž ڰ , , ( '' ̶ ϴ ų ǹ?) ׷ planet(༺)Pluto (ռ)dlfkrh ϴ , ''dlrjemdy. Hades ǹ̷δ ٸ ̶ ǹ̷ε ϴ. ƴϴϱ. * ̽ ̷ ϵ ־ϴ. ߵ 쿡 ̾߱. 14, 460 Ⱓ̳ Egypt ̸ ϴ Israel Moses εexpdus( ̵/ Ż) ߽ϴ. ׷ ,ϰ Israelites(-鼺) Moses ε ޾ 鼭 ǰ ̾ϴ. '̷ 縷 Ŵ ϴ ó ׳ ̸ ϸ鼭 Ʈ ־ ߴ' Ѹ 򿡴 ܸ . "Why did you bring us out of Egypt to this desert, where there is no food orwate We can't stand any more of this miserable food!"stand: ( ⼭- ). miserable : ,ҽ, Ҹ. miseable food : Ļ (ƾ /) Ƿ ũ caduceus Ǵ harald's staffϴµ ̰ the staff of Mercury, or Hermes, with two snakes twined around itand a pair of wings on top. The cabuceus is foten sued as an emblem of themedical profession herald's staff ³ ִ ⿡ ִ, ŵǻ Mercury , Ǽ ¡, ̱ ǹ Դϴ. ٽ Ƿ ũcaduceus Rome ȭ Mercury(Ǵ Hermes)herald's staff( , ֺ) Ǿ, staff¹ ޷ ִٰ ?ĸ 긣 ̼ staff Mercury ֽϴ. ϵ ǰ Ƽ ġ ʻ, ƴ ͸ŭ ̴ϴ. * ׷. ó Ǽ ƽŬǿ ̾߱⸦ ϴٰ, Moses lsrael ̾߱⸦ ϴٰ, ڱ 򰥸 Mercury ̾߱ⰡԴٱ? , ׷ ֽϴ. ȭ κ ߺDZ⵵ ϰ Ʋ⵵ ϰ ׷. ׷ ָŸȣ ִٴ ο ΰ ' ũ 鼭' ˴ϴ. ´´ٰ .( ִ Դϴ.) 16. ڵ Ǹű⿡  "Ŀ ̾ƴ ٱ?" DZ ȭ ȿ ׾߸ . Ϻ ִ(in brdad daylight) ġ DZ⿡ dirtybook(promo ) . DZⰡ ̼ڸ ִٴ , ̼ڰ ȴٴ ȥ... ٽ 'Ȥó()' ߴµ 'ó ', ׵츮 ٸ ſ̰ · 츮 δ ʹϴ ;. ' '϶ ׸ϰ ̾߱⸦ ѵ ϴ.  ξ, ƾ  ³ ϴ , , ڵ  VENDO / VENDE /VENTA / VENDU' sign ֽϴ. ȭ ͼ ̶ ġε ̰ 'SALE'̶ ΰ . ׷ ֵ ϵ 縦 Ϸ 籹κ 'Ҹ㰡' ޾ƾ մϴ. ׷ TAX ŵ ʰھ? 㰡 vendor permit մϴ. Ϲ̿ մ ֵ Ѱ ݵ Խϰ Ǿ ִ ִµ, Ȥû ŵ е ѹ . 밳 cashier, ׸ picture frame()ӿ ֽϴ. ij Ÿ 쿣 Ǫϰ μ ũ ǥ . "Oh, that's a vender permit!" Ҹ 谡 Ѵ Ͽ vending machine Ǿϴ. , DZ°̰ 츮 ű⼭ ĿǸ ̾ƴ ʴϴ. (츮 ɵ ̰,ø鵵 ̰, Ŀǵ ̰, ׸ ̴´ٰ ?) 'hey, what?' '! ?' ģ rude word( ) ˴ϴ. Hey ϰ Hi ϰ ȥϸ ūϳ. favor: ģ, ȣ, ģ ϴ, ϴ. favorite: / . That;s my favorite dish (װ ϴ 丮.)My favorite one is this one. (̰ ϴ ſ.), ̷ Ͽ vend ֺ ܾ ˾ƺҽϴ. vend ַμҸŸ ǹѴٰ ߴµ, Ϲδ Ҹ, ҸŻ retail, retailerմϴ. ׷ٸ װ , Ż ˰ Ѿ ڱ. մϴ. whole(ü)̶ ־ wholesale, wholesaler . *׷ Ҹž Ϸ space ' ' ?̶ Ϲ̿ 'lease' ϴ. 'LEASE' ٿ ֽϴ. ̳ °쿡 'RENT' . Ϲε lease rent ͼϿڵ , 繫ǰ, , ǰ lease rentشپϴ. lease : Ӵ, Ӵϴ. ϴ 繫ǰ̸鼭 ϱ⿡ һӴ, ̶ ҷٰ ġ ̸  copy machine leaseϴ ͵ . ׸ ¼ ѹ ̺Ʈ musical instrument(DZ), ī޶ , ׸ carpetûұ ʴ ʿ䰡 ϱ rent մϴ. ׷ ׷ ͵鸸 ִ ϴȸ鵵 ֽϴ. * ׷ '' ǹ̷ lease ƴ ٸ  ±. 'TO LET' to let rent, Ӵϴٶ Դϴ. 'let' ̶ ' ٿ ̱.... ' ϴ . 'let' Old Englishŵ.  ī . Kenya to let մϴ. 츮 'Ӵ' ̴ , 츮 ' ϴ' ̴ 츦 ϸ ̴ϴ. ڵ ھԴϴٸ, ! ѹ ... Ӵ ' ڰ? д ǹݾƿ. Ӵ ϰ谡 ִٴ . , ̹ lease / to let , spacedp ؼ ˾ƺ սô. * "Be your own boss!" ̱ 迡 ϸ 츮 ѱ ̱ ̹ Ҽ  ϴ ֽϴ. ɻ ؿ ϴ ü̶󻡸' ڸϿ my own business ´ٴ ̴ϴ. ѱ ȭ' ؼ 츮 ϱ⵵, '' ƴ϶ մϴ. , ϴٴ ʽϱ?Ϲ̷ ̹ο ȵǴ ѱ , 밨ϰ ȹϰ Ҹ Ϸ ٴ 󸶰 ٷ leaseϷ ϴ sizeε, װ sq,ft.(square feet, ft) ǥõǾ ִ. Դϴ. '-' . '̰ ü 󸶸 ̶ ΰ... ?' ̳ Ҿ ó ̻ ! Դٰ lease ߿Ѱ rent(Ӵ)ε, landlord(ǹ) sq. ft. ϳ⿡$18 $20 , ׸ װ δ δ square feet 󸶳ϰھ? ׷ realtor(ε ߰) Բ Ӿ˾ƺ ٴϴٺ . 󸶰 ͼڱ. ̷ lease ϰ to let ϰ ʴ ͼ 밨ϰ ο ڱ ϱ 츮 ѱε Ӹ ϴ. â 鵵'golden hand shake'() , small&medium sizedbusiness owner()μ ̿ ڱ ִ± δ η 𸨴ϴ. Ư INFü Ȳ 뷮 ° ηη ̹ ϰų »鿡Դ ϰ ٰ ̱⵵ ϴ. * ̱, ij ̴ ... . ̴ , Ư ȸ ̴ income()θ ڸ ϴ. Ư ȸ ⿡ 'Ƽ(!?)' ̿ fat job̶ . Ϲ̿ bonus ޾ ̴ϴ. ޶(޶޶ : rather shaky)޻! ȸ簡 ڰ ڰ % س ִ ѱ bouns? , ׷ (ѱ) ֽϱ? װ bonus ƴ. ᱹ ϳ ִ°. , ڿ Ҹ ̴ϴ. ʽ ÷ ޴° . ̷ ⿡ ڶ 翡۰ ũ my won businessϴ Ĵٺ. ׷ б ģ ̰ â Ѵٰ ϸ ο grant() شϴ.'̷ 'ϴ bosseh . ȸκ ޴½Ʈ ׾߸ 'golden hand shake'() 󸶳 ϱ? ؼ ڸ , help Ͽ ð ϰ Ǹ ٸ ٰ . grant : , , ,(ϴ ) ִ. ϴ, (Ű µ)ϴ. I grant that you are right so far. grantor : grant ִ , 絵. grantee : grant ޴ , . * " ̶ ⸸ Ѱ?" my own business ϴ Ե paper work(), taxó, ο ü Ÿٵ ϴ ̷ headache(ġ) . ׸ , Ը ?  ȵǾ bankrupt(Ļ) 쵵 ʰھ.? λ ؿ ̴ϱ. ׷ ڱ âǷ λ ٷ ٴ . ġ ٴ ̴ϴ. bankrupt 迡bankrupt bank + rupt + Ļ, Ļ. interrupt ߰ + ѹ, ϴ May I interrupt you?Ƿմϴ.( ) erupt ex-() + (ȭ, õ )ϴ disrupt :( )رŰ. пŰ, Ŀϴ The rioters tried to disrupt the assbngly, riot : , ҿ, ߴܹ, ~ Ű. * rioter: ,assenbly: ȸ, ȸ corrupt: , , нŰ, , Ÿϴ,corrupter: ְų ޴ , ġ / corruption: ż, , Ÿ, The police force must be keptfree from corruption. (翬 , ׷ ϴ Ѹ ȴٰ ) ?The love of money is the root of all evil. vend vending machine ⸦ϴٰ ܾ/̾߱ Ա. 17. Կ (?) 츮 󿡴 '' ȹ , ׸ /ָӴϰ ϴ '۰' ֽϴ. , Ư North Americaǵ׿ ۰ ϴ store . װ 츮 ٲٰ ʹٸ鱸۰Զ ص ǰ, Ը Ϲ 츮 ۰ϰº񱳵 ŭ ũ  ĵ ٸϴ. super marketٴ ξ Դϴ. Ϲ super market ̶ ϸ Ը û ũ. ׷ ׷ super market鵵 ġ ڱ鳢 ϱ , ǰ £ ״θϱ⵵ մϴ. ο̴ . ٷѱ ȸ ۰Ե ϴ ο Ե, ̸ ̶ ϴ ܳµ, ٷ Ϲ ۰Կ 尡 Դϴ. ̷ ۰Ե ǹϴ ֽϴ. convenience store, variety store, smoke store, grocery store, tuck shop,׸ 幰 corner store մϴ. 1). convenience , ,̶ , Ƹ ׷ · ѱ ҵ ״ Ͽ ̶ ˴ϴ. ׿ ٸ 밳 11 . Canada gas bar() ұԸ store ܿ 24ð ʽϴ. ׷ غ ð شϴ help(er)ΰǺ ʱ ̰, ٵ Դ ޽ ߿ϱ Դϴ. (, doughnut shop 밳 24ð openմϴ. helper ַ part-time jobϴ ) ׷ convenience ۵Ǵ , convenient : It is convenient to go by subway in rush heour in Seoul. I want you to meet at your convenient time personally. convenient () to come together, to fit ƾ Դϴ. ' ϰ, ϰ' ׷ ؼ ӵ ߰?convene: ( ȸ ) . ׷convention: ( ) ȸ,ȸ ְ, ׷ ʳ , ߿. convention ׷ ǹ̵ ֽϴ. National convention: ̱ ȸ. ׷ ؼ Ǵ뵵ÿ convention center ִµ, ij Toronto 迡 554m CN Tower Metro convention center ֽϴ. ⼭ ', ȸ' .(cente ǥ, CN Canada National öȸ) ̶ ǹ , ܾ θ in- +ϸ inconvention: . inconvenience : , ġ, ׸ in- un_ +ϸunconvenience: ʴ, ο,2) variety store variety ƾ various (, ȭִ) . variety : پ, پ, . variety is the of life, پ缺 Ȱ (Ȱ),׷ , 뷡,  پϰ شٴ ǹ variety show ź. variety store ״ ȭ̶ Դϴ. װ grocery(ǰ), hardware(ö) ̸ ׾߸ ȭ ϱ Դϴ. ܾ տ vari- ϴ', ̰ پϰ ȭ ΰ ' ϰ ϸ Ʋϴ, ϰ ˰ Դٸ ̷ variety ܾ ⼭ Ȯ . vared: ȭ ִ, ,variable: ϱ , . variance: ȭ, ġ-the varance of temperature (µ ȭ)variation: (, )ȭ, ְ(ϳ λ , , ȭ ȭ ǰ)Variety store' is a store that sells a large variety of low-oriced goods in NorthAmerica. 3). , ׷ ? , ó ưô. ¾, smoke store. ̰ ̾߱ ʿ䵵 ƴұ?smoke--, ھ.? ! Ѹ ' ', store storee 踦. װ ̵ ֿ Կ̱⵵ մϴ. North America. ʰ ׾߸ ҸŻ ' '. ġ ϸ ˴ϴ. '׷ٰ ؼ ΰ Ⱦ ѷ?' ȵ. ݿ Ѱ谡 customer(, մ) ݿ , 1Ʈ ص '̰Դ Ա... ' ϴ λ ް ߱ ʻԴϴ, ׷ ⸦ ϴ ִ ϴ Ĵ λ մϴ. 4 ¥ ũ ̴ . ΰ ޴ Զ ٸǵ θ ϴ ϱ. ̷ 'my own business' Ⱑ . 'Whew-!' smoke: . ⸦ , . smoked oyster(): ( ׽ , )smoke detector: (, 繫õ忡 ޷?) ȭ Ž. detect: ( ) ãƳ. detector: detect ϴ , . * â () ο ø rader detector .? cruiser()ڱ Ͽ rader Ƿ ϴ  ũ⸸ detectorϴ. װ ϴ ̱ κ ֿ legal(չ)̰ ij illegal(ҹ)Դϴ. ׷ Canadianijٿ glove compartment( )ӿ ְ ٴϴٰ̱border() Ѿ ϸ '󾾱' ϰ װ ä(ϰ?)޸. ̷ ұ...? ׷ ̱ ,They were not bdrn yesterday. ٺ ƴϴ. ̴̰ϴ. ׵׵ ־ rader ƿ ִٰ 'Ŵ!' rader Ѱ Ÿϱ ׶ rader detector "BEEP,BEEP!"(߻) Ҹ ̹ 'Too late!' ó 찡 . ׷ ǰپ.?  DZ? ְ ڸ ٷ ٰŰ , "May I see your driver's licence and vehicle registration caed please?" ֽDZ?( ̹ ۷) ׷ -speeding ticket - fine() , ̱ ȿ Canadian ܱ ̴ϱdemerit point() ȸ. * demerit point insurance premium() '!'smoking: ⸦ , ǿ' No smoking'(ݿ)merit: , , , ( ) ϴ, ⿡ ǹ de- 'demerit'. demerit: , ( ̳ ), smoking gun: 츮 Ӵ 'ƴ ҿ ? Դϴ. ô ô븦 . ̱ٿ (gun)ȭ 'smoking gun' 'ƴ ҿ ?' ¾ Դϴ. Ȯ Ÿ ׷ ǥ. ̷ ǥ ֽϴ. 'He was caught red-handed.' ״忡 .(տ ǰ ְھ?) 1997ħߴٰ 볭 spy submarine() ȣǰ ķ̳Դµ ƴ϶ ܴ ׷ ڽϴ. smoke: Ⱑ , Ⱑ ڿ. 1926⿡ , Great SmokeMountains() ϴ ̱ national park ֽϴ. ߺ Tennesseeֿ North Carolineֿ ִ ε, 츮 2,025m. ϸϰ ̶ ڵ Ÿ 鼭Ź Ʈ ġ . ̰ Chetokee ̱ Chryslerα ִ jeep ̸̱⵵ մϴ. ! 츮 Ըθ ؼ ϴ ̾? 4) Ը grocery store θ 쵵 ϴ. grocer½ķǰ, grocery 'ķǰ Ǹ, ķǰ + ȭ', 'ķǰ' ̶¶Դϴ. store bread ķǰ ȱ . ̸ 'Grocery' ̴ 年ϴ. ׷ ϳãƴٰ Ǿ . 5) , tuck shop, apartment office building variety shop մϴ. office building tuck shop ð ߾ ݴ ֽϴ.(~ ?) 18. ȭ ̸ 'ó׸' "Why don't you look around for movie theaters in Korea which have the word'cinema?" 켱 'ó׸'  츮 ȭ DZ? '׻ ó׸, ó׸, Ͽ콺, ó׸,ž ó׸, ׸ õ, û ó׸... ' ܿ ټ. Ϻ' Yuraku()(ó׸) ̷ ̸ ȭ ִ. ϰԵ ô븦 Žö󰡼- ص Ȱ ̶ ־ϴ. 'Ȱϴ, ̴ ' ̶ ȭ(movie) ̸̾. "What your point there?" Ϸ ٽ ? , 'Ȱ', 'δ' ̹ ̾߱ ٽԴϴ. ó׸ ϰ ¼ Ű׸ . û㵿 ο Ű׸ ְ1960 ʿ Ű׸(, ī ) ȭ ־ϴ. ׸ ָ Ž ö ȭ â 1940 Ϻ Tokyo ̹'Shochiku() Ű׸ ' ȭ ۻ簡 ־, 'Toho() Ű׸ ','Kyokuto(ص) Ű׸' Ȱ ϰ ־ϴ. (ڰ ... Ϻ 'Ȱ' â 'Ű׸'  質 θ . ,)kimena ϰ cinema Դϴ. kine- . ߿ kine- ׸ to movie, δ. ''̶ ٴ , Ϲ̿ '̴ ' ȭ motion picture մϴ. movie ? 浵 δٴ Դϴ. ׷ϱ 'Ȱ' ̶ cinema/kinema/motion picture/movie ھ . (movie moving picture ظԴϴ.)  ƾ質 CINE. CINEMA ȭ ֽϴ. 'δ' cinema/kinema ܾ ĻǾ wide screen 'Cinema Scope' , ÿ 3 ⸦ Ͽü ִ 'Cinerama' ǥó, Ϲ ܾ Ǵٽ ȭ ܿ ܾ ̷ ֽϴ. κ 츮 Ȱ 谡 м ̱ Դϴ. ׷ ˰ Ѿô. kinematograph + graph(ϴ) * Ȱ Կ. cinematofraph. *kinematograph :  kinetic / sculpture : , ̿ѿ̴ , ٸ kineticism. Paris ǵ ; м Stockholm ̼, ̱ U. S capitol(ȸǻ) Sculpture Garden() ̴ ǰ, kinetic art '' Ÿ鼭 ü ֽϴ. Ϲ , 2 ȸȭ ǰ ޸ kinetic art 3 ǰٰ ð Ͽ ̸ ݴϴ. ׷ ǰ kineticartist ̵ ź!!! * to ô ο ܾ ȭ ij  𵨸 ̰ ϴ¹ , 谡 μ ° ս ó ½ϴ. ̰ ȭ 'kinemination'(kinema + animation)̶ մϴ. animation ˴ٽ ,׷ ȭ ȭ . kinema ǹ̸ ̷ ó ܾǶ ˾Ƴ - . 谨 ʽϱ?cinematograph: (motion-picture projector), ȭ Կ(motion-picturecamera). ȭ Կϴ cineprojector: cine- ٰ ' ϸ(philharmonic. Ǵ, ȣ) ̶ , love ǹ phil- + ϸ - cinephile(Ǿȣ) ܾ տ cine- kine- ŵ ġ ', ̰ ̶ ǹ̰ ̰ڱ' ϰ غ. Ư cine- 'ȭ , kine- '' ؼϸ Ʋϴ. , Ǽϱ ϳ 'cinerarium 谡 ϴ. '' Ÿ -arium ȴٰ ؼ ̰ 'ȭϴ - ' Ѱ¤ ū, ֳ? cinerarium ٷ Ѱ Դٰ Ⱦ -arium()̱ Դϴ. cinerarium ٷ ''̶ ̰ŵ. ֳı? cine- ƾ ', ash' ̴Ͽ. ׷cinerrium̶ ϵ Ǵ? װǾƴ. Ϲ̿ funeral home(ǻ)鵵 ü ش, cinerarium ϴ flier( ε )eh ι޵ǰŵ. Ʒ ϴ. ᱹ ̴ϴ. , ư Ǿȵƽϴٸ ȭ Ͻ cinerarium() ̿ ֽñٶϴ. ̷ ֽϴ. Ͻ Ư ʴϴ. 19. , plaze()  ! ׷. ⿡ θ Ϲ Ȱ  . ij1 Toronto η 鼭 YongeStreet 1 L Ontarioտ ֽϴ. ⿡ Ͽ 45km Oakridges ϴ town ִµ, ȣ ִ ѱ 鵵 ϴ. ׳ ׷ ׿ plaze(밳 ) ִµ ߿ 2 'Oakridges Plaze' ϴ ǹ ֽϴ. 'L - shape'( L) ū plazeε Health Centre, Family Physicians,Chiropractor, Optometrist, Dentist, TD Bank, and Real Estatr & insurance. 7 ̾߱⸦ Ϸ ص Ƹ ̴ϴ. ű⼭ ֿ ִ , ׸ ǿ ܾ 󸶵 ' ' ״ϱ- * Health Centre ٵ ƴ ״ϱ ٸ ҵ . healthcenter(center , ijٽ ǥ) health clupϰ ٸ ̴ϴ. ׸ doctor office ִ . ̱, ijٿ ~ǿ office մϴ. ׷ ġ dental office ? ׷ϱ ̰Health Centre о ǻ clinice ִ°Դϴ. * Family Physicians ? physician ǻ ̴ϱ ڱ״ home doctor office ̰ ִٴ Դϴ. doctor¸ physician Ȯ ܾ . physio- natureõ̶ ׸ Դϴ. 'ڿ' ° ͵̷ 谡 ݾƿ. ӿ ְ, ׹ ü ϰ ִ ü ΰ medical scienci(),physics() й ֽϴ. ġ øڴ ƴ϶, ׸ε غ ʽϱ? ڿ ӿ ¾ ΰ, ġ൵ ڿ ٺã´. , , ׷ 'the Father of Medicine' Ǽ,Hipporates"(460? - 377 B,C. ׸̱.) physic: , Ǿ(medicine), ϴ, ġϴ physics: (* ܾ s ϳ Ϳ ) , physical: ڿ. , ü, ü˻. physical suffering (ü ) ϱ ڰ ܾ - physiognomy physo + gnomy(toknow, Ǵܼ) '繰 ǴѴ- * λ, physiology: , physo + logy ϱ - ̱, ij family physician/-doctor 츮 ѱ Ϲλϴ 'ǻ' ϰ ޶ ʹ ޶, ѱ Ͽ Ϲ̷ » ̰ ٰ ұ? doctor ϴ office 츮 '繫'̾ ׾߸ ҵ ʽϴ. p ϴµ ô(?)gkrh ô(?) prescription(ó)̳ ־ ౹ ԰ ϵ, Ǵ special doctor()Ժ Ұ ݴϴ. ѱ ̹ ̷ ǻ縦 ó ϴ ̸ '̰, ư appointment() ϰ ⲯ Դµ ̷ ý? ϴ . 츮 ǻ簰 ", ñ! ǫ " ϰprescription Ἥregisterd nurse(ȣ) ָ ڸ ڱ 忡 ִ ġ Ͽ ְ, ȣ ֻ 'ٿ!' ְ ೻ָ鼭 ޴ ׷ ̶ ϴ.( Ƿ ȭ ٸͻԴϴ) ij Ƿ ġ ϰ , ο citizen(ùα) permanent resident / landed immigrant(ֱ) ߱ ǷẸȣ(OHLP card) ִµ װɷ ! δմϴ. ⾿Կϵ . ģ 5̶簡 ϴ coma(ǽ ) ִٰ ϴ. ' ȿ ٴµ ij ȿڵ ... ' (ε ϴ )(, ̱ ֱڴ resident alien ȭ ׳ alien̶ մϴ) ̾߱Ⱑ ε ߽ 󿡼 к, Ƿŭ δ̴. б ü · ׷ ϴ. , ٴ ޾ƾ ġḦ ޴´ٵ, ׷ װ ȴٵ ϴ ϸ ʰھ? ̷ ij Ƿ å ̱ε鵵 ηϴ , ׷ ̱ ijٿ ư Ѵٴ±. , - .? * Chiropractor - ̰? ܾ, ô ? ", ̷ ˾Ƶ ڴ!" ۽, ׷? ̷ ũԻ ٿ sign̴ Ϲε鿡 ʿ ƴұ? ˰ , Ư 70% sign 谡 ִٰմϴ. ׷ ˾ ־. chiro - ׸ hand Դϴ. ű⿡ + rpactice() ǹ̴ϱ Ѵ- chiropractic : ô * chiropractor ô ġ. ׷ϴ. ѱ ⺻ ܾ Ƿ chiropractic ˱¾ ̴ϴ. ڴ ܾ ijٿ ͼ ˰ Ǿµ, ˰ ۿ chiropractic̶ sign office ׸ ְŵ. 翡 㸮 ? ڵ鵵. ڿ ɾ ϴ 繫 . 뵿ڵ. back pain(㸮 ) δ 󸶳 . ڱ⵵ 𸣴 㸮 S- shape ְ, °, ׷ ٸ ̿, ߿ ˻ ٸ ª ˰ ̸... [̷ ? ֳ? baack bone / spine(ô) ޴ chiropractor(ô߱ ) chiropractic(ô߱) ޴ 1/2 δ̰ŵ] ̷ , ˾Ƶθ . low back problems / pain: Ʒκ 㸮 . pain between shoulder: ߰ . sever pain: . stabbing pain: . throbbing pain: ŰŸ , shooting pain: ø ,sharp pain: . ׷ (?)Ե chiro- ۵Ǵ ܾ߿ chiro-practic ܿ 츮 ׸ ܾ ϴ. ٸ, ', chiro- ̶ ̷?' ϴ ͸ ˸ ˴ϴ. ׸ Ȥ ܾ Ѱ¤ ̴ϴ. chirographer, chirography ܾ . chirographer chiro + graph(to write ) + er - ' ?' ̶ ü ̰ھ? . chirography ̰, , Ϲ calligraphy մϴ. calligrapher Դϴ. ׷ calligraphy ü ߿Ʒ , 츮 ڸ ü մϴ. ׷ϱ 5 ü , ؼ, ༭, ʼ ߿ 긲ü ʼ calligraphy ϸ O.K. ⼭ calli- Ƹ, . ʱü cursive. ijٿ greade3 (ʵ3)cursive , Ŀ ۾ ޽ϴ. ƹ ǻ ô ص ׵ б ۾ ⸦ Ʒù޽ϴ. ׷  ̶ ص ε ۾ ٸϴ. . ǰ ٸϴ. "What's the next sign?"It's a optometrist's office optio- ׸ ٴ Դϴ ', ͵ ˴ٱ׸ ƴϸ ƾ ̱... .' װ ׷ϴ. ؼ Ư ִ ϼ ׷. Ư ܿ׸ ϴ. װ ᱹ ׸ 󸶳 ǹϴ ̴ϴ. ׸ ⿡. ׷ ". ̰ Ҹ 𸣰ڳ" "Ir's Greek to me" ǥϱ⵵ մϴ. ѱε ڸ ȴٰ ص ѹθ å ھ? ̰Ͱ ̴ϴ. , Greece տ ׷ ϸ? ȵǰ. ׷ , "It's Chinese tome". , plaza 2 鿡 ִ * optometrist sign غô. opt- --÷ ̶ ߽ϴ. ׷ opti- ô. 'emtrist' , -ist ޷ϱ ' ~ϴ ' ̰? ׷ װ͵ ô. ׷ metr(e), metermeter meter', 跮. ͷ 跮ϴ' optometrist opt(÷)+meter()ist * ˾Ȼ, ÷°. Ȱ߱ ÷ ִoptometrist ݵ ó opticalcompany (Ȱ) ְ . optometrist(˾Ȼ)ϰ optical company ϰ mutualism / symbiosis(0 ϴ 迩 밳 ǹ ִ 찡ϴ. mutual : , , ȣ. mutual fund : Ź ǰ ϳ (ó κ ϰ ִ investment fund, , Ѵٴ ǹ̿ϴ. װ ǥϿ 'ڱ ' ŹѴٴ ǹ̷ mutual fund Ǿ. ѱ1998⿡ ԵǾϴ.) * ̶ symbiosis sym(Բ) + bio() optometrist meter ? , ̹ -meter ãƺ? barometer: а baro- weight() '' ̶ ϴ. speedometer: ӵ soeed + o + meter( o ϱ ϱ ) thermometer: µ thmoer ̶ ε. thermo ϴ ȭ ̱. ׷ϱ 츮 ⸦ Ͽ thermoν۵Ǵ ܾ - ̶ ٿ . ѿ pollution()տ thermo پ ִ? ׾ ƴϰھ?thermal pollution : nuclear power plant / station(ڷ ) (: )metric: ͹. 跮. metric symbols: m, cm, mm, km, kg, mg... metronome: , Ʈο(nome law, ̶ )* dentist . ̰ ? ٵ ƴ ܾϱ. dent ̶̻ ̴ϱ 翬 dentist ġ ǻ. dental office ġ ǿ. ׷ last name߿ '̻ ִϴ. Ƹ 12 -13 last name  ߿ ̹ϳ Ͻ ̴ Դϴ. ׷ Mr. / Mrs. Dent . ' Mr. / Mrs. Jaws( ̻) ׸ ǹ ٻ ڸ ġ (̻) ִµ ׶ dent¸ ֽϴ. װ dentation̶ ϰŵ. ̾߱Ⱑ 迡 , ε鷹 ϰԿ? ̸ ε鷹 ٺ鼭 ̻ ٰ ̿. ׷ dandelion(dan, de. lion)̶ մϴ. δ dent-de-lion(tooth of lion)̶ . ׸ 츮 󿡼 ϳ, ¹ ִ â ε ̻ 3 ޸ â ߴtri(3) + dent(̻)trident(â) Ѵϴ. ߿ trident ø ִµ, װ ٷ ׸ ȭ ؽ Poseidon̿. θ ȭ Neptune. δ մ ʴϴ. , 翡 trident spear(â) ٴ ַ ⸦ ۻ 뵵 Ͱϴ. ( ڹ ׷ trident ) 츮 ׾ ø , dent 3(tri-)ִ â/ۻ̶߹ Ⱑ ʰھ? ׷ ؽŵ ܶ θ鼭' ' trident ־ ƴѰ ˴ϴ. ׷ ޹ħ ϴ ϳ, ' ߿ ' ڷε, ƴѰ ƴ϶ ̱ nuclear-powered submarine(ڷ ) ̸ 'Tridentȣ' ִ Դϴ. * " T.D. Bank. " TD Bank Toronto Dominion Bank Դϴ. ôٽ symbolcolor green. , bkack & whiteε green Ƴ?(׳green̶ ġ) ׷ Torontonian( ) TDBank card ׳ Green Card մϴ. (* ̱ ֱ green card ) "If you have a Green Card youcan withdraw over 500 dollers from this wicket." TD ī尡 ø(tellerâ ִ) â(wicket) ̿Ͽ$500̻ ϽǼ ֽϴ.) [ : porsaonal touching bank( ڵ )δ $500 ) *׷ ̸ Dominion ϱ? ̿ ռ ѹ ô. ̰ Ҹ ƴѰ? '̳ '̶簡 '̴ī ȭ' , ̸ '̴ũ' , last nameμ Dominmc, ư ܾμ dominate(ϴ)  . dominion , , ġ,⼭ ư ġ , Canada 浵 ֽϴ. ô ̾߱Դϴٸ- cominate: ϴ. (ֺ) Ѱ ,comination: , ,Dominica: ̸ the Dominican Requblic: ε ִ ׸ ̱,ij O ޾ 40% ij ̶赵 ֽϴ. * ʿ ִ Commonwealth of Dominica(̴ī ) ׸ ֽϴ. ȥ ־ ϴ ̾߱Դϴ. ̷ ν ¾ Ʒ plam tree(ڳ) 췯ũ ĥ ǹ ִµ, ̰ ٷ Ĺ Ư¡Դϴ. domino(es) : ̳ . ߱ ۰ ϰ и ϴ Żƽ ̶ ϸ . dice(ֻ) ۵Ǿٰ մϴ. źδԵ ܿö̸ ڿ ΰ ޸ Ծϴ. Ƹ ߼ ׸ ſ. dominoϸ, domino(es) ٷ ⼭ Դϴ. domino effect :̳ ȿ(Ѱ ߻ϸ Ͼȿ) , * Real Estate & Insurance Դϴ. Insurance '' ̴ϱ ˰ڴµ real estate ? real '¥' ٵ. -½ϴ. ׷? 밳 real~ ϸ '¥' θ ˰ ׳ . ε ׸ ִµ. (ڵ Canada ͼ ˰ ƽϴ) estate¼, . ̶ ̿. ׷ϱ real estate ε real estate agent 'ε ߰. (翡 ָӴϵ ')' (estate state ? ׷ . ̴̰ϱ.) ׷ϱ Real Estate &Insurance ε ̾. 20. ' ' SALE? õ ̵ Ƚ sign ִ ȣ. ̷ ٲ۴ٸ Ƹ ٿ ? ٵ ׷ nuance  ְ, ' ׳ ݾ?' ּ ? '' ̶ ̷ today ƴϰ this evening Ǿ߰? 밳 ϰ evening ôϱ. δ ȵǴ ϰ ٲ ?This evening, for some reason I just can't pass this bar/pub. Ifell like driaking. ̷ ޾Ƽ (~ ) Toronto North York Ư ѱл, ܳ , ' ' µ ... εǺ е ְ, ƹ ȵǰڴ ٽ ڿ '1000 Ŀ-' ٿ.(׷ ' ... ' ٸ ҷ ٲ.) ' ' ̶?'Under receivership'(in bankruptcy) , ̷ ϸ װ д ܱε ϰڴ° ̷ sign ʿ 𸣰ڴ.(Our prices are toooooooooo low. ʹ μ)( ' ~ ' ' ' ̷ ⸦ t-echnicallingoϴµ ̷ ȵ. ϴ ̴ϴ.)' ġ 糪 ұ? (Maybe I should throw away the whole thing and open my own business?)ϸ ̷ ϴ 鵵 'Running my won business?' ̰ 󸶳 ǵ. £ ´ٴ 󸶳 ɰ ε. ƹ ɷ ־ ū ȸ縦 ߴ ̶ ص ޸ ޾ ownerǾ ̴ϴ. ׷ ϰ ׾߸ չ Ǿ Ӽå Ǵ 찡 󸶵 ϱ. ڴ (conglomerate) Ѽ(chairman)κ corner store owner, 濩ֶ ϴ ٶ󺾴ϴ. Ư ̹οͼ my own business ִ Ĵٺϴ. " What a long line up!" What a long line up, and it's a very cold morning. ߿ ħ ̾? 'Saturday, March 2' ijٿ Ÿִ ܿε - , տ ̷ ? ҽ ̸ ħε ϱ? LIQUIDATION PRICES! sing ̳? liquidation /Ļ̶ , ȸ簡 ݰ Ǿ ̷ 'û' Ѵٰ ٿ. Ÿ ٰ 쿬 װ ڵ ó ȸ簡 ϴ ˰ '?" ߾ϴ. ȸ, ٽ ǹ մϴ. ׷ Toronto ױ satellite city() ġ, DZ⸦ ġ, DZ ȸ Cosmo Music Warehouse ' 𸣴 (Ƹ) ̴ϴ. '׷ϴٴ .... ? ȸ/ liquidation saleմϴ. Ǭ̶ ݿ /û ϴ°. ׳ ٷȴٰ ġϴ. ϰ Ǿ ̶ ڴٰ ϴ ǵ, "䶧" ϰ ްܵٴ! ʰ ....  , The police officer was hired for crowd control. ٹ ϰ Ѵٱ? ƴ, о. The off duty police offcer oftenget extra income working after hours. , ( )ϴ ... ׷׷. ϸ Ű ִٰ 10 10 鿩 մϴ. Ǵ 濪 . Ư Ϲ̿ ߱ й ȥǷο Ա parking lot() ϴ. Ƿο ׵ źθ ٽ ϰŵ. ( װ 𸣰ھ?) *ߵǴ DZ Liquidation Sale? ׷ Ŀ ϱ DZ ϴ ƴϾϴ. е sign ٽ . 質. liquidation prices on everythingin stock' ׷ϱ ǰ ִ Ѹ Ѵ. - Ҹ. ׷ ϱ DZ ų 3ʸ liquidation Sale ϴ. wise shopper/smart shopper( )efm ˰ Ƽٰ ׳ ִٰ . ׷ (long line up)̶ϴ. liquid ü, ü, , clear ? liquid oxygen(ü )liquid propekkant rocket(ü )׷ ִ liquidation û̶ ǹϰ ¾ƶ±. liquidate :(Ļ ) ûϴ. liquidation : û, . (ä ) ٽ, DZ ȸ sign ô. 'Cosmo Music Warehouse'cosmos Greece . ȭ Դϴ. 'ڽ' ̸ ֽϴٸ װ ɸ ', ȭ' . cosmos ̸ ~ ƴ϶ ! ׷ Russia 縦 kosmonaut(cosmonaut) . , ̱ astronautմϴ, astro() + naut(ػ) ö polis + Ͽ cosmopolis ~ ϸ ð DZ. sign ܺ warehouseԴϴ. Ϲ̿ ̾ ̰ŵ. ׷ ijҽϴ. warehouse ware software ؼ 츮 ̹ ͼ . ware ǰ̶ Դϴ. hardware store ö. porcelain ware: ڱ kitchen ware : ֹǰ ǻ harcware/software iron ware, silver ware, tin ware. stong ware, china ware(ڱ ), japan ware(ĥ)... .ware house ū â, Ż̶ . ׷ ware house ҰŶ ?"ǰ϶ ˸̸" ijٿ 'NO FRILLS' ϴ super market ֽϴ. ⼭¹ plastic bag( ) ־ . NO frill ǹ̴ ׷ Ѹ(frill) (NO)˸̸ ΰ Ǵٴ Դϴ. No frills: ÷ ̼. ɸ ϳ NO FRILLS! ϵ ȭ ϶ ʿ. ˸̸ θ ٴ Ƽ ware house , ٲ ׾ Ҹ ȭ, Ǵ ұԸ . ϸ 1999 130 縦 ij ȭ Eaton's1990 ̷ ȴٰ, 1997 3 ʹ Ļ ⸦ ´ 1999 9, ᱹ ݰ Ұڽϱ. ij ǾMr. Eation Eaton's 1994⿡ â 125ֳ ǥԴ ȭԴϴ. Consumers are becoming smart shoppers. (Һڵ ʹ ̾... ) "Ļ!!" liquidation sale ۵ ̾߱ϱ, Ļ ?Ļ bankruptcy մϴ. credit 簡 ö Ϲ ȸ credit Űŵ. ֹε(I.D card) ȸ̱⿡ ׷ ϵ ̱, ij õ ! "TAP! TAP! TAP!" ϰ keyboard ġ Ҹ ݹ °ɿ! "Uh - oh, this manhas bankruptcy record." (, Ļ ֱ.) bankrupt: Ļ, Ļ Ű. Because of his management, Chol-hee went bankrupt. 濵 ̼ ö Ļߴ. bankrupt bank- ? rupture: Ŀ, ĿŰ. -rupt ζ ex- + ϸ? (exrupt ~ϸ ϱ x .) erupt: (, )վ , Ű eruption: (ȭ), ( ) . " When did the colcano, Mt, Paekut-san, last erupt?" λ ȭ ? According to hisstory, the last eruption of Mt. Paektu-san, was in 1702. ̷ban-kruptcy Ǵ real estate(ε) Ⱦƾ 쿣 rea-l estate agent(߰) dz 'For Sale' sign . ? Ⱦƾ߰ڴµ Ⱑ recession(Ȳ)̶ ȸ ޵ ʴ´, ̷ ', ' ο sign ̴ϴ. 'Reduced!' (  簡!) , DZ? ׷鼭 Ÿ ٸ offer(󸶿 ڴٴ û) ´... 'Oh my! We absolutely have no choice!'(浵 !)* "Ŀ ̶.... ," ׷ 쿡 'power of sale' ϱ⵵ . ̰ Ĵ°̴ϴ. ׷, ׷ ȸ? ϱ ȸreal estate(ε) ִٸ ̴̰. A pretext is never wanting. pretext: , ΰ. wanting: ,Ῡ, , ڶ, ῩǾ 츮 Ӵ ٲٸ'ΰ ϶.' ׷ϱ ̱, ijٸ Ͻôٰ Powerof Sale̶ sign ŵ ', ׷' ϰ ϸ ǰ? ̰ 𸣴 : ", Ͽ Ǹΰ ?" 𸣴 : ", ׷!" 21. ̰ '߶' ÿ London ߽ɰ, ǹ sign ҽϴ. ǹ ( ǹ̶ ϳ Ÿϱ)renovation()ϴ̾µ, ׷ 쿣 ӽ÷ plywood() ѷ . ׷ ַ poster ̷ ٴϴ '󾾱' ϰذ ޷ͼ 踦 ϵ ٿ ϴ. װ ̸ڴٰ ¦ٰ sign ٿ Ҵµ, о ©ѳ ְ ִ. 켱 ѹ ô.( ?)warning̾ ... ,'Control of Advertisements Regulations 1984' 1984⿡ ȿ'ư Ծ' 'warning' Ѵٴ Ҹڰ. Billposting is prohibited on these premises and is punishable by a fine notexceeding 400 Ŀ 뿡 ̰ 6.25 ģ 뿡 '߶' ̾ ϰ ӿ ֽϴ. '߶' , ÷μ װ masscommunication ̾ϴ. ϸ Ⱑ (fart)(?) ߶ ٳϱ. ׷ ,  Ұ; ùε(?) װ Ѿ ٴϰ ߽ϴ. ױ⿣ ù̾˾ƾ Ƿ ־, װ ׷ İ ùε鿡 ޵Ǿ. Didn't they ahve newspapers, radios and TVs? ( 'Ź̴ ,TV ʾҴ' ?) ÿ ؼҼ ϴ ־, Ź ϴ ̾ŵ. TV? װ 1954 8 1, ۱ show window RCA20" ¥ 1밡 Ÿ 븩 ߽ϴ. ׶ , ߾... . ڷ ٷ balloon ̿Ͽ Ѹ 'ҿº' ־, dz ٵ ࿡ police box / station() Űϰ ׷. ׶ '' ̾ϴ. '߶' bill Ϻ ϰ ؼ ׷, ߶ ٷ billԴϴ. bill¿ ִµ - 켱, û . [receipt () ǹ̿ ϰԵ ϴ.bill ' ޾Ҵ' stamp'BAM!()' ָ װ . .] ׷ ûϱ⸦ billing ̶ մϴ. "Could you give me billing address,please?" û ?(û ּ ּ.) bill . money ׳ ̶ α ȿ coin, bill, bank, note(ǥ) Ե˴ϴ. 츮 ࿡ ž ã ִ ߿- Would you give me large bills?ױ ֽðڽϱ?($50, $100. ¥ bill ) ̾߱Ⱑ ε, capture(ȹ) ' ƾ ȴ' cash credit card check(ǥ) Ͽ ̶ . currence(ȭ),('' ̶ ֽϴ) ׸ bill (proposed law)̶ . bill Ǹ ׶ law() Ǵ ̴ϴ. The bill new taxes will be voted on by the Senate to day. vote: ǻ ǥ. ǥ, ǥ, ǥϴ. Senate: . the Upper House. Bill ٷ ⿡ Ѹ ߶Դϴ. '' sign ִ billposting(߶, ̱). ⼭ post ౸忡 goal post ֵ ̶ . posterϹ post ٿԱ⿡ +er Ͽ ׷ ̸ Ǿ. Ϲ ׸η ׸ ͸ տ ٿ Ƿ ηα ׷. Ƹ帮 ϱԽ̳ ӽ 㺮 , ׷ 뿡 η ׸. ȭ / poster غö,pro- ̸, before ̴ϱ  ̸ ´ٴ 濡-prohibit: ()ϴ, prohibition : . on this premises premises . ǹ, . () , ϴ. ׷ϱ Billposting is prohibited onthese pre-mises ' ǹ ̴ Ǿ ִ' , Ѹ ' ÿ', ׸ ֱ ϴ ҸԴϴ. (̷  ׳ ô ȴ.) (Billposting) is punishable by a finenot exceeding 400pound. ' ̸ 400 Ŀ ݿ ó ' *pound ' ' Ǵ ' 450g' ׷ fine , ϴٶ¶ ִ 𸣴 . 밳 'fine' ϸ " Hi, how are youtoday?" ϴ Ƿ λ縦 ޾ ׳ "Fine, and you?" ϰ θ ϱ. ', , . ϴ' θ˰ . ȿ , Ģ̶ 浵 ִ ()˾ҳ? ׷, fine ̶ ̶ traffice signѹ DZ? "Eeeeeeeeee ! I hate it, noooooooobody likes fines". * fine finance(, ) Դϴ. financing : , "Is financing available?"η ˴ϱ? financial : , Financial Concept Group(̱ ȸ ȣ) ڴ Finance Center IMF ߴ financial problem(ڱ ), ϰ ɾҴٴ±縦 Ź ֽϴ. ϱ Ǿ ־ head office() ʰ domino effect ٸ ȸ մ޾ ָ ϴ ٶ ׷ Ǿٰ ϴ. Ÿ Դϴ. ׷ٰ 1999⿡ ̸ '̳ " ¾̾ ϱ ܼ, ̳(finance) ϹȭǴ Ͽϴ. exceed Ѵ, ʰϴٶ . -ceed to go ¶̿. exceed ζ ex- ζ pro- + ϸ re + cede (-ceed ) recede(ϴ) ȴϴ. Toronto hardware store(ȭ, ö) տ ٿ sign. 'post nobills( ÿ)' ׷ Ƶ ƹ δϴ. ? ݵ ó ְ ̴ϱٿٰ ٷ Ҹ ְŵ. ׷, ƿ . ׷ ̶ 츮 ɰմϴ. 빮̰ Ʈ Ͱ ʰ sticker ٿ ʳ. Ǵ㺮 stencil ̸ soary ' ̻ ' ʳ .... ̷ Ÿ () ̰ ũ ġ ϱ. ׷ öϰ ϴ Ÿ ϴ. ó ϱϷ 󸶵 ִµ... fine ϰ ű ϸ 'financial problem(?)' ݹ ٵ. " Keep our townn be-autiful. " 22. ̵ ' ' . , 켱 billbdard ѹ DZ? GAP ... 1969⿡ ̱ San Francisco jean record ϸ open fashion store ̸ 'GAP'. [׵ generation gap ߾ store ̸ GAP̶߽ϴ. founder(â) Don Fisher.] , ׷ billbdard . GAP G AP̶ ? ڴ ó G AP̶ ? ؼ ü δٰ, ׷ ???Ͽ ڼ Ǿ, ׸ źϰ ҽϴ. ǵ 100%޼Ȱ.(̷ . ~ EYE-CATHER մϴ.) ƽôٽgap , Ÿ ƴ, (ӵ ) , ̶ ̰ ׷ ǰ 浵 . ̳ʴ GAP G AP 迭ν ܾ ǹ ƴ visual design (ð ) Դϴ. ׷ , ̵ ? fashion store GAPȸ? ƴ. 켱츮 ü ǻ ݽô. ASK YOUR DENTIST ... ', ġ ǻ翡 ? , ̻ ǰ .' ׷ ̹ ۰ ȱ ô. (츮 ̳  üϰ ִ ̴ϴ. ׷鼭 ֿ ȭ 濡 ĸ ø ݾƿ.) Fixing it iseasier than you think. 'ġ ϴ ͺ ξϴ.' ׷ϱ ھ? ̻ , ̻ gap ִ ġ ̴ ġ ǻ翡 Ͻö ... ̷̾߱ⱺ. ׷ Ʒ 'ODA' ͵ ̳׿. , ̰͸ŭ е ̴ϴ. ׷ ڴ дϴ. ̰ǿ Ƿϰ Űŵ. ֳ? ڰ ij Ÿֿ ϱ, ڱⰡ ̴ϱ ƴ ƴ϶ . ODA - Ontario Dental Association, 'Ÿ ġǻ ȸ'׷ϱ ġǻ ȸ ùε ġ ǰ , ڱ ؼ ̱. ( ġ ǻ ǰ ̸ ؼ־, ΰ ̻ ǰ ? They must close their dentaloffice. ġ ݾƾ.) . ׷ ?* "ıѴܴ ܾ domolition de- ı?"̰ ? ƴݾ? ׳ Ǯ翡 sign , ׷ ߺ. Fairway Custom Services DEMOLITION~ DEMOLITION ̷ ִ±ڵ ? demolition ? ı, м¶ݾƿ. ׷ϱ ı ð ǥϱ Ϻη ' Ѹ ױ ϰ ̴ϴ. dynamite Ἥ ıѴٴ ׷ ѵ!װ , ϰ Ƴ ռ ̵ ϳ ֱ. demolition, ı tough guy ̷ sign ռ ٴ. ׷ 츮 eye-catching Ų sign ܾ. domolition ڱ. demolition ڱ. demolish : μ, ıϴ, Ÿϴ. demo,ition demo,ition bomb : Ŀ ź domolitiom ź,demolition̶ ܾ ϱ µ - ر 밨 'γ' ̷ Ĵ, U.D.T. ƽ? ġ ؼ forgman̶ Ī Ҹ U.D.T. D Demolition, ı Դϴ. U.D.T. Underwater() Demolition() Team() Ӹڸ ,̷ initialism̶ . 츮 car insurance/automobile insureance(ڵ )  accident() ûϸ, ݵ 󸶰 deductible() ϰԵǾ ?(Ϲ $300 ~ 500) ׷ ܾ , Ҷ Ǵ° ѹ 캾ô. deduction: , , (ݴ prodeduction , )decrease: ϴ, ϴ, ̴ (ݴ increase)destruction: ı, ĸ, (ݴ construction Ǽ) ܾ鿡 de- 濡ٰ ݴ, и,, ǹ̸ ִ ̵ξ. ׷ de-  ܾdemolition տ 鵵 ? 켱'ı ȸ' ̸ fairway, fairway ׷, , galf δ tee green ܵ , tee ó 1(driver) ġ , ÷ ֵ ׸ ħ, tee of time : foursome(4 group) golf ð, green hole( 10.8cm) ߽ ݰ10m , ī ܵ. fairway way Ŀ ? fair 켱 market̶ . ׷ Ϲ̿ Fairview Mall̶ ֽϴ. 'Fairview?' , 'Ͱ̴ dz' ̶? ε ̸, ̸ view(dz, , ) ִ մϴ. 켱 ڰ ׸ ص Bayview Avenueִٴϱ. bay 3 ѷ .(gulf) ܿ Lakeview(ȣ ̴dz) Mountiaview, Pineview(ҳ-). Greenview, Cherryview(-). Roseview. view ó ⿡ view ٿ ̸ . fair , , Ƽ ̶ 浵 ־. ׷ fair play ʽϱ? * fair - trade(ŷ) "That's unfair / no fair!" (, ̰ Ұݾ?) ׸ Ƽ ̶ ǹ̷ ̱ musical O.K 1964⿡ ȭε µ My(?)Ƽ (fair) lady ο帮 ֿ 쿴. ۵Ǿϱ ? ٸ öڴϱ ̷ ˾Ƶӽô. ̾߱,װŵ ´ٵ ϴ ׷ ȭ ұ? - fairytale fairy , ׷ ' ' (dreamland) fairyland . , ׷ ٸ ʸ ϳ .? " gate tall, Big&Tall tall ϳ!" ̰ Ҹ? ̹ ij Toronto city limit()Steeles Avenue West 330 ִ piaza() plazaְ gate ֽϴ. "H'm, H'm, () it's fun!" Big'n Tall(Big andTall)̶.... . , ̰Ÿ ô, 켱 Tall ︮ Tڸ ũ(tallϰ?) ? ׸ gate  (ö) tallϰ ұ. մ üδٸ ô ٰ, Ư  ?? ׾ tall ship ٴ ְ ϴ ׷ ſ. tall ship ? װmast() ô tall . װ ٴ ְϴ ׷ ſ. װͺ ,tall stiry: ̾߱. plaza Henry'-s ϴ ־ ڰ ŷϴ Դϴ. {翡founder(â) ̸ + 'sϿ ȸ糪 ̸ 찡 ϴ. 켱hamburger Ĵ fast food shian Mc Donaald's -, Harvey's- ׸ Wendy's- , * plaza ִ± ̸ Steeles steel(ö) Դϴ. south Scotland ¾ last nameε, steelworker(ö 뵿) ۵. ׷̳ ̸  last name 쿡 öڸ ݾ ļ ϴ 찡 ұ⿡ Mr, Steel Ǿϴ. lastnameڿ s ̸ - ǰ. ̸ 'Steel'Steele Դϴ. , Ư Ϲ Ÿ ̸ κ ŸͰ ־ last name ϴ. ׷ϱ ̸ Ϲ ܾ öϰ Ʋ last name ̶ ˴ϴ. [city limit: ̱/ijٿ city limited ݵ ԰ sign ڱ population(α) 󸶶 ֽϴ. Ƹ(?)The multitude ofpeople is the city's honor(鼺 ڶ̰ŵ) Դϴ. ڰ Town of Richmond Hill( 40km) ڸ 1990 α 87,000̾µ ( ڰ Ű ) 1999 116,000 Ǿϴ. α DZ , ø ֹ ġϴ ϰ׷. α ̰ھ ? tax! ׵ tax payer()̰ŵ. ( )  ֳ?(Ʒ Home of Elvis Stojko figure skaterϱ ) multitude : * ", Market Pulse?" pulse ܾ ӿ s Ʒ ϴ ( ( ( ) ) ) ǥø߱. ? װ ʹ . pulse ƾ beat(). to drive 濡 ƹ, , , ڶ ̰ŵ. ׷pulsate: Ȯϰ ƹġ. αٰŸ. pulsation : Ȯ ƹ, , ܾ ⺻ pulse (ƹ)ŭ ˾Ƶμ. ' ǰ ȭ' 濵ϴToronto Citytv prime time(Ȳ ð) 濵Ǵ City Pulse ϴ αΰ ֽϴ. Toronto ̴ ƹ ִ . im + pulse , 浿impulseion : , 浿, ڱ an impulsive : 浿 , Բ ǹ com- + ϸ? compulsion: , A promise made under compulsion is not binding. binding: . , , ()ӷ ִ,bind: , Ŵ, ӹϴ, ( ) δ. bider: ,(-),* Ϲ л note binder µ ( ƴ)̰ ɷ ̶ ˴ϴ. ׷ pulse pel Ѹ , im + puls im + pel . ̰ ˰ԵǸ ⼭ 츮 ܾ ֽϴ, Ѹ Ѵܾ Ǵ ̴ϴ,켱 impel: ϴ, Ƴ, ϴ,impellent: о , im- '' ex- ̸?expel: ѾƳ, ߹ϴ, Ƴ ex- ''̶ pro-̸? propel: ϴ, а ư,* propulsion: , ,propellant: Ű , ߻ ȭ ,propeller: 緯, . ϴ , ׷ back ̶ ǹ re- ̸?reepl: ()ϴ, źϴ, ¥,repellant: ġ, ִ, , * repulse: ()ϴ, Ѵ, ִ. repulsion: , ݰ, ݹ. together(Բ) com- +ϸ compel: ~ Ű. ϴ. (俩̼ to drive ϴ װ 䰡 ƴϰ ?) ̹ awayǹ dis- ٿ ? dispel : ϴ, Ѿƹ. , Ÿƹ̶ pulse ' ' ϱ Ⱦ ̸ܾ Ÿ±. . 23. Italy 2 primo piano Ѵٳ! Ż ȣڿ , (floor, story) piano Ҵ. ׸ Ư 2, first floor 'primo piano' ڴ ְ Ҵϴ. Żƾ pianoǾƳ DẔ⵵ , , ǹ , ̶ 浵 . ׵鿡Դ ϻ ̰ 츮  鿡Դ°ű⼭ Ÿ ְ Դϴ. first floor(2)شϴ primo piano 'primo' Ǵ ãƺ? prino ƾ 1, , ׸ 浵. 츮 ⼺ ôԴϴٸ 纹߾ Ծ⿡ 'ؽ', 'ؽ' ǥ 纹 ־ϴ. primotex ǹ̴ ϰ ̶ . - ٸ ġä̰, primotex ǥ ϸZ׷ ϸ̶ ȸ ǰڱ. Ż primo մϴ. ()̶ ַ spaghetti, pasta, risotto(ҿ丮) . ׷ primo ִ ܾ ? cabinet()minister() θӸ(1) /Ѹ rpime minister մϴ. ij prime minister ǻ ǥմϴ. Ļ , ǥ ϳ ȭ portait(ʻ) μ, 簢 Ǿ . ׷ 'figurehead', ¡ ƹ powerϴ. * 'figurehead ̶ ̹(stem Ӹ) ޴, ̳ , ׷ ̷ ͵ ְھ? ׷ figurehead ʶ ε Դϴ. TV û ð븦 PRIME TIME. (ѱ, Ư Ϻ ' ƿ' ϴµ ̰ ͸ . 'Ȳ ð' Ͽ ƽþ ϱ.) prime rate ϴ . ̰ ̱ Ϸ ϴ ܱⰣ ֿ ݸ.(the lowest rate of interest charged by banksto large commercial customers with very high credit ratings)̿ ö ĥϴ ٵ? (밳)Ȳ piant ĥϰ ¥ ĥϰ ϴ ٽĥϴ ſ. ƹ ĥص ؿ ö . ĥϴ lead() ִ . ̰ 1, ʹ ĥѴϿ primer Ѵٴ , put, a primer on the iron door before you paint. Use aprimer prior to painting. primer' a first book in readings book', ׸ 꿡 µȭ̶ 浵 ֽϴ. Ÿ  װɷ ϱ Դϴ. *"? primitive art ִٱ? װ ?" ī ǰ ī ̼ ? - . ٷ װ, ϰ 鿩 ۰ 䳻 ̼ , Ƹٿ ִٴ ̴ϴ. ׷ ̱/ijٻ Eskimo ̼, American Indian ̼, ׸ African ̼ ǰ . ׷, 츮 ⿡ ̼ ǰ".? primitive art ִٱ? װ ?" ī ǰ ī ̼ ? - . ٷ װ, ϰ 鿩 ۰ 䳻 ̼ , Ƹٿ ִٴ ̴ϴ. ׷ ̱/ijٻ Eskimo(see p.25 box) ̼, American Indian ̼, ׸ Africanǹ̼ ǰ . ׷, 츮 ⿡ ѹ̼ ǰ primitive art մϴ. , ̶̼ . ƹư 2500 African primitive art ȸȭ ǰ ǰ ģٴϱ. װ ó ؿ ö־ ƴ϶, ó ۰ ο âڴ ϰ ־ ̼ 䳻ٴ . ڰ ׸ ڹ ߰(?) ǰ ϳ ׷Դϴ. 븮 λ 2800~2200 B.C. ǰ ׸ ŰŬ󵥽 ( ) ߰ߵ Դϴ. 4000~5000پѴ ۰ ʳ? 21 ۰ () ̸ǰ ׶ ̹ ̷ ϰ ־ ̴ϴ. , primitive art. Ʈ ޴ ε ⿡ ǰ, ̰ε ǰ,  ׸ ٷ ׷ ͵Դϴ. 츮'ġ ȣ' ȭ ͵ ׸ primitive ѿҵ, ٹҾ ϰ ׷ ͵ ϰ ̰ϱ . primo prima . ''󡦾? װ. ()ǰ 'ĿǸƮ' ̸ Ƴ? ½ϴ. caption ø '󿡼 ƹ þҴ'ǥ ֽϴ. '' ʹ ͼ ־ ''(Free Madonna?) ٷ ƴ , װ ƴ϶prima donna ' ֿ ' Ű donna¿, ̶ . ̾߱Ⱑ 迡 ? Madonna, Ǵ¸ , madam شϴ ̸ ̸ . , ̱ Madonna ƽݾƿ?primary: , ʺ, 1 primary school: ʵб(elementary school) primary education: ʵ primary policy: ֿ å primary election: primary industry: 1 * ? "It`s a movie`s title." Ŭ ġ, ఢ ι ȭ.(1998) ڶ prince, ư б θӸ ̶ principal primo ̶ . principal: ߿, , θӸ, principle: , Ģ, ٺ ħ, ٺ Pascal`s principle (ĽĮ ) the principle of gravitation (η Ģ) ƹư ܾ տ prim- ŵ ', ̰ 1̶¶̰ڱ'ϰ . ij ȣ ̶ּ primier ѸԴϴ. Ƿ (?) д Żƾ - ܿ Ѱ ª Ƿ Ȱϱ Դϴ. Ư ̳ ƾƸ޸ī 濡 θ sign鿡 ݸ ϸ Ǯܾ 󸶵 ãƺ ֽϴ. Ż Firenze( Florence) 'Accademia ̼'ִ 񿡼 Կ ̴ϴ. 'Accademia ̼'̶ ϸ Ż̾Ƹٿ е鵵 𸣴 찡 ֽϴ. ̶'ٺ(David)' ִ ̶̼ ϸ ذ ߵɰɿ? , 켱 ̶ piano ?1 piano, ù° (츮μ 2) servizio mutui, servizio? service Ѹ ƴұ? (½ϴ) ׷ϱ ', ٹ'. mutui ƹ ȵǰڱ⿡ ãƺýϴ. ׷ mutui mutuo ִµ ( ) '뿩,'. Ȳ ϱ o i ٲ Ǵ°ſ. ׷ٸ 1 ϴ ˰? (¾ cassa 'Savings bank' ̴. ''̶ casa.)concession: (i ̰ ϰ Ȱ) , Ư, grant б 1г ִ  ¿¿Ŵ 츮 Żƾ? ׷ ' ' ָϴ ̳ ̸ ϸ鼭 ̰ о ִ ڱ⵵ 𸣴 ٴ . ׷ ѹо? ڰ Ż Venezia( Venice) St. Marco翤  Դϴ. ", !"(heavy crowd) ű  Ŀ ϴ ̾, 10 ϸ(tourist) (line-up) һӴ ٸĿ  ƽϴ. (װ ׷) ٸ⸸ Ѵٴ ð Ʊ. . , (-) Corinthian(׸ ڸƮ) column()̿ ִ sign . ", ֱ!" ŻƷ sign, ϱ? INGRESSO? in() + gress(ư) ()ϱ. ̡ƴұ?GRUPPI, '׷?' group ϱ. '׷' - ü ġ,CON 'together, Բ' ξϱ - Բ ϸ ?GUIDE guide - ȳڰ. AUTORIZZATE authorized ϱ. ε, ο ? ġ Ѱ¤ ( ) ´´ٸ ؼص ? gruppi - group -ü, ingresso - ingress enter - (), autorizzate- authorized - ε, guide - guide - ȳڿ, con - con-(with) - Բ׷ϴ. ؼ ̰ ´ ̴ϴ. ¾Ƶ 100% ´°̴ϴ. Żƾ ̷ ̾ϱ. ingresso: Ա, . gruppo: ü gruppi con: ~ Բ, . guido: ȳ, ȳ, ȳ- guide autorizzare: οϴ, ϴ - autorizzate ̰ ٲٸ Only groups accompanied by tourist guide permitted/have authorization to enter. (ingress ִ ʽϴ. ''̶ 쿣 ַ admission̶ ܾ .) -mis to send . ǥ missile(̻), admission fee(). ʹ , ϱ ϴٸ ణ ƾͱ׸ Ȱϸ alphabet Ǿ ֽϴ. ٰ ޱ üϴµ ̵ ֱ. å ׷ ̱⵵ մϴ. ׷, Żƾ sign ָϸŸ 縦 غô. * , ingress ' 'ϱ ̶ ?-gress ƾ to go ǹ̿. ׷. -gress ζ ǹ pro- + ϸ? progress: (~ϴ), (~ϴ), (~ϴ), the Progressive Pasrty(see p240. Progressive Party ֽϴ. 츮 󿡵̽¸ 1956⿡ Ͼ ̲ ־.)progression: , , , 𺸵 ְ? ݴ ǹ̸ re- + ڱ. regress: , ϴ regression: , ȭ, ζ ǹ ex- + ϸ? exgress , ϱⰡ . ׷ ex- x ? egress(Ȯ ϱⰡ ): ( + go)(* , egress ingressó ʴ ܾԴϴ. ', ܾ ̷ 'ϴ ͸ ˸ ȴٴ .) Żƾ gruppi, group. ܾ . ׷ ٸ ҿ ְڱ⿡ ̾߱⸦Ϸ մϴ. grouper Կ? '׷쿡 ' No, no! ̰ ̸, װ͵ ѱ, Ϻε ȸ Ա⵵ ϴ'ξ( )'ϴ. ̷ ܾ ִı? , . grouper ̸ ؾ ̾ Դµ, ߿ grouper salmon() Բε ϴ ϳϴ. ȸ ǰŵ fishmarket ѹ . Ǵ Korean Japanese restaurant sashimi(ȸ) ų . "I`m looking for groupers. May I have two fresh ones?"* con- together, Բ ǹ ξε ڿ öڿ co-, col-, cor- ϱ⵵ մϴ. ̾߱⸸ ص ״ϱ ׳ Կ. co- com + education (ʹ ϱ ϵϽϵ ٿ) coed( пٴϴ ) com + operation() cooperation(, ) col- com + locate() collocation(ġ, 迭)com + lege(to gather, ) college college university ޶ 밳 Bachelor of Arts(B.A.л )ϴ. б . ij TorontoO.C.A.D.(Ontario College of Art and Design) ϴ 4 ̼ ֽϴ. ij artist ϰ ִ ׷ Bachelorof Arts ʽϴ. 簡 ǰ ʹٰų graduate school(п) ϴ degree() ʹٸ? ٽ ش university ̷ credit() մϴ. Ųٷ й ϴ б faculty(к) ̼ ϸ? ̷и , DZ մϴ. artistǴ ϰ й Ͱ ٸٴ Դϴ. cor- com + respond(ϴ) correspond(ȭϴ, ︮, ϴ)correspondence : , , ġ, ġ com + rupt(ɰ, μ) corrupt(, Ÿ, нŰ, żϴ, ϴ, Ÿϴ) ( -rupt bankrupt(Ļ), erupt() 谡.) * authorize: ִ, ΰϴ, ϴ Unauthorized vehicles and persons not allowed beyond this point. MarkhamAirport Inc. '㰡 ȵ ̳ ⼭ . () Markham 'authority: , Ƿ, ( ) Ź. ׷ 'the Sports Authority' ȸϱ? ٸ ƴ ' ձ'̶ ǹ ʴ ǰԴϴ. 뱸 Ǹ ȸ δ û ԸǸ. ౸常 ϴٴϱ. town ȿ ̷ Ը ȸ簡 ұԸ  ݰ ̵ɱ? ᱹ ݰ Ǵ. author: , â, ǰ Have you read this author?guide: ȳ, ȳϴ guided missile : ̻ϰ guide ? ߿ group߿ ٴϴ guide ʰ'tour director' ϴµ, ׵ Բ Ƿ Դϴ. 켱 They speak 5~6 languages fluently(âϰ) including English. ׸ , , ȭ  Ͽ Ƿ ߰ ֽϴ. ص ôôԴϴ. ׷ μ ׵ մϴ. Ե ϰ . ׷ ƹ ص ڽ ִ Ϻϰ guide ⿡ Ͻ local guide( ̵) ޱ⵵ մϴ. guideline: (巡 å ) ħ guidance: ȳ, , high school * ѱ ޸ ѷ classroom teacher( ) ⿡л school guidance dzϰ Ǿ ֽϴ. ׷б lobby guidance office ֽϴ. , Ͽ ֵ ˰߽ϱ? , ѹ 'ġ' clew(ܼ, ǹġ) Ͽ ˰ſ ?̹ ƾ Portuguese() Brazil ְ˰ ô. Interpol( )! Interpol: international criminal police organizationν ¾ غ ִ Brazil 2 Rio de Janeiro(1 ̶ ). rio river Դϴ. ̿ ִ ̸ տ rio  . ױ ž . ѱ ġ ڿ waterside ڰ  Ͱ ұ? ѹ £ Ͽ counter-clockwise(ݽð ) ϳϳ ¤ô. 켱 , , , , , , õ, ,Ȱ, , . ̹ ̶ rio  Կ. Rio Bravo(߽ڿ ̱ ػ罺 ), Rio Bueno(ĥ ƮӸ),Rio Caribe(ֿ ٴ尡), Rio Branco()Rio Negro(//) * negro ƾ black, ̶ ̱⿡ ε ڻ η . SHHH!! ׷ å. ̱, ߽, ƸƼ Rio Grande Ȥ Casa Grante ϴ ֽϴ. grante grand . casa Rio Grande ū , Casa Grante ū , ̶ ȣ . װ ׷ ȣ տ þ , ̿ Eǥð ׷ ִ sign ̴±. E ٷ ؿ ̴ 'MAXIMO 4 HORAS' 'maximum 4 hours' (ְ 4ð) ؼ , E P(parking) ? ڿ ̴ sign . ϱ⿡ ٻ۵ 츮  Portuguese() ˷?׷  ƴٴϴ  Ȳ Ư sign ӿ ݺǴ ܾ Ƿ, Ҽ ֽϴ. ġ д . 츮, ͸ 󳻾 ô. permitido и 㰡(permission) ǹϴ permitted̰ڰ estacionamento α ϰ-Ƴ. ɱݸ . ̸ Espana Spain ǰ, ܾ especial(Ư) special(Ư) ְ, espy() espionage( ) spyֵ e ѹ ? estacionamento - e stacionamento ⼭ ̿ ش -mento . ׷ staciona. staciona? - stacion? - station! ', ̶ !!!'"Mr. Estacionamento(). you`re under arrest!" (ʸ üѴ - ü ) veiculos vehicle, Ż , ¿빰̰. sign sign̴ϱ . vehicle ڵӸ ƴ϶ , , ,ⱸ ּ ̸Ⱑ Ÿ ̸ Ե˴ϴ. ׷ ǥǿ car ٴ vehicle̶ ܾ ϱ ˾ ξ߰. motocicleta(s) motorcycle, 'ѱ Ϻ ' '' mot-¿̴, ̶ . ǥ motor, motion̶ ø O.K..(̱ ڵ ȸ GM GeneralMotors initial word) cycle: Ŭ, ֱ, , ׶ , ׷ motorcycle ̴ ڰǰ - cycle circle, circuit, circum- Դϴ. circle: , , ȯ, ~ circuit: ѷ, , ȸ, ȸ circular: ׶, ȸ circulate: ȯϴ circulation: ȯ( subway 2ȣ ȯ) circus(Ŀ) 忡 ߱⿡ ̰, Բ߱⿡츮  . sign Ʒ ô calcadao ƹ ص ʴµ?  ϡ׸. 켱 ̸ŭ ˾Ƶ ֺ Ȳ( ) ̷ sign ǹ̸ ְ? Nao e permitido - Not and permitted o estacionamento - the parking(lot) ° κ E ǥ, P(parking) de veiculos e - of cars and motocicletas - motorcycles no calcadao - in walkway / sidewalk(ε) * The parking of vehicles and motorcycles on the sidewalk is not permitted. , ̷ ؼ 츮 Ż ġ( venice), ׸ Rio do Janeiro sign 'Ŷ' о ҽϴ. ص Ȱϸ ̷ 濡 sign ִ¿ ִٱ. ̵ ̴ 'ڵ ȣ'(personalized platenumber) 1977 Corvette licence plate(ڵ ȣ) ̾߱⸦ڱ. ̷ ? - MI2 OLD ij Ontario licence plate number, ڿ alphabet ڼ 6ڷ Ǿֽϴ. ڸ, ȣ '940 EDD'.(nine-forty-e-di-di) ( 6ڸδ ڶ 1977 տA ٿ 7ڸ ϰ . ׸ Ľɿ ϴ ε 40 ؾ մϴ. fourty Ȥ ִ󱸿. ! 'forty'Դϴ.) 밳 alphabet 3 consonant() vowel() 쿬 Ư ܾ Ҹ ʵ Ǿ . , alphabet 3 'SOB' DZ غ.(ūϳ.) SOB ı? , 𸣼ż ϱ? ׷ٸ Ƽž. ϵ ̶ Ϲ̿ ˱⸸ ϰ ʴ ε - 'son ofbitch' ظԴϴ. ' ij !' μ Կ ⿣ ʹ ̴ϱ ٿ 'SOB' ϴ . ִ»̶ Կ ˴ϴ. 'bitch', ij ? ϴ ̿ ⿡ ο ͸ε вɽٴϱ. "Please, don`t blame me." ſ . 嵵 ̰, ü(!)̱ 󼭻ܳų ϴµ, ѱο ͼ , '(God domn you!)' Ƹ ǥ ̴ϴ. 625 Ϻ ö ¹̱ ε ̱, ij 󿡼 ׷ . (׷ ٵ ˰ ֽϴ. 츮 ˰ ϴ ѵ ƴϵ-) , ȭϼ ̷ (?)մϴ. ׼ ȭ ׾߸ ռ. ƿ ؼ Դϴ. ̾߱Ⱑ 귶 ˵ սô. sports car Corvette, car dealer(ڵ Ǹ) promotion(ǸŸ ) ؼ Corvette Club Show Դϴ. Ϲ sports car ߿ ̶ Corvette α ִ , Ư ̵ Ÿ ;ϴ . ٸ ȵż Ÿ ٴ . Corvette ̱ Chevrolet(ú) ǰԴϴ. ' ŵ.' (Ϲ̿ Chevrolet Ī ׳ Chevy θٴ !)̾߱Ⱑ 迡 ƿ, 1999 ̳ ݵ ˾ƺ? Convertible : V-8, 5733, 330hp(), US$ 45,060 convertible : ٲ ̶ִ ̴ϱ ִ ׷, Corvette licence plate number ȣ ''ɷڴ? MI2 OLD? - 켱 Ѵ Ϲ ȣ ƴ personalized number° ˾ҽϴ. ׷ , 簡 ƴϴ ׳ . personalizednumber number $132 , ڿalphabet ڱ Ͽ ڱ Ưѹȣ . ׷ ִ ij Ontario '6 ѵ ' ִ Ų Ǻ ̵ plate number ܳ, ƴٴϰ ִٴ ̴ϴ. 켱 Ʈ ׸, ׷- MI2 OLDӿ ִ ǹ̰ ? , ھ - . ƴ, ô. 켱 ̸, ϰ, ׳, о . ׷ 顦'MI2 OLD' (emai tu ould) ? '2' 'too, two,to' ϱ.(emai tu ould)? ̰ © ʳ? ¾! , AM I TOO OLD - Am I too old? ' ʹ ľ?'- 'Oh, no!' ̷ĵ sports car Corvette. װ͵ collector`s item antique car, ǰ 1977 Ÿô ̽ô. ! - ̷ ſ dz ִ ̴ϴ. Bob(Robert Ī)̶ ϴ retire() ε, ڱCorvette ϸ show Ⱓ '۰ ̰ ⸧ ġ'. ׷ ׳ ׸ ſ , sports car Corvette տ Bob ׺ wiferk Ϸ ɾƼ ڱ ִ 'Ա' ϰ ִ ſϴ. ' ڵ ѰϼŶ.' (You are very fortunate.)code(ȣ) decode(- Ǯ) ڰ "߾, ų ¥ ٻϱ. ׸ plate number, , ִ ɿ? ̵? ׸ Can I take a picture of your Corvette?"̶ ߴ, ׳ (?) ī޶ ģ ڱ ˾ ͵ ų ǿ, ڱ κ ̵ ȣ 'MI2 OLD' code(ȣ)ص(?) ϴ Ƿ¿ٰ ڴٴϱ "You are the first person whodecoded this personalized plate number"ϸ鼭 ڱ ڶ þ. 1977⿡ Corvette ϰ Ϲ  ƴٳٴ , ݵ ̳ ǵ忡 ƴ϶ , Ѹ ' ', ̷̾߱⿴ϴ. ڴ ̷ ̽ϴ. '׸ ε̷Ե ϰ ٴ- ѱ ̰ »̱.' Ϲ, Ư ijٿ ̷ personalized plate number ϴ. þ߼. ¼ٰ ѱ µ, ־ ݰ ϴ. ̰ personalized platenumber ϰԵ ؼ ޾ҽϴ. 'ֱڶ ׷, ƴϸ ׸?' ׷ ü ȣ̱⿡? մϴ. ٷ 'SEOUL'̾. װ ް ij ƴٴѴ. ׷ 'ѱ ' ǥϴ Ǵϱ ϰ ۿ . ' Ծ.' Koreatown ȣ KE SOOK̾ϴ. ''̶ ׳ɵ Ȯϰ ϱ ο -(ϴ) ڱ Ƴ ̸̶. ̷ ߳ ȣ ʹ Ƽ ̷ , 켱ִ ̾߱⸦ ڱ. 켱, ڵ μ ȸ ܺ ϴ ɷִ Heida Garcia ǹ̸ ־ ׳ sports car, ú Camaro Z 28 ȣ TALKER ߽ϴ. ڴ ̷ û(!) ֽϴ. 쿬 ϱ. Ϻ personalized plate number ǹ̸ ؼ Դϴ. ( Ʈ ǥ ְ ȣ D KIDS .)Californiaֿ : Ʈ D KIDS Love The Kids̵ ̵ ϳ . ׷ ̷ ؼ ִ. Love To Joke( ) ֳ? kid child 浵 ϴٶ¶浵 ִٴ . 'No kidding!'( !) Ontarioֿ ; 4 chris Chris Ͽ! 4 for ? ƸChris Ƴ ̸ ƴұ? Chris ̸ Christ(), Christian ̸̸ Christina,Christine Ī, ̸ Christopher. America ߰ Columbus ̸ Christopher. GO N GO mall parking lot GO GO() ڴ ɱ?ѱ 'GOϷ GO' ؼ ְڴٸ - ̰ ؼ ʰ 屺. 'ȵǰھ, å.' ٷȴ Դ. 绡 . , ̷ ſ κΰ ? ()," ̸ Gordon Osbornḛ ̸ GeorgianaOsbornḛŵ. 츮 first name G , last name Osborne, O  ʼ? ׷ GO N GO . GO (and)GO GoѴ. ?""Go, ƹ go!" տ 鿡 "Ѵ!", "ض!", "̰ܶ!"ϰ ϴ Դϴ. 츮 "ƹ !"ϴ Ͱ ϴ. "Fighting!" ̰ ѱ ϴ. "?". "Fighting̶?" ϰ ׵ retired life style( Ȱ), ְ, ׷ full-sized() Cadillac Ÿ mall shoppingϷԴٰ ο Ǿ ̷ å Ǹ Ǿٴ ̾߱-̹ ټ 峭 Դϴ. "ȭ ."(, ٺ!?).. NOFONE ȭ (tele)phone ph f ʽϱ? ׸ ƾöڷδ(tele)fono ϴ. ׷ Ϻη sign̳  fone̶ ƾ ̱, ijε鵵 . ƾ ", !"ϰ ʰھ? Ư Ϲ̸ Ż pizza ׷ ǥ ' 츮 pizza!'ϴ ŷڰ .(θ̳ ȣ, ǥ öڸϴ ϴ.) , ڵ ̵ϸ ƴٴ? ׷ ٱ س ȿ 󸶳 ũھ? ׷ ڵȣ ڱ ̿ϴ 쵵 ϴ. BAND 4U (band for you, ) Toronto Mickey Lewin DZ mini van ȣԴϴ. ̷ RUGS 4U(rug`s for you, ī, *rug Ź ̳ ؿ ī0 SOFAS 4U(sofa`s for you, Ѽ) I FLY U(I fly you, 帳ϴ) . Ÿ Markham private(缳) 忡 ϴ ¿ ȣԴϴ. , ʽϱ? 忡 , Ǵ ü ԿѴٵ Ƹٿ dz ų Ư ,׳ ѹ ̷ Ÿ pleasure flight ð ް ¿ ִ ȸԴϴ. '5 RE MAX'. RE MAX? RE/MAX ̿ 踦 coverϴºϹ ִ real estate(ε)ȸ ε ˰ ־ մϴ. RE MAX agent() ε agent RE MAX ȣ ϱ տ 5 ٿ. RE MAX ɹ balloon( ⱸ), balloon eye-catching Ÿ ϴ. '888' - ߱ ε ߿ personalized number ϱδ ߱ε . ׵ Ư 巯 ⿡ ڵ ȣǿ ַ ׷ ϴ. 켱 ׵ ڷ 8 մϴ. 8, ߱ 'ų' ڿ ϴ. '' Ѹ ' ' ǹ. ׷ ߱ 󰡿 κ 8ڰ  ְ 88,888 ϴ. 濡 888̶ ȣ Mercedes-Benz BMW, Volvo ߱ Ʋ. ' ' '' մϴ. . 'WAX NOT'̶ ? ü WAX NOT 淡? Toronto ó ϴٰ ȣ ߰ ڴ 'ô' ѳ (?) ٷ ڷ õ, ׸ Ǿ󸶸 ħ traffic light(ȣ) ϴƴ Ÿ "CLICK!"  ϴ. ( < >å ı ' å ' , ڴ ̷ Կ ٴϴٰ ġ Ȳõ ־ϴ. ٽ , WAX NOT 淡? ڽ ְ ϰڴµ Ƹ, ǹ̸ ƴ ̴ϴ. å ѹ , Ư ̱  ' '鿡 ׽Ʈ ŵϴ. , ڴ  ϴٰ ׷ ͻ, ̰ɾƴ ڶؼ  '' , ƴ϶ . ߿ , quiz ̸ ڴ ƴ϶ wax not ִ ִٴ , Դϴ. ״ ؼϸ wax ν, ж, ? ȭ,뿩? ׷ WAX NOT ȭ ö 浵 DZ ˴ϴ. Ƹ,׷ ?... . ׷ װ ƴϰ, wax not Ʒ , ̳ 翬 ִٱ. ⼭ ڱ ϰ ̾߱ , δ 밳 Sincerelyyours, Ǵ Yours sincerely, ڱ ̸ϴ.(signature ) sincere , , ¥ sincerely : , Ǹ ݺ ̾߱⸦ ϳ ״ . , sculptor() , 'ٵ ׿ ߸ '"!"ϴ ̿ ߸ neil() ɾ 찡־ϴ.( ž.) ׷ װ͵ ¦ camouflage(ijö,, ⸸, ̴) ִ ġڶ̶ ϸ , , հ 쿣 ? ϳ ҸϿ 鿩 ɻ ڴ ϱ⵵ ϰ Ʊ⵵ ϰ...( ¥ ߷ ð װ.) ׷ ' ִ', ̿ Ⱑ ϴ ־ٴ ̴ϴ. Ƹ Ϲ̿α⸮ ȸ ִ Krazy Glue(ͷ ? ģ ? ǥ)̻ ־ . ׷ cere Ͽµ ϵ ʰƼ ֹ (, , ڵ̾) ؼ ϴ. ̶ ֹ , "̰ ϴ ѰŰ?" ׶ "ƴ, ǰ cere(wax) sin(not) ϴ."' ¥Դϴ' ٷ 'sincerely(wax not)' . ƾ sin without() . 'sin gas' DZ? cere wax(). ׷ϱ sincerely ٴ wax not, Դϴ, ݵ ϴٶ Ǵ . ̷ ̳ licence plate ڰ ϰ Ƴı?'ǿŸ'(Pieta) ϴ ǰ ƽǰ̴ϴ. pieta Żƾ ,ҽ , žӽ, ȿ, 漺 ׸ Jesus ü Ȱϴ Maria̶ . 츮 'pieta'~ϸ 밳 ̶ΰ , Vatican(Rome ִ) St. Peter ٷ ù °hall ִ 'Pieta' ϱ , , pieta ǰ ִϴ. "Wax Not ƴݾ?" ̶ Pieta 1960 ʿ X-ray Կ غô Jesus ջհ ӿ ö ִ° ߰ߵǾ ϱ. ׷ װ ̶ΰ '' ƴϰ ļ δٴ . '׷ Ծ, װ1499⿡ ϼ ̷ 1749, ڸ ̱ Ű ٳٴϱ Ƹ ׷ٰ հη߷Ȱ. ׸ ϴϱ wax ߰?'ƹ, žӽ ̶ΰ wax س "ǰ wax not̿ýô" ?  糪̰ Pieta ġ μ ߻߰, ׶ Pieta ź ӿ (?) Ǿ Ϲε Ѵϴ. 'ġ ' ϴ wax wax not ƴϳס. " ?" տ ִ ' Ȳ' ̵ ϵ ׸ ϰ ʰ, ƹư (?) ȯ '̴(츮!) ٸ(bridge?...legs?) ؿ ֿ ' ɷ ߽ϴ. ƹ ϰ 츮ȴ ص ׷ ˴ ʾ ¾ ѱ ̾. , -ֿ Դٴ! 'װ͵ ̸ ٸ ؿ.' ÿ õ ʾҴ ̶(£) ׸ õ־ ٸ Ҵµ, ô ٸ ؿ ַΰ ġ Ұŵ. ׷ ٸ dz ٺ Ǵ ٸ dz濡 ణ Ű ﵵ ϴ. 'ϴ ֿ ?' pregnancy and delivery(ӽŰ ) ѱ ̵ ̵ м ˰ ? Ƹѱ ռ ž. ˴ ž. 'ƿ켺' ϡ. 'ڱ⸦ Կ Ȳ' (delivery stork) ִ - ׸ Ȥ ո翡 Ϳ , 8feet Ŀٶ stork(Ȳ) ִ . ä ڴϴ. ̹ Ź . Ź , ̰ ˸ classified(3 ) , ʿ λ е鿡 ˸(deaths 츮 'ΰ'ڴ) Ǹ ,װ͵ ٷ stork(Ȳ) ׷ ˸ ֽϴ. ( Ź ׷ ׸ ֱ⵵ ϰ ⵵ մϴ.) ׷ stork ׸ ݵ ٶ bill(θ) ڱ⸦ ִµ ׸ ڱ ̷ Ʊ ¦ ̱⵵ . Ͻ . "׷, ׷ ' '̰,  'stork' Ʊ ´ٰ ϴ ̱"ϰ . ִ 翡 ÷ ô ó 'stork Ʊ⸦ ش' ̾߱⸦ ¥, ¥ٸ Ư ʰ ٴ . ϰԵ ϳ ȭ fairy tale( ȭ)̿, ó մϴ. delivery stork(ڱ⸦ 'ϴ Ȳ') ׸ ̵κ , ҸӴϿ Ҿƹ ̸ Ȯ Ʊ ð ɹ νĵǾ ִ . ׷ 翡 delivery() ؼ ̵鿡 ׵ (?) ġ? ~ϸ װ ׷ ʽϴ. 'ڱ⸦ stork' fairy tale , elementary school(ʵб) grade 5-6 ð Ͽ ӽŰ delivery() ؼġ, group ־ (!) ǥ ϰ ϱ. ׷ ̵ , Ȥ ǻ͸ ̿Ͽ ׾߸ realϰ (?),Ͽ ǥ . (̷ ̵鳢 , ǥ ٷα׵ н ̶ϴ. ص) ׷ , stork ´ٴ ȭ Ȯ ݵ εġ ʴ´ٴ ʳ? . , ̳. ׷ó Ź, Ǵ  ո翡 ڱ⸦ stork ϴ Դϴ. ' Ʊ Ȳ ش.' ֱ ij Ÿֿ mentally disabled student(ھ л) 17-to21-year-old 翡 ϴ. sex ü ׸ ʹ life-like drawing( ) Ǿ ־porno ʴĴ . к ⿡ θ, ü 뿭 л ֺ κ ȣϱ ؼ ̷ ʿϴٴ ڵ . ̷ ׾߸ 'between a rock and a hard place' '̷ Ȳ' ̴ϴ. к ǰ? - ' ' , å лκʹ ִ ݸŰ ѵ ؾ߰ڴٴ°. ھƵ鿡Դ sex ׸ ְ '鿡 ̷̷ Ϸ ŵ ϰ ض' ִ ȿ ̶ Դϴ. ٸ , γ۷δ ŵ. pornography: , ȭ graph to write(, ׸)츮 󿡼 '' Ŵ Ͱ ϱ⵵ ϰ ٸ⵵ ϰ- ð 츮 Ʊ ¾ ٵ ۽... ٿ ߳ Ŵ .. ʴ±. ׷ Ʈ ģ ִ ? ( ʽϴ.) 밳 delivery(и) ϱ ĥϰ ġ ׷, ٵ deliveryϴϱ ׷ dz ƴѰ ͳ׿. 'Ʊ⸦ Ҵٰ ˸ ǥ' Ǿ. 鵵 ̰ ܺ Ժη 峪 Ʊǰǰ طӴٴ ˾Ҵ . ׷ ''(prohibition tape?)̿, ''̶ ߽ϴ. 'It makes sense.'(׷.) * prohibition tape: 忡 Ϲ Ű ġ Ȳ ó 츦 ڱ⸦ stork ׷ ƴ϶ "츮, Ʊ Ҿ!"ϰ ׹ ˸' ֽϴ. ׷ Ȳ baby announcer ǥ. Ȯϰ ϴ üȭ ׵ stork ڱ κп'Ʊ ̸, ¾ , ׸ ü߱' ˴ ϴ. ׷ announcing ˴ ҽ ˰Եǰ, 濡 װ ȭ λϰ ް, ϰ ޴ Ƹٿΰ Ŀ´̼ ̷ϴ. ε ǰ صιߴؼ ν ¼ ¼ ̰̳ װ̳ ٸ, ɿ ΰ 츮׿͸. λϸ, ̿ ϸ ߵ ϴ. 忡 и delivery ܾ 浵 ֽϴ. delivery: , ε, , и. y deliver : ϴ, س, ϴ, иϴ. Ϲ ̷ sign ɷ ִ ֽϴ. 'We deliver'(޵) ׷ Ȳ Ʊ⸦ ִ ̴ϱ delivery, иdelivery, 쿬̰ ϴ±. װ ׷ ȸȭÿ 'и' ̾߱ delivery ܾ ϴ°찡 ϴ. ϰ . ׷ϱ"When is your delivery day?","When are you going to delivery?" ʰ "When is your baby due?" մϴ. ģ ѱ 48質 Ǹ鼭 α 2,900ۿ ʴ ijٷμ ƱⰡ ƽ. , ǰ ù Ʊ 'stork' ; ϰڴµ װ ġ ʴ ̴̰ϴ. ´ ϱⰡ ϱ. , ε Ʊ ڴٴµ ΰ  ְھ?baby bonus ƹ ص ׷ٰ Ʊ⸦ ھ? Ҿ Quebec , Ʊ ¸ delivery stork(ڱ⹮ Ȳ) ̸ κΰ ϰ ԰ ŭ 󿡼 ̳ɴϴ. ÷ ΰ ִ»̴ϱ. ׷ ̷ ǵʹ ޸ 밳 ׷ (?)̿Ͽ ޴ ?( ִ? ñ.) *ǰ α ǿԴϴ. ӽŰ 꿡 ָ ణ øô. ΰ ǻ : obstetrician A doctor who specialize( ) in obstetrics. obstetrics : , * ϱ ܾε ε ȵǴ . ׷ ȸ/ ̷ sign ̰ŵ. ˾ƾ ܾ. ƾ ob-(by)+stare(to stand)ǹ̷ Ͽ midwife(, ) Դϴ. : C-section, Caesarian section * ̰ ٵ ƽôٽǷθ Ȳ Caesar() ؼ ¾ٰ ؼ . '״ÿ ׷  ...' : birth control(ؾ 󿡼 ϰ, ƾ 󿡼 ) ¾: fetus(Ȯ ߿ ӽ 3 ): labor( ̶ ǹ̿ '뵿, 뵿, 뵿ϴ, ġ' ǥ߱. ױ 뵿 ϰ Ժ񱳰 ȴ ΰ?) She went into labor. ׳ ߴ. easy labor , hardlabor. ӽ ߵ(): toxemia - toxic : pre natal exercise : post natal exercise. natal: (ƾ to be born), nature ѸԴϴ. ڿ : miscarriage mis+carriage(Ż , , µ) ׷ ǹ̴( ̷ ) , ΰ : abortion abort: ϴ(Ű), ( )߻ ǽϴ: menstruate ׷ ȸȭ ϰ period(ֱ) ַ ϴ. Are you periods regular? ̸ ϳ ƴѰ? ϱ ϵ Q ʿ ִ ĿٶԵ̼Ҵٶ billboard( ) ϴ.( ġǾ ְ װ ִ .)'̼Ҵٶ...' ؿܿ ڷμ ѻǰ̾ ݹ װ û , ׸ ݶ ̴ٰ ź Ǵ ణ ׷ Ŷ . ѱ ڵ ̹ ұ⿡ ˰ ְ, ǵ , ó sign ̿Ͽ װ 빰 ϴ ַ .( ϡ ġʴϴ.)̱ ݶ, ̴ Ÿ ź Ʋ soda մϴ. ׷ Ʒ پ ִ 󳢸鼭 ijٿ մϴ. ׷ ϴ? pop̶ . Ѳ "POP!"ϴ¼Ҹ ٰ ؼ pop̶ ϴ ̴ϴ. 츮 θϴ ϳ "!"ϰ 'Ƣ ' ؼ 'Ƣ' θ Ͱ . ׷ Ϲ Ȱ ־ ̼Ҵٸ ʰ 켱 û ־ ̴ϴ.( 谡 ų ȭ ȵǸҴٸ Ա⵵ ߾) , ̶demi ? demi-¶ƾ ̶ . ׷ϱ 'ź û ' ȴ, Դϴ. ⱹϴ 濡 vending machine(DZ) DemiSoda ߰߾. "̰ſ!"ϰ ݰ 缭 ҽϴ. '! soda demiϱ...'(̷ ģ ִٴ .)demi- , half ̶ ߽ϴ. ׷ϱ  ܾ տ demi- ̶ ǹ̸ ־ ô.(׷ٰ Ǽϴ¼ ְ-) ''̶ ǹ god տ demi- ̸ demigod: ׸ ȭ Hercules(Ŭ) ݽ, Ǵ Űȭ - ְ ,  . Hercules who is partly divine and partly human. He was a demigod. His fatherwas Zeus, and his mother was a princess, Alcmene.(ŭ Zeus Alcmene ¦ ׳ ħϿ Ƶ̹ٷ Hercules. ׸ ȭ ̷ ̾߱ ? ׷...)divine: , Ű, , , ġ, ϴdemi- ˾Ҵ ҵ ϱ, ϰ ̸鼭 ׸ hemi- ˾ ڱ. hemi + cycle() ݿ sphere մϴ. ⿡ hemi- ̸ hemisphere, ڸ ݱ ˴ϴ. demi-, hemi-ϴϱ ׷ ٴ , semi- ʽϱ? "K Y밡 ̳ο ºپ" semi- ƾ ̶ . final() ̴ϱ semifinalذ ǰ ̱. computer keyboard :(colon) ?׸ key ; ִµ ̰ ,(comma) .(period) Ǵ ̶ ؼ semicolon(;)̶ . semicircle: ݿ semilunar: ݴ(ȸȭ half moon̶ ϴ. ݴ߿ first quarter, last quarter .) Luna·θ . ׷ moon lunar ϰ, lunar rover(moon jeep) ϸ, lunar calendar մϴ. ? Lunar calendar? ׷ Ϲ̿ ''̶ κ Chinese calendarǥմϴ. Chinese New Year`s Day . ǽ Chinese ̳, Chinese New Year`s Day 縦 âϰ ̱⵵ մϴ. Toronto Chinese , 迡 ū õ尳 dz ߱ Sky Dome ° ̱⵵ . 'Ⱑ ijپ, ߱̾?' ϴϴ. ƽþ 1 1 Chinese' New Year`s Dayϴٴ 츮 ѱμ , ε Chinese(߱) ̰ Korean, Japanese, Thai(± ), Vietnamese( ), Singapore ׳ Ʋ 'Chinese' θϴ. 츮 '̱ '̶ θ Ͱ ϴ. ߿ ij װ 鵵 ٵ . semipro(semiprofessional): semiskilled: ݼõ semitropical: (tropical ) ƿ(츮 ֵ) ׸ Ϲ ϳ semidetached houses : (о簡߷) پ ִ , ֵ detach: иϴ,  detached: и, , Ӽ detached house : ܵ ̷ ؼ ''̶ demi-, hemi-, semi-˾ҽϴ. 츮 ؿ(?) half ʹ ϱ ؾ. ׷half ܾ ߿ Ȥ ̷ ǵ̴? half brother, half sister ̱, ijٿ ƹ ʰ ϻ ̴ ε... ' , ڸ'? Ѹ 'ƹ Ӵϰ ٸ '. ׷ϴ. ̷ ݵ divorce(ȥ) spouse()ǻ纰 Ǿ Դϴ. ̾߱ ó ư ,̷ ܾ 󵵰 ޼ þԲ Ǿ ֽϴ. ȥ Ե ϴ ȸ half brother/-sister , Ÿ Դϴ. "I have two half sisters." ǿ ̷ ¿ϰϴϱ. 츮 л ٵ. ׷ ׷ stepfather ְ stepmother() ׵Ʒ stepchild (Ǻڽ) ֽϴ. ׵ 'Your child'( ڰ ),'My child'( ), 'Our child'(ȥؼ ) ǰ ˴ϴ. step- 'Ǻ, Ǹ, ٸ'̶ , ׷ ͵ ȰȭǾ ׷ ׷ ɰ ʽϴ. Ѹ, ߵ . ̿  ̿ ׳ ̸θ ׵ ȸ ƿ stepfather 'ƹ' ̸ θ⵵ մϴ. "Steve, why don`t you go to the arena with me tonight?" (Ǻ׾ƹ)Ƽ, ϰ Ű忡 ? arena: θ ô뿡 ִ ̶ (ice)hockey մϴ.   ִ ڸ ó, Ű"She is my ex-wife", "He is my ex-husband" ϰ 'stepson/-daughter(Ǻ׵)' Ҹ մϴ. (ó ׷ Ҹ ڰ ٴϱ.)ڿ Mrs. B. ׳ ݼ ǥó ߸ ( ȸ 츮 󿡵 ) ڱ׸ġ(!) 6 ڳ Բ ֽϴ. ȸ Ȱ̱⵵ ׳ ȸ ̳ γ ǰ Ǹ , ( ) ־ Դϴ. ׳ ׳ ȥ̰, ׷ ׳ ڳ 6 (?) stepchildren̴ϱ. ? 62acre(76,000) Ǵ ູϰ, ε ˳ϰ ִϴ. , ٽ ϴ ģ elementary schoolretire() Mr. M. ״ 3° wife () ֽϴ. ׷ Mr. M.̾߱⸦ װ "My ex-wife" , ̾߱Ⱑ ù ° wife ̾߱ ° wife ̾߱ ϰ մϴ. κ ް. ϳ̶ ... ۳ , Mr. M '̱ Seattle ڴ'߽ϴ. װ͵ , Ʈ ϸ ´ٴ°̴ϴ. "From Seattle to Toronto?" ̰ ϸ ޷͵ ɸ 'From coast to coast'(ij '翡뼭' , ' Ⱦ' ڵ Դϴ. ׷ ̳İ ߴ, Seattle stepdaughter(Ǻ׵) divorce(ȥ) Ͽ ׳ Ǿ ; ϱ ( °)wife Բ ; Ѵٰ ϴ. ȥ , ȥ (?). Like mother like daughter( ) ΰ? ׷ ׷ κδ ̹ match ߵ ϴ. μ Christian ȸ choir()member̰ ȸǺڸ鼭, Mr. M E.S.L. ѱ л ܱε鿡 ġ ְ, Mrs. M 츮 Ÿ ȭ Ȱϰ ֽϴ. Դϴ. ̴. ȸ翡 free-lance interior decorating consultant( dz )Ȱϴ. ٸ mismatch, ߸ ׷ ó ް  ִ ƴѰ ͽϴ. E.S.L. : English as a Second Language (𱹾  ʴ» 2 μ ) dz Ҹ ߱⿡ ̷ ֺ ̾߱⵵ ϳ ϰ ڽϴ. ڰ Toronto 鼭 ٽ âP divorce ߴµ, ϳ Ƶ Ƴ(- ) M̵ ϴ. ׷ ȥ ũ , ׳డ Italian carpenter()ϰ ȥ(ȥ) ϸ鼭 ̵ last name ǰ ٲٴ ٶ, ѱ last name ִ ̵ Ż last name Ǵ ϴ. װ͵ adolescence() ̵ε. 쿬̾. ̾? ƴϸ θ ̾? ȵǾ () ġ ɷɴٿ ̿ Ƚϴ. ѱ ִ ƹ PʽĿ ϰ(ʰ). "̰,  Ͻʴϱ?"P.S. ?! ݳ(1999) , P ٴ±. ̷ Ͽ ݵ ȥ (?) lawyer(ȣ). Ϻΰ ڸ ׵ ϴ ̶ , ϸ ׳ ư ִ³ κ . ֳ? ȣ縦 Ἥ Ѱڴٰ Ҽϰ ǰ, ׷ court ̰ŵ. ׻̿ ȣ ó Ҿ . ȣ ? . Clinton,Lewinsky, O.J.Simpson Ŵ(flat broke) (Ź) ʾҳ? Ȱ ̷ ϱ⵵ մϴ. 'lawyer ϸ ״', ' ־µ Ҽϴ ٶ Ǿ', 'ȸ'. ƹư divorce ̷ . advanced country() ϴ ? . (ijٴ 1997 ΰ ȥ ٱ ߽ϴ. ϴ . ׷ м̶ϴ. þ ʾҴ.) ݵ ϰ ִ ν Atlas ֱ淡 ݻ 紫غҴ, ſ 縦 ü crane(߱) loading, unloading(ư θ), ݱ ϴ Ʈ̴. ׷ crane տ, ر׸ϰ ׷ ̱ ִ'Ÿ Ǵ' ִ ϴ. "Oh, yeah?"ôٽ ű⿣ ġ ִ (?) ܼȭ · ׷? ׸ Atlas Ҵ. ׷, ̹ Atlas ˰ ֽϴ. , ܾμ ǹ̵ ˰ . ׸ , ̱ ̸, Ȥ ܾμ å̶ . ׷ϴ. Atlas Olympus ν Titan Ͽ̾µ,ġ Ÿ ϰ ֽ Zeus ϱػ ٰ Ͽݱ ȥᳪ ִ .  ü ް ִ? ׸ ٽ Zeus Atlas Ͽ ſ ϴ() ް ְ ߴµ, ̰ amnesty() life sentence(). Hercules(Ŭ), װ͵ ־ ñ ϰ ôٴ . Hercules asked his help in getting the apples of the Hesperides. Atlas went toget them, leaving Hercules to hold up the heavens. Thinking himself free of hisburden, Atlas returned with the apples. But Hercules tricked him into taking theheavens again. * burden : , ߵ ſ Ŭ ڱⰡ ġ twelve labors(12 ) 11°콺丮 ڸ, ݼ Ű Ȳ ; ߴµ, Ʋ󽺿ԺŹϰ ϴ ް ֱ ߽ϴ. Ʋ󽺴 Ʋ󽺴 Ӽ ־ ȸ 'ĩ(burden)' Ŭ ѱ شٰ Ŭ ־µ Ŭ ξƲ󽺸 ӿ ׿ ϴ ް ϰ . ̾߱⿡ ׷ ε 밳 ϰ  ӾƳѾ. Ʋ ׷ Դϴ. ٿ Atlas, װ ϴ() ſ ġִ Ͽ ī ϼο ִ ̸ the Atlas Mountains()̰, 뼭̶ Atlantic Ocean̶ ⼭ Խϴ. ó ſ ٵ簡 å atlas ϸ, ν ̸ , , ,( crane truck ȸ簰) ȣ, ǥ  . "׷ ׷." Atlas ? * ߿ Atlas rocket : ̱ manned satellite(ΰ) Mercury ø ϰ ū recket. * μ Atlas : ʱ ICBM hydrogen bomb( ź) . ԰ 100t̳ ȴ. '׷ Atlas ...'* ICBM(intercontinental ballistic missile) ź ̻* : Atlanta - ̱ Georgia ֵ(1996 Summer Olympic, ϰ ̶ ̰ ѱε ֽϴ. Coca-Cola head office() ű .) Atlantic City - ̱ New Jersey ִ غ ̸(غϴ ̶ϴ.) Atlantis - B.C. 9500 뼭 ־, ÷μ μ ÿ ȭ Ȱ Ϸħ ʾҴٰϴ .(ݵ 'Ȥó?'ϰ ã . ' ȿ Ŷ') * ܾδ atlantes : ( ๰ ġ ִ DZ) ݵ , Ư Russia ǹ ߿ atlantes ſ ǹ ġ Ա ϰ ִ ֽϴ. 밳 Ǵ ̻ ְ 麸 ġ ֱ⿡ atlantes Ǿ . ׷ ڰ 麸 ް ִ ? "ڰ  ޳? ⿡ ȤԲ." ̷ . ̼ 麸 Ӹ ̰ ִ . ׸ ׳ ö Acropolis ְ, ĸ׳ , () 6 Ӹ 麸 ̰ ִ ũ̿(Erechtheion) ֽϴ. ̷ ̰ ִ λ caryatidմϴ. (̷ ܾ ˴ϴٸ, ˸ .) 츮 쿡 atlantes()  ȭ 翡 ߳ؿ caryatid شǴ . ɱ׸ ɾ ſ 麸 ̰ ϱ. ' ϴ ôϸ ٰ װ ( ) ̶ .' atlas : (a ҹڷ Ϳ ϼ)å map̶ , װ å atlas մϴ. å տ ް ִAtlas ׸ ׷ ־ŵ. װ å̶ ٲ . *ȣδ chapter ó crane truck ó ߱ ȸ, ؿ ȸ,깰 ȸ  󸶵 ãƺ ־. 뼭 깰 ϴ ȸ縦 ȴ? ׷ ̸ ̷ . Atlantic Products Co., Ltd. 뼭 ֽȸ ⼭ ĥ? ! ϳ . container Ʈ ڼ . ?( ȭ ϴ) 'Atlas Containers` ȸ. ׷ motto ̳ϴ. 'Just in time not just in case!' (ʿ ð Ͽ ش.) ̷ ؼ ı? ̰ Ư ε, ȣ Ϻ Ϻ (JIT)Դϴ. ʿ ð ָ ̸ٰ ׾ ʿ䰡 ,  ̵. ׶ ȣ 'Just in time not just in case'Դϴ. 80, Ϻ â , ̱ Ϻ ־µ ׶ Ϻκ ȣϴ. *JIT : Japanese Industrial Term " ϴ å ٱ." -vert(to turn) 'NO INVERTED AERIALS` ski resort sign, ̰ ̸ ⼭ ? Ͽ 'No'  ϱ иϴ, ׷?̱/ij advanced country() Ư¡ ϳ ' Ҹ ׸ ' ̴ϴ. ϴ ٿ ϴ. 氡 ̳ ̴ (?)ϰ ٿ sign̸, ׷? ģ ? ۽䡦׷ ֱ ϰ. װ  Ȳ 'å ϰ ' س . ĩ ߸Ͽ ġ ɷ ϴ ̸ 濡 ȸϴ. Ѹ ' ߴϿ' . ׷ϱ "츮 и ̷̷ ൿ ̸ ٿ Ҵ. ׷ 츮 å ƴϰ å̴" ݹ õ sign ̰ ִ ̴ϴ. 'No inverted aerials' -vert ƾ to turn̶ Դϴ. ׷ϱ invert Ųٷ ϴ, Ųٷ inverted : Ųٷ , aerial aer- ׸ 'air' aerial : * No inverted aerials ' ȸ ' 츮 ski忡 '׷ ϸ ȵ˴ϴ' chalet( ) տ , Ű Ÿ skier Բ س . chalet Ű ǹ, ǹ̴ 갣 ġ θ̶ Դϴ. ̷ Ͽ ۾ ϰ ֽϴ. "̱, нϱ? ski Ÿ ͵ ٻ۵." ׷ ߻ ski center װ ϸ ",  µ о ̼?"ϰ Ұɿ? "Oh, no, I don`t think anybody read that whole thing." (ƴ, װ о?) "You didn`t read that? That`s your responsibility, you know?" ( о ôٱ? װ å̶ ̿!) exclusion : , ߹ liability : å ִ, assumption : , risk : (, ս ) , ɴ Ư ̵/̵ ׷ 轺 մϴ. ϸ ε, ȴٸ η߸ 鸸 . 1998 Ϻ Nagano() 18ȸ Winter Olympic äõ snowboard ص ׷ϴ. װ ֱ 翡 ߸ ̰ ;ƴմϱ? ̵ װ ź ä inverted aerial( ȸ) ϰ . ƴѰԾƴ϶ ι ù gold medal Canada û Ross(26) ´ϴ. ׸ marijuana(ȭ) ݸ޴ Żߴٰ 쿩 길  ã Ž Ÿ ٶ, 'marijuanaǿ (ó?)ȥ' ûҳ鿡 . ׷ ׳ invert ˰ Ѿ ƴ϶, to turn̶ ǹ ƾ -vert ֿ ĺô. . 켱 invert - inversion : () ȯ, '' intro- +ϸ introvert : turn Ű. ׷ ϴ? intro- ݴ ǹ extro- +Ͽ extrovert : е , ǰ converter 찡? ȯ ϴ ̿. (con-) ȭ(-vert)Ű (-er)̴ϱ converter ̸ ̴ϴ. ο ٲٴ ִµ. ׷ ڸ convert մϴ. convert : , ϴ/ -Ű, ( ) ȯϴ, ȯϴ. con- ׳ vertε ', ϴ, ٲٴ' ȴٴ . ſ, per- + ϸ? (׷ٸ ȸ ƹȴٴ ٵ.) pervert : ٸ 濡  Ÿϰ ϴ/-Ű, Ÿ , 豳, , . sexual perversion : , ̱ celebrity( λ) ϰԵ ᱼ 峪ٰ Ǿ Debra ϴ â , "He was kind of perverted. Iwouldn`t want him around my children." ('츮 ̵ ׳ ̳' ?) â ܾ, ص ˾ δ ʰ?prostitute Ź ܾ̰ street girl, street sex trade worker,walking girl, working girl ׷ ε, 츮 츮 𸣴 鵵 ϴ. call girl ܾ̰. ٽ, -vert aside() ǹ di- +ϸ? divert : ٲٴ diversion : ٲٱ, ȯ, ȯ Listening to classical is her favorite diversion. ׳డ ϴ ȯ(). back̶ ǹ re- +ϸ? revert : ( , , ž ) ǵư, ϴreverse : (ġ, ) ݴ ϴ, ٲٴ, ݴ, reversion : , · ǵư reversal film : 츮 Ϲ color slide film̶ ϴ positive filmԴϴ. ϸ Ϲ negative film ݴ(õ) ϱ. out̶ ǹ ex- +ϸ? (, exvert ϸ ȵǴϱ x ׳ e +Ͽ)evert : (Ǯ ) ( ܾԴϴٸ Ҹ ׿ ˾Ƶθ ˴ϴ.) ȫ ô, ׷ ƴ϶ .(, Һ ߱ ) ݰ 뷮 , Һ Ͼ ǰ ⵵ϰ ⵵ մϴ. Ǹ ̱⵵ . ׷ ڵ ڱ (to) (to turn - vert)մϴ. vert to شϴ ad- +ϸ? advertise : ϴ, ˸, ڱ ϴ advertisement : *, ٿ ׳ ad մϴ. advertising : ϱ, * an advertising agent( 븮)computer  version̶ ְ, 츮 version up ŵϴ. ׷ ϸ å English version( ), Korean version . A B to turn(-vert) ̴ϱ. 翡 ū ȹ King James Version̶ ƮӸ뿡 ̷ 縦 ϰ ִ 𸣰ڽϴ. liquid nitrogen(ȭ) پ ¦ ϰ T-1000, ΰ Ƴ װŰ( ˰) 鼭 ϴ , "Hasta la vista, baby!"(ƽ 񽺵 ̺) , Ŷ! ( ּſ!) ׷ Florida Miami ȣ κ񿡼 ڴ '' ־ϴ. ϰ ̱(?) ϸ鼭 ϴ "Hasta la vista!", ȭ ΰ ƴϰڽϱ? 'ȭ!' ȭ 峭 ϴ Ƽ 󱸿. ׷ Hispanic(ΰ) μ ϻ ȭ 'Seeyou again!'(vistasee)ϸ ̾ϴ. (װ ٰ ϸ .), folwer . Ÿ flower shop ְ ű⿣ florist ֽϴ. floral : , Ĺ florid : Ȼ Ƹ ұ׽ ̸ Florence, Floria, Flora, Florrie ̶ Դϴ. ׸ ̷ θ Flora Խϴ. ϱ greenhouse ֱ. ̰ , ׳ ½̰. ?nursery ȣ縦 nurse ?(R.N. : registered nurse, ̱ 迡 հ ȣ) ׸ nurse ȯڵ ݴϴ. nurse : , ⸣ , ȣϴ, , ⸣, Ƴ, ̴, Դ nursery : ƽ, Źƽ, Ǹڸ, , »( 峪 . nursery ֽϴ. Ʊ⸦ ϴ Ǹ ü.) nursery school : (밳 缳) nursing : ȣ, nursing home : 缳 ȯ (Ϲ - ü ؿ? ̳ ϴ, ΰ ̶ ϳ ε, ¼ ڽĵ ѹ ãƿ ָ ̰.) ׷ϱ ó sign ִ Chaves` Garden nursery ǹ̸ ˰? - , 淯 Ĵ. , Ʒ ̳. Trees Today Clean Air Tomorrow ' , ' '׷츮 ٰ ʽÿ' "Please, buy them from us and let us make some money." (-츮 )翡 ۰Դ ̿, ư , ũԴ ó ' Ƹٿ , , ø ٹ̳?' ϴ ϴ. ' Ե ڰ ٸ 糪?' ̵ landscapingϰ, gardening մϴ. ׷ Ư ö ɰ , ׸ gardening ʿ ⱸ ǰĴ ȸ û ٻ. ܿ ʹ ũų ð ų ڱװ Ͽ lawn(ܵ), mow(Ǯ ), weed(), insect(, ) control(ſ Ѹ), fertilizing( ֱ) ϴ lawn care company鵵 ϹȭǾֽϴ. ׷ ȸ ϴ ϵ ѹ ڼ ?* garden center - ַ , ϸ, top soil( ) Ȱ, fountain(м), lighting(), , pool patio(θ ) ġ, ׸ ܿ£ firewood() ˴ϴ. * landscape company - , tree shrub(Ű ) , rockgarden, water falls, pond(), sprinkler, fence ġ* lawn maintenance company - ܵ , insect(), weed control( ),fertilizing( ֱ), snow plowing(ܿ£ ġ) '̶ܿ ֳ.'* garden & lawn supplies and equipment co. - ⱸ, ǰ, tree, shrub() Ǹ, tractor 뿩 ( о߿ Ȯ Ѱ質 ϴ. ߺ.) ϰ Ƹٿ ȯ , Ű, ΰ ɿ Դϴ. ͱ ƴϰ TV Ѱ 鼭 ȯ , ֽðڽϱ? "̰ ִ sign̿." WARNING() 'PESTICIDE USE' pesticide, ? ణ ܾ̱ մϴٸ. pest ƽ? 纴. ? pest 'طο , , طο , 纴'̶¶ ֽϴ. ׷ ڿ پ ִ -cide ? װ ƾ to kill̶¶. ׷ pest + cide Ͽ µ. pestcide~ϸ ? ? ׷ ε巴 յǵ ߰ i ϳ ̴ϴ. * pest + i + cide pesticide() , ' ܵ翡 ѷ Ͻÿ' ǹ sign. ܾ -cide پ ض ǹ̸־ . ܾ ŵ. homicide : homicide squad( ) suicide : ڻ suicide squad(ڻ Ư - ׷ Ͽ 踦 ? 1998 Kenya, Tanzania ź Ʈ ̱ .) fungicide : fungus(, ȿ, շ)aborticide : , ¾ abortion(, , )б 迡 Ƹٿ garden garden ̾߱ ̾߱ ô. ij British Columbia Vancouver lsland ִ, 迡 Ƹٴ Butchart GardenԴϴ. limestone(ȸ) øƮ ȸ Mr. Butchartκΰ limestone ó Ƹٿ garden ״µ, ڿȸ ʰ Ǿϴ. Vancouver 湮 ѱε ã ̶ ȳ Korean version غǾ ִϴ. '״ ſ!' mortgage( ) ܾ ǹ̿츮 ǥ ' '̶ ֽϴ. ׸ŭ ٴ . ̶ ܾ, debt - ܾ ͼͼؼ ̰ . ٸ ܾ; ̴ϴ. ̱, ij life style '' ֽϴ. ׷ ǻ ΰ '(!). ִ ̰, Ÿ ٴϴ ƾ Ǿ ְŵ. ̷ ƾ ϴ ̳ ٿ Ÿ ٴϴ ׷ ġ 츮 ޶ ̴ , weekend holiday/vacation(ް) ⷯ ׸ cottage(),Ѽ ű Ǫ ȣ ų λ ϸ(ż Ҹ?) Ÿ ޸ boat, Ͼ yacht(Ʈ)? - κ ! ⿡  Ͻô? ׷ ׵ 츮 Ϲ ϰ ٸϴ. '̸ܻ ҵ ƸԴ´' Ҹ Ƹ԰ Ŵ ׷ ̾ƴϿ. ̷ ȸ ӿ ڱ credit(ſ) 㺸 켱 ̰, , cottage(), yacht Ͽ ̰ 鼭ڱ Կ ߾ . ڿ ׷ 缭 ̹ ľ Կ? '׶ Ͼ yacht ҿ̶?' ? 20 Ĺݿ ̷ κΰ ִٰ Ĩô. 켱 κζ Ƿ ϰ ŷϴ ̶ ʿ䵵 ϴ. ׷ ҾȽ ֵ ׾߸ "This sofa`s mine and that bed is yours"ϴ Ͽų rent ⵵ մϴ. ( а B`byeϱ ?)׷ κε bank book/account( /) 翬̰,convenience store(, ۰) ݸ ϳ 鼭 ' , ' ϴ. ׷ ϴ װ ھ? 'half' ̾߱Ÿ . ׷  츮 ѱ δ ϵ ̴, ⼭ ÷ ϴ ̾߱սô. , one/two bedroom Ʈ Բ ؼ 4~5 ϴ. supermarket on salḛų coupon ޸ǰ ࿡ ؼ . 4~5 ? large sum(ū). ׸ϴ ִ Ʊ⵵ ٹ̸ ;ϴ. ׷ ڱ׵ Ͽ 20 ȯ 15 mortgage , 3 bedrooms 20 ¥ town house( ) ϴ. ׶ʹ ſ Կ ݰ κ ݾ, mortgage ϰ ޶޶(rather shaky)µ, 밳 Ƴ ˴ mortgage ϴ. ׷ Ȳ̶ layoff(ӽ ذ/ǻ ) ϸ ϴ. ׷ Ǹ  ϴı? մϱ? apartment ؾ. ڵ . ¥mortgage ? . ׷ Ǹ down payment() ׳ 'Ȳ-' ư. , ׷ һ ġ- ׷ mortgage ٰ, ɷ Ǹ 35 Ǵ ű鼭 ο mortgage ϴ. װ ư ̸ δ ϱ mortgage motor boat yacht . ߰ ߰ ⸶ mortgage ڵ ٲٱ⵵ մϴ. ̷ Ǵ밳 3~4¥ ȯ. ̶Ͽ ׵ 40 Ĺ Ǹ Ϻҵڱ ˴ϴ. ' 20 ' ϷǴ . "Congratulations!"(մϴ!) ' ˴ '(mortgage) عƾ! ׶ʹ mortgage Ѱ ϴ. ڽĵ ̳ȥ縦 ġ , ܿ ö ް ̱ Florida Caribbean ְ, 2~3⿡ ؿ ൵ ְ ˴ϴ. ƴմϱ?׷ ̰ ְ 鼭 ٽ 15 ϴٰ 65 Ǿ retire()ϸ, ׶ʹ pension( ) ݱ ϱ . pension ſ ǹڶǹ ݴϴ. ׷ ̷ ־. ַ ȿ ѱ ִ ѱ ε鲲 Ͻô ε,"pension ִ ΰ ڽĺ ٱ. ڽĵ̶ ¼ ãƿͼµ Ǭ ָ鼭 'γװ 뵷 ׸ ʿϼ?' ̷ Ҹ ϰŵ硦."׷ ̰ Ǹ ڳ ȥ ڴϱ ڱ ䷷. ľ ö ſ mower(ܵ ) mowing(ܵ ) Ѵٵ, ߿ ܿ£ shovel() snowplowing / snow removal( ġ) ϴ ϵ ݾ ױ. װ ̿µ Դϴ. ׷ ľ κδ ʿ䵵 Ӵ ° health ü ߵǾ ִ condo(condominium) ű մϴ. λ, ܿ£¾ƿ Florida Ƹٿ Caribbean Sea ູϰ ִ³ĸ . ׷ ̱, ij condo ֹε ε ̴ϴ. (ij Ƿ ΰ åϱ ؼ ǰϰ ⸸ ϸ ˴ϴ. 밳 80~90 ѰԵ .)̰ ̱/ij ε ü λ cycleԴϴ. mortgage λ ̷ ׵ λ κ mortgage ٰ ̴ϴ. ׷ ȸ߸ ̳ ΰ ε ̶ ٵ, mortgage ٵ, ׷ recession(Ȳ)̶ ´ٵ ϸݹ ȭ ε ڱ . ̱, ij 86~90 ̿ ε boom ٶ ε , װ 90 ؼ Ȳ ̾. Ⱓ federal government( ) 1 $80,000 þ, '̴ ٰ ijٰ ħϴ ƴѰ?'ϴ ϴ. ׷ ȫ ġ ĥ ε ǰ ٽ Ǿ ⵵ ū Ǿ, ijٴ ִ ȣ⸦ ° ֽϴ. 1998 2, 30 ⸸ black-ink() Ǿ tax̰, ǵ ҵ ư ִϴ. February 24, 1998 񿡡. PM`s black-ink award signals balanced budget(PM : Prime Minister ) ߿. Prime Minister Jean Chre`( ũþ) added. "This ink has not been used in Canada for about 30 years. So congratulation andwe`ll hear more about it (today)." ׷ mortgage ȸ翤 ? Buffalo Federal Savings & Loan (޷ and (ȸ)) Ʒ white man ޷ ޸ ڸ American lndian ȳ ް ֱ.( ׷ ̰ Ҵٰ.)buffalo Ƹ޸ī ҷ, white man Ƹ޸ī з ص ε Բ coexistence()ϸ鼭 ̰ Ǿ ֱ⵵ ϰ, δtepee(ε õ) , θ ְ , ϳ Դϴ. white man ȹ ڰ پ Դϴٸ, ̱ ϼWhoming Yellowstone National Park ̷( 3,700)ʿ ޸ ֽϴ. buffalo ϰ ̶, ϴٶ 浵 . Buffalo ̱ New York , ijٿ 濡 ִ ̸̱⵵ մϴ. ̱ fire fighter(ҹ) buffalo ׿ Ծ Ͽ, buffalo buff -mania ǹ̷ . fishing buff(ñ), chess buff( α⿡ ģ ) ܾ federaḻ. , ̴ ϴ ǥ federation̶ ? federation : , , federate : ϴ, ϴ, յϴ, federal : Federal : ̱ ⿡ together ǹ con- + ϸ? confederate : , , ü, ձ, () ϴconfederation : , * Confederacy : ü, , ̱ the Civil War( 1861~1865) ο ̾߱Ⱑ 迡 ̱ ̾߱ ϳ the Confederate States of America the Civil War ̱ ο ŻϿ the Union(ϱ) ο 11 (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,Louisiana, Mississippi, North & South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia) մϴ. 11 ֵ , ȭ ֿ 뿹η (!)ߴ . ׷ ߴ the Union(ϱ)Ͽ ̳ ,  . the Union naval blockade(ػ ) ϴ ٶ ڴ ǰ û ޾ҽϴ. Because of the naval blockade, people had to do without itemssuch as new clothes. Confederate money became worthless and prices skyrocketed( ޵). In 1863, boots cost $250, coats cost $350. Two chickens cost $30,butter was $15 a pound. By the end of the war, flour(а) sold for $1,000 abarrel. And this was when a Confederate soldiers was being paid only $15 amonth!( 23ġ ƾ 纹 ̾ϡ.)ݱ Confederacy ֵ the Union ߴ ֵ Yankee θ ʽϴ. ʿ ׵ ֵ hick(̳) ϰ . 'Money talks'( ) ֵ ĵǾ ֽϴ. 濤 ƴٳ Ѵ ׷ Դϴ. (Yankee ?) ׷ ׵ µ ˼, ϸ ⵶ ž ֵ̱⵵ մϴ. ϴ ִٴϱ. ̱ ij 츮 ޸ ̱, ij province() (̱ state)»ǻ Դϴ. ָ ٸϱ. ׷ ̱,ijٿ 3 ΰ . ù° federal government, Դϴ. ǥϰ national defense(), ܱ, ȭ, citizenship(ùα) . ij Ÿ ֹε 15% Ǵ ߿ 7% federal tax, ()  Դϴ. federal government ־ , Ư ָ . ϱ ֹε鸸 Ȳϰ α  ƴϰŵ. ° state government(̱)/provincial government(ij), ηeducation(), health care(), ׸ highway() մϴ. ׸ ° municipal government()ε, ֹ Ȱ 踦 ΰ . New York ߻, ֹε ٺ welfare( ) Ÿ ε鸸 ۰Ÿ簡, ƴϸ ü ̿ϴ ̿ (߳?) κ. New Yorkδ ý Ϸ, θ Ϸ, Ϸ ̿öɾ ־ Դϴ. ' Ϸ絵 Ǵþ.' δ policing(ġ), fire fighting(ҹ), ij 쿣 snow removal( ġ), ׸ recycling program(ڿ Ȱ) մϴ. policing(ġ ) ̾߱Ⱑ ε, Ϲ̿ ְ 2 ֽϴ. ij R.C.M.P.(Royal Canadian MountedPolice) . Ư ڸ ⸶ ̶ ǹ̸ ֽϴ. ijٿ ðŵ R.C.M.P. μ. ߾Ÿ ̴ϴ. mount : 꿡 , Ÿ, (̳ ׸)ǥϴ, (ù)ϴmounted : ź, ׸ ڿ "Hi, (officer), would you pose for pictures?"( , Կϰ) ٷ? "May I pose with you?" ϰ  ?, ׷ Buffalo Federal Savings & Loan ȸ sign ܾ Ȯϰ ٰ ¤ Ѿô. loan : α, , 뿩, ϴ, ִ loan lend Ǵ Դϴ. ׷ ٶ ǹ̸ǥ borrow lend ȥϰ ִ. lend () ִٶ ̰ borrow () ٶ Դϴ. ȭ ڸ ̷ϴ. "Would you lend me some money?" (, ) ֽðھ?"May I borrow some money?" ( ſ) ?, ̹ Ȯ ϱ ' ' ȭ ?I lended ۡ? No! lend Ŵ lent.(ϱ ܾԴϴ.) Դٰrentϰ 򰥸 ־. (ѱε l r ݾƿ.)rent , Ӵϴ, Ӵ(Ͽ ٵ ϴ ġ罺 ̶ ׷ ͵ ƴ ܾ ٷӱ.)I lent him a large sum./ I lent a large sum to him./ He borrowed a large sumfrom me. *large sum(ž) borrowed word(loan word): ( ȭ ܷ- , Ŀ, ̺, ) highlight word,'mortgage!' ( ǹ̰ ִٱ?) mortgage Ϲ  ٴϴ ̶տ ߽ϴ. Ϲ̿ ٸ鼭 ܾ 𸥴ٸ ̻ϰ Ǵ . , ̰ Ϲ̿ ѱ Ҿƹ, ҸӴϵ鵵 ƽð Ǵ ܾϱ. ڱ ڽĵ ̳ ü mortgage , Ŵ Ű, Ȥ װ ͵ ϸ ̱ Դϴ.  spelling 𸣽.( t ϡ.)׷ mortgage ֽϴ. mort- ƾ dead() . 켱, Ҽ ܾ mort ' ˸ Ǹ Ҹ'Դϴ. ׷ϱ ٴ ŭ ̶ ǹ̷ ܾ ٷ mortgageԴϴ. Ƹ 빮ȣ Shakespeare (Ͻ ) Ͽ ϷϿ ٰ ϸ Ʋ ͱ. mortgage : , 㺸, (), ɴ. Faust mortgaged his soul to theDevil. 'Ŀ콺Ʈ' Ǹ ȥ ɾ. ƽ? Ǹ Mephistopheles(ǽ緹) ȥ Faust ̾߱mortgagee : mortgager : mortician : ǻ *ǻ funeral home mortuary : ü ġ, Ƚ(morgue) 1998 , ̱ Mississippi ׸ Greenville ٰ ǻ sing Դϴ. ½ ٴϱ. ', ǻ ǻ ̸ Mort-() ? ⿣ ʹ ð̶ ϴ ٸ ڰ ư ħ, ٷ ޷ Կ߽ϴ. 'Mortimer Funeral Home'(Ƽ ǻ) ǹϴ Mortimer last name ϳ ٴ(dead sea) . , ű ʽϱ? ǻ ̸ 羾 ̴ϡ. mortal : װ , , , ӵǴ ۿ , ΰ motal Psyche a mortal wound : ġ λa mortal combat : ο (ȭ ?)mortality : ׾ , 뷮 , mortally : ġ ݴ ǹ̸ in- +ϸ? (ڿ öڰ m̶ m ȭѼ-)immortal : ʴ, Ҹ, һ - the gods of ancient Greece and Rome The fame() of Shakespeare should be immortal. immortality : һ, Ҹ, immortally : ׷ mortal immortal ѹ ?A human being is mortal. They want to live immortally, so that they canimagine themselves as 'immortal beings` like Greek and Roman gods. ̶ ǹ mort- ƾ Ա⿡, ƾ 迭 õ ϰ ֽϴ. 켱 Ҿ mort , üԴϴ. mortalite (,  ) Ѽ, mortgqge ̶ . ݴ im +immortel һǰ ˴ϴ. ξε mortal , ΰ̶ ̰inmortal һǶ ˴ϴ. Żƾ ѹ ? , mortale : ġ, morte :. , ݴ +im ͵ ˾ƺ? ', ֱ!' immortale : һ' Ȱ ׷.' ׷ ڰ ¤ monument(买) ־. , ̷ ؼ mortgage ȸ signκ Ⱦ ֵ ҽϴ. 츮 mortal being,  Դϴ. ׷ A.D. 57濡 ̷ ־ϴ. Apostle(絵) Paul(ٿ) ź. "What an unhappy man I am! will rescue me from this body that is takingme to death?" ȣ, ڷδ. ü Ϸ? - Romans 7 : 24(ž༺, θ) ؾ߸ grand openingϱ? "Grand Opening̶." , dusk . Ǵٽ grand opening̶ մϴ. ̰ Ըʹ° grand opening̶ ǥ. ׷ϱ ؾ grand opening, supermarket  grand opening. grand ƾ great, ũٴ . grande, grandeur ѸԴϴ. 츮 ¿ Grandeur , , , , . 'ƹ 濬 ȸ ׶ ޾ҳ' Ҿ grand prix great prize ̰, Ϲ̿ ִ 'Casa Grande' ū/̶. ⼭ casa ƾ house . ׷ 'Ͼ'̶ Morocco ؾ Ƹٿ ױ Casablanca ݾƿ! ( Ҿƹ, , grandfather, grandson̶ grand Ѹ ٸϴ. ̰ 븦 ϴ grand̴ϱ.) ", grand opening Ͽ sale Ͻô." 'Heriss Rug Gallery.'Heriss ̸̴ϱ ׷ ġ, rug ? 츮 carpet ͼص rug . carpet room̳ hall üٱ ̰, rug ڸ room  Ǵ dining table Ʒ  κ մϴ. ɹ ȭϰ ¥ ִ . Persian ȭ rug Ÿ ϴ ٴϴ ̾߱Ⱑ µ, ó rug ƹ Persia . ׷ rug Ǹϴ 'Persian rug' Ұ, 忡 Ǹϴ ߿ Ӹ turban θ Arab/Arabian(ƶ ) ϴ. ׷ ǰ ־ ʰھ? ѱ ø Ϳ ֹ ݹ ̰ų ̶ . ѱ 뼺 ̴ϴ. մԵ ̰ ֹ濡 Ʋ ø鸸 ٸ . (,׷ ̿, ׷ 찡 ִϱ. L.A. ѱ ǰ Hispanic ؼ ġ µ ' ִ󱸡.')* Hispanic : ̱ ƾ Ƹ޸ī , ణ gallery . 'gallery' ~ϸ 츮 ̼ ǰ ϴ ȭ ϴµ, ְ ̸׷ gallery ϴ. ׷ϱ ũ fur() Ǹϴ 'fur gallery', ξ ǰ Ĵ Ը 'kitchen gallery' . rug ܶ Ĵ Դϴ. gallery ̾߱Ⱑ 迡- öڳ Ͽ ߸ оٰ Ǽ ִ ܾ galley ִ? galley? װ ? ȿ stewardess ٻڰ 峪 ֹ ִµ, װ galley մϴ. ׸, θ, Ʈ 뿹 ˼ ¿ ä ʿ ִ 20 ̻ oar() ϴ Լ̶ . * scull ѱ , Ǵ տ ϳ ׸ boat . sail() ־ Ư , Ӱ ϴ oar ϻҶϰ ξ . ̷ galley ̴60m ̻ Ǿ, 17 ٴٸ ƴٳϴ. ȭ 뿹 Ben-Hur 罽 ä 븦 ׷ Լ ٷ galleyԴϴ. ׿ ܾ galleon ִµ, ̰ 15~17 ϴ . ֹ galley ߰, װ ó ֹ ǹϰ Ǿ. airship(༱)̶ ֵ, Ÿ ϴ ü ship̶ ǥ Դϴ. , ݵ spaceship(ּ)̶ ʽϱ? ׷ ̶ֹ ѹ ڰ ܾ ˾ƾ ϴ? ƴ, ƴ gallery ܾ ڴ ̰, sail(ܹ) horse, gun õ dz ָ ȸ ܾ ϻȰ ̴ϱ ˾Ƶδ ڴٴ ̴ϴ. Old Galley Fish & Chips ̶ ̸ fish and chips Ĵ Ĵ. ׶ galley/galleon( ) ׷ ? 'Fish and Chips' Ϲ fast foodstore ϳ, Ƣ chip( Ƣ) . Ƣ Ĵ ̴ϱ ̸ - ٴ - - galley - ֹ - Old Galley Fish& Chips fast food shop Դϴ. Ʒ Eat in, Take-out, Restaurant, ȿ ְ,take-out(簡 ) ִ ̶ . LIC. UNDER L.L.B.O.? Licensed under Liquor Licence Board of Ontario(Ÿ ַ 㱹 㸦 . liquor alcohol , 츮 ģٸ ֱ ̻) *Ѹ L.L.B.O. " Ĵ ()" L.L.B.O. ̾߱Ⱑ 迡 츮 ' Ĵ ' ѹ ? beer store, liquor store ? ű⼭ ְ', ڴ' ܼ ƹư 츮 ó ѱ 幰 ̴ϴ. Ÿ ɷ ̴ٽϰ, ̸ Ȱ, ǹ濡 24ð ְ, ƹ 㰡 氡 Ȱ, ׾߸ ۰ ҿ , 缭 Ͽ ְ, 濡 缭 Ʒ  ִ ƹ , ƹ ϱ.(Ư ظ ġ ʴ´ٸ!) ̱/ij 쿡 ⿣ Ƶ Į , Ư ̳ 迡 ؼ ϱ ¦ ϴ. ַǸ 㰡(ij Ÿ Liquor Licence Board of ONtario) Ǹ 㰡 / ƴϸ '' . Ư ûҳ⿡Դ, ƹ ɺθ Դٰ ص "Sorry, can I see your ID card?" Ƹ ̷ Ϲ ϴ е鵵 ڰ, α TV α׷̾ <̰԰ > ̱ ؼ 츮 󸶳 öϰ Ģ Ű ̴ϴ. ûҳ鿡 ̳ 踦 Ĵ ѱ ̱ ''. ׷ ̰() ' ' ̱ grocery(ķǰ, ۰) ϴ¿츮 ѱ Ż ־, ϱ ( ) ټ ϳ ƴմϱ? 뿡 λ 'LA comedian ȣ' ѱ TV debutϰ ư-"Go, Kim Ho-sang, go!"(ȣ !) "̷ 뼺(?) ߡ." art gallery invitation card Դµ シ  ȭone-man show() opening reception ִٴ ̾ϴ. invitation cardºи wine ´ٰ Ǿ ־µ, ׳ wine alcohol ȵ, pop Ḹ غǾ ϱ?(wine ڰ ƴմϴٸ-)˰ 忡 ָ ÷ 㰡 ޾ƾϴµ 㰡 ä ޾Ҵٴ ̴ϴ. ', !' ׷ Ű¹̱/ij Դϴ. ֿ ٸ մϴٸ ڰ Ÿ ǸŴProvincial Government() , Ǹϱ business hour( ð)ܿ ʽϴ. (ٷ Ҿ Quebecִ ٸϴ. ƹ ۰Կ . ̸ ̸ Ѿٸ.) ǸżҴ C.I.design ü sign ̰ ֱ⿡ ƵѴ ְ, ݵ town ̻ store ֽϴ. *(CI design : corporate identity ȸ ̹ ) Ҹ store ֽϴ. (1) liquor store : whisky alcohol Ĵ . ⼭ wine ˴ϴ.  aisle() ڰ Եε ǥ ѵ 췯 ־ ⸸ ص ȲȦ(?) Դϴ. liquor store navy blue(û) sign Դϴ. aisle( öڸ ϼ) : ȸ, , , , . ׿ check-in , ¼ ް ʹٸ, "Would you give anaisle side ticket/seat, please?" (߰ ٱ ٺ ϵ ϰ̳ ڷ-) store 󼭴 sake(Ϻ û) . 츮 ִ Ϲ ѱ ̳ Ϲ liquor store ʽϴ. Ϻ JINRO, GREEN̶ 󸶳 ְ ġµ, ô Ƽ ð , ũ ڱ ̸ 4ȩ ѱ ֺ Ҿ ϴ Ǿ ִ DZε. ѱ, Ϻ ѱ ְ ȭ ſ. "!" 'ȭ'~ϴϱ µ 1995, ȭ Ѵٰ ̷ 콺ν 'ѱ ' (?) ־ϴ. 'Segyewha' "Segyewha? What`s Segyewha? I can`t make heads or tails out ofthis." "Segyewha? װ ? 𸣰ڳ." 'Nugu balsang(߻)̾?' (Who`s idea is this?) Mr. Abu? ƹ ƺε  ׷ ߻ϰ Ź ߴ ΰ!( Ǿ. âǽ ٰ̾ ) ٽ Ҹ ̾߱. (2)beer store : ״ beer մϴ. Ÿ , Ȳ Ͼ ۾ design Ǿ־ ', Ĵ ̱'ϰ ô ˾ƺ ֽϴ. 24 box$30.00. Canadian ˼ & recycle 츮 ׷ ϴ ϳ, ijٿ ̰ ̰ǰ , can ͼ recycleŰ, /can 10˾ ٽ box 2 box ڱⰡ ʿ 縸ŭ 簣ٴ . ڶ ϴ󵵺 ϴ ϴ. Canadian ˾ Ű å Ű µ մϴ. ڿ ǰ ȯ浵 ǰ, ̰, 'ϼ' ƴϰھ?ϼ - ϼ : To kill two birds with one stone.( ϼ ϰ three birds ϸ O.K..) (3)wine store : Ȥ, mall wine Ĵ store ֽϴ. , ̹ ¥ ? "First of all, You must be 18 or over."(켱 18 ̶̻ .)"No problem, I`ll just look at the signs outside. I am interested in the meaning ofthe signs." downtown ߿ ̸ Ÿ, Church Street ִ Դϴ. Ÿ ̸ ״ () church ϴ. ô ñ⿡ ͵̰ ׷ Church St. . žӽ ִϴ. ٽ Ư ϰ ֽϴ. ġ ߶ ʳ? 'Pints pub'̶ , restaurant. pint : ׷ , 470g, Ʈ  ׸* ׷ϱ 츮 ٲ۴ٸ pints (), ̺, ߶ pub . , ׸ Ǿ ֳ. װ͵ ϴ 縷 ε? ֳ? 'VIVA ZAPATA' öڳ ׸ ƿ ƴ ͸ иϴ. ", !" (Let`s investigate!) ƴ viva . ȭ ٽ(re-) revivalѴٰ ʴ? ٽ Ƴ, һ, Ȱ, 翬, 'ٽ, ' شϴ re-̰, ׷ װ viva- viva ƾ to live, long live, . (ġ Ѱ ¤) 'ġ ' ׷ zapata ? ؼ ? ׷ Ʒ ۰ ڵ . A TEX-MEX BAR & GRILL ʹ ġ ̴ϴ. ׷ ׸ 縷 dz? TEX, MEX? , ʳ? ػ罺-߽! ű( ) 縷 . ȭ ʳ? , ׷ϱ ػ罺-߽dz grill(Ĵ)̶ ̷Ǵ. ׷ zapata¸߽ڿ Spanish ̴ 𸣴 .(뿡 Spanish ãƺ ֳ.) zapata : ȭ.( ܿ ־-) ̰ Ű øzapateado ? ٴڿ ε Ҹ ų ߴ . ׷ ü ǹ̴ ϰ? ׷ ׸ ϴÿ ? ׳ ׷ ְ ̰ ׷ ƴϿ. ⿡ ǹ̰ ִ ̴ϴ. ̱ Texas ٷ the Lone Star Stateϴ. ֱ(state flag) ϳ ִ ׷ Դµ, ô ô븦 ϴ. 󸶳 ܷοھ? 'ť'(bonanza ݱ) ڴٰ η η Ȳ߸ Ŵٰ 縷 ٸ ũ(Biwak) ϸ鼭 Ǫ ϴ 'ܷο ' ̴ϴ. ' ϳ ϳ' ϸ鼭 , θ ׸ ܷο߰. ϴ ׷ ȴϴ. (츮 ε ߾ Biwak(ũ) ߿.) ̱ ߿ ° ũ ߽ڿ ´ ִ ػ罺ִ 1845, ̱ յDZ ߽ ̾ϴ. ׷ Mexican ְ, ̸ San() Angelo, Paso Spanish ̸ . A TEX-MEX BAR & GRILL ( Tex-Mex Look Book, Axe the Tax rhyme() ̱⵵ մϴ. axe the tax 'axe() tax() ڸ(δ)' ̵.) Texas ̴̱ϱ ̱ 'bar' ߱. ܾ grill? grill : Ұ, ҿ , , Ĵ 踦 ̿Ͽ ҿ . ׷ ô. ̹ ij ִ ÿ Vancouver() ʴϴ. 'SANTORINI TAVERNA` EXQUISITE GREEK CUISINE B & W() ü 帱 , Ͼ ǹ κ û ϸ Ʋϴ.(except cars ڵ ) ׸ó öϰ ڱ ä Ư ü ϴ 幰. ׸ national flag() ؼ blue and whitedzԴϴ. ν ¾ Ķ ȭ ׵ û ǥ ϱ. ׸ Ͼ Ķ ̴. "Right, it looked like a very picturesque scene."(¾, ׸Ҿ.) , blue & white ׸ Ư ƴϴ󱸿. ̽󿤵 ׷ Ұϴ. 켱 ̽ ⸦ . û hexagon(6 ) Ǿ ? ̽󿤿 Ư (׸ ) û ĥѰǹ ¦̳ â . (hexa- , 6̶ , -gon ) ׸ sign ٽ .(۾Ƽ ̰ڳס.)Santorini ׸ Athens 230 , Ѿ 8 ׸ ̸Դϴ. tavern(a), tavern Ϲ̿ ٸ . exquisite : ְ, Ƹٿ cuisine : 丮, (ȣ ) 丮 ϴ ׷ϱ exquisite Greek cuisine Ⱑ ׸ 丮 legend() mermaid(ξ) ׸ mythology(ȭ) Siren(̷) , Ư ׸ ڹ ų ׸ ̳ ޸ Ϲݽ, Ư Ʒ ¸ λ ֽϴ. Թٷ 䱫̿. Ⱑ Ƹٿ ׵ ϴ ̶reef() Ƹٿ (˸?) Ȥ̰ 뷡 ҷ, ݿ ӿ /(?) Ȥϴ . ᱹ 踦 εؼ ˴ װ ϴ ̾. seirenes(̷׽) ϴµ  Siren/siren̶ մϴ. ׷ ׸ ȭ sirenϰ mermaidϰ (?)̰ ϴ Ƽ ǹ̷ε ̴. mermaid siren̶ ϴϱ. ƹư mermaid siren ٴϴ 踶Ͽ θ ذ ߻ϴϱ ߿ "siren ض!"ϴ ,׷ siren ̷̶ ܾ Ǿ, ó ι Ʒ '/϶' ǹ̷ "-"ϰ ︮ ŵϴ. siren : (ϴ) ̷, ̰ , , Ƹٿ Ҹ " ?" " ̷α." ׷? ƴϿýô. ̱/ij ϳϳ , Ʋ educationalsystem( ) ٸϴ. ƴ. ϴٸ county() 󼭵ٸ ٴϱ. ׷ '̱/ij ̷'ϰ Ѹ . ׾߸ ڴ(?)ϱ. 쿬 , North York Steeles Avenue() East ٰ б sign Ҵٰ Ĩô. Brebeuf College School(founded 1963) 밳 ', Brebeuf 𸣰 ƹư ̷α'ϰ Ͻ ̴ϴ. 츮 δ 翬 college б secondary school, бԴϴ. ̱/ijٿ Ϲ college б ġ , б college ġ 쵵 ҽϴ. (̰ dẕ⵵ մϴ.)츮 󿡼 ' б '̶ '' 'college' Ͽ'OO University, Teacher`s College' ϴ 찡 ִµ ̰ ߸ . Ī ׳ ׷ ϴ 쵵 ̷¼  ׷ մϴ.( ȵ˴ϴ.) 밳 ̱/ij college community( ȸ) college ظ, бġ ' б' . 4 college Դٰ ϴBachelor degree(Bachelor of Arts, B.A. л) ϴ. Bachelor degree university ؾ . ׷ϱ 'York б ̼' Դٰ Ϸ 'York University, Faculty ofFine Art' Դٰ ؾ մϴ. ׷ bachelor degree ִٴ 浵 Ե. faculty : б к, , ۿ, ǹ ٷ ؾ, ü, Ǵɹ ٸ ǥ մϴ. Ʒ . After earning a business degree from the University of Chicago in 1998, he got ajob. , ѱ college Դٵ簡 ϴ ? 'college' Դٰ ϴ Ͱ 'university' Դٰ ϴ Ͱ ڰݸ鿡 ū ִٴ Ƽ ̴ϴ. , college university ϴٰų ϴ ƴմϴ. ǥ ٸǷ л ڱ ̳ , Ǵ й ϴ ͻ̴ϱ. ̷ 쵵 ðھ? " 츮 Ҿƹ ƹó carpenter() DZ ߾." ϼ Stoufville grade12(3) л Glen Doner. ణ õ 峭⸶ ̴ ״, 60acre(Ŀ) Ǵ ū 峲Դϴ. heir()μ real estate(ε) ĵ ΰ ҳ. ׷ װ õ ӿ Ƚ縦  ä Holland հ Bruce ִٴ ,  ϼ? Glen п ϴ. ׷ ġ Ӱ ϴ ǰڴٴ . ׷ յ co-op program( ǽ/ ) credit() ִµ, Bruce Glen apprentice(, ߽) ϸ鼭 ְ, ÿ ϴ ʿ credit ǽ ְ ֽϴ. " ֱ?" "Noway!" Glen Դٰ ӱ ð $6.00 鼭 ϰ ֽϴ. ġ б ع, ʹ ӵ ϴ 뿡 󰡱⵵ ǻͿʹ , Դٰ -̰, ϱ ༮ ƴϰڽϱ? , Glen ٴϴ Stoufville( ̸) Secondary School ǰ Pam Glen ǽ üũϴ Դϴ. ִ ҳ Glen Ҿƹ ƹ ε, Glen ġ Bruce ٷGlen Ҿƹ ٴ ! 귯 43 Bruce Glen ٽ ν, 3븦հ ˴ϴ. Glen secondary school Ŀ college . Bruce ױ , Ȱ ȭ , , , taxidermy( ) ƴƴ college ߰ŵ. , Christian Bruce ֺ city town , ȭ ȸ historical city ȭ ǹ ǰ մϴ. '̰ ڰ ٸ糽 ̾߱ Ƴ?' ׷ ?() basement(Ͻ) Կ . 忡Glen ҳ⵵ ͼ ߰, Pam ͼ üũ߽ϴ. ̰ college 츮 '' ̸ Ȯϰ ˾ ̴ϴ. ƿ﷯ б к faculty ؼ. װ ׷ Glen ҳ 60acre ȴٰ? غ?*1acre : 4,047 - 63.6m 63.6m 1,652 1,652 60 99,000!, ׸ ̸ Glen ҳ ĥ college ϳ ڴ. ǽ嵵 , ǽ ǰ 嵵 , dormitory/dorm() . Bruce ̷ taxidermy( ) Ѵٸ? (Yep, ڰ Ҵµ , ٶ (stuffing) 󱸿. '' stuff() äٰ ؼ 'stuffing.')̶ taxidermy - ? ׸ taxi arrangement, , ġ .(׷ Ȱַθ taxiway մϴ.) taxi + derm(skin) Ÿ , -dermskin, Ǻ, ̶ ̴ϱ dermatitis(Ǻο) , Ǵ ߰ derm ̰ŵ ', ̰ Ǻζ ̰ڱ'ϰ Ѱ¤ . ܾ̰ Դϴ. , Ǻΰ dermatology Ѵٴ . ׷ Ǻΰ ǻ dermatologistڳ.(½ϴ) Ǻο wart(縶), spot(mole 縶), pimple(帧) ƾ? . Ǻο ٸ ̸̳ μ ͵ ǥ . ׷ ϱ '' Ǻ ȯ ġ ̸ ' ũ'ƴϰھ? '̶?' 忡 ƹ ǥ⵵ ̰ 'DERMAGEN'̰.(࿡ ʾ-) ѵǰ 'ΰ Ǻ/ Ǻο' catch phrase(ijġ)δ ũ(DERMATOP cream) ִ󱸿. derma(Ǻ) + gen(to be born, , ̶ ) genesis :߻, ׷ Genesis â gene : genetics : generation : oxygen : hydrogen : (hydro- ) nitrogen ҡ ' ±䡦Stop it!' ̾߱⸦ Ǻο ٸ ̸ '' ٽ -DERMAGEN - Ǻο ϴ (ũ) - ׷ϱ 'Ǻ ȯ ġ'ѵǰ DERMATOP - Ǻο( ) top̴! * Ư ǰ ̸ ϳ ϴ. ٸ ϳ ? ڰ <Ϻ > Ϻ ӹ鼭 ߿ hemo-() ڷᰡ ʿ߽ϴ. 'Ʋ Ϻ ̸ hemo-  Ծߡ Ϻε ְ.'׷ Ÿ ù ° ౹ pharmacist()Ը ҽϴ. "By any chance, do you carry any medicine with name 'Hemo' in it? It`s forpeople with low red blood count." (Ȥ, , ̸ '' ̳ ϱ? , ̹ϴ.) * ⼭ '' ' ' . 'Ǹ ٴ?' ׷ٰ ̻ϱ. ׷ ' ġ ' Դϴ. Ͽ ƴϳٸ? ! " ϴ"ϰ ٷHemanic() 츮 ð hemoglobin(۷κ) ٽ hemo- Ƕ ̰ŵ. ׷ϱ hemo() + manic( ϴ) Hemanic( ̸. '' ) "Ǹ Ѵ?" ִ . Ǹ ϳ?Ȥ ? Ͷ Dracula? ׷ϴ. 縶Ͼ ̸ ֱڿDracula 簡 Ǿ ϱ ׳ ׷ ֽϴ. 츮 1962 < ŧ> ϴ Ҹġ horror movie( ȭ) Ե ̷ 'ŧ' Ǿϴ. ׷ ׷ Ͷ vampire. Ҽ horror movie 簡 ǰ ֽϴ. vampire : ( ȭ) ̸ ǻƳ ü ڰ ִ» Ǹ ƸԴ´ٴ .(׷ ó computer virusó vampire Ǿ ٸ Ǹ ٴѴ.) ŸӸ ĸԴ , ߳ 濡 (vampire bat) 鲲 ˼ ̾߱ ߿ ڸ ȤϿ ȣ, ׾߸ Ǹ ƸԴ ڰ(翡?) ( ֽϴٸ). ׷ڸ vamp() մϴ. vampire . ܾδ ־ ó vamp ϴ.(θ ) ׷ ڸ ̱ gold-digger մϴ. Ͽ ǵ ȥ ȥߴ ڿ Ÿ̽ Ź Դϴ. ׷ Ǹ ? - 2 ִµ,1) gigolo ռ( ڵ ִ ༮) 2) pimp (ѱ ַ ε ַ ڰŵ), ̷ ؼ ֺ Ͽ ٰ Ǻζ derma, ׸ vampire Խϴ.  ηε ʿ ֵ Ȱ ֺ ڴ Դϴ. ƽð? ̹ û翤 ô! Ȥ  ? 'Why did you come here?'( 빫 ?)ϰ (guard) Ʒ Ⱦ ? ź ڰ ϰ, ī пϰ ϰ . ׷ ֹε(I.D. card, identification card)̶ ? "ƴϾ, ׳ ."(Just do it!) identity : ſ, ϼ( ̷ ? 'ؿ ûҳ鿡 ѱ ̵ƼƼ ɾ .') identify : ̹ ˰ ִ  () ϴٰ Ȯ, ϴThe 46-year-old street crime officer who was shot was identified as DetectiveConstable Thomas Smith. ѿ 丶 ̽(46)ι. street crime : (Ÿ ְ޴ ˴ϱ )detective : constable : (- ) : drug squad squad : д, , identification : ź, () 'Can I see your I.D. card?" (̳ Կ)(Ϲ̿ driver`s licence caed մϴ. ε ? ׷ ִ . Ƹ ְ ϰų, ԰ ϴ ҵ ų, Ʈ ༮̰.), identity νð ?Government of Canada. ij . Ҿ . ׷, ijٴbilingual country ݾ. 'bilingual?' - , ܾ Ƴ. bi- 2 . ǥ , 2 Ÿ bicycle̶ . lingual , bilingual 2 ϴ, bilingual country 2 bilingual country ij 2 ϴ Ǿƴմϴ. 2 ϱ Ŀ Ҿ Ƿ̳ Ҿ Ƿ .  Ÿ ٷ Quebecֿ , ϴ ƴ϶ menu Ǵٴϱ. Quebec 鵵 Ÿֿ  ߸ʴϴ. ׷ sign̳ ǰ ݵ ũ , Ҿ 2 ǥϵ Ǿ ֽϴ. װ ϰ ϰ, Ƿ ª ڵ鿡Դ ', ̷ ?'ϴ Ʈ ִ ˴ϴ. ", 츮 ѱ ٴ 󸶳 ε!"' . ᱹ пȴٴϱ.' ijٿҾ Quebecְ ѻ ϰڴٰ ͵ .  鳢 ڴٴ . 1995 10 30 ǽõ Quebec ǥ Ѹ ijٰ 'ѷ ɰ(ϴ), ?' ϴ߿ ǥϴ. ݵ 𸣴 ź. Birds of a feather flock together. Բ δ ¹ δ. flock : , , ij ο 뼭 ִ New Brunswick̶ ϴ ְ ֽϴ. ֿ bilinguist, 2  ϴ. κ ֹε̿, Ҿ ϰ ֱ , ָ bilingual province() մϴ. Ư   ϴ (voter)Լ ǥ(vote) 缱Ǿϴ ġμ  ϴ. ׵ ġδ Ottawa parliament(ȸ) Ǹ bilinguistμ ڱ ǰ ߾մϴ. , ׷ ٽ ' û sign' ưô. 'Government of Canada' government 縦 -ment govern : ٽ, ġϴ In Japan, the emperor is a symbol of the state but does not govern. governable : ִ governor : ѵ, ̱ ijٿ ս governor ֽϴ. figureheadԴϴٸ ֱ ִϴ. The Governor - General of Canada is the Queen`s representative in Canada. Her Majesty : () 'His Majesty' տ ฦ ҹ "Your Majesty!"()~ϰ ϸ ˴ϴٸ ̰ , ׷ ȸ ڳĸ~. "Your Majesty! The enemy ships are approaching."(, Դ밡 ĵ ̴ֳ.) majesty : , Majesty : Ī, '' governor general : Ĺ ѵ, ij ѵrepresentative : ǥ, ǥ, ǥ, 븮ϴ, ϴ,The representative government( ġ ü) ij ù ѵ(Governor-General) 1999 10 7, Canada`s 26th Governor-General oriental AdrienneClarkson Ͽϴ. ̴ ijٰ multicultural country(ٹȭ,mosaic society) Ư ݿ ϳԴϴ. ĺ ij 븮Ͽ ӹ ϰ ׳Burmese background() Hong Kong refugee(), ȣָ 1942⿡ijٷ immigrant(̹)Դϴ. ׳ 𱹾 Burmese ׳డ ڶ HongKong Cantonese( ߱) մϴٸ, ٳⰣ CBC-TV ֿ ûα׷ þ ߴ . ׳ ģ Poy(, 92) Canadian, British soldier ΰ ź 밨ϰ Ϻ ο , Toronto nursing home ִµ Hewore his war medals at his daughter(ѵ)`s swearing in October 7,1999(installation ceremony day), ѵ /Ͽ ޾ҽϴ. ׳ Ź 'An immigrant`s rise to be Governor-General', ̾ 'A classicCanadian dream' Work, ambition, tragedy shape Adrienne Clarkson( ѵ ̸)̶ Ͽ ׳ ҰϿϴ. refugee : dz refuge(dzó, Ǵ ) a house of refuge( )* ӵθ ִ ڸ 'refuge'() ֽϴ. tragedy : installation ceremony day : ӽ (install̶ ܾ ϵ ǻͿ install غ ٵ ̴ϴ. ű⼭ ư 'ӽŰ' ˾Ƶڱ.) ׷ ϰ ũ ? "That`s the coat of arms." 'ũ' the coat of arms ϴµ 츮δ ''̶ ϸ O.K.. ߼ ݵ ȸ, Ư . 󸶴, ָ, ø, ̷ coat of arms ֽϴ. ij , ս ⸦ ״ ְ ֽϴ. ڼ ð. ׷ coat of arms ÷ ? coat of arms Ұ ִµ ڼ ΰ ü ֽϴ. (1) 켱 Ӹ κ. 밳 crown(հ) ׷ ֽϴ. (2) () κ, 밳 shield() ׷ ֽϴ. (3) ׸ ¿쿡 guard(ȣϴ ) ֽϴ. (4) Ʒ motto(ȣ) ִµ ƾ ϴ.(׷ ϰ, ׷ ־ ưŵ.) ׷ coat of arms κ κ ѹ ô. 켱 crown, հ. crown ٸ ε ڱ, . Դٰ ̷ ε Ǹ ִٴ . crown : հ, ¸, ǥ÷ ȭ, Ӹ , ̻ κ, հ, Ȱ ִ crown prince : Ȳ( ) 뿡 شϴ shield()Դϴ. shield : , ȣϴ (). , ȣϴ, Ű, θ, а Ǵ, ȣڰ Ǵ. He is our help and our shield. - (Psalm 33:20)(ƹư ڵ (wind shield) ٶ ͵̴ ⿡ Ե. dzó shelter ׷ ǹ̷ shield ̰Դϴ.)Red Shield : ⵶ The Salvation Army() symbol⿡ ־ ƹ missile ô ص ¿ °. 16 Ѱ ߸ ڱ ̱ ε shield ߾ . , ü, еemblem(¡)/badge shield ׷ ֽϴ. 츮 ׷ ޾Ƽ б, б, DZб, ߰б б badge ' shield' ÷ Ǿ shield ߽ ʿ ȣϴ guardԴϴ. guardlion, ս symbol . ̴ϱ guard ϰڱ. guard : ļ, ȣϴ , ļ , ȣϴ, ϴguarded : unguarded : , , ȣ guardhouse : , , â guardian : ȣ guardianship : İ, ȣ (* л θ ̱/ij ģôб ٴ , ģô guardianship guardian ˴ϴ.)guardrail : life guard : θ ׷, shield() guard ? ϰ µ ̸ ϳ ޷ ?̰ ٷ ̶ Դϴ. unicorn! ϳ ޸ 鸶 ϰ ߼ , ־ ƹ ٴ . , (Ƹٿ?)óุ ִϴ. ֳ? unicorn ó ڴ ̴ִ̰ϴ. ׷ '!' unicorn uni(one) + corn(horn ) ϰ( ϳ ޸ ) űϰ ϴ. "Hey, writer, you mean you saw the unicorn?" , ۰ , ôٴ ſ? 'No coment.' 켱 straight µ ʹ (spiral twist) Ǿ ְ, Ʒκ white, ߰ κ black, κ red? ׸ Ķ tassel (Ƿ ) ޸ Ҵϴ. A cow`s tail also looks like a lion`s. (װų , 貿 ڸ Ҵµ .)츮 ׷ pro ߱ ̸ Unicorn?KBS-TV α׷ <ü, > - ҿ ̿ ô忡 ֽ е Ÿ ȸڵ ''̶ θ װ ̾ ̶ ϱ⿣ ʹ ٸ. Ը ޾ ̿. ȵǴ , ޷ȳı. unicorn ް ޷ȴ١? "Nonsense! There is not a legendary animal like that." legendary : ', ε ϴ ޸ ? Ŀ ־ ư , ' Ͻ 𸣰 ׷ ʽϴ. ȭ ӿ ̰ satan̰ vampire() Dracula , ׵ Ȯ() . (?) ׸ų ʽϴ. ׷ϱ Ͽ ؾ մϴ. ϴ¹ ׷ 츮 濡 dz ϴ . ׷ 䰡? 츮 ɰ ǥ  ޸ õ 䰡(Pegasus)Դϴ. ׷ϱ TV unicorn + Pegasus ѱ. ̷ ̸ ? unisus. Pegasus ź ̷ϴ. ׸ ȭ Perseus ޸ sandalŰ, ( Ĵٺ ϱ) ſ ߾ ְ ¦̴shield() ãư, Ӹ ̰ Ĵٸ Ѵٴ ó౫ Medusa ׿ ӿ õ Pegasus ¾ϴ. Pegasus³ ְ ϴ. ϴÿ ִ ڸ ϳ̱⵵ . ׷ϱ ޸ ܻԵ ޸ '' . Perseus, a son of Zeus, cut off the head of the Gorgon Medusa, and Pegasuswas born from the trickling blood. The horse flew up to join the gods, and wascaught by the goddes Athena. Athena tamed the horse with a golden bridle. trickle : Ҷ tame : ̴ bridle : Ͽ ij, ȣ Ư ϴ coat ofarms  unicorn ˴ϴ. ׶ ׷ . uni- ϱ ε uni- ƾ ϳ . state(, ) united(ϳ ) ̸ 'the United States ofAmerica' ü ̸, ܾ ֽϴ. uni + form uniform ü, (ϳ ϵ ̴ϱ) ȭϴ, , Ѱᰰ, ϳ ġϴ union : (ϳ) , , , , 뵿 the Union Jack : 3 ϳ Ǿ ǥϴ, 3 ڰ ¥ unique : unisex : , unit : ü, ü, unity : ϼ, ȭ, ϰ, ( ǰ)universal : , , (ö ) university : б( е ϳ ̷ Ŵϱ.) ij coat of arms Ʒ motto ?A MARI USQUE AD MARE - ? (𸣴 , κ ij 鵵 . ڵ ̰ ˾Ƴ 鿴.) ƾ mare ٴ(ocean), mari ٴٵ(ٴٵ? δ ȵ) From Ocean to Ocean(뼭翡 , ij) ׷ ij ' , '̶ 'From coast to coast' մϴ. 츮 â 'Ŀư' ޾Ҵ? . * name card ƴϰ business cardԴϴ. Ե business card . 'La Torinese Drapery' 켱 la տ  ƴϰڴ Ͱ, Torinese¸ (?) Ƚ? װ ׷. Torinese 'Ż ϼ /-'̶ . ׷ϱ ̸ Ż ̸ ߿ , store ִ ֹε κ ltalian̶ ̴ϴ. (ǿ, ȸǿ Ż) ֹ/鿡 ģ ̹, (!) ַ . ٷ draperyԴϴ. drapery ٵ ˰ ?  Ÿ ٴϴ 'XYZ() Drapery' ˴ϴ. show window ǹ '?Ŀư ̳?'ϰ ܹڿ , ׷鼭 ', ̻ϴ١ curtain shop̶ ʰ drapery shop̶ ?' 𸨴ϴ. ⼭ 츮 ߸  Ƣ ̴ϴ. 츮 â Ƹ ִ drapery ó 'ī/Ŀ/Ŀư'̶θ ؼ ÿ ̸ ? 'и, ȭ  ڸ( л?) ߸  ۶߸ ÿ ̸ Ծ.' 츮 帮, 츮 ׳ curtain̶ ˰ ִ δdrapery մϴ. , Ϲ̿ Ŀư(?) ϴ ѹ . ڵ ijٿ drepery ܾ ϴ. ͼ ó', Ŀư drapery θ?' ߾. curtain ׾߸ 帷Դϴ. ڰ ? ٷ ׷ , ũ Ͽ â ޺ β õ, ȣ簡 ȯ ̿ ֻ縦 ġ ĭ̿ õ ϴ Ұ ִ õ curtain̶մϴ. bamboo curtain : 帷(볪 ߰ Ǹ dz )iron curtain : ö 帷( ҷ Ǹ dz )The curtain rise. () behind the curtain Ŀ, Ŀ I recognized that behind the curtain there were a durble-agent. recognize : ݴ, ϴ agent : 븮, ߰, spy double-agent( ø) ׿ 'the Curtain Club Theatre' ϴ ұ ֽϴ. Ѹ縸 â ǹ ̰̾߸ Ÿ ֹε ϴ ֿ ȭ ϳ. Ǹ play() ֹε parking lot ƿ Ȱ⸦ ϴ. ұ ̸ 'Curtain Club'̶ ذ ?'play ø (, curtain) Ŭ' - ׷ ' ϴ '̶¶ ̸ ƴϰڽϱ? * ij ʿ ִ, ڵ 1ð 40 Ÿ ׸ Stratfordַ Shakespeare play ÷ Ϲ ī. 50 ̳ѽϴ. 5 11 Stratford Festival µ ̴ RoyalShakespeare Company, Royal National Theater Բ 3 repertory ϳ ڸ űǾϴ. Ÿ ̸ ƿ Shakespeare. ѹ? !(ȸ Ǹ顦.) ̸ ׶ . ' ' ? λ ذ Ѵٴ , ̰ ٷ ȸ 'symbol'Դϴ. ̰ ̽ĵ ƾ Ƹ޸ī symbol ִµ, ָ Ž ö ׸ ȭ ,Muse symbol ִϴ. Paris theLouvre(긣 ڹ) Muse Դϴ. տ ֳ . ' mask'. ε 'curtain' ö󰡸 ä 츮λ 'ذ ' ʽϱ? : comedy : tragedy tragic : , Two others die in tragic Welland blaze. ( ̸) ȭ ٸ 2 (: Ҹ ܿ) tragicomedy : . Shakespeare (Ͻ )play Shakespeare,  Ȳ (?) ̸ ͼ ϴ ̾߱䵥 迡 'ͽǾ ̸ 'ϴ Ծٳ? ̰ ̸ , öڴ 򰥸 Ǿ ְŵ. ڴ ̷ ߾ϴ. Shakespeare 2 shake + spear + (â, ) â â(* ̸ e ⵵ ϰ  մϴ.) ȥ ̷ ߴٴ , ׷ ǹ̰ ִ ǹ. ׷ ʳ last name Ǿ װ ãƺ鼭 αٰŷȴٴϱ. ̰ , Ʋ? ¾顦 ׷! , å ִ ſ. Shakespeare 'brandish spear', 'â' ̶󱸿. ׷ ڴ ּ Shakespeare ̸ öڿ ڽ(!) . е ! last name 12~14 ̷ Shakespeare Underwood, ⿣ 콺ν Ϻϰ . µ׳ , last name ƹԳ(?) ŵ. Ϻ 29 ̻ last name ִµ, ̷ 캸 ʹʹ ִ ߰ ֽϴ. (Miki ׷簡 ִ Ҵ ). (lnoue 칰 ), Kurogawa(õ- õ) ̸ Դϴ. 幮 ̱ Ϻ Shakespeare â(spear)ڰ  â(Yarimoto â ), â(Yaribe â ) ְ, Underwood ǹ̰ (Kinoshita) ִϴ. Shakespeare ̾߱Ⱑ , ׷ last name ̾߱Ⱑ ε-̰ Ư ̳ ׷ ƴմϴ. ε last name 캸 찡 ׷ϴ. Ư ȭ ̰ Dance with Wolves( Բ ) ̸̸, Black Foot() American Indian Ǿ󸶳 ִ 𸨴ϴ. 2000⵵ ƹư ׸, θ, Ʈ ġ Ŵ play() ٴ ź ƴ ϴ. ׷ õ (ruin, remains) ' ȭ?' ʿ䵵 . 2000̳ ڿ ¾ η μ ް մϴ. stage ߿ ϰų, ؼ ǰ ϱ 뿡 ˼ 뿹 ⿬ ̴ ϵ ͵鵵 ־ϴ. źϱ Ƶ ̱׷ Ǹ 踦 ϰ, Ը Ͽ ű⼭ play ٴ - װ ʽϱ? ϳ ׷ õ ݵ󸶵 ִٴ , ׸ 뵵 ϰ ִٴ . ׷ 쵵 ־. On the night of September 25, 1993, ׸ Yanni ̱internationally known( ˷) composer and performer(۰, ְ) ŵ 20⸸ ȯϿ, ׳ Acropolis ؿ ִ2000year-old Herod Atticus Theater The Royal Philharmonic ConcertOrchestra ϱ. ruin : (ǹ) ر, , (remains) ǹ ıϴ, ĸŰruined : ı, Ȳ ruination : ȲȭŰ(destruction) , ٽ ̾߱⸦ drapery - սô. drapery : 츮 ġϴ õ, , hangings or clothing arranged in folds,especially such hangings hung as curtains. curtain : the drapery or hanging screen separating the stage of theater from thepart where the audience sits. Anything that covers or hides. drape : , ָ Ƹٿ õ ϰ ϴdraper : " Ḹ ھ ƴѰ?" hotel, hostel õ ֵ鿡 ؼ å պκп ϴ. װ ׷. hotel ? װ͵ 4, 5 Ǹ? '̰ , ū ȸ business trip()̳ ū ü û ޾ ϱ ̷μ.' Ȱڵ bank book() balance(ܰ)° , rather shaky!(޶޶) Ư . ε Ҷ ַ ȣڿ ٷ ϴ , к ڸ 'õ Ͻʽÿ(?)' Ϲ̿ hotel chain ȣڵ鵵 ֽϴٸ밳 business trip ϰų honeymoon Ư , ׸ packagetourist̳ ׷ ȣڿ (Ư ̴ϱ), ڵ ϴ Ϲ̻ ؼ ó ȣڿ ʽϴ. ׷ ɷµ . Ʊ ? balance rather shaky(޶޶). ׷ Ҹ ã ϱ Ⱦϸ鼭 ȣ (츮 δ ű ) ٽ մϴ. motorist(ڵ ) + hotel motel - ̰ . Ϲ ࿡ motel ϹԴϴ. ׷ motel 'NOVACANCY'( ) ٿٵ, ڰ ʹ Ҷ? ׺ inn ϴ. ö motel ã ġ rate() $45 , ̷  Ѱ . interior ϰ . ׷ ڷ $75 . inn $100~150̸ offseason rate( ) ݰ . Ȥ ó hotel chainִٰ ص Ÿ  ݿ innϰ ׸ ̰ ʽϴ. ̰ ? 'Nobody will go to the hotel.'( 󸶳 § ε?) 츮 󿡵 motel̶ ̴, ڰ⿣ motel ߰ κ̴. ó ߽ɰ 0 ް񿡵 motel̶ sign ھҰ ־. ü  濡 ڵ ڵ ű , ڰ, ִٴ ? ɸ ٴ '' ٻϰ ȭ(?) ó ׷ ̸ ٿ Ŷ, ׷ ġ ߻̶´ . âؿ. 츮 ؿ ӹ ־ ǰڽϱ?motel ? ڵ ̱/ij motel 켱 ̷ ߾(!) մϴ. * ġ? - ణ out skirt() ڸ ִ. * ? - 򺸴 ξ ʸ 밳 ִ. * ǹ? - ٷ Ǵ , ڷ þ, 밳 ǹ. office ִ. 2 3? ׷ . ű ö󰣴?* 쳪? - ٷ ڱ տ . (׷ űⰡ , ã ⵵ )*  check-in ϰ check-out ϳ? - office ġ ޾ 踦 ڱⰡ  ڰ, ư ħ ̵ ȭǴ ΰ 'Ⱦ-' .(´ Ҹ ͵ - , û ִ maid ݵ tip !) * ༱ motel ̸ ϰ ? ̱ 'Motel 6' chain motel ħoffice ̸ ̾߱⸦ س ׳ 'Motel 6' long distantcall(Ÿ ȭ) ɾ reservation() ݴϴ. 'װ 󸶳 ѵ.'༱ : destination() reserve : ̷ δ, ϴ, ϴ, ,(Ư ) , * : reserve, reserved troops Indian Reservations : (̱/ij) ε ȣ , ׳ reserve. reserve serve save, to keep̶ ǹ. ׷ϱ re- Բ ǹ con- + ϸ? conserve : ȣϴ, ϴ(Բ ȣϴϱ-) conservation : ȣ, conservation area : ΰ ȣϴ 긲, õ ijٿ provincialpark(ָ ) ̷ . ָ dzͼ barbecue(ٿ BarB.Q. Ǵ B.B.Q.) ظ԰, ķε ϰ, Indian boat 츮 ڰ¦ canoe Ÿ- conservative : ϴ, , ϴ , Conservative : ( ̸) ijٿ PC(Progressive Conservative) Party( ) ֽϴ. ַConservative() ̸ Ī ־, Ź 'Tory'('ϰ ' , ϵǾ ) ϴ. progressive : , the Progressive Party : , ̹ Ƕ pre- ٿ ? preserve : (տ saveϴϱ) ȣϴ, ϴ, (ǰ ) и , ǰ, (õ ڿ ) Ư A fossilized baby dinosaur found in ltaly is so well preserved that muscle andinternal organs are visible to scientists. (1980뿡 ߰ߵǾ ÷ raptor ȭε, ߰ߵ ߿ ° Դϴ. raptor : ̸, ̸ velociraptor.) Raptors : Toronto basketball team ̸ fossil : ȭ, ȭ, ô뿡 fossilized : ȭȭ Ǵ, ô뿡 ڶ dinosaur : ( ϼ) preservative : , preservation : , -serve toward, ǹϴ ob- ٿ ô. ׷ Ź ġ ٷ 鿡 ɼ(observer) -serve Ѹٴ ˰ ˴ϴ. observe : ˾ä, ġä, ָϴ, Ұ ϴ, ⿡ + er ϸ?observer : ɼ(߾ ȸ  Ͽ ȸ ϴ ), The observer reported that the U.S. would not attack lraq. observation : , , ָ, , Ұ observation car ձ۰ dome õ, Ǵ ū â(vista dome) ־ ϱ railroad passenger car(). ׷, ϴ ? ׷ 縦 ̻ -ry(-ery) ٿ observatory ~ϸ? õ, , 밡 . ܿ observance : (, Ģ ) Ű, ǽ(rite)observable : ִ, ̴ ڵ ϰų ķ ̰ ƴϰ ԰ motel ڴ ִµ, ̰ Ϲ lifestyle ϳ ֽϴ. ƴ Ѹ . ƹ ׷ Ƽ ʰ ϴϱ. üȭ ׵μ ׷ Ƽ ̵ , 콺 Ǵ Ű. inn (perfume ƴϰ nostalgia) inn ؼ Ư American ô ô Ư ִ Դϴ. ׷ 幰 ȣ inn̶  ƴ 찡 ֽϴ. inn ̳ ̶ ǹ̵ ְŵ. ǥ 켱 chain ִ ȣ̸鼭 ̸ Holiday Inn. ׸ , DZ? 'Steer Inn burgers' и ܹŸ Ĵ fast food shopε inn̶ ־. steer (, ڵ ) Ű , ϴ, θ Ŀ(beef cattle),2~4 ż steering committee : ȸ  ȸ * steering wheel : Ϻ/ѱ ߸ (ڵ) ڵ̶ Ҹ ǿùٸ ȣĪ, Ÿ 'Steer Inn burgers' 'ϴ ܹ' - (츮 ) - ' Ĵ?' ׷ ص ǰ sign steer() ׷ ׳ beef Ĵ̶ °͵ ڱ. inn ð hotel ü ߰ , ̿ڵ鿡Դ ΰ̰ ֱ⵵ մϴ. Ļ絵 ϰ ڷ (in) ̶ inn̶ . inn 'μ' ̾ 1960 ص motel Ʒ̾ϴ. motel motorist hotel̶ 信 ۵Ǿŵ. ׷ ʹ motel ϱ inn µ Դϴ. ̷ ؼ hotel, motel, inn ؼ ˾ƺҰ. , ? ü Ʋ accommodation̶ ϴµ ̰ 賶̶ ˾ ־ ܾ. accommodation lodge(ϼ) ϴ. 򿡴 Ǽ ڵ Ѱ ξ Ҹ ִ 󸶴 þ . Hawaii ְ ֽϴ. ij Ÿ St. Jakob accommodation sign̰, Ʒ Ż Ƿü( Florence), ڰŸ ǹ ѷ Ÿ ϼ persioneԴϴ. ƾ pensione ϼ, ϼ, ̶ ֽϴ.(δ³ e ϴ.) () pension : , ϴ Her living costs are covered by her pension. pensioner : Ȱ(ַ ϰ ޴ )ҷμ pension(e)̶ Ϲ̿ lodge ϴ. ǿ ã ְ, phone book/ directory(ȭȣ) Yellow Pageslodge ãƳ . hotel, inn, motel, ׸ lodge/pensione rate(ڷ) resonable()ϰ, bedding(ħ)̳ toilet() ϸ,staff() ģϰ ݴϴ. ׷ ǫ ڰ ħ . (Ư ʾ ) ذ õ ִ Ķ ϴ 5~6ð̸ ̸̸ ã (in - ׷ inn)ڰ, Ͼ ħ ޻ ޷ ħ ã Ϲ motorist Ϲ Դϴ. reservation() ̳ Ǿ accommodation ã ö󱸿. 'NO VACANCY', 'NO VACANCY', 'NOVACANCY'. įį, , . 'Oh my, I can`t find accommodation!' ܴ?(-)Ҿ Ű  'VACANCY'( ) sign ߰ؼ ư ٰܴ ص ()԰, İ, ڳ? Դٰ ǰﵵ Ǯ ¿ . It`s a kind of vicious circle. (̰͵ Ǽȯ̷δ.)vicious : , , hotel ڰ motel ڰ inn ڰ, ƴϸ () pensione ڰ, ٴ ִ ڸ Ƕ ׷. travel! , Ȳ ܾ. ҿ ? , δ gas station, ׳ gas bar. ⼭ gas ü gas ƴ϶ gasoline clipped word( ܾ). Ϲ̿ gasoline̶  ? ܾ ϻ Ȱ () ʽϴ. ġCoca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola (ǥ) cola () ,Coca-Cola ׳ 'Coke' ϴ Ͱ ұ? μ ǥ . gas station. ⼭ ֵ ? 켱 ϳ Ȳ ô. , ⸧ ϰ gas station ã ̴ϴ. "There, there`s Sunoco."Ϲ̿ ȸ糢 ϴ head office ÷ ٲپ gas station/bar ϴϱ , gas bar ۰Դ 0.1˿ ũԴ¸˱ ݿ ̰ ֽϴ. Һڵ 1˸ ε ߼ӽ θ ȸ縶 峭 (ġ ?!) ġմϴ. , ǰ ϴ. Sunoco Ϲ ο ִ ȸ ϳ̸, Sandri 70 㸮 ְ ̷, 5 迭 ȸ縦 Ŵ ׷Դϴ. The historyof the Sandri company is an old-fashioned American success story.( Ÿ ) Sunoco gas station William Sandri ƹ ̾޾ 1973⿡ âߴµ, Ѵ޿ 5million gallon̳ Ĵ ȸ ߽ϴ. "Sunoco ϱ?" ۽䡦 ٿ ¾̴ϱ, sun + o + co(company) ƴұ ͱ. , '¾'̶ Sol ȸ簡 ְŵ. " cent ׷ٱ?" ׷, ҿ Ͽ 3˰ δٰ Ĩô. ε 翬 ׸θ . ѹ ⸧ ִ 50ִ´ٰ ĵ $1.50 ̰ ݾƿ? $1.50 3 ְ, 1 8 ٰ ص 24 Ǵ . ̱ε 󸶳 ε.(, ̱ yard system ƴϰ gallon ⸧ ˴ϴ.) gas station/bar 켱 ϳself service ̳, ƴϸ full service ̳?(κ 'self-'ΰ. 'full service' gallon/litter ˾ δϱ. full service 쿣⸧ ִ wind shield( ) ۾ְ tire engine oil check ݴϴ. ׷ ̳ , ߿ Ư . ȿ ɾƸ ־ Ǵϡ gas bar pumpingϴ (oilsupplier/attendant0 ׷ ̸ ׾. < ϰ Ӵϴ. ߿ ۿ (pumping) gun Ⱦ ⸧ 鼭 ª ð â , tire check ַ, flow-meter( 帣 , ⸧ ±, ) а 󸶶 credit card( airmileage card ó) ޾ƴ ܰ ó ַװ͵ ª ð . ' ԱⰡ ׷ ٱ.'> gas bar pumpingϴ δ oil supplier, attendant մϴ. The attendants put gas in the cars shiver with cold. shiver : , , 츮 'self service' ߴ ġ, pump տ ̹⸧ ؾ߰. , װ regular մϴ. octane number(ź) 87. regular : Ģ, regular army(Ա) regularly : , ڲ, regulate : ϴ, ϴ, ϴ regulator : ( scuba diving ߿, ϴ п ֵ 150~250̳ Ǵ tank (Ұ ƴ) з ִ ġ regulator .) regulation : , , , "Who made these strict regulations for parking?" Ȥ ? ׸ 8̶ ǹ octa-  ܾ octane źȭҷ, ź 8 octane̶ մϴ. regular ܰ ⸧ ? ȸ翡 'silver, plus' ǰ θϴ. octane number 89. ְ ֹ 밳 'supreme'. octane number 91. ƾ , super ְ . ׷ ְ δ the Supreme Court ? (court , , ̶ 浵 ֽϴ. ׷ 츮ε ''ڸ ־ ''̶ . ó κ ¿ ' ֹ' ֵ ۵Ǿ ֽϴ. ׷'' ? ϴ ', װž ظ ̱ ̶¶̰' Ͻ ð? '' δ 'unleaded' մϴ. un-  ܾ տ , ݴ, ǹ̸ ִ . lead( ) , ̴ϱ unleaded ŵ, , ̶ ǰ. *lead ϸ '̲, εϴ' ? The U.S. -lead combined operations(̱ ̲ ) <츮 翡 pencil ''̶ ʽ 濬, black lead .> ׷ ̳ ƾ Ƹ޸ī() ҿ sans plomb̶ ֽϴ. ô ġ /unleaded . plumb ε, ƾδ lead() . ⿡ -er ̸ plumber ˴ϴ. ࿡ , , ϼ pipe() ۾ ϴ ε, plumbing ۾ ϴ pipe θ ؾ ϸ, ׷ lead ؾ ϰŵ. ( plumber Ϲ̿ ȸ Դϴ. ð ̵ -) ̷ plumb ̶ ˸  öڰ ϳ Ʋٰ ϴ(o-u) ҿ plomb Ѵٴ ʰھ? տ پ ִ sans unleaded ƴ 翡 '' ھ?( ƾ ׸ Ȱ ̴̰ϴ.) sans . plomb ', lead, plumb'Դϴ. ƾ Ƹ޸ī() ξ ٰ ߽ϴ. <, Portuguese() ϴٸ ƾ.>װ sans sin ϴ. ׷, sin alcohol ̰ھ? -'ڿ '() Argentina Ǵ, ڿ ִ Liberty()DZ picnic tableԴϴ. sin alcohol̶ ? ġ ô. 츮 ѱ ãư ̷ϰ Ƴ?  ׸, ƾ Ƽ ִµ ȸȭ ġ å ȵǴ Ҹ ϴ ߰ߵǴµ,߿ ϳ ϸ顦. 'ε ϴ ȸȭ Ϸ 200~300 ܾ ɱ Ѵ'?  鿡 ַ ׷ ص ʹ . , ׷ٸ 󸶳 ? - õ . ׷ ܼѰ?the Old Stone Age/Paleolithic Age( ô) ! paleo-(, ) + lith()paleographer(, graph-, ׸) , Ϲ ü/߿ ǻ翡 ٰ Ĩô. 켱 home doctor ϰ? 밳 ̳ town ǻ 𿩼 ̷medical building ֽϴ. ׷ ٰ ô. 켱 lobby ٴڴٴ پ ִ sign ڱ. Ʒ . ! ? ʿ κ ̸ űô.(򰥸ϱ doctor ̸ .) 켱 ô ⿡ ? ׷ Ƿ ϸ Ǵ 븩 ְھ? 302 internist respirologist( ǻ) respirologist( ܾ ʴ±. 'ȣ ǻ') 303 family physician() 304 gastroenterology and internal medicine(庴 )305 surgeon(ܰ ǻ) 307 urologist(񴢱 ǻ) 308 dermatologist(Ǻΰ ) 310 physical medicine and physiotherapy( ) 312 family physicians() 315 plastic reconstructive and cosmetic surgery(ܰ)401 surgeon(ܰ ǻ) 402 family physician() 404 Richmond Hill Children`s Clinic pediatricians(Ҿư ǻ), 𸣰? 켱 ó 302ȣ respirologist ؼ װ Դϴ. . "Ǵ ƴ 𸣴 ̴ϱ." , ϳ ô. respirologist ξ re- , й̶ logy ̶ -ist spiro-? spiro ȣ̶ Դϴ. ̰ ܾ spirit ƽ? , ȥ̶ ̿. spirit ƾ ȣ̶ ̰ŵ. , ȥ ȣ Եȴٰ Ͼ Դϴ. Genesis (â 2:7) ϳ ð '౸ ȣ Ҿ ô, Ǿ ' ϵǾ ݽϱ?The Lord God breathed life-giving breath into his nostrils and the man began tolive. nostril : ౸ ׷ ȣ ݺ ? ݺ̶ ǹ re- spiro + ϸ? respiration : ȣ(-ۿ) *artificial respiration ΰ ȣrespire : ȣϴ, Ѽ * 303ȣ Ƕ physician ü, , ڿǶ physical ̴ܾϱ ⼭ սô. Ǵ Ϲ family doctor / home doctor մϴ. * 304ȣ, ġ ʰ 屺. ũ ô. gastroenterology _ ", ϰ ܾ׿." ̷ ̷ ؼ ϸ . gastro + enter() + logy() gastro- Դϴ. gastric : () gastritis : -itis (ȭ)̶ ̰ŵ. ڸ ̶ ȭڰ Ʒ 2 ̶ 󸶳 ҿ ̰ھ? -itis, (ȭ)! ϰ ˷ '忰' ؼ ˾ƺ? 忰 appendicitisϴµ. ̰ ad + pend + itis . ap- ξ ad- ̰-pen/pend : Ŵ޸(â ű⿡ -itis() 忰 appendicitis ۿ. ׷ ߶ ? ڶ atom ѷ ɰ(tom)  (a) atom̶ ϴ ̷Ǵ? ׷, ڸ, Ѵٴ -tomy ̴ ̴ϴ. appendectomy : 忰() appendix : å η ׷ ̶ ܾ ؼ ְڳ׿? , ? gastro- Ѵٰ ? gastro + tomy gastrotomy - ̰ ¡?( : perfect!) anatomy : غ, غ ִ ϳ ˰ Ѿô. ̷ ? ٸ 'ڱ ' '߶ ' , ڸ ǥΰ? ڱ ̶ autotomy Ѵٴ . ̷ ܾ, ڿ ٷ ٵ ʿұ? ܾ()˾Ƽ ݴϱ? ȣ̴? , ȣ̶ ̰͵ غô. ȣ suite մϴ. ׷ϱ ' Ʈ 1101ȣ' 'Naricondominium, suite number eleven-o-one'̶ ϸ ȴ ̰. * ׷ suite 305 ? surgeon! , ! ܰ, 'ϴ ǻ'! surgery : ܰ , (operating room) surgical : ܰ surgical instrument(ܰ ⱸ)surgeon ޴ ǻ ̿ (ѱ ) '3D' ٳ? ʹ ư ݹ ô޸ ٰ Ʈ ڰ ڲ پ а迡 ̶ϴ. ǻ鵵 ϱ о߸ Ϸٴ ſ. ׷ robot ð 𸥴ٳ? robot(츮 踦 !) Ѵ?* 츮 󿡼 ' 3' (dirty, difficult, dangerous) '3D' ϴµ, 3-D threedimension(3)̶ . * suite 306? 'space available'(Ӵ, ) available, ̿ ִ-̴ϱ * suite 307? urologist, 񴢱 ǻ ܾ. uro- urino- , Ǵ 䵵¶̴ϱ. 켱 urine : urinary : , 񴢱, (ð ִ, ) . urinate : , ȸȭ ̷ ʽϴ. urination : 财 uro + genital() urogenital : ı genital : ı, ı urology : 񴢱 uro + scope(to see) uroscopy : (Һ 鿩ٺٴ ̴ϱ) Һ ˻urologist ϴ ߿ "I`d like to test your urine, Will you please give me some urine in this bottle?" Һ specimen collections(˻繰 ä) ־ random urine(ƹ ޴ Һ) mid-stream urine(Һ ٰ ߰ ޴ Һ) 24hr. urine collection(24ð Ƽ ޴ Һ) ֽϴ. ׷ ࿡ Һ ٸ? "I can`t void."void 'ȿ, , , , , '̶ ε '輳ϴ, ȿ ϴ' ־ ̷ ϰ ֽϴ. "I can`t void" ? ׷ Dr. Right : "I`m going to insert a catheter."׷ ؼ catheter ϴ ٶ flexible tube Ͽ Һ (void)Ű 찡 . catheter lubricant(Ȱ) ߶ ־ Ų ׷ ణ .(׷ -ϰ -)  ׷ ƴı? ȣ̰ ճ⿡ ѱ Դ destroyer escort(ȣ ) sickbay( ǹ) medic() ٹ߾ٴ . 'quack()?'catheter : a slender(ٶ) flexible tube to be inserted into a passage or cavityof the body cavity 'ġ ü '̶ cave() Ѹ Դϴ. void check : Ģ ȿ ǥ. Ŵ ؾ ׼ ޴ ϰ ǥ ǥ 鿡 ٷ Ⱦ ߰ Void Ἥ ָ ˴ϴ. ׷ Ŵ ڵ ҵǴϱ ǥ ʿ䰡 . Ⱑ ǰų ؾ 쿣? void check ãƿ;. ̱/ij Ȱ ϰ ִ Դϴ. "Please get my check voided out." ǥ ȿּ. * , suite 310 ? physical medicine and physiotherapy, ̰, Ҿ ܾ ǹ ''̶ ذ Դϴ. physio- ڿ, , ̶ Դϴ. ׷ physical ڿ, , ü ʽϱ? therapy ġ, , ġ ̶ . physiotherapist ܼ ' ġ' ϴ° ƴ϶ ̻, brain damage( ջ) Ծ ȸ شٵ, ȯ ̾Ƴٵ ϴ, ̰ մϴ. therapy ġ ǹ̶ ? ׷ therapy ' ' hydro-+ Ǹ hydrotherapy( ġ) * ġ? ' ̳?' -(̷ ֳ , ؾ.)߿ ߷ ° Ǵ ̿Ͽ 33 to 37degree celsius() cardiac(庴/-ȯ), ༺ 庴, 䳪 ɸ ־ ġϴ . ''̶ radio- + Ǹ radiotherapy(缱 ) ''̶ + Ǹoccupational therapy(۾ ) ̷ (?) ܾ ô. ߿ occupational therapy ؼ, ˾ θ ߰ Ϸ մϴ.  (right-handed person/worker) Ҿ, ׷ʹ ϴ ޼ ϴ ۾ ϸ鼭 ư ϰ? ׷ ϵ ϵ ִ ٷ occupational therapistϴ Դϴ. suite 311 dzʶپ. ׷ suite 312, 314? family physicians()* suite 315 ʱ. plastic reconstructive and cosmetic surgery plastic ƴ ̱ plaster ˸ ȸ, ȸ ٸٶ¶. ȸδ ¸ ִ. ִ. ? ׷ plastic surgery մϴ. reconstructive re-(ٽ) +construct (to built) Ǽ, , , DZ׷ϱ սǵ κ Ͽ/ شٴ . * suite 401 surgeon(ܰ ǻ)̴ϱ ̹ ƴ Ű,* suite 402 family physician()̴ϱ ƴ Ű. ׷ϱ family doctor() ֱա½ϴ, patient(ȯ, ִ) ݵ ϴ Ǹ ؾ߸ ǿ ְŵ. ׷ϱ sign doctor specialist() ˴ϴ. * suite 404? Richmond Hill Children`s Clinic pediatricians(Ҿư ǻ)Richmond Hill(Ÿ ̸) Children`s Clinic̶ ʹ  pediatrician ǹ? ped- տ ִ () ǻ ? ٷ װſ, ڰ Ǽߴ .( Ǽ ͵ .  𱹾ƴ ̻  𸣴 , .) ijٿ ȵǾ ϴ. ڰ ij ǻ翡Լ businesscard() ޾Ҵµ, ű pediatrician̶ ʰھ? Դٰ ű⿣ ׹ ɾ ִ ׷ ־ ϱ? (?) , ƴ üѴð ", ǻñ?" ׷ "ƴ, Ҿư ǻԴϴ."°ſ. װ, pedi- ƾδ ̶ ׸δ ƶ ̾. ', / ׸ ٰ ?' 뿡 ϳ , . pediatric : Ҿư pediatrics : Ҿư pedobaptism : baptist : ʸ ִ John the Baptist/the Baptist( )Baptist church ħ ȸ pedology : Ƶ pedant : ƴ üϴ ( ڶ ̶ ?)*׷ ǻ? podiatrist (pod- ped- ̶ ) , ̷ ؼ 켱 ӿ clinic doctor о߿ ؼ غҽϴ. Ʒ ʾ ֽϴ. medical building , general hospital( ) . 󸶳 ܾ ġ ְھ? ׷ new comer/new alien(ܱ/ֱ), new immigrat(̹) ڱ׳ ǻ翡Ը Դϴ. "¸ ð Ͽ 鼭 , ǻ " - ̷  ǥϴ Դϴ. ǥߴ ѵ ̹ ǻ簡 ϴ Ծ˾Ƶڽϱ. Vigor? ? . "Vigor?" ʳ? װ Ͽ ϰ, 켱 vigor ΰ ô. ܾμvigor ƾ to be strong̶ 濡 Ȱ, , , ü̶ Դϴ. ׷ Ϻ ڵ ȸ Acura 2500, 5cylinder engine 176hp() (mid-priced cars) sedan 'ϰ Ȱִ ' ǹ̸ ־Vigor ̸ ٿ. (cylinder Ȧ ̻ϰ 𸣰 ֽϴ. Volvo 850  5  ͵ 5cylinder.) Ʒ nursery fence ɷ ִ signԴϴ. vigor ϰ VIGORO ̴ . * nersery : 'ƽ', 'ο'̶ 浵 ⼭ ׷ vigoro ΰ? vigor ƾ ̶ ? Ҿ, ¸, ξ vigor 谡 ִٴ . vigoroso , ¸, ξ , . vigorous ռ, , ȰԴϴ. Hulk keeps himself vigorous by taking exercise.(̱ TV ӱ ΰ ߿ȭ Ҿ鼭 Hulk ־ 'Hulk'ϸ鱫 ̶ , ܾμ hulk 'ġ ũ »̳ '̶ . WCW Hollywood Hogan̶ ̸ Ȱϴ¹̱ pro wrestler WWC ̸ Hulk.)* WCW : World Championship Wrestling èǾ (ȸ)* WWF : World Wrestling Federation ͱ׷ sign 'vigoro' ? µ? . Ʒ ׸İ (R)̶ ǥð ?(R) 'registered' (ϵ) . ׷ϱ vigoro ǥ? ǥ öڸ ߶󳻾 ܾ ų, Ǵ ߰ϰų, ̱ film/camera ȸ 'KODAK' ƹ ᵵ ׷ ϴ. ׷ϱ vigor + o ˴ϴ. ⼭ o ƹ ǹ̰ . ׷ sign ڼ ô. 켱 certified ִµ. certify : Ǵ, ϴ, (ǰ)ϴ certified : certified check. ijٿ ȵ ϴ. 繫 Ӵ (negotiation) ù ܰ,󸶸 ϰڴٴ 'offer' landlord(ǹ) ϴµ, ¥(Ḯȭ̵üũ) ÷ؾ Ѵٴ ̴ϴ. װ Ҹ . certified check? ˰ װ ϴ ǥϴ. ࿡ ǥ ϴ . ǥ 쿡 ࿡ balance(ܰ) Ȯ ׼ŭ (withdraw)ϰ ǥ 'certified' ݴϴ. ׷ϱ ̳ ǥ. 츮 Ȱϴ ʿ? ׷ certificate մϴ. ȭ  ϴ ǰǵ certificate . ܿ ڰ̶簡 certificate մϴ. ܾ ˰ ؿ. certain(Ȯ) + fac(to make) м ǰŵ. a certificate of birth( ) ׷ϱ VIGORO sign ڱ״ ׾߸ '', ׸ 'vigor'garden center ̴ϴ. < ڵ Vigoro Garden Center white birch 2׷縦 ٰ ո翡ɾµ vigorous(ǽϰ)ϰ ڶ ֱ. white birch ۳ Ǵµ ׷  ˱ ̴ϴ. Ϲ Ǵ Ϲ dzȭ ִ Ͼ bark( ) ϰ . ׷ American Indian װ ġ װ Ͽ canoe(ī) ⵵ ߽ϴ.> ׷ڵ ̸ Vigor, ̸ Vigoro vigor - ̰ Ͱ ʽϱ? ȸ ʴĴ ̴ϴ. "MMMIt looks familiar!" ( !)̰ Ȥ ڵ ̸ ǥ Vigorϰ, ߱ ġѴٴ ̸ Viagraϰ ̶ ? 츮 󿡼 'Ʊ׶' θ '̾Ʊ׶'Դϴ. ½ϴ. 1998 , ̱ ȸ û ҷŲ Viagra, ɽ ϴ ijٵ 1999 3 㰡, Ưε鿡 Ȱ° ִ ̸ϰ ִ Դϴ. Ȱ, , ̶ ǹ vigor װ  ϴ ̸ ʰھ? ű⿡ٰ ijٿ ̱ ̿ ִ Ŀ ְ Niagara + ǥ ٷ ViagraԴϴ. vigor + Niagara Viagra (Niagara Ƹ޸ĭ ε 'õ'̶ ) Ӿ ¾ ڶ ǰ ״´ٰ ? 20 ص ߴ facsimile fax پ /簡 Ǿ faxed ̰, 10 ص e-mail / ̰ ʽϱ?viagra ̸ Ӹ ƴ϶ 糪 μ, ο پϰ DZ ߽ϴ. viagra δ ȸϴ, ϴٶ ǹ̷ µ, ͸ Ѵٴ '' ε ϰ ִٴ . δ vigorous ĥ 𸣴, ռ ǹ̷ ̰ Դϴ. ׷ϱ ̷ ִٴ ̾߱. Mr. Power looks always viatra. (Mr. Power ϸ 峭 ׷ last name ֽϴ. power ô '̴' Դϴ.) Power Poor Ѹ last name Irish迡 ϴ. Ireland54th commonest surname. Poor Poore man from Picardy ǹ̰ ֱ⵵ մϴ. ƴѰ ƴ϶ Power power οޱ⵵ ߽ϴ. ׷ 츮 󿡵powerִ last name . Ǿ?! (Picardy Ϻο ִ ̸Դϴ.)adopt a highway ? ԾѴٴ ΰ? ̱, ij highway ޸ ( ) 'ADOPT A HIGHWAY' ǥ ֽϴ. ڴ ̰ ñ߽ϴ. 'Adopt a highway? ̰ ϱ?' ׳ ϱ ϴ. ״ ؼϸ adopt Ծϴٶ ε highway 'Ծ' Ҹ? adopt : ( , ̷, , å ) äϴ, ڱ ޾Ƶ̴, / . I liked your idea and adopted it. adopted words : ܷadoption : ä, Ծ The Holt Adoption Program (ȦƮȸ, Holt Children`s Service, Inc. Ī)Ϲ ϸ鼭 濡 ƹų ѱ ٰƴմϴ. LITTERING, $300 FINE̶ ٿ Ϸ Ͽ ϱ ʽϴ. litterbug ƴѰ . ׷ '濡 ʸ 'Ŀ ϴ ̶ ϴ. ð ϴ. Ѵٴ ij Ÿ , 'KeepingOntario beautiful'̶ ǥ ؿ ׸İ ̴ Դϴ. ׷ ش δ ϴ? δ ¼ Ͽ Ÿ Դϴ. ׷ϱ litter â ϴ Դϴٸ, litterbug ϱ ֺ 翬Դϴ. litter : ⾲, ⾲⸦ , litterbug : ƹ bug : , ~ ϴ , (Ư ǻ )ƹư ޸鼭 â '!' ¿ . ׷ùε鿡 ڹ ǽĵ ɾ ְ , ȿ Ͽ ̱,Canada ߻ ü, ȸ ޾׸ ' Ծ(?)' Ű ̴ϴ. "θ ڷ ´ٱ?" , װ adopted highway ǵ ü, ȸ ڱװ voluntary(ڹ, ڿ ) ϴ ̴ϴ. ϴ ü ü, ȸ ̸ 氡 sign  ǰ λ ȴٴ ! Ϲε corner store(۰) ū ȸ /ȸ/ ϰų donation()ϴ ϴ. ׷ corner store ε鵵  ߱ donation ϰ ̳ sponsorshipcertificate cashier ٿ Ӵϴ. ׷ װ Կ ؼ λ . "This store redistributes its profits to ourcommunity. We should support this store." ' Դ 츮 ǿ츮 ؼ ± ̾. Ⱦ ߰ھ.'"Ͽ 'nom'(?) ְ ݴ '' ִ ߡ."е Ϲ̸ Ͻ ѹ . 󸶵 'Adopt a highway'sign ߰ ״ϱ. ? 츮 idea ƴұ? , ׷ ó adopt a highway ٽ ô. ̰ ij Ÿֿ ִ ε  (?) ȸ簡 adopt ߳ ô. L.G.C. ACCOUNTING AND TAX BARRIE OFFICE L.G.C. initial(Ӹ) Ȯε ƹư ȸ(׷)̸̰. (ȸ, ȸ P.W.C.簡 K.P.M.G. Ư initialθ ϴ.) accounting ȸ and tax Barrie Ÿ ̸ L.G.C. ȸ ȸ Barrie 繫ǿ ڿ þ highwayûҸ ϰ ִٴ . ؿ 'Keeping Ontario beautiful'̶ ׸İ ΰ ? ̰ ȿ ? L.G.C. accountants(ȸ) initials Դϴ.(ȸ ε պ ַ ڷ θ 찡 ϴ.)ij adopt a highway ο 1994 383 ü, 4,845ν ̷ 1998⿡ 720 ü, 8,192 þϴ. 'ȯ濡 ִ /ü ȯ ⿩ ְ'ϴ°Ϳ ֽϴ. α׷ ϱ⸦ ϴ ڿ ڵ ༭ ο ϰ ǿ հ ؾ մϴ. 1⿡ ּ 3ȸ ̻, recycle 4 Ͽ ؾ . 濡 garbage κ, , , plastic bag(츮 ' ' ϴ ) ͵̶ recycle ͵̴ϱ. ſ Ȱ ߻Ǵ åӵ ڿ ڵ鿡 ֽϴ. ο ۾ϴ Ͽ ū ⵵ . ȸ ε(Accounting & Consulting firms) , North America ū ȸ P.W.C. ˾ƺ? ? .(, ɼ й ״ϱ) P.W.C. PriceWaterhouseCoopers Դϴ.  ʹ ? װPrice Waterhouse Coopers 3ȸ簡 պ ſ. ȸ 150 縦 9,000 partners 155,000 staff ִµ,1849 Price London ȸ縦 Դϴ. ( ñ 츮 ΰ ؾȿ , Ÿ .)* 148 Ǿ ѱ 'ȸ'(Samil AccountingCorporation) ֽϴ. 5 ȸ ϳ K.P.M.G. 1 Ž ö󰩴ϴ. , ̱ founding members 4(Klynveld 1917, Sir Peat1870, Marwick 1897 and Dr. Goerdeler) ȸ簡 ׵ mega-merge(波 պ)Ͽ ٰ, ׵ ̸ ڸ 1987⿡ Ǿϴ. *ѱ '굿ȸ' ֽϴ. lube? love? ̱ ִ garage(ڵ ϴ ), · ߺϺ South DakotaԴϴ. ڵ ̴ պ Ⱦϴ¿ Ÿ̱ , ߿ engine oil change ʿ䰡 . Ͽ⸦ ޸ 츮 '丶' Ʋ ʰھ?"Ÿ ߿. ε ޷ ٵ."*Dakota Sioux ε ̸Դϴ. * 丶 Ford Windstar LX, 3800, V6. garage ̸ 'Jiffy Lube', ̱ franchised store(ü) ϳ. ̷ garage head office() ְ, brand name, logo ִϴ. ׷ franchise power ̿Ͽ Jiffy , ڱ 鷯ٴ ̸ ٸ Jiffy Ư ݴϴ. lube 'Ȱ' , ƾ '̲' 濡 Դϴ. lube/lube oil ̰ δ lubricant/lubricant oil. lubricate : (̲ ϱ ) ⸧ ġ, ̲ ϴ, Ȱ ϴ, ׷  츮̳ 'Ȱ' ǹ̰ ٰ , 츮  ־ ư Ѵٴ ǹ̷ '⸧ ģ' ִµ, lube ' żϴ' ǹ̰ ϱ. ̿. Dinner lubricates business. () Ȱ Ѵ. ( 󿡼 ļ ߡ.)lubricator : ҽŰ , ̲ ϴ , Ȱ ġlubricity : ̲, Ȱ ׷ lube ȸ ̸ jiffy? engine oil changeϴ ߿ұ? "!"׷, ѱ "" ƴ. 'Time is money' Ϲ̿ , "" Ǵ ɿ? pizza ȭ order ȭ ðκ 30 delivery() free(¥) franchised pizza store鵵ֽϴ. '¾, pizza .' ׷ڴ run for(one`s) life, ױ ϰ delivery ٴϰ ε, ׷ٰ θ pizza ޿ ȸ ſ ȸ縦 Ҽ ٶ ȸ ֽϴ. jiffy ݹ, , , . ׾߸ while waiting(N). jiffy ö, ܾ 'zippy' ֽϴ. zippy : , ø ׷ Ϲ̿ 'Zippy Print' ϴ ұԸ μҰ ִµ ̰͵ franchised store(ü)Դϴ. (chain store )jiffy zippy ϱ zip : Ǽ '!'ϰ Ѿ ư Ҹ, '¤!'ϰ Ҹ, ,, ư, żϰ ϴ, , ۷ ״zipper : '!', '¤!' Ҹ ̳ , * franchise (ַκ ޴ Ǹű, ü )̱ Colonel Sanders(1890~1980) 65 retail(Ҹ) foodservice systems̸ quick service restaurant pioneer KFC(Kentucky FriedChicken) , 82 'franchised store' ų 2billion(10) chickendinner Ǵٰ մϴ. "Amazing!" û! 츮 󿡼 ʰ , Ư ' ø' Ż1.5% ֱ ϰ franchise Ͽ ' ' ֱ . franchised store ̹ ̱⿡ 濵 ־ Ҿ Դϴ. ׷ Ϲ̿ ' ' franchise . ѱ ' ' з ϰִ ͵ ׷ ƴմϱ. " brand ôϱ."׳ ϴ ̾߱ ̴ Ⱦ (crossing American continent) ̾߱Ⱑ ϱ ׳ ϴ ̾߱ε. ̱ ֿ ٸ ŭ speed limit(ӵ ) ٸϴ. New York State, Pennsylvania State ü 55mile̾µ,  ȵǰڴ 1998⿡ κ ٸ ֿ ӵ ü65mile ٲپ. ü 55mile̸ ü 90 Ǵµ, ̰ ϴ ̷ο ٴ Ǵ Դٴ±. ֳ? cruiser( ) ̴ κ 70mile, Ǵ ̻ε ޸ϱ. Michigan State ֵԴϴ. state speed limit ü 70mile̴ϱ 112 Ǵ ӵ. (밳 ڵ ű 10mile +ϰ ޸.) Canadian ӵ 100 zone 130 ޸ driver ϴ.  ɸ (speeding ticket). ׷ fine() demerit point() ö󰡰, Դٰ ؿ insurance premium() â ö󰡰 . ׷? Ȱ Ÿ ũ. ׷ ijٿ ϴ ̱ ޸ٰ ̴ ijdriver ϴ. ű⿣ ̷ ſ ʳ ͱ. 󿩼 ذ ª Ӱ ܿ Ǵ ij , ̰ ̰ܿ Ѱٴϰ Ǿ ְŵ. ƿ õ ɸ headlight ڵ ۵Ǿ ֽϴ. װ 濡 ٰ ؼ 1980뿡 . Ÿ , ׷ ̱ ڿ ƴϰھ? ' () .'(ڵ 55mile speed zone ϴ. '̻ϰ ̱ ɸ ߡ.' ͼ ¿ Yard ̱ ϱ ¦ yard-pound system() . ׸ 濡 48feet plywood , ԰ ̰ Ǿ ־metric system(͹) ijٵ ¿ ް ֽϴ. ׷ ̱  Ŵ ٰ̱ ְ. Ÿ100mile̸ δ 160 Ǵϱ. ( - Ÿ)weights and measures() 󸶳 ū? ijٿgas(gasoline) ϰ(?) ִµ ̱ gallon(3.8) ִ´ٴϱ. ׷ ÷ ڵ Ÿ border() Ѿ ̱  ij ̱ , gas price ణ  ϴ. '̰ , ?' () ̱ ֹ ijٿ ϸ δϱ ̱ ־ ijٺٴ , ̿ ̱ ̴ "Which gas station is the cheapest?" ̴̰ϴ. "Ⱑ 1˶ θ?" "׸ ." ̱ ȿ ijٿ ϰ ִ , Niagara Fallsó gas price δϴ. ij ڵ gas tank · ̱ dzʿͼ gas ְ ϴٰ, ijٷ ư gas ''(fill up) ä鰡 business ߵǰŵ. 뿡 ο ̱ ֹε ij gasstation owner. ̱ ֹε ij gas ־ ϰ, ij gas station gas ȷ ذ. "1970븸 ص ݴ ־µ𡦱׶ ̱ ijٿ dzʿͼ ⸧ ִ , ̿!" * gasoline̶ ִ ̰ δ ׳ gas մϴ. gas station/gas bar : gas station gas bar . gas pedal : (̱ ) accelerator pedal(ڵ ġ ) step on the gas(ڵ .) U.S. - Canada border() 迡 ( 5,600) ִ ̿ Ұ ֽϴ. Ʒ dz Canada Ontario Province() New York State(),Michigan State borderԴϴ. ̷, ϸ鼭 δ ׷ ٸ ϴ. ? "We are different from you"(츰 ϰ ޶) ϴ ְŵ. "ƴ, '¹'? ٽô Ҹ ƴٵ"̹ Ÿ ȵǴ ̾߱⸦ ϳ Ϸ մϴ. . 츮 , 踦 ʿ а Ǵ signδ'Welcome to' ְ, (city limit) 'Goodbye' ֽϴ. 'welcome' ' ʽÿ'ϱ ƴµ 'goodbye' Ģϴ. 簡 츮 󿡼 ̷ ´¸ ġ ʴ 𸣰ھ. װ Ƹ, ׷ ϴ ó  Ե ƴұ ͽϴ. б 1г ϴ λ縻 'goodbye' Ǿ ־ŵ. ׷ Ϲ̿¾ƹ ׷ ʽϴ. ׳ "Bye!" Ǵ "B`bye!"ϰ . ̰ Դϴٸ. ̾߱,ѱ 'ȳ ʽÿ' ϰ 'goodbye'ϰ , ,absolutely ٸٴ .  󿡼 'goodbye' Ư 쳪 Ұ ƴϰ  Դϴ. ֳ? 'goodbye' 'God be with ye(you)' , ׾߸ ' λ'γ ̱ . ׷ϱ ׾ų, Դٰ ְ , ּ ѵ ٽ ̺ 쿡 "Goodbye!" ֽϴ. ׷ ǵ 'goodbye' ϰ ٸ . Ź  'Goodbye' ϴ. 1999 4 18 ij hockey Wayne Gretzky( ׷ġŰ) , "goodbye to 99"̶ headline ϰԴϴ.(* Gretzky number 99µ ӰԵ 99⿡ .)츮 , sign See you again̶ ǽϴ. װ 'ȳ ʽÿ' ̸鼭 ÿ ' ʽÿ/ ˱⸦ ٶϴ' ǰŵ. Դٰ 츮 ' ѱ' ƴմϱ? ׷ ѱ ƴٴϴٰ Ȥ 'See you again'̶ ݰ ϴϴ. 翬 ̾߱ ⱹ忡 'See you again'̶ . ׷ ϰ ǰִ ;ϴ ɸ, ׷ 밳 . ܱ ߴٰ ׵ ϳ 'Bon voyage' bon ƾ bene- , voyage , ߿ 質 ⸦Ÿ Ÿ , ׷ϱ 'ȶ Ÿ (ȯ) ǽʽÿ' ̵Ǵ . 'goodbye' ߰, ȳ ϴ ̿. bon پ 밳 '' ܾԴϴ. Ҿε bon ̶ ƴմϱ? 켱 Ȱڵ ϴ bonus, ׸ ݱ/ bonanza, Ϳ ̸δ Bonnie/Bonny ֽϴ. ' '̶ ̴ϱ 츮 ̸ ٲٸ ̰.( old-fashioned ̸)ij Alberta Province() Bon Accord ϴ ð ְ, 뼭 Newfoundland Province Bonavista ð ֽϴ. bon + accord(ȭ), ȭ̶ ̸̰bona + vista(to see), , ̶ . 'vista'ϴϱ ϴ ִµ. vista vis-, vid- ƾ 'to see' . vista : , ָ ٺ̴ ġ ĶϾ San Francisco ʹ ˷ the Golden Gate Bridge(ݹ) ֽϴ. , , ̷ Ŵ޷ ִ ٸ(, ) ϴ?wire 'Ʒ'(sub-) ٸ 'Ŵ޷'(pen-) ϱ suspend(Ŵ޴) - suspension(Ŵޱ) - suspension bridge() ? Golden Gate Bridge ߰? ׷ ʿ ٸ dzڸ Ÿ signvista pointԴϴ. ij Vancouver ȾѴٴ , ߿ Rocky Mountains(Ű ) 鼭 ٴ Դϴ. ̶ ؼ? vista dome ִ ĭ ƾ߰?/ ø鼭? ܾ suspend Ŵ޴ ܿ (Ͻ) / / ϴٶ ְ, suspension Ŵޱ ܿ (Ͻ) / / /() ̶ ֽϴ. ׾߸ б η װ suspension̶ մϴ. bon- η bene-. ܾ bene- ϸ ', ̰ ٴ ̰ڱ'ϰ Ͻø Ʋϴ. ѹ DZ? 켱 benefit : (advantage), ȣ, (, ȸ,  ԵǸ鼭 Ư޹޴) ޺α, ִ, ̷Ӱ ϴ Peace treaty would be of great benefit to between South and North Korea. Covering dental insurance is great benefit for workers. , ȸ翡 ġ cover شٴ ƴ. ijٿ Ƿ ġŭ δ̰ŵ. ׸ װ ξ. benediction : ູ, ( ) ൵(blessing) * dic- , to say ̴ϱ -ູ ۿ. benefactor : Ǫ , * fac- to make ̴ϱ ̶ . ׷, bonsai ? (bonsai)?? ϴ '(bon) (sai)?' , ̰ Ե Ϻ. Ϻ () ̴ϴ. ѱ, Ϻ, ߱ Բ ̷ Դ , Ϻ ȣ ޿ Ϻ öϴ. ִ ε ̿ , bonsai մϴ. " ?" Ϲ ó ƴٴϴ (p)sign . ̰ž public parking lot() ǥ. ̶ , ׷ܰ ߸ ڸ . ׷ 'early bird' Ŵ ̴ϴ. 츮 ' Դ´' (ణ ) Ӵ ֽϴ. װ ׷. ð ׸ ȸϴ ̵ ' ' ϰ ǰ, ׷ Ǹ װ ̰ھ? ' , early dog?' ǿ An early bird catches the worm.̶ .( ´) Ϲ worm() diaper() ٸŭ ̴ ѻ Ǵµ, 㿡 Ǯ翡 ִٰ ̸ ŭϴ. װ Ƹ Ͼ ȴٴ Ҹ. ׷ early bird ԰ ϴ, early bird մϴ. ̶ early habits Ʊ. 'early bird' ̿մϴ. Դ Ư(Ѱ) ִ ̴ϴ. 츮 , ϴٰ ұ? ӿ ִ ڸ ѹ о ô. $5.00 All Day, Taxes incl. enter between 5:00~8:30 am, Exit by 9:00, Mon. to Fri. Ϸ $5.00, (incl-included), 5ú 8 30б ؼ, 9:00 , Ͽ ݿϱ ش. ׷ ̰ ? 忡 ִ signε? 'flat $10.00' (ٽ ) flat $10.00 ̰ ð Ϸ $10.00 ޴´ٴ . ó arena(Ű) ball park(߱) ִ ϸ Ŵ signԴϴ. ,ΰ ƴ϶ Ư sale ش . ڵ ڸ 'flat $5.00' Ĵ ̴ϴ. Ȳ ȭ ġ ϴϱ. ̷ $5 ޾ ä ڿ ״ ص ʰھ? '׷ ¥ ڸ ִ󱸡ٹڰ ϰ ڿ .' flat : , , , Ϸ, , () Flat Fees, Let you Bank With Easy(ȹ ŷ ϼ.)* monthly fee 󸶸 Ѵ ϰ, personal check( ǥ) , bank draft( ǥ), certified check( ǥ) ȹ ݸ ޴´ٴ Դϴ. bank : , ŷϴ flat ̶ 浵 ? Ÿ̾ '' ݾƿ. ׷ ٳŸ̾ flat tire Ѵٴ . "The tire went flat." ̾߱Ⱑ ε ̰ ̻ ? punk? ũ?- Piccadilly Circus ִ . punk : ҷ ҳ, Ǵ, , , , ýѻٴ puncture . puncture : ٴ , ձ, (-)⼭ ߸ ư ְ Ǹ  ֿ ֽϴ. . Ϲ̿ ִ ѱ '()ǿ'Դϴ. ? Susies Acupuncture Clinic. ٷ ħ? ⼭ acu- ƾ ٴ̶¶. ׷ acupuncture : ħ , ħ (acu-? ģ迡 ϳ .) acute : , ÷ȭ, ߴ, acute observer (īο ), acute angle()acutely : īӰ, ϰ * acute a 鼭 cute (Ϳ, , ƴ) ܾ Խϴ. You got a cute kitty. Ϳ ñ. Ƿ迡 acupuncture Ǿϴ. ڰ chiropractor(ô л) ƿ մԵ鿡 ڱⰡ acupuncture ϴdoctor Ϸ , ǿ ׸ ü غε ٿ ϱ. ׸ ׷ üڵ þ ִٴ . ״ ħ ؼ ϰ ִ. * ⼭ ĥ ֽϴ. puncture( ) ˸ punctuation ؾ߰?? ' ' " " ; : { [ ] ƿ﷯ punctuate( ) Ȯ ӽô. 翡 ̹ 1539⿡ punctuation ־ μ⸦ ߴٴ Դϴ. 1611⿡ ϼ King James Version Bible punctuation ־ μ߽ϴ. , ܱ ׿ sign ߰? "We`ll be landing shortly at Kennedy International Airport.""Welcome to U.S.A.!" front door/passenger door ٶ ߿ bridge terminal building(û) 鼭, 츮 ο 󿡼 մϴ. 켱 immigration Ա ɻ縦 ޾ƾ? ù sign ̴ ܾ,immigration : ̹, Ա, Ա , immigration â(wicket)տ Խϴ. immigration officer visa ? visa ƾ ش(vis-) ̶ . vis- ,"Veni, Vidi, Vici"(Գ, ҳ, ̰) ? CaesarRome ο µ, Ϻϰ ǥѼ.(vis- vid- ) ϰԵ ̹ϰ immigrationϰ  ϴ ? ܿ ? ܾ ϴ. 켱 ϱ in(into) +migrate (ϴ), ´(inmigration ϸ ȵǴϱ inim ȭ Դϴ.) immigrate : ϴ, ֽŰ immigrant : ֹ, ܷ Ĺ, migrate : ϴ, () ϴmigration : ̵, ö Ep migratory : ̵ migratory bird(ö) im(in/into) ϱ, (ex-) 쵵 ְڱ. exmigrate(ؿܷ ), ׷ ?ex- x ? emigrate : (Ÿ) ̹ΰ emigration : (Ÿ) ̹, ⱹ , immigration Ա ɻ縦 ߽ϴ. ׷, ã ؾ? 귯 θ 󰡸 밳 ǰ . ̶ terminal building ȿ ɾ ϴ signbaggage claim( ã ) baggage ȭ/ (baggage luggage ϴ ֽϴ.) claim ϴ Ⱦϴ , 'Ŭ ɷȴ' ó 䱸ϴ(a claim for damages) ǹ̸ Ͽ (翬 Ǹ, ) 䱸/û/ϴٶ 浵 ְ, ϰԵ(, ) Ѵٵ ǹ̰ ֽϴ. proclaim : (pro- տ, claim ġ) ϴ, ϴproclaim war( ) The Declaration of Independence, proclaiming the freedom of the 13 colonies, wassigned at Independence Hall in Philadelphia in 1776. reclaim : ôϴ, ϴ, - ȯ 䱸ϴ, ȭ, reclaim land(Ÿ) ̴ sign. custom(s) ͵ µ б ? ʹ ƽ ? ׷ٰ ɸ ־ 龥 zipper ä ġ ? ̸ ٷ , custom(s). custom : dz, , , custom-built house( ֹ Ͽ , builder  о ƴ), custom tailor(ֹ 纹) custom framing(ֹ size , ready-made(⼺ǰ) ƴϰ)ؾ () custom ٰ + erϸ '' ϴ εƴ, customer , ܰ ϱ, custom officerϴ. agriculture ֱ. ''̶ . ƾ '翡(agri-) Ѵ(culture)' ǹ̰ ֽϴ. agriculture : , , ̱ 󹫺 the Department of Agriculture(̱ 󹫺) farm product(깰) 㰡 ϰų Ǿ ֽϴ.( ߱ ׷ ־⿡ ֱ, Ͻô 鿩(smuggling м) ־. cotton field(ȭ) ٴϱ. ̱ ؾȿ Texasֿ ϴ ȭ 븦 theCotton Belt Ѵٰ ҽϴ.) Cotton filed reminds me of Mr. Moon, Ik-jeom. ⼭ ƾ ̶ agri- culture, ȭ Ǵµ ǹ̰ ؿ. ̷ ˰ ֽϴ. ״ 信 ѱ ùԴϴ. () ѱ , , б ߰ ijٿ Ƿ ׼ ϴ ߳ ȸ 'Spirito' ǥ ̻뾾ε, ׺а Ѵϴ ߿ ̾߱Ⱑ Խϴ. ״ 'ش' ڿ , ׸ õõ 谡  ' 'ڸ 鼭 ϱ⸦, "ڸ 鿩ٺ ڸ ϰ ִ öп Ͽ ڸ 鿡 ̶ϰ ʹ" ̴ϴ. . ڸ öڿ, ̴ϴ. ڵ culture ܾ () ̶ ϰ ̶ϱ. culture, ȭ ܾ. ǹ̰ 󸶳 Ƿ? 'ȭ پ ̷ '̶ . culture , , 浵 ԵǾ ִµ ϳ ǹ̰ ٴ ֽϴ. ͵ ̳ 絵 ǰ ۰ 淯 ʽϱ? İ Ϸħ óı? She is a lady of culture. ׳ ִ . cultural : , , ȭ Cultural Revolution(1967⿡ Ͼ ߱ ȭ ) culturist : , ľ, ȭ ȣ cultivate : , ϴ, (Ĺ) ϴ, (, ) ϴ, ϴcultivation : , 缺, cultivator : , ( ) 簡 (mechanical cultivator)What`s the term of knot? Knot is a unit of speed used for ships and aircrafts.( ũ ° ְ ε ˷ ݴϴٸ.) ܾμ knot ŵ?knot : ŵ, (ŵ̴ Ǯ ) , ظ(nautical mile : 1,852m), ٰŸ, Ŵ, ŵ . ⼭ 츮, knot(ŵ) knot(ظ) 谡  ˾ ? ô뿡 ε ӵ log( ) Ͽϴ. ؾ Ž߿ ۰ Ȯ ϱ⿡ ̾ ׵ ׷ ڼ ̻ մϴ. ׵ log line̶ ġ Ǯ ֵ knottedrope(ŵ ) ڿ Ǯ 鼭 ð(28) ȿ knot Ǯ Ͽ ӵ ϴ. nautical measurement ofspeed knot ̴ϴ. DIP? ణ ؾ߰ڱ L.A. 'DIP' sign ֽϴ. 𿡳 ִ ƴϰ 밡 Ϻ . L.A. Koreatown ϴ. ű 밡 ŵ. ƹư 'DIP' sign Angelian鿡Դ ;ƴ , (new comer) ִ signԴϴ. Angelian : Los Angeles (angel + ̶ ε L.A. õ簰?) Los Angeless - No Angels in L.A? New Yorker : Seoulite : Portuguese : Greek : ׸ Hong Kong people : ȫ HKC : Hong Kong born Chinese ABC : America born Chinese CBC : Canada born Chinese ׷ 'DIP' װ 淡? ϴ sign̳ı? ", ׷ ̷ ̴ϴ. L.A. 縷 볪 ϳ 300 . 굵 ϱ ʿٴϱ. ׷ ǻ ó ϼ(sewer) ü ų . ׷ L.A.̱ rainy season() ¼ concentrated heavy rain( ȣ)̶ 顦." 12 2 ణ µ ¼ ڱ 쵵 ְ. ׷ Ǹ drain( ϼ) ÿġ ʾƼ Ͻ̳ ڵ 濡 ĥ ִٴ . ׷ Ǹ (dip) Ըε, ̷ sign پ ִ ٷ ׷ ̶ . ', ֳ.' ̷ DIP sign ٸ / . 'DIP' sign ƴ϶ ' ǫ '(׷ Ͻö) warning() ǹ̵ ֽϴ. ̶ е ʰ yellow black ۾ Ǿ ִϴ. ǥǿ yellow sign warning() sign ʽϱ? ׸ diamond() ͵ Ǹ ȯŰ sign. square(簢) Ͽdiamond ð Ҿؼ 켱 ŵ. dip deep Խϴ. dip : ()״, ô, ڷ ۳, ( ) ȴٰ ø, ްϴ, ¦ , ħ, 簡 ǫ , dipper : ״ , , ϴ , Dipper(ħʱ)the Dipper : ϵĥ(ϵĥ ó ٴ )deep sea fishing(뼭 ȿ ִ, 踦 Ÿ ϴ ٴٳ) ̱ ǰ ȸ Quaker ǰ ̸ 'Dipps' - ̷öڰ ִ? . ׷ ǥ̶ 󸶵 ֽϴ. nut() oat(͸) ־ caramel ݸ 'dip'ߴٰ ̱⿡ ̸ Dipps . ű 's' ־ plural() . ģ鳢 ٸ ٵ簡 ϸ鼭 'Nachos'(ǥ) chip ణ ſ 'Salsa' sauce Ա⵵ մϴ. ׷ chip sauce ߷ Դ ͵ dip̶ մϴ. ̷ ؾ ϳ! Դ chip sauce ʴ . dipϴ double dip̶ ϴµ ε Ȼմϴ. ѹ dip װɷ ! "Don`t double dip please!" 'Quaker?' ε? ǥ 'Quaker' ڸ , λ friendly ׸ ǥ ?Ϲ̿ supermarket Ǵ ǥϱ ̰͵ ̱ ȭ ϳ ̴ϴ. ׷ ̰Ϳ ؼ ˾ƺ ұ?⵶ Quaker(Ŀ ) Ư ǽ̳ Ȱ,  , ƴ϶ žӰ ööմϴ. 'Quaker' ϴ â George Fox(1624~1691) "Quake at the word of the Lord"(ִ Ѵ) Դϴ. ׵ ڽŵ 'theSociety of Friends' . ִ ̸, ȭڵԴϴ. ׷ ׵ ž İ ̰ ٴ Quaker û ظ ޾ҽϴ. Ư ʴ´ Ͽ ridicule, mockery, jeering(),imprisonment(), ϸ death penalty/capital punishment() ״ٴϱ. Pennsylvania() ູ 켱 ̾߱ ΰ William Penn(1644~1718) ̷ the son of anaval officer later knighted as Admiral Sir William Penn.(ƹ Ƶ ̸ ) knight : ( ) Sir Īȣ ޴ , ϴadmiral : ر ر տԱ ž ƹ ξ ââ 巡 鼭 ̸(?) ̿ް ع޴ Quaker Ǿ ̳ Ǿ William Penn ڱ ƹ ߴ. " ״ õ( ̱) ֽÿ."Your Majesty,I`ll take New World land as a full payment for your indebtedness to my father. Please let me go. So I don`t have to pay back? And I`ll get the New World land, too?That`s like killing two birds with one stone. ϼ !OK, you gotta deal! ̸Ͽ õ Ƹ޸ī Pennsylvaniaָ ع޴ ڱⱳ Quaker ֽ ž õ ̷ϵ ε ū ǰ ִ Դϴ. Quaker ܿ ̱ īKenya , ϴ. * Pennsylvania 'Penn sylvan( ִ) -ia()' . ̱ Pennsylvania Philadelphia(' '̶ ) ŵ û ⸦ . ű dome ٶ, Pennsylvaniaָ Penn ֽϴ. sylvan : , , quake : 鸮, earthquake : , 뺯 earthquake center() ̸ Sylvia ƾ ', '. Pennsylvania sylvan Ƕ ̶ ߽ϴ. ׷, ̷ ? ̱ Transylvania ϴ ֽϴ. Transylvania trans + sylvania~ Ͽ, ~ + ׷ٸ ǰڱ. ̳ ̳ , ͽ Դϴ. "ƾƾƾ" ϰ. ׷ ׷ Transylvania 縶Ͼƿ ִ ̸ vampire() Dracula ̱⵵ մϴ.  Ҽ ۸ vampire() صǾ ׷, 縶Ͼ ֱڿ ֿDracula castle() ѷο ִ. ٸ ̸ ϴ ̱ Transylvania ϴ ̵ ִٰ ? ڴ 쿬(?) ҽϴ. Louisiana ׸ ̾µ ʵб ̸ Transylvaniaelementary school̾, ý ŧ ⸦ Ҵ. ٶ water tank ⿡ ׷ ɹ bat(). Ⱑ ? race horse tobacco(ֿ ) KentuckyLexington÷, װ 簡 Transylvania University(founded 1780) ֽϴ. '⼱ ϸ ?' ?(vampir(e)-ology?)"chamber, ù ?" ̱, ijٿ city/town chamber of commerce sign ϴ. ȸǼҶ . ̹ ִ ܾ chamber ؼ . chamber 'ġ õ ִ '̶ ǹ̷, ˴ϴ. ,(, ), ȣ 繫, ȸ, ȸ, ()the lower chamber(Ͽ) the upper chamber() chamber music(dz) chamber orchestra(dzǴ) chamber concert(dz ȸ) chamber council( ȸ) chamber counsel( ) chamber pot(䰭) chamber ̰ ܾδ camera . 츮 θ ˰ ִ camera (room)̶ Դϴ. ȿ film Ͻ ִٰ ؼ . ݵ Ż ȣڿ camera Ѵٴϱ. bicamera : bi- '2' , 2?'the Chamber of Horrors'( ) ִ?(, ̾߱⸦ ڸ ణ ð ɸϴٸ.) ε ϳε, Ȯ ׵ 츮麸 û horror() . ׸ ִ wideo(rentals) shop horrormovie ڳʰ ֽϴ. ڵ ' ϸ ȭ 峪?'ϰ Ѱ ϴ , ε ϵ ׷ ͵ 鼭ڶ 鿪 Ǿ(used) ̵鵵 ϳ ʰ ϴ.(׷ٸ ȿ Ƴ?) Ϲ video å Ϲ video rental business ѱ ''ϰ( ) 񱳵ȵǰ Ը ٸϴ. ̱ ְ Blockbuster Hollywood,West Coast Video, Movie Gallery, ߺο ο Video Update, California Video city, Ʒ distributor(/ ȸ) ְ, ٽ ׾Ʒ ׸ ѵ rental store ֽϴ. ׸ Rogers cable-TVȸ翡 Ͽ ϰ ֽϴ. ̰͵ ôԴϴ. Ⱑ ʾƿ. Jumbo ϴ Jumbo ȸ簡 ־µ, 1990  İ jumbo ̰ ߴ ˴ Ѱ Ȱ cable-TVȸ簡 θ, ű⼭ pay-TV , satellite dish DVD(digital video disk) ο ߵDZ  video business ǵ ϴ. Ϲ retail(Ҹ) video rental storeμ ߵ . 'Ҿء.'(I feel uneasy.) blockbuster : û / ȿ ִ , block ı ʴź, super bestseller satellite : (⼭ 'ΰ ' ) ΰ artificial satellite. Movie з? , Ϲ video(rental) shop movie  зǾ ֳ ô.(Ȯ Ұϱ⿡ з ġ⵵ մϴٸ). action, adventure, animation, classic(ex: , etc.),comedy(̰ Ⱦϴ ֳ?), cult( ), foreign(̱ 忡 ܱ ȭ, , ȭ ), horror, musical, performanceetc.), miscellaneous(зϱⰡ ָ ȣ ͵, Ѹ Ÿ) 'the Chamber of Horrors'( ) wax modeler(ж ۰) Marie Tussaud(1760~1850) ڰ ־ϴ. ׳డ 1802⿡ Madame Tussaud`s Exhibition guillotine(ܵδ) ߸ Ӹ ް Ų 'the Chamber of Horrors' ϴ. ׳ ļյ鿡 ̾, ó prominent people(ε)ǹж ÷α ̾ . ̿ ų Ǿ,  Ǿϴ. Madame Tussaud ̾ Դϴ. French Revolution( ) ĸ wax modeling ϰ ־µ, ߸ տ ΰ ߴ ̴ϴ. װ ü ¿ ̿ (?) ڵ guillotine(ܵδ) Ӹ ߸ Ӹ 鵵 ߴ . ׷ ? No! ߴٳ.  Ǯ ׳ ߴ ĸ Ͽµ , ο̶ Ѱſ. ׶ 'the Chamber of Horrors'( ) ƿ Ǿ . ̰ ó ÿ MadameTussaud`s Wax(works) Museum Դϴ. Anne Ѹ Ƶ ˷  8 ߷(dehead)ϴ. װ͵ adultery() , 29, ɴٿ ̿ . Henry 8 6 尡 Ƴ ׿ϴ. 'Ȥ 糪̾ߡ Ƴ δ ΰ?' "What a snake! How could he murder his ownwives" ÿ wax museum ִ ֽϴ. ijϴ Ƹٿ , Vancouver Island Victoria(British Columbia ֵ) Wax Museum ְ, Kingston̶ ׸ ÿ House of Haunt , ̱ Florida St. Augustine theChamber of Horrors ֽϴ. ܿ ° ù Torture Museum(Amsterdam),Haunted Mansion( , Disneyland), 츮 ⵵ ο ִ ѱ μ (Haunted House) ͵ ׷ η. torture : (ƾ 'Ʋ' ) , , ϴ, θ, Ʋ torment : , , , , ϴ torch : ȶ( ¤  ׷ٳ?)Olympic torch : (ø ȭ) horror : , , (Ҹġ) torture ̾߱Ⱑ . torture() ҹ 󿡳 ־ Դ torture. , Ư ε̳ ġ鿡԰ . 츮 󿡵 ָ ư(߸ ̿ ָ() ־ Ʋ) ־⿡, old fashioned() " ָ Ʋ ", "䷱ ָ븦 ()X"̶ . ׷ ߼ 翡 ƴ϶ ̸ (?) rack() Ͽ ߽ϴ. ׷ ׵̾߸ Ŀ 뷮 ڸ guillotine ߸ ƴմϱ? ( ̰ Ѽ ˼ ֱ ε(!) ǻ翴 Mr. Guillotine ߸ϱ ߽ϴٸ. , Guillotine ߿ guillotine ׾ٴ ̷.)״ Amsterdam ߾ӷ Damrak 20 ѿ ⿣ ѵ ȹ 缳 Torture Museum( ) ֽϴ. (ҷ?) ڷ Ŵް ؿٴ ǿ barbecue(ұ)ϵ 鼭 ߰ſ ҿ ߴ ġ , ħ ϰ ̵ ǰ ˴õǾ . Ѹ ΰ 󸶳 ִ° Ѱ踦 ִ Դϴ. ̷ ? "Nobody can bear such torture."( ʰ ?)ѹ Դϴ. 䰭 '-' ϴ , Ȥ '䰭' Ͻô? , ȭ ް̶ ؼ ְ(ùϰ) âȣ ̷ ߿ ٱ ϰ , ȿ¿䰭̶ ־ϴ. ׷ װ 츮 ׷ ƴϿ. ĸ 긣 ô Ϲ̿ ٴ뿡 ̸ 濡 䰭 ־µ, װ chamber potǴ pee pot Ѵϴ. ̱/ij ִ pioneer village(ô ô ), heritage village(븶) ŵ ѹ ܺ. ħ ó ڱ⳪ ߻(?) ׸ ִ ſ. ̰ ٷ chamber pot(䰭) . Կ ׷ 䰭 ʿ? ׷ 䰭() stool̶ մϴ. stool Ȱ, ̰ ׸ ڶ 浵 ֽϴٸ. ٰ (bargain store) ٰ ̱̳ ij Ÿ ٴϴ Ȥ bargain store ˴ϴ. Ѹνα Զ ̰, α . dollar store ̸ ̾ϴ. bargain ' ٲٴ, ' , ŷ, ̶ ִµ, ⼭ ַ Ű. δ Ÿ ϴ, ϴ, ȯϴ, ٲٴ(trade), δ , ǸǶ 浵 ֽϴ. He was shopping around for a bargain. ״ ã ƴٴϰ ־. (̷ ΰ 'Cheap price cheap job'̶ . ' ')ܷ Ϻε ǸǶ bargain Ǵٴ¶ sale ٿ 'ٰ '̶ °, װ 츮 󿡱 츮 60 'ٰ ' ϱ ߽ϴ. ƿ ܷ Ǿ ִ. , ׳ 츮 ϴ ƽþ . δ ׳ sale̶ ϸ ˴ϴ. , sale ʹ ϴ ϱ ִ Ʒ ̸ sale Ѵϴ. sidewalk sale : mall ֺ ׾ Ĵ sale̶ sidewalk : ε clearance sale : inventory sale : inventory : ǰ, , ǰ, , ۼϴ, ǰ ϴ inventory adjust : inventory recession : ٷ ҿ Ұinventorial : * ̱/ij Yellow Pages Inventory Ǵ Stock Inventory ϴbusiness ׸ ֽϴ. , ȸ縦 μ , Ͽ ִȸ/ Դϴ. bankruptcy sale : Ļ liquidation sale : Ļ ! 'power of sale' (׳, ִٽ ϴ ' '. , 밳 ε ó Դϴ.)"E-Z Pass" (easy Ͻʽÿ. New York) ̱/ij ĺ ̿Ͽ ª ִ ܾ(?) ϴ. easy E-Z ͵ ϳ. ׵ express xpress, crossing Xing(X cross, ̶ ), Go and Go Go n` Go(Ѵ! ̰ܶ!), business BZ, Ǵ bzness, ׷ show businessshow biz( ϵǾ ), ܿ jet Z, for 4, you U, ׷for you 4U, see C, ׷ I see you I C U, think TNK, envy(, ) NV, ׷ ', η?' U NV ME ǥ junk() sports car ȣ(licence number plate) ְ Դϴ. ̱ ӵδ toll() ޽ϴ. toll , 𼭳 ʴı? ƴ, ijٿ ޽ϴ.(ֱٿ Ǽ ). ׷ з tollgate(tollbooth) fee ٳ ð 󸶳 üǰھ? ׷ Ե E-Z Pass. ׳ ticket̾ O.K. ׸ tollgate( Ѱϴ) и fee ִ . 츮 ӵε ̷ ? ڱ ? Ȥ ̱ (Road Atlas) ְŵ ׳ ѹ ðڽϱ? ׷ ɾƼ 鿩ٸ Ƶ ߰ߵǴ ŵ. ȿ Ⱑ Ǿ ֽϴ. Niagara Falls(Buffalo) Boston 90 ӵ Ǵ ̸ 81 ӵο ϴ. . װ ǥǿ ̸ Syracuseɴϴ. Syracuse New York ֿ , ÷ 츮 鵵 װ ڸ ֽϴ. ׷ ̸ Syracuseϱ? Iroquois Ƹ޸ĭ ε 1786 ε ߴµ In 1825, the settlement was named after the ancient Greek city of Syracuse,which also lay near salt springs. ⼭ ִ ߰ϰ ˴ϴ. Syracuse ̸ Salt Cityϴ. ֳ? ô ÿ 1789, ̰ ٷ ұ Ǵ ұ Ҿŵ. ׷ϱ ڽ ұݰ ׸ ̸Syracuse . In 1825, Syracuse was incorporated as a village, and the Erie Canal wascompleted. The canal, which linked the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes, ranthrough the village and attracted many merchants to Syracuse. The communitysoon became a center of the salt industry. ׸Ͽ Syracuse was chartered as acity in 1848. ׷ ƹ E-Z Pass Ѵٰ ص ϴ ٰ ϴϱ װԹи з traffic jams/-congestion( ü) Դϴ. ׷ 1997, ijٿ ʷ tollgate ӵ407( ȣ) ETR Ǽ߽ϴ. ETR Express Toll Route . 407ETR ޸ ε ӵ. ᱹ ӵΰ ̷ system ٲ ɰɿ? , ׵ ѹ ӵ ij μ Ⱑ Ʊٰ ݵ μ ̿ ϴ Դϴ. ׷ ʾƵ û 鿴µ ڴ ó ǰ׷ οȭѴٰ ϴ. tollgate toll ޴´? ׳ tollgate µ  ޴ı?That`s simple. ramp ϸ ī޶ licence number plate(ȣ) Կϰ, ̸ ramp ѹ Կϴ Դϴ. ׷ ð, ð, Ÿ ǻͷ Ǿ Ŵ billing(û). ѹ ϴ $1.00(video imaging processing fee)̰⿡ Ÿ Ǵ ε, Դٰ bill $2.00 ̿ 躸 Ŭ (It`s more than youhave bargained for). computer rush hour Ѱ ð ܰ Ѵٴ . ׷ ̱ ӵ ݰ û Դϴ. ׷ ϳ ΰ ѻؼ traffic jams ٴ . ׷ over speedϴ ӵ , ׸Ͽ cruiser() þٴ . (̱ ӵ toll ô δ. Niagara Falls / BuffaloNew York 393mile(628)̳ ǰ tollgate ľ , δ Ұ dollarۿ .) ETR ̿ϴ ڵ $10 object in size of pager(߻ ũ⸸)  ũ⸸ transponder(ڵ ̴) wind shield( ) ϴ. װɷ . ſ bill Ŀ Ǵ . װ͵ ƿVisa, Master, Amex(American Express) credit card ó θ ƹ Ű澵 ׳ E-Z(easy) 407 ETR ̿븸 ϸ . ׸ ϳ, Ontarioֿ ̱ . ? ׸̶ ϱ, ƿ ̳ ôϴ . * transponder ȣ ϰ Ǹ ڵ ġ,trans(- Ͽ) + respond() + er Դϴ. 'toilet' (!) ý Ϳ ̸ ڴ, 󿡼 ȭ  ǥϴ 鵵 ҽϴ.  󿡼 toilet̶ ,  󿡼 washroom/restroom̶ ? ׸ ܿ  ֳ? ̱ ִ ϴ super power, α α ü 5%ۿ ȵ energy 50% . ̷ super power̰ American English (daily height) Ĩϴ. ׷ δ ̱  󿡼 English Ѹ 븩 ϰ ֽϴ. India ͵ ָ īKenya Tanzania  official language() ִµ, ݹװ ֽϴ. ֳ? ճ⿡ Ĺŵ.  toilet ȭ, ׷ װ (?) ϾƸ޸ī dzʰº⸦ Ű Ǿϴ. ijٳ ̱ε 'toilet - ' ˰ . ȭ̶ δ washroom̳ restroom̶ . ׷鼭 ', () . (toilet) ȭ̷'մϴ. ̰, ְ Ȱ̶? 츮 ȭ 󸶳 ܱε ϱ淡 ׷Ա κ ǥ⸦ ؾ ϴ 𸣰, ƹư ܱ ǥ ʴ. W.C. ַ toilet̶ . ̱ ǥ washroom̳ restroom̶ γ ֽϴ. (츮 American Englishο ø ʽϱ.) W.C. water closet̶ ε(ٵ ƽ ) Ϲ̿ ʴ Դϴ. Ϻ ־ Ʈ ҽϴ. ׿ ̱ ȭ(?) Ȥ ־. closet , , ̶ ǹԴϴ. (׳ ȭ̶ 浵 ֱ ֽϴ) ̱,ijٿ walking closetϸ ɾ  ִ ̶ Դϴ. 밳 ħǾȿ κο ε . "̷? ̷ ϱ" Ϻ ȭ toilet̶ ִ ε, ִ ܷ ׵ ڱ ȭǿ شϴ () ٹ ƿ ̷ θϴ. toilet Ϻ ǥڸ ̷ Ǵµ,'ڷ' '' ٿ θ (clipped word?) ׳ ̷, ̷ ڱ ߶ . toilet ȭ, ġ ׸ ȭ/̶ ε. ׷ٰ - Ҷ¸ ϰ Ǿ. ƴѰ ƴ϶ ģ ȭ ġ⵵ ϴ°̾ϱ. ׷ ( Դϴٸ) powder room̶ . ű⿡ ؼ ̷ ǰߵ ִ. ε ͼ shower Ѵٴ, ̴ ϸ û üϴ Ű, ô븸 ص Ѹ () ׷ ʾҴٴ ̴ϴ. Ư ȭ, ȭ ȭ ̾ٴ . Ѹ ؼ 鼭 ð powder(ȭǰ) ѷȱ⿡ Ҹ powder room(ȭ)̶ ߴ ̴ϴ. '¾ ݵ ׵ Ȱ 鿩ٺ ŭ Ұ 󱸡.' ȭ ߸ 1775 , п ȭ dz ׷κ 100 1870 ̾߱Դϴ. Ϻ ڵ 빰̾ϴٸ. * ̱ ȭ Ϲȭ 1950뿡 ̸Դϴ. ݵ Deep South( ֵ) ޸翡 'Ǫ(!)' ȭ ִ õ Ȥ ֽϴ. ΰ ߻ ؼ Ͱ . ƹư ׷ Ȳ̾ Ұ ߴ ٸ Ѹ powder(ȭǰ), װ ٸ Ѹ Ҷ toilet ȭ̶ Ǿٴ ̴ϴ. toil Ҿ 鵵 Ӹ õ̶ ε, ű⿡ Ҿ() ette + . toilette Ҿε ȭ, ȭԴϴ.(׷ ۿ, ʿ Ҿ ϱ) ׷ 츮 1960 ص , ް, ҵ θ ٷ ̸ ȭϿ(ȭϿ?), toilet ״ ȭ̶ .('' ׷ ¾ ŵ硦 ư .) θⰡ Ϻη  ܷ ⵵ֽϴ. 翡 ϴ. ʴǾ ǵ , "Where`s bathroom?"̶ ʽϴ. "Where can Iwash my hand?" ½ . ׷ 翬 'ȭ' ã ˰ bathroom ְ . ̶ bathroom Ҹ ϰϰ ǥ ܾݽϱ, Ư ȭ̳ bathroom Ⱑ ϱ. 밳 ÿ ȭ 3 Ǵ 4 ֽϴ. ( ū 5. condo ) Ϲ 3 , downstairs ϳ, (ħǸ 3~4 ִ) upstairs 2 ִµ ϳ master bedroom( κ ħ) bathroom ڳ鵵 ʽϴ. bathroom privacy ׸ŭ öϴٴ . ׷Ư guest(մ) guest room bathroom̳ ̸ ȳ ͸ ؾ մϴ. (̱, ij ࿡ ϴ ϴ.)߱ ȭ Ҷ ̶ ǥϰ, Ϻ ̾߱Ѵ ' ȭ ƿ ä ̷ Ѵٴ . '׸' sign ɸ shop Ҵµ. ̰ Դϴٸ, '׸' ϱ?ƴ, ϱ? ƽô ? 츮 comedian Ķ̺(Fly boy Լ , ٰ ־ minister/ pastor() Ǿ ȸ ϴٰ 1999 8, ̱ 71 ۰) ߴڹ̵ ߿-  ̱ ڱ⸦ ó ãƿ "̱ ϰŵ ׿ ׸ Ÿ" Ͽٳ? ̱ ؼ ƹ 'Gegreen Bus? Gaegreen Bus?' ã 󿡱׷ ֳ. "Where can I take the Gegreen bus?"(̷ ?) ᱹ Ÿ . ߿ ˰ '׸ '  ƴϰ ѱ ׸ , Greyhound(Bus)ٳ? (Stop joking!) ׷ ѹ ʽô. ִ ޾ Nice. . ? '׸', ƴ '帮' ׷ ִ 'PatoToilettage' ɷ ֱ. toilet ȭ̶ ̹ ˾ϱ Ѱ ¤ ' ֿϰ ȭ ִ ̱'ϰ ϸ? - "½ϴ!"toilettage : (Ҿ) ֿ ִ ȭ, κ . ׷׷ sign ȿarticles, trimming? ̰ ε? article : ǰ, ǰ(׷ϱ ǰ) trimming : ٵ Ʒ 'vente' sale, "˴ϴ, ()" ô ȭ ! (ڰ 湮(?) ȭ ߿)ƴٴϴ ô ִ ! Ʒ Ϻ ̿Ͻõ( ̸) Կ ε , ׸ Ҵ ٱ Ȳ Ÿ Ư 25 ȭ̶ ˴ ٿ ҽϴ. ̷ ִ ̵ ,  װ Ǿ ð Ǿ? toilet ؼ ߱ , Ϻ ' ', ѱ ' ',þƾ YbOPHA , Ÿ ϰԾ ִ. ' Ʒ .'(Ȥ ƽô ˷ ּ մϴ. ǿ ϰ) ƹư ȭ ̰ ߽ϴ. ׷ ⿡ ڱװ ִ ̷ ̱ washroom,restroom .(ذ . ׷, ̷ ?)׷ ܾ ұ? ȭǰ ִ "sanitari - ̷ '' 谡 ֽϴ."Portuguese() ȭǿ 'sanitario' ֽϴ. ڼ DZ? (̱ Chicago-O`Hare ׿ ֽϴ.) ̰ ƾ '' ε ư 'ȭ' . ε ֿ ֽϴ. sanitary : , , sanitation : (), ϼ sanatorium : ( ȯ ) sanitation ִ ϳ ? ٸƴ϶ ̱ ûҺ ĪԴϴ. ashman, dustman, garbage collector ִµ ̰, Ī ٻϰ ٿ sanitation engineer մϴ. 'Ͼ!' ٻ? , б ǹ ûҺδ janitor ҷµ, ֱٿ Ī ٲ custodian̶ θٴ . ̵ ûһӸ ƴ϶ մϴ. janitor : , ⿪, custodian : , , janitor ݰ θ Ī, Ư Ư Ī ô뿡 ޶ Դϴ. 츮 ֱٿ ͼ ûҺθ 'ȯ ȭ'̶ θ ʽϱ? δ̴ ' ȭ', θ . , ȭ̶ ߿ lavatory . Ϲ ̴ ƴϰ, ġ /ȭ ǥ . lave ƾ Ĵ, 귯ٶ ̰ŵ. ׷ , ȭ̶ ǹ̰ ֽϴ. * Ǽ lavatory laboratory() ȥؼ ϴ , b v ϱ ŵ. laboratory labor(뵿) , , labor + -tory laboratory Labour Party( 뵿)Skylab : (sky + laboratory) ̱ Ǽ ( ˵(orbit) 鼭 ) * -ary, -ory, -tory , 縦 suffix(̻)port(ױ) ', ' ȭ ''"Passengers to Ottawa now boarding at Gate 40." Ÿͷ ° Gate 40 ⸦ Ÿʽÿ. ž ġ boarding pass( ¼ǥ) ش ׶̸ ָ鼭 ϴ Դϴ. ǿ 忡 ġ  gate . gate , Ա, ⱸ, gateway ~ ̸ * - a gateway to success( ), . ӿ Portes(Gates) A40~43 sign ̳?Ҿ porte , Ա porte (Ҿ) ̰ port ױ װ ׷- porte/gate, ؼ а ٴ , ׸ δ ٸ ְ ǹ 鿡 ־ ̴´ܾ port(ױ) ѹ غ մϴ. Ҿ port ױ, dzó(¸δ porta) port porte() Ͽ Խϴ. ׷ 'õ(port) '̶ ǥ . port haven(dzó ױ). harbor/harbour( dzó 濡 ױ) ?harbor : Ǽ, ó, ױ, ϴ, dzϴ, ϴ, ִPearl Harbor(ָ) port, haven, harbor ױ ܿ dzó ṉ̀ Ȳ ٸ 翬 ̴ϴ. rough sea(Ȳõ) captain 踦 ƾ մϱ? port anchorage( , ) ϸ rough sea DZ⸦ ٷ ʰڽϱ? ׷ port, haven, harbordzó . , anchorage ~ϸ ̱  ̸ ʳ?Anchorage : ˷ī ο ִ ױ ̸. (ַ ̱ ϴ°, ̸ ذ ? ' ߿ ٴٿ ο ̰ ڵ ϰ dz ߰.' ݵ ׷ϴ. crab()  ڵdzó̱⵵ ϴϱ. ܾμ anchorage : (anchor ӿ ), anchor : , Ŀ, , ڽŰ[ٷ ͼ ڿ -man̴ -woman̴ ̴ Ƿη ʽϴ. ̶ . ׷ postman̶ . ׷ ϴ?mail/letter carrier մϴ. chairman() ƿ chair .]ٽ ̾߱⸦ port(ױ) - ׳ ⸦ Ÿ ϴ 鼭 ױ ɱ?տ ٷϴٸ ε ϴõ ٴ ļ, ϴ vehicle(¿빰) ǥ߽ϴ. ׷ ༱(airship, blimp)̶ ߰, ӵ 迡 knot(ŵ̶ ) ߽ϴ. ׷ ֹ浵 galley θ, ּ(spaceship), ָ ϴ ػ ļ astronaut( ִspace ػ) . , ׷ 嵵 port ۿ. air ױϱ airport ߰, ȭ 󿡼 ߽ϴ. , ִ ö¶̰ŵ. ׷ '׵ λ, ׵ ' θ. 켱 ̸ Portugal ױ . port ofCale̶ ̴ϱ. 뼭 Porto . ׷ ̱ Ϻ OregonState Portland, Maine State Portland, Portsmouth(̱ NewHampshire State), Republic of South Africa( ) Port Elizabeth ְ, ̱ Connecticut New Haven harbor(ױ) ǹhaven  ױ ڸ, ׸ ñ ڸ Ƹ ̴ϴ. ξ puerto port. 켱 ̸ Puerto Rico(West Indies ε ) ؼ PuertoMontt(Chile, 40 ׸ ױ , ) ֽϴ. 'ױ', "! ű, ׸ ʽϱ?"port to carry(ϴ) ǹ̵ ִٱ ٸٰ ߻, ױ '谡 ' - '(Ͽ) ϴ '̴ port to carry(ϴ) ǹ̰  ?׷ ϴ porter ϰ, ڵ pickup Ʈ ̸Porter/New Porter ſ. port ζ in(im-) +ϸ import, ױ 鿩ϱ , ζ ex- +ϸ export, ױ ϱ ۿ. ױ Ͽ(trans-) ݵǾ ϱ transportation . port ؼ ship ߴ ״ ̾ ڵ ص shipment մϴ. shipping Ǿ , shipping charge ۷Դϴ. port -able +ϸ portable : ٴ ִ, ޴ portable bed(̵ ħ) * portable : ̱, ij ǹ ̱, ij б ̳ ޸翡 ǹ ǵ ִ ֽϴ. ϱ ӽ÷ ε װportable̶ մϴ. ׷ б л ׸ ڰ پ ġ (portable) ְŵ. * Ʈ(portfolio) ̳ʰ Ϸ ڱ Ƿ ֱ ؼ Ʈ մϴ. portfolio ִ ̶ . ڱ ǰ Ͽ ִ ڷḦ մϴ. ÷ ô ƿ CDθ ϱ⵵ . ׷ ׷ CD ִ ü ϴ. port to carry ̶ ϸ portfolio ٴ ذ ٷ ? folio ̶ 濡 å 2(4 ). ׷ϱ ٴ . '3'̶ ǹ tri- folio +ϸ?trifoliolate : 3 ִ ij Ÿ floral emblem(ֲ) ̸ trillium, 3 . ظ 5̸ Ͼ Ƹ ɴϴ. ̶ . Ĵ ̰Կ? A-board Ұ ׷ ֱ. "!" * A-board : 켭 A ٰ ؼ. ص ׸ butcher shop(̱ Ǫް)/butcher`s( ) ־ supermarket з κ (츮 ). ׷ supermarket 'Price Costco' ü ǰ ̽ ϰ ִ Դϴ. ׷ ٽ Ƽ ִ butcher`s ֽϴ. ڵ 幮 Ǿ ô̳ ݰϱ. ߿ ִ Ĺ ߰ (?)̾. . , ü ٸ 帱?밳 ̷ Ե ֹ ȿ  ó supermarket̳ ׺ ü ʴ ׿ ִµ, ܰ Ȯϰ ־ ׳ǰ . ? "ۼ ߵ ." (There is no future in this business.)butcher : , , ϴ, лϴ butcher`s : ( ) butcher shop(̱ ) butchery : , , л ѹ ׷ô. ָ ͵ ô . 顦켱 Ծ ϱ 츮 Ұ() bakery( ), ׸ ⵵ Ծ ϴϱ butchery() ־ڰ, 㿣 к Ѿ candlestickshop ־ ſ. ׷ ׿ ̶ ? ׷ ε˴ Ÿ پ԰. ׷ the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker( ,̶)Դϴ. * '̶' ̸  Tom, Dick, and Harry'¸ ϴ. ׷ Tom, Dick, and Harry' ̸̾߸ old-fashioned name( ̸), ׷ ̸ ̵ 年ϴ. ַ Michael ƴϸ Andrew, John. 츮 󿡼 , , ö, ̸ ż ̿ 븦 ߾ ݾƿ. dz ӽ ̸ αⰡ ִٰ ϴ. (Jane), (Susan), 缱(Jason), (Eugene) ̸ αⰡ ִٵ簡? ̸( αִ ̸) 캼?켱 ̸ Janet : (Hebrew) Jane Ҿ()Դϴ. Jane God`s gracious gift(ϳ ) . δ Janette, Janice. Jane variation() . 游 ̷ϴ. * Janeϰ : Jayne, Jean, Jeanne, Jeannine, Johanna, Jan, Janey, Janna,Jone, Jonie, Juana. 'ʹ Ƽ 򰥸 .' * : Gianna, Gian. Christine : (Greek) fair Christian( ⵶)Carol : (French) joyous(joyful) song( 뷡) Christmas carolJessica : (Hebrew) grace of God. ׷ ̸? Michael : (Hebrew) God-like (ϳ , ) Ī Mike. Mitchell,Micky, Mitch Steve : (Greek) crown, garland (ο ȭ) Stephen ĪAndrew : (Greek) manly(ڴٿ) Ī Andy, Anders, Andre, AndreasJohn : (Hebrew) God`s gracious gift(ϳ ) . ? ̰Janetϰ ǹ̰ ݾ? ׷ ֽϴ. Jane/Janet John ̸(feminine of John)̴ϱ. John̶ ̸ Ư variation ϴ. ѹ Ẽ? * Johnϰ : Johan, Johann, Johannie, Johnny, Jonnie, Jonny, Jan,Jevon, Jon, Juan, Hans, Gian, Giovanni. * (?) :Evan, Gian, Ian, Ivan, Sean, Shane, Shawn, Zane, Jack,Jock. ', ׷ϱ ҷ(Russia) ü ۰ ģ ó <̹ݵϼҺġ Ϸ>(Ivana Denisonvichia) Ivana John, ϳ ̶ ̾.' ᱹ ̸ ⵶ Hebrew(Israel) ̸̼ ֽϴ. Ư αִ ̸ 10 Ǵٰ ⵶ -Hebrew origin ̸ε, ׷ٰ ؼ ε žӽ ׷ ̸ αⰡ ƴմϴ. ÷ . ڱ ̸ 浵 𸣴 ģ ٴϱ. ̷ Ģ(!) ̸ ִٴϱ. 翡 Ǻ ̸ϰ µ, Ȥ ̷ ̸ ־ '???'ϰ ׷ origin ȴϴ. ̷ ̸ ? Gay! ? ׷ ? ܾμ gay , , Ƴ( ǹ̰ ׷.)̶ ֱ ֽϴ. ׷ ƹ ̸ Gay ? ׷ ֽϴ. Դٰ street ̸ ϴ ٿ 󱸿. origin '?' ǹ̴ merryϴ. δ Gae, Gaye. " sign, ƴ ?"  ٻ ܾ öڰ ʹ ϱ ۺabbreviation, initialism, acronym ٿϴ. ̰ δٿ ǿ ߻̶ մϴ. ( 3 شϴ ƴ and & Ǵ `n ͸ ص ̳ sign 󸶳 ǰ 𸨴ϴ.)׷ 3 شϴ ͵ ô밡 ⼭ ٶ , ˴ٴ Ŀ Ϻγ ˱Ⱑ ƴٴ Դϴ. ׷ 60,000̳ 鵵 ־ , װ͵鵵 ÷ updateؾ ˴ϴ. ̷ ׷ '˾ ߱' ѱ Ի ( оߺ ļ̰)⵵ մϴٸ, 鵵 'ڱ ̿ شǴ ƴϸ' մϴ. abbreviation(, ) Jan., Feb., Mrs., Ltd., Amex, flu(influenza ༺ ), bros(brothers),ad(advertising ), exam(examination), gym(gymnasium ü), E-mail,BLVD(boulevard μ ), jr.(junior~ Ƶ. * 翡 ڰ ̸̰ 찡 ŵ. ׷ , Ƶ ̸ ڿ jr. Դϴ. : JFK jr. - 'F ɳ׵ Ƶ') RSVP (Repondez, s`il vous plait Reply, if you please) (û) θ ˷ֽñ ٶϴ. ̰ ߿, Ϲ Ȱ ˾ƾ ϰ Ѿ Դϴ. wedding party û ޾ Ʒ RSVP ֽϴ. ׷ θ ˷ մϴ. ' ̳ ұ'ϰ ̷ θ ȵ˴ϴ. ʴڴ ȿ ̸ ο ľϿ ˸ ũ Ƽ ϰ ¼ ġ ؾ ϰŵ. ƴ. , , Ÿ Ͽ ̺ , ؾ մϴ.  ð ɾ 鼭 米 ȭؾ ̱ Դϴ. . initialism FBI, CIA, J, TTC(Toronto Transit Commission : ö, , street car, trolleybus ϴ 뱹) '̰ ʹ Ƽ ͵ ڴ°ɡ.' *acronym(ιھ) UNESCO, NATO, laser(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation⿡ ), ROM(Ready-Only Memory), RAM(Random-AccessMemory), TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language), TOEIC(Test of Englishfor International Communication) initialism acronym  ȥDZ⵵ ϴµ ̷ ϸ ̴ϴ. acronym ¾ƶ ġ ܾó 鸮 Ǿ ִٴ . abbreviation() ϰ дϴ. װ ڱ ִϱ, ׷ acronym̳ initialism(ιھ) 𸨴ϴ. ׷ ۿ. initialism A.B.S. ص American Bible Society, American Bureau()of Shipping ִ° ϸ, δ ο term( ) ڵ brakeġ Anti-Lock Brake System̶ . ġ , 氰 ̲ 鿡 brake ǹ̲ , brake Ͽ Ͽ ݴϴ. ׷ ν ۽ 㿡 ̲ ϰ Ȯ, Ÿ ϰ ϴ ý. ׷ ̷ Ϲ йϴ auto mechanic(ڵ ) ˾ƾ ۿ. ׷ term ٰ ܳ ַ ׷ پ˰ھ? ׷ mechanicó ڱ ܿ 𸥴ٴ . "It`s nothing to be shamed about." ׷ 𸥴ٰ ؼ β . ͵ / Ư ϵǾ ϱ ׷ ̵, ܿ ʾ(?)   ϴ. absolutely(), abstract(߻, ߻ȭ) abs, You have U (half), You envy unv, I see Ic . ̷ ߿ abs ͵ Ȥ Ϲݻ ϵDZ⵵ , κ ϵ ʾ Ӹ ƴ϶ μ ׷͵鸸 . (⵵ Ŷ. ׸ ׷ ִ ص ãⰡ Ű, ϵ õϴϱ.) ׷鼭 νİ ̸ ϱ ؼ( ޱ ), Ưpersonalized licence plate( ڵ ȣ) ׷ DZ⿡ ͵ ȭ Ǿ ֱ⵵ մϴ. , ׷ 3 ٸ Դϴ. ' ' ? billboard . ߻ salesman/-person personalizedlicence plate տ ̰ ֱ. ȣǿ GR8 DLS GR8 PPL̶ ִ ? , ϱ? ̵ ¥ô. ?--- ƴϰ ׳ , ̸ о ̴ϴ. GR8 - great? "?" "? ´ ." ׷ DLS? - deals? "?" "׷!" ׷ϱ great : , پ + deal(s) : ( Ÿؼ ϴ) ŷ׷ϱ great deals Ȱڴٴ ̹Ƿ ' '̶ ǿսô. GR8 PPL PPL - people! "?" " Ǵµ?"⼭ people HONDA(Ϻ ڵ ȸ) dealer ǹϴ ׷ ǿ ڸ GR8 PPL 'HONDA ȸ 帮 Ⱑ !'(* ⼭ '' ѱ '' .)׷ϱ ϸ Great Deals, Great People ' , ְ ' ǰ? ǿ ̷ ǻ ܼ joke Ѿ , ϰ ε ˴ϴ. abbreviation(, ) . ׷ ̵ ְ Ÿ ִ ͵ Ƽ, Ǵ  TV-show ϱ⵵ մϴ. 'Bumper Stumpers Show' ̱ NBC-TV program ߿ . show title rhyme() ߾ (ڵ ȣ ٴ bumper ߾)Bumper Stumper ? 켱 鼭 ׵ (!) ?׸ Ǫ clue(ܼ) ߰Ͽ ô. XLR8 accelerate ϴ, ӵ ϴ IMNNTRN I`m an intern. ̾( .)L84AD8 late for a date Ʈ ʾ.(׷ ٷ?)ACLNHOM a clean home CHEZENFEW chosen few ϳ. ( ƴϽö)EVNBETR even better ʺ .(˰ھ?) 'I`ambetter than you' 뵵 ġ ִ ôϸ鼭 ڱ ö󼭴 ȭ̱.) FAMLYO4 family of four 츰 4ı. HDSHRKR headshrinker? (ؿ ִ Ư ö.) (shrink : ׶, ) 'headshrinker' ", ̰ ô̳!" Ȥ ܱ ϴٰ ڹ̳ 'Believe It or Not 'ó Ѱ͵鸸 ̷ ִ?̰ ' ' ǵ. ī Ƹ޸ī (ַ) ε ɻ ̻ ֹ Ӹ ° dz Ͽ shrink ߿ Ӹ tennis ballϰ . ׸ ̰ trophy(买, ǰ) ϰ ٳ ̴ϴ. ֹ Ӹ shrunken , , , ̸ γ . (׾߸ ' ') ̰ shrunken head Ѵ. ̷ Դϴ. ڴ ̰ ִµ. ׷ϱ headshrinker shrunken head , (̾ ׷ » ?) - headshrinker Ǵ ׳ shrinker slang psychiatrist(Ű ǻ-Ӹ ''Ѵٴ ) ְ, slang 'His head is swollen'( ģ) ǥó 'ణ  ģ' ֱ⵵ մϴ. shrink/shrank/shrunk ̾߱Ⱑ ϱ µ,̱ Walt Disney 1989⿡ ȭ ֽϴ. 'پ ' ̴ ε ׷ ڱ ޸縸 ص 󸶳 ūڿ ΰ ȭ. װ Ʈ 1992⿡ ԰, ٽ 1997⿡ Խϴ. ѱ δ <̵ پ>, <̵ >, 3 Դµ <ƺ پ> Ǿ. ٽ ? GFTDKDS gifted kids õ IAMDMGD I am damaged (I Go) JSTFRFN just for fun ɽǮ ̷ Europeans killed natives justfor fun. KEPDF8H keep the faith ҽ а . LADYNWT lady in waiting ڰ ٸϱ . NA2L8 not too late ʹ ʾҴ, ȸ ִٱPCENQUT peace and quiet ȭӰ ϵ. 'I need peace andquiet' . Ϸ ϰ ƿԴ Ƴ 'Ʊ , ̰ش޶, ش޶, ޶'ϰ ð . ׷ ϴ , ' ð ʹ' . Ҹ ϴ . QIKNSXY quick and sexy 1. ( sports car ) ϰ(sexy) ? 2. (sports car ڰ ) ? sexy()?SETLDWN settle down ༮ Ƴ Ϸ "I want to settle down"̶ մϴ. VIKGSHIP viking ship ??? ũ ִ boat մϴ. ū viking ship̶ . North American viking ü ũ ٴ п, (pirate)ϱviking ship Ŵ ٷ ˰ ְŵ.( ŵ硦.) ׷ϱviking ship " ̴" . ׷ viking ship ۽ϴ. Norway Oslo ٴ尡Bygdoy ִ ؾ ڹ 'Viking Museum' ִµ ̰ 13~14m,ʺ 3m ۿ ȵǴ boat. ⵿ Ұ ̷ Ÿ dzʴٳ? '䷱ 𸣰 .' ƹư 츮 ͸  ' ' ȭ 𸣸鼭 ͸ () . WEBKLUP We buckle up (seat belt ż) XTRSPCL extra special ( ) ƯƯ(϶) YIMWRKN Why I`m working Ϸ ٳ ? ( ° ?) DGNLADY dragon lady (?) ߱ The Last Emperor( Ȳ) Dowager(Ȳ) DZ ٰmysteriousϴٴ ( ӵ ) ε nickname. sexyϴٵ簡 ϴ ߰ǰ, ׷ sexy //߱ ڸ ǹϰ . EXPGBBY expecting baby ӻΰ Ÿ ϱ(ɵ ض)GIAML8 Gee I`m late. ", ʾ." ICNO14U I see no one for you. "Na ta?" ϴ ݹ ڰ ȥ ϰ ִ Ȳ̶ Ͻö. ȣ ɸⰡ ̴ ģ ִ. ̶ "ڸ ȥڱ? Na ta?"( Ÿ ?)ϴ . KILTMKR kilt maker *kilt Ʋ ָ ĿƮϱ ׳ Ʋ ̶ ϸ . NGHTNGL Nightingale ̸/ ̸ QNFHRTS Queen of Hearts Ŀ ī忡 4 ? Ʈ Queen̸ ھ? , ϰ SCBADVR scuba diver * scuba acronym() self-contained(ڱ Ϻ) underwater breathing(ȣ) apparatus(ⱸ)THL8SHO The Late Show 12 , ɾ UL84AD8 You late for a date. ( ʿ? ̷ dz.)VVAITLY Viva Italy! Ż !(Ż̾. Ƹ Camaro ߰)* Ż ̵ sports car Camaro ȣ. , ׾ Ÿ Դ ޸ ;ϴ ̴ϴ. (Garcia, Spanish. ' ̶ ְŵ'.), ϴ ֽϴ. North America ͼ ߱(ȫ) Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volvo, ( ) Cadillac,Lincoln ȣѴϴ. ѱε? '۽ꡦ η µ.' WDUBLVE Would you believe? ϰų ų YNGNFRE young and free ̴̱ϱ. BLVDBUG beloved bug ϴ Volkswagen Beetle()CIMB4U See I am before you. , տ ? ų ޸ ִµ ߿ ؼ ռ .( ) ׷ װ ȣ ɷȴٵ gas pedal(accelerator) Ƽ ׸ ٽ ߿ ? ̷ شǴ . , . HBANDME hubby and me (hubby ) ICURJLS I see you are jealous. ( ) ϴ . QWTSMKN Quit Smoking () 踦 . ׷ . VERYPVT very private WELCMHME Welcom home  Ϳ. XPCT2WN expect to win 翬 ̱ ̴. ̷ 5 Ǯ ? ׵ ̿. Ʈ¡׻ 켱ϸ鼭 ÿ δ  Ҹ  ؾ Ѵٴ . LSTRGM EST2WST UW84F8 THSIBLV FATHPWR " ϼ?" wood : ׳ , ִ , ä , , ȸ ߿ ġ . timber : , ġ 5̻Ǵ , ׸(Ʒ ) lumber鳪 standing timber : ִ round timber : ä Ǿ DZ lumber : ǵDZ⿡ ġ ׷ϱ Ϲ ̳ 츮 ʿ ? "lumber." ξ̴ Ư ǹ̰ ִٱ? ȸ ƴٴϴ ¼ owl(ξ) ׸̳ Ǵµ, ̰ ٸ ޸ Ư ̹ ְ ִٴ ϴ. ׷ ϰŵ. ڸ, Finch Ave. W.(Avenue West) 氡 ǹ ְ sign owl ׷ ֽϴ. ' ǹ' town library. ׷ٸ owl̸, ǹ̰ ?̾߱⸦ - ε鿡Դ ̵ , 迡 ֽϴ. ̰ ҷ . ׺е ̵ó ǻ͸ (?) 𸥴ٰ ϴ Դϴ. ̷ 鵵 '̵ εκ Ѵ' մϴ. 켱 Old Testament ߿ ġ å , ϰִ Job ģ ãƿͼ ϴ ȭ ߿ ̷ ֽϴ. "Look for a moment at ancient wisdom; consider the truths our fathers learned. Our life is short, we know nothing at all; we pass like shadows across the earth." 鲲 Գ, ãҴ Գ. ¾ Ϸ絵 츮 ȴٸ ˰ڴ°? 츮 ׸ ε. ׸ "Old men have wisdom", "Old men have insight" ϵǾ ֽϴ. ο ٴ ʹ 翬 ̶ ϳ ű . ̰ ƹ ص 迡 ߾ ֳ? ׷ ߿ owl ϰԻ, 㿬 ׻ Ƽ̴ Դϴ. ص sparrow() հ hummingbird() ̳ . 켱 ġ ۰, ġ ũٰ ϴ ostrich(Ÿ) Ӹ뿡 ? ׷ Ӹ ְھ? ׾߸ '밡', ε鵵 ׷ 츮 100% Ҵ 'birdbrain'̶ ֽϴ. ׳ "You bird!" ص ' 밡!'ϴ ̵Ǵ ̴ϴ.(ڴ '밡' 'bird brain'̶ Ÿ ֽϴ. å <ü, 밡 > ڽϴ.) ׷ owl ٸ ̴ϴ. 켱 Ӹ ũ ϸΰó (These eyes point forward, unlike the eyes of mostbird), ߾ӿ (θ beak) ְ, ѷ е ľ ̰ ϰ ־ ̱⵵ ٰ, ½̰ ū ſְ ̴ϴ. ׷ owl '밡 ' ܽ 'As wise ason owl'̶ ݾ ŭ ҽϴ. 츮 󿡼 (Ӹ ?) ؾ 'crow() ⸦ Ծ?' δ¡.( ִٰ ɴϴ.) owl Ϲε ϴ wildlife(߻) ׸ Ϲ̿ ij contemporaryartist Robert Bateman. ״ wildlife ׸ Africa ʿ  忬 ϰ ε Ͽ, wildlife °迡 ؼ ƽϴ. ״̷ մϴ. "Owls are interesting birds to paint, and I know that many people find themparticularly appealing birds to look at. With their round faces and forward-lookingeyes, they are the most human-looking of birds; in painting them it is important toavoid the tendency to make them too human-looking."contemporary artist : dz ׸ ȭ (Bateman Ÿ Ҿ Ⱑ ) contemporary con() + temporary(ô) , , ô appealing : , ȣϴ, ŷforward-looking eyes : , ̷ human-looking of bird : tendency : , * hummingbird ߿ , 1ʿ 55ȸ Ǵ Ͽ ߿ ä ֽϴ. ׷ Ϲ helicopterȸ ɹ̱⵵ մϴ. 翡 humming(Ÿ, 뷡 θ) Ҹ 鸰 Ͽ hummingbird θ, 츮 󿡼 Ҹ ٰ Ͽ '' θ. owl ڸ顦. The eyesight of owls is also exceptionally acute - owls are second only tohawks in the sharpness of their vision - and, unlike most other birds andmammals who have orb-shaped eyes, their eyes are cylinders extending back intotheir heads. This makes owls especially sensitive to dim or nocturnal light. - ̷͵ owl Ư¡. acute : īο hawk : , , ( 迡) Hawk ( ground-to-air missile) mammal : orb : , , õü(¾, , ) *orbit(˵) dim : , Ӱ(-down)/(-up)ϴ, dimmer( Ӱ/ ϴ ġ) nocturnal : ߰, ༺ ׷ for this reason owls can watch an object with both eyes at the sametime. They have binocular vision like men. owl ο ( 100 ), 캸 eyeball() ʿ䵵 ٴ±. ׳ɵ ̴ϱ. ̻ ʿ Ӹ ü ٴ . binocular : ־Ȱ bi-(2, ) + cular(eye) ־()· Owls` eyes make them look as if they were wiser than other animals. ׷ The owl has long been a symbol of wisdom. ( δ goosecrow owl ѵ-) The ancient Greeks thought it was sacred to Athena, their goddess of wisdom. ׷ Greece coin owl ־ װ αⰡ ְ Italy, Palestine, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Southern Arabia  ̿ coin ϴ. sacred : ſ , żõǴ sacred cow (India żõǴ , ǵ帱 )goose : * geese Athena : ׸ ȭ ó, ɹ owl ¡ ׳ ȣ̸, ׸ Athens ׳ ̸ . ׷ sign, Ź, flier( ¥ ) ad() ο /shopping̶ ǹ̷ owl Ǵµ, ׸ owl readingglass() ֱ⵵ մϴ. ( ľϱ-) Ǵ л, , ڻ簡 mortarboard(簢 ) ֱ⵵ .( , üôϱ-)mortarboard : ̰ ȸ չ owl 㿡 ƴٴѴٴ ̹ ֱ մϴ. ill omen( ¡) ´ٵ簡, ̳ misfortune() herald . herald : , ( ߿ ϴ) * ϴ Ź ? Celt owl corpse(ü) õ 'hight hag'( ), Ưsuperstition(̽) ī owl Ӹ ִٰ Ͼ spell(ֹ) . shrunken head  ? ƴϸstuffing ? ׷ ׷ ƹư 翡 mortarboard ڿ(beak θ) reading glass ġ ִ owl ׸ ðŵ ', symbol of wisdom̱'ϰ Ͻø ½ϴ. owl ׸ ̾߱Ⱑ 迡 - Ϲ print ȭ ؼ ˾ƺô. North America ( ) print ȭ ϹȭǾ ־ artist print(ǰ) ŷ Ȱմϴ. print acid free(꼺) Ư ũ Ἥ lithography(ȭ) μ μ⹰ մϴ. ׷ ƿ ׷ print ǸŸ ִ ׸ ׸ artist鵵 . ׸ Ұ Robert Bateman α ۰ ǰ limited edition() μϰ, artist ʷ ȣ Բ (signature) Ͽ $300~600 ŷ˴ϴ. Ȫ ׷ print 信 premium ٱ⵵. ׷ print ٰ ڱ ̳ 繫 ߾ customframing Ͽ ''մϴ. dz $1,000¥ TV ƹ͵ ƴ$700 limited edition print frameϿ ɾ , (Ư ) dz ⳪ ö󰡰ŵ. ⼭ (decoration)̶ µ, װ print ȭ interior decoration ߿ϰ Դϴ. drapery wall paper, ߾ ǰְ dz ⸦ ϱ Ѱ. ε, ̼翡 ص ׷ 츮 ⿡ ??? ִµ Ϲ ε ׾߸ Ʈ, 帮̸ ƴϰ , impressionist(λ ȭ) ڿ dz ŷǾ ׸ ׷ȴ, cubism(ü) ϴ ͵鿡ؼ 밳 𸥴ٴ Դϴ. North America б credit system() Ǿ ־ ̼ ϰ , Ͽٰ ϴ ׷ ʱ .( 񿡼 . ̷ ѱ ̼, ξ ٰ - ڰ 迡 ǰ)cube : Թü, ü, ü ׷ classic ׸ ϴ ϴ. װimpressionism(λ) ׸ ϴ ƴ϶ ܼ ׸ Ÿϰ ä ε巯 wall paper draperyϰ ︮ . ׷ ݴ ä ȣ ׸ Ϲ αⰡ?" ϴ!" 'It looks out of place.'(⿡ ︮ ʰŵ.)"̰ α(popular?) ȭ ǰ̶󱸿. ۰ ǰ ȣ Ƽ?"ϴ interior ⿡ ︮ ︮ ߿ϴ 츮 ⿣ ε ׷, print ϴ ġϰ 𸨴ϴ. ׷ ׵ ø 繫̸ exterior, interior Ƹ ٹ̴ ż ϴ. print ɾ ⸦ pragmatism(ǿ) µ ȸ ׾߸ (!) ϴ. ׵ б̼ ä ȭ ǻȰ ӿ 'Ǵٽ' õǰڶԱ Դϴ. Ʈũ . ʴ μǰ Ѵٸ? 츮 󿡼 90 , print ȭ ޾Ƶ鿩 ִ ݰ Դϴ. ׷   dz ⿡ ȭŰ 𸣴, ȥ frame ׸ ٰ ϱ⵵ ϰ ׷. Ϲ̿? ' 'Դϴ. ׸ interior ⵵ 𸣸鼭 frame ׸ ϴٴϿ? װ ġ 踦 λ ʴ μǰ ̶ ִ Ͱ ϴ. ε interior ︮ ʽϴ. ׸ Ⱑ °ų Ʊ picture frame ( ¦ ) ٽ 鿩 ڱ dz ´ mat frame framing ؼ ̴ϴ. ׷ framed picture ϰ 쿡 ̸ 湮Ͽ Բ ׸ ڸ ũ, , frame texture dz framingϿ ϰų, ƴϸ ̸ picture frame shop ϰcertificate ޾ װ մϴ. ׷ frame mat ' ȭ framing' ذ, װ ļ մϴ. ƹư owl North American鿡Դ collectors` item̱⿡ ׸, , , Ÿ ǰ Ǹŵǰ ֽϴ. Ʈũ(Toulouse-Lautrec, 1864~1901 - ʹ ݾơ) ̼翡 ִ ҹ ȭ, ΰδ Ѹ ʹ ҽߴ ûԴϴ. When he was 14 years old, he broke both legs in separate accidents. Դٰ η ߵ ߾ ü dwarfish( )Ǵ ٶ, ÷ ӿ ĸ ȯ Ʈ ׸ ׸ He sought the company of outcasts and rejects, including prostitutes. ᱹ â ǰ , ŵϴٰ Ե37 ϴ. ' ÷ ϴ ־ Ÿ . ȭ, ȭ Ⱑ 'outcasts : prostitute : â ȭ : lithograph lith() + graph(׸) μϴپƱ mammal() ͼ- 츮 Ʊ Դ Դϴ. Ʊ⿡ ", "ϸ鼭 Դϴ. ׷ ĺ ǥϸ? mam ma mamma Ǵµ mamma ''̶ . ׸ 츮 Ʊ óι ', '(omma, mam ma)? ׷ omma mamma ϰִٴ 峪? ߾ ڽĵ Ӵϸ mother θ 年ϴ. г Ұ "This is my mother" θ ٵ momԴϴ. , ô뿡 mama . mum, mummy Ʊ'' Ҹ, Ʊ maman, Ʊ mama, Ʊ鵵 mama, Ż Ʊ mamma, 츮 Ʊ omma, Ϻ Ʊmama θϴ. mam ma, mamma, omma, mama, maman, mammy, mom, mommy, mum, mummy,̰ ڿ ƴұ ϴ ̴ϴ. ڵ鿡 ϸ (om)ma Ʋ ̰ 鼭 ڿ ùҸ ϳ . mamma, mama Ʊ Ҹ, ݺ̰ . ׷ ˴ϴٸ, (breast)̶ mamma ƾ ¸̶ ̰ ڿ ߻ ƴѰ . â Ƶ "mamma"ϸ鼭 ã, () ã Դϴ. ̾߸ Ʊ (mamma), (mamma)ϱ. ׷ mamma ǰ ư mammal ƴұ? , ̱ θ ô.(ϵ װ װ ϱ 򰥸?) mom : mamma : ( ?) mommy : mammary : mammary cancer()mammy : mammiform : mama : mammoplasty : mammal : mammalia : mammalian : * ޸ϸ mum Ǵ 'ȭ' 浵 ְ, mummy ̶( mirra) 浵 ֽϴ. ǿ ' ̶ ִ' "I`ve seen mirra(s)." ϸ '' ˾Ƶϴ. "I`ve seen mummies" ؾ. 밡? ߴ밡? (Homo sapiens) 亻ٴ ü ׷, '밡'󱸿. 켱 Ϲ ̾߱. Ϲ ׿ , ǥǿ ٿ 'Bird Problem ذ'DZ ֽϴ. ֳ? 밳 츮 ؿ ̶ ϳ Ǵµ, ÿ ؿ ִ հܺη vent Ƽ ְŵ. vent: (, , ü ) ventage : ⱸ, , DZ⿡ ִ հ ventiduct : dz( ׳ 'duct' ) ventilate : dz ǰ ϴ, ȯϴ ventilation : dz, ȯ, (ǰ, ) ǥ ventilator : dz ġ 켱 ؿ chimney() 2 ֽϴ. ϳ dz furnace(, 밳 gas berner), ٸ ϳ ܿ£family room ⸦ 츮 fireplace() Դϴ. ׿ܿ ξ electric range(oven) cooking ߻ /Ⱑ vent, ȭǿ vent 2~3 . ׸ ؿ ܶѲ ventilator ϴ Ͼ dz ġvent ֽϴ. ׷ϱ ܿ ׻ ھ ְ, Ͼ ܶѲ ventilator ̰ Դϴ. ׸ ٱ vent . Ź drier( ) ̰߰ȭ ǰ ⸦ ϴ vent, Ʒ ȭǿ vent, Ųٷ ⸦ ̱ ̳ Ǵ ū vent 2~3. ̾߱Ⱑ µ ׷ ' 밡ΰ?' ǰŵ. chimney, vent  ö . ׷ Ե װ , ׷ nest Ʋ ó  nest Ʈ ̴ϴ. ƽôٽ nest ̳ straw(Ǫ) ̰ܼ ? ׷ nest ͵𸣰 ܿ Ǿ fireplace Ǹ  ǰھ? Ⱑ dz 鼭 . ڵ smoke detector alarm 顦. ϸ raccoon(ʱ) 鸶  ڸ (̰ ū!) ü vent Դϴ. detect : Žϴ, ϴ detector : Ž, , ߰ detective : , Ž detective agency(ż) private detective(縳 Ž) Ź drier ̰߰ ȭ ǰ '° ÿġ ʴ١' , ߿ ֺε Ȳϰ ˴ϴ. ó ׷ 𸣰 踸 ſϰ ִٰ ˰ ǰŵ. "You, bird!"( 밡!) ѹ laundry room(Ź) drier Ⱑ ʴ ̴ϴ. ̻ؼ ۿ vent , ̰߰ ȭ ǰ Ⱑ valve ϴ cap ̾. '? Ȥ?' ؼ θ ö縦 ƴϳٸ? ε巯 straw ɷ µ , ̰ ٿٿ ̴ϴ. ȿ ̾Ʈ ΰ? ׷ 1 vent  ̰ . 2 ̳ ҿ ̰ removeϱ ƴϰŵ. ϱ⵵ ϰ. ׷ ׷ þ ϴ ִ . . ƴ, ƹ bird brain(밡)̶ ׷, ׷ nest Ʋ  մϱ? 츮 ΰ ظ ִϱ ű ƴ϶, ̰߰ȭ ǰ Ʋ ⸦ ڸ̴̰ϴ. ϴٰ Ź ð Ǿ ߰ſ Ⱑ ׸׾. ׷ Ʈ ϸ鼭, ű⼭ ȭ Ű Ű ϴٴϡ ĵ ϳ? 츮 Ӵ㿡 ' ڸ ɴ´' ߴµ ڸ ɴ Ʈ ' ƴϿýô'̴. ׷ ٽ "You, bird!"밡 ϳ ʵб , Ƶ Ŷ ô ȭ ְŴ  ׸ ׷ȴȲ ҳ ׷ȴ ƿ ٰ ٳ ׷ٰ ϴ. װ ְŰ ׸ŭ Ǹ ȭٴ ̾߱,  Ǿ ϱ ְ 밡 ׸ ʾƵ 󸶵 ڴ󱸿. ϰ ̱̾߱ ѵ, ȭ Կ忡 Ʈ ϴ ¥ ϴ ˰ Ƽ ٰ "Ź!" ε Ѵٴ ̴ϴ. ̷ 밡 ε鵵 ۺ . bird brain̶¸ ְھ? ƹư eagle-eyed ֵ Ӹ(밡) ̿. eagle-eyed : ÷ īο eagle`s-eye view / bird`s-eye view : (/ ٺ dz) 빮 wreath ̴ϴ. θ ձ۰ ̿ ̳ ȭ ε, dz ܴٵ簡, Christmas ֹ ޸ wreath ɵ簡 . , Ƴ ! 츮 𸣴 ̿ ¦ wreathӿ nest Ʋ "Ǫ!"ϰ ư鼭 ׸ ڱ 2 ̴ϴ. ׸ ˵ ٴ limestone 鼭shell 븥, ڰ Ƣ. ' ׸ óѵ.' wreath : ( θ Ȳ ׷) ȭ, ( 翡 ġ ׷) ȭȯ, (, ) ҿ뵹 lime : ȸ limestone(ȸ) limelight : / ޴ ( 鱤 lime ׷ limelight ) Some people are never happy unless they are in the limelight showing off.(׷纴̶ δ ֳ .) * shell (Ҷ ƴϰ) , , ź, ,  . Ҷ Դ κ clam̶ մϴ. , ٴ ݴ 빮 ɸ wreath ϰ nest ư ͵ ѵ, ׷ Ŀ ڸnest Ʈ ̴ϴ. ϰ ڰ ϰ پ˰ ̳ , 밡 ׷ Ͽ mud() straw 빮 ѿ ̰ մϱ? ϴ  ƿ wreath ξ. ҵ ־ ()ô wreath ־ nest Ʋ ״ϱ. ݳ⿡ robin( ̸) ͼ ѹ 'robin ڴ , ߿wreath ' . ̷ ڰ '밡'Ҹ ϰ Ǿϱ? robin : , Ȳ Ůϴ. Ϲ̿ ϸ, Դٴ ȣ . "Do not peek at the answer before trying!!!" ׷, ̵ ¥ ش ô ̴ϱ?ϴ ó ʾ . , ׷ ô. LSTRGM all star game ýŸ EST2WST east to west Ⱦ(from coast to coast) ̽ô. UW84F8 You wait for fate ðܶ. THSIBLV This I believe. Ͼ.( Ͼ)FATHPWR faith power ž (ž ΰ ) Ϻ, Ϻ ȭ Ŀ Ǿ Ϻ 츮 ִ ̿ . ũ 󿡼 Far East(ص) ϴ ׿ ִ . 츮 ϸ鼭 ٸ ȭ Ϻ հ Ϻ ȭ , Ϲ̿ ɾϴ. ̹ 1891⿡ ĸ the Academie Nationale de Musique(ǿ)Ϻ musical () Ǿ, (Ϻ , 1893),(޸ , 1900) Ǿϴ. 츮 û ܼ 濡 ó ־ ϸ, ȭ ɱ⿡ ѱ Ϻ ִ 밡 ȵǰ Ǵ . lithography( μ) ۵ ͵ (Ϻ ۰ ׸ ʾ) ݵ New York Metropolitan Museum of Art ڹ ֽϴ. ʹ ° ʹ ʹ ٸƴ Ʈũ ׷ȴ. ͸ Ʒ initial ġlogo 츮 尰 ε ׶ ǥð ʰھ?Ϻ ū Ǿ, Ϻ  , 翡  ֽϴ. ٱ ô̱⶧ ǥ , μ ͺ ξ Ϻ/  ǰ . ڵ ص Nissan, Mazda, Honda, Suzuki, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Toyota 𸣴 ְ, ⿡ Sony Walkman ׸ karaoke 𸣴 ְڳĴ Դϴ. δ ̻ص, Ϻ  Ųٷ Ϲ ȸشٰ term( ) ⵵ մϴ. ѵ ̱ 'Ϻ ' ŵ. ׷ 1997 ƽþư ͼ 'WallStreet(̱ ) Ϻ ̰!' ϴ. Pok`emon ̵ ġ TV program (Pocket Monster, ָӴ ) 𸣴 ̰ . 1997 12 17, Ϻ TV θ ûϴ ̵ Ϻΰ (鵵 ణ) ϰ psychedelic(ȲȦ) ä ȭ鿡 ޾ ȣϰų ⵵ ؼ Ű ȸ ū Ǿ ߻ϱ⵵ ߾.(ħ ׶ ڰ Ϻ ü̾⿡ ҵ ɰ ҽϴ.)װ ׷ ƹư 'Pok`emon' North America , ½屸ϰֽϴ. Ϲ ڵ . '̻ , animation character design ε. ܼ exotic(̱, ٸ)ؼϱ? ̹ ִ Ϻ video game character 鿩 ̵̱⿡ "Ϻ̶ ְ ְ" Ϻ ȣ ϱ?1999 11, Ϻ TV animation Ϻ Ͽ Warner BrothersPictures, Inc. Pok`emon Ϲ ȭ迡 top Ͽ, Ž ϱ⵵ ߽ϴ. (̾ õ ٽ 1 ö.) ʹ ȥ ȥ (?) ó Psyche() psychedelic(ȲȦ)̶ ? ֱ. , ѹ ٽ ô. psyche - ̰ ù ߵ˴ϱ? 縵 ܾϱ? p ϰ ̰̾߸ psycho(ź, ź) ƴұ? ׷ ˰ װ ƴϿ. װ ̷ Ǯ о ? p sy che ( ) - , ? ? , ̰ origin() ׸ ȭ ΰ ̸ ԰ŵ. ƴ ȵǾ ̴ϴ. ׸ ׳ ̸ Psyche soul(ȥ), spirit()̶ Դϴ. ׷ ſ Ϳ ׳ ̸ psyche- տ ٴ . װɿ p óϷϱ 츮μ б 縵 ܿⰡ źϽ . ׷ Ƹٿ ΰ P sy che( ) øٸ鰩ڱ ɿ? , . Psyche p Ѵٴ . psychic : ȥ, , ɷ , ɷ , , , ɷ psychiatric : ź psychiatric clinic(Ű )psychiatrist : ź ǻ psycho : ణ , ġ psychoanalyst : psycho + analyst(м) мpsychology : ɸ, ɸ psychotherapy( ܾ ?) : psycho + therapy(ġ) ſ( м  ġ) , ̰ ˴ ̰ ¿찣  ܾ տ psycho- ŵ ',̰ ڿ ̱'ϰ ġ Ѱ¤(?) "˴ϴ!"ٽ Pok`emon ̾߱ ǵư Pok`emon character ǰ ī ̵ īδ ʾ ǰ̾, 1pack(11) $10 ϴµ ģ ȸ . װ ̵ ̿ ϴ ߻Ͽ  б б ϰ ϱ⵵ ߴٴϱ. ̵ baseball̳ hockey,basketball player ī 1pack(15~20) $1.99 ε, Pok`emon $10ϡϸ α fake(ǰ) ī尡 󱸿?Tekken(ö) video game̶ ϴ ǰ ó ̵ ̹ȭ ٲپ ͵ Ϻ ƴմϱ? 2000 δ Sony Play Station 踦 ߽ϴ. ׷ ǵ character Ϻ ̸״ ٿ Ű ٶ, δ ڷ Ϻ ̰ϰ (!)Ű ֽϴ. video game Tekken 𸣴 ̰ ? hick(̳) Ŷ? , õ! hickϼ ȯ game Ŵ޸ٱ. ׷Internet̰ ȴٱ. tekken ö(ָ)̶ ̾. ڱ character ϳ , ׵ ־ ̸ ѱ Baek Doo San(λ) ̾ Hwoarang(ȭ) ű⿡ ؼ ˷ Ⱑ Ǿٴ . Baek Doo San  ѱ۷''̶ ԰ Hwoarang ̶ ԰ , ׷ڸ ó ̵鿡 ź ݴϴ. "Wow, Hwoarang is the best! Korean martial art is strong!"TV ȭε ư video game ȹ ܼ ϱ ׳ 츮 ѱ۷ ', '̶ ƴѰ ˴ϴ. δ (츮 Ź ) Ϻ video game () Ͽ, 츮 ȭ ҳ(鵵 ϴ) ̿ ˷ Ǿ. Hwoarang 𸣰 ϴ . ȭ 츮 ǥϸ Hwarang ǰ Ϻ ڴ(?) Hwoarang̶ س. ƹư ؿܿ ѱ ҳ ϴcharacterԴϴ. Դٰ power ְ. (ѱε ̸ ǥ ȭ Hwa, ȯ Hwan, Ȳ Hwang մϴٸ hw- ϴ ܾ 鿡Դ öڷκ. ϰ .) ȭ Ϻ ܿ 翡 弭 ֽϴ. 'Metal Gear Solid' game ȭ鿡 jamming̴ danger Ʒ '', ''̶ ڸ ־ . ڴ ȸӿ Chinese character, semantic symbol(ǥ )μ ǹ̴ ɿ ε θ ˷ ־µ, ٷ ̸ Ϲ ̵ ԰ ٴϴ T-shirt  Chinesecharacter (ٰ ) ̱⵵ մϴ. ڰ 켱 exoticϰ ٻ ƴϱ (pulse), (love) T-shirt԰ ٴϴ . ׷ ̵ 쿬 ̾߱ϴٰ ׷ ָ űϰ Ƶ . ׷ ƴ 츮 ϰ .(츮  Ѵٰ ִ ϴ ־. ׷ ʿ䰡 µ, ׸ ִ .) ε Ϻ ڷ ϻ(Nissan), (Mazda, 쿬ϰԵ ξƽͱ ̶ֽ ), (Honda), (Suzuki), (Mitsubishi), (Subaru), dz(Toyota)̷ ٴ ̷ ȸ/ Ϻ ˰ ֽϴ. ̰͵ Ƹ , Ϻ ̹ ̾ Դϴ. , ⼭ Ѽ ̾߱. bonsai, Ϻ  ִٴ ̾߱ ̹ ߰. karate() Ϻ ߿ ˷ ϳ karate() ̴ϴ. taekwondo 踦 Ͽ 2000 Sydney Olympic äõ ٰtaekwondo ܿ ׿ ͵ ǰ(?) ļ ø 񿡵 ϰ ھ , karate θ ˷ ־ ִ Ϻ ϳԴϴ. karateӸ ƴ϶ jiu-jitsu(-),aikido(ձ⵵) Ϻ ˷ ֽϴ. Ϻ ״judo ö ִµ ̻ϰԵ Ϲ 忡 judo 幰, 밳 jiu-jitsu . Ϻ kempo(ǹ) ͵ ֽϴ. ܿ BruceLee(̼ҷ) kungfu ȥϿ jeet kune do(ǵ) ְ, kobuldo ֽϴ. Ϲ̴ world martial arts Ϲ̴ پ Ǿ ֱ martial arts business ͵ ˴ ֽϴ. տ ۿ ˷ ׷ δ, ߱ taichi(±ر, 츮μ ƹư Ϲ̿ martial art еǾ ), kungfu() ְ δ- kick boxing, ground grappling( ο ), kali, escrima, Russianmartial art, capoeira(Brazil . '̰ ŵvideo game Sony PlayStation ڼ ') ֽϴ. ˷ 츮 taekwondo. ѱ master()鿡 master ̾ taekwondo academy/institute() ڸ 淯 ô밡 Ǿϱ. origami? ̰ ? Ϲ , Ư  ִ origami() åԴϴ. 'origami?' ؼ ε ٸ ϴ.( ѵ) ׳ ǥ ִ ڱ Ϻ ϶ ǵ ϴ. '' '´', '' ''. ׷ϱ Ϻ ȭ ϳ ' '. Ϻ ֱ پϸ鼭 Ǿ ֽϴ. ׷ϱ ƿ origmai ϴ ڱ ǿ ɾ . samurai 츮 North America jeep߿ Suzuki Samurai ־(disconnected ߴ). ׷ װ (Ϻ ô ) Ȯϰ ƴ ģ ξ. ׷ Ϲ karate academy() franchise߿ Samurai ְ character Į Ӹ ĵ samurai, ׷ ׸ ',samurai Ϻ soldier, warriorΰ ' νĵǾ Ŷմϴ. * ٸ samurai ǹ̰   ٰ ׳ Ϻ soldier, warrior ǥ, samurai feudal lord()'翡 Ŵ' ǹ̰ ֽϴ. Pope(Ȳ) guardϴ Swissguard Ͽ. guardٰ Ÿ ٳٴ ǹ̿ knight Դϴ. feudal : , * Ȳ̶ Pontiff Pope ִµ Ϲ Pope ϴ.(縵̳ .) sold Ļ soldier ' ް ο ִ '̶ Դϴ. ؼ ƹ ǹ α ȿ 뿹 θ ° 鼭 δ׻ а . ֺ /  ĵ𸣰, ׷ ڱ δ ϱ. ׷ డ ǷϿ װ, α 󿡼 ε ٰ ϰ ڱ ø Ű . ׷ ٷ soldierԴϴ. ׵ ް 븩 ϸ ξϴٰ, / ɰ οϴ. ׷ ε ߿ 밨ߴ Swiss guard̾ٴ . ' 淡.' soldier ǹ̴ ' '. warrior 'ο' ǹ̿ Դϴ. ǹ̿ ', ' . ricksha ̰ ִ ̿. ô뿡 η°Ű ֿ ̾? Ҽ < > ΰ ٷ η°Ų. ׷ η° dz濡 簡ϴ. ׷ , SST Concorde Ⱑ ô뿡 ٴϴ ̳ η°Ű ϰ, riding in style(ѹ Ÿ)̳ just for fun(׳ ̷)  . SST(supersonic transport) : (׷ Concorde ᱹ ä꼺 ʾ ̻ ʰ, ӿ Դϴ. η°Ŵ ϰ ִµ .) ִ, ϰ (tri-) ޸ trishaw. [(ped-) pedal ý(cab) Ͽ pedicab̶մϴ.] ̱, ij ִ ricksha η°Դϴ. η°Ÿ Ϻ δ jinrickisha ϴµ, װ Ǿ ricksha ϵ . jin() ricki() sha() - (ʹ ϱ jin ) ricksha!ricksha ϳ ̱ New Jersey State , 뼭 Atlantic City غ ؼε û Ը ȭ Դϴ. ħatlas( ) ְŵ ѹ ãƺ. װ͵ ״ϱ. غ ȴ 濡 ɾٴϱ ε κ 縦 ƳҴµ ̷ boardwalk . Ư ̸ ÿ ٴٶ boardwalk ޸ ricksha People ride the rickshas just instyle. ̷ο ̰ ε ricksha Ÿ 󱸿. ڰ ƴ϶, ε ī ε ƿų ī ε ٰ 뿹 ηԴ ⸷ 簡 ־⿡ ̷ Դϴ. ٲ ó ε Ŀ ְ ׿ ε Ŀ Ͽ ڱ׸ ¿ ricksha ٴ ׷ ޸ ڿ ɾƼ , 帧 ٶ󺸴 ƴѰ ϴ ٴ ̴ϴ. ε ׷ ɸ Ÿ 𸣰ڽϴٸ. '󱼵 ǥϱ.' karaoke[ũ󸮿] karaoke ؼ(𸣴 ״ϱ) . ٸ karakarate kara (empty, dummy)̶ ̰, oke orchestra . ׷ϱ dummy orchestra(¥ ɽƮ) ǹ̷ . Ϻ Ͽ ѱ, ߱ ġ鼭 Ϲ̸ 󿡼 Ǵ Ǿϴ. ߱ (ī)OK մϴ. ڷ Ͽ ī 翬ѵ+OK ̱.( abbreviation) dummy : ¥, ƺ, û, 뿪, ¥, ͸Kimono ϴ ̸ , ̰͵? 𸣴 ȣȲ ӵǴ Ϲ̿ ° ϰ ֽϴ. ٲ .( δ ä ʾ ٽ ϴ ̾.) ׷ ο ܳ ο ̸ ٰ ε , ۽, 쿬 directory /phone book ̴ٰ Kimono Crescent ߰ ̴ϴ. ", ̰ ?''()? Ϻ (Ư )̶? ."ki(wear) + mono(thing) kimono Ϻ ̸ ϴ. ijٿ ѱlast name Kim Road ϱ. ' ֿ û ˾ƺ.' 'Ȥá?' ڴ ̷ մϴ. Ȥ Ϻ American Indian ̿, ּ  ¾? ֳϸ, ε , Ư ̳ ̸ Ϻ ŵ. ijٿ ͼ ˰ ( ġڸ õ?) ̸ ̽û簡, ȣ beach ̸ ͻ簡, , Ϲ ִ ̾߰ . 켱 (Kawagama) ̾߱⸦ ? ŵ ϴ. ̰ м ̾߱Ⱑ ƴϴϱ. / 濡 ̾߱ϴ ̴ϱ. ׸ дϱ? ice age(ϱ) Bering Strait()dzʰ ƽþε ? Ÿַ ķ ٰ ׿, ִ ǥ sign ߰ ̴ϴ. ( ̷ ð ̾߱ ͵ 󸶵 .) Kawagama? , ̸ ڴ(?) 캼?kawa + gama 켱 Ϻ kawa õ() Ϻ 10 ÿ  Kawasaki(õ) õ . ׷  ', Kawasaki (motorcycle) ȸ簡 ִ ̱' ? װ ƴմϴ. Kawasakimotorcycle ȸ Kawasakiÿʹ '' 谡 ٴ . ׳ ̸ ϻ. Kawasaki ô ū Tokyo 2 Yokohama ̿ ־ ö . (ѱ õÿ ڸ Ῥ ΰ ֽϴ.)gama ѱ (), '' '˴' ڷ 'λ'̶ , Ǵ ڱ, , . ׷ Ϻε gama ()̸ Դϴ. ( ѱ Ϻε Դϴٸ)׸ ''̶ ̱⵵ մϴ. ׷ ķΰ Kawagama ε ׸ ׳ ĥ ? "Stop!" ׸ "CLICK!" Kawagama ̸, Lake Road ׷  ̸, ij ħ ̱⿡ lake, ׸ lake lake kawa(õ) ָϴ. ׷ ڴ ̷ ̴ϴ. õ() ִ ̸ Kawagama Ȥ? (?), ڱ⸦ (?) ƴϾ?Ǵ ' õ'̶ ƴϾ?(Ϻδ ׷ ̴ϱ.)ε鵵 ⸦ (kawa) (gama) ־ ƴմϱ? ׵ Ǹ terra-cotta . ڵ , ε (Ǹ) ϳ ֽϴ. Ҹ?ڿ ״ 뿡 Ҹ, ٻ.( ׷.) ̷ 峭 ִ Ϻ ģ Mr. (Imai) Բ ̾߱ ҽϴ. Ϻ ǵ < > ڷ NHK ѱ ڸ ǻε, װ ٷ Kawasakiÿ ŵ. ׵ ȣ ̶ ô ־ ߽ϴ. ڱ ô װ Կߴ ݹ ǵ ˾Ҵٰ ϴ. . ׷ ͸(?) ǹ ä ߿ American Indian ǹ̸ ãƺҴ Wow! , ۽, 'kawa' ϴ 'brightwater' ƴϰھ? ǵ ϰ ã librarian() ¦ "amazing!"( űϳ!)ϴ. , ̷ ڴ ׷ ġ, · Ϻ vowel() ε 鵵 vowel ϴ. Ƹ ׷ American Indian Ϻ Դϴ. Żƾ ƾ , ׸ 鿡 ׷ ֽϴٸ. , ε ѹ ? vowel , ?* 켱 ij ֺ ('' ε )Canada('׸ ̶' ̸), Ontario(' ' ָ),Toronto(' ' ̸), Oshawa( ̸),Muskoka( ̸), Niagara(' õ' / ̸),Missisauga(, ̸) * ̱ Mississippi(' ' ̸), Oklahoma(' ' ̸),Iowa( ̸), Utah( ̸, ̸), Missouri( ̸, ̸),Navajo( ̸, ̸), Yosemite(/̸),Pueblo( ̸, ̸). * ε 幰 consonant() ̸鵵 ֱ մϴ. Algonquin( ̸, ̸, Ÿ ָ ̸ - պ Ÿŭ ˴ϴ), Mohawk( ̸, ̸),Huron( ̸, ȣ ̸), Michigan('ū ȣ', /ȣ ̸) ڸ ˴ϴ. װ͵ ѵ . ̱ 50 ̸ ص 25 ̸ ε Խϴٸ, 25 3 ָ ϴ. ְ ׷ ̴ , , ̸, ̳ ̸ ġ 󸶳 ڽϱ? consonant() ε 3 state ̸ ǹ̴?Michigan(ū ȣ), Wisconsin( ), Wyoming(),* , ̶ consonant - con(Բ) + sona(Ҹ) () Բ Ҹ. (consonant vowel Ҹ ֳ?) "̰ sign languageϱ?" ۰Կ sign ִµ. ' ?'' հ(crossed fingers) ׸ ̳?' ̴̰ϴ. 󿡼 ߿ , Ǵ ͺ ٰų ׸ Ͽ ' ' "I`ll keep my fingers crossed" ϸ鼭, first finger/index finger( հ)middle finger 鼭 ո ϵ ֱ⵵ մϴ. հ , ִ ǹ sign lottery ticket() Ĵ ̶signԴϴ. store lottery ticket ȸ鼭 customer(մ)鿡 lip service "Goodluck!"̶ ֱ⵵ մϴ. Ѹ . Good words cost nothing. lip service Կ ߸ . lottery, ѱ ǵ 1999 11, jackpot ְ 20 ̶ İ ݾ ϰ ö, ׷ North America, Ư ̱ jackpot ׼ϰ peanut(). ̱ jackpot õ ׼. ö ÷ ׼ 1,500~2,000 ̰  5,000 ҵ ǰŵ. 50,000,0001,200 60,000,000,000(), 600 ! 60billion won! 'Ͽ ̱ ˾ ء.' Florida 9,600 ־!(winner jackpot ſ.) ̷ Ǹ ϴÿ ±⺸ jackpot ̰ó ַ ٶ ƴ Ư 䰡 ˴ϴ. 迡 ִ Ĵ store gas station, ھҵ ̿ ſ . ֿ ڸ store ticket ̷ 簡 ׳ Ϸ ư⵵ , δ ڰ ϵ ŵ. Ǹ ħͶ簡, ʹ ʰ ͼ ԰ ϱ. ̱ ij ÷ ̴? ̱ 20  ִ ijٴ Ͻúҷ ݴϴ. ׷ ٸ αⰡ . '20 ٷ? Ѳ ޾ ԰ Ծ. !'̷ ؼ North America ص multimillionaire( ū ) źϰ ֽϴ. 70⵵ Ĺ ̱ 3,500 ڰ źϱ. ְ(?) "Money is everthing!"̶ Ϲε Ͽ Ȱȭ(!) Ƚϴ. grocery store(ķ ȭ) ϰ 1~2Ҿ ̰, 忡 ̷ ȸ αϱ⵵ ϰ,  ģ ǻ͸ Ͽ ׵ ° ͸ ְ ڱ⳪ ڸ ãڴٰ ߼ alchemist(ݼ) ۾ ϱ⵵ մϴ. ߿ ѱε winner Ǿϴ. ٷ ̱ Californiaǵ ѱ ticket 1,800 ¥ winner DZ⵵ . "How much is US $18 millions in Korean won?"( ׷, 1,800 ̸ ȭ 󸶰 Ǵ ?) alchemy : ݼ, ( Ű) , Ҽ δ Ƹ ѱε winner ʾ մϴ. ֳ? ڱ store lotto machine ϱ. machine Ϻθ ű invest(?)/gamble(!)ϴ ġ ̵ ϰŵ. proverb ̷ ־ ο ϴ. 'That he who throws the dice often, will sometimes have a lucky hit.'ֻ() ִ. '׷! ɹ Ӵ ݰ ׷ .' ׷ lottery winner . ڴ ƴϰ ̳ jackpot winner(÷ ) ƴ ѱ ƴµ (ͺ ־ٴϱ), ٵ , (1999) ȥϰ bankruptcy(Ļ)Ǿ ˰ ǵ. ̱ ׷ ڰ ־. Ĵ waitress ϴ Florida ij (49) 3鸸 ҿ ÷ 7 bankruptcy û ϰ waitress ż ! waitress ٴ ƴ. ׳ ٳ? ̱ Massachusetts Ŀ(37) 丮 3 60ҿ ÷ǰ 2 heart attack( ) µ, ʹ '' ϰ ٳ༭ װ Ű ׷ٳ? ij Ontario 91 ͵Ʈ. ״ nursing home(ο) µ ڱ 1鸸 ޷¥ winner ». 40 ڻ⵵ ġ ڽij ãƿñ ׷ٳ? ' ϱ Ҿȿ ǥ̴.' ¾Ҵٰ ׷ ƴ 鸸 ̾߱⸦ ϳ Ұϰ ̷ ƴϴ. ư ɾδ ְ ׼ 5,500鸸 winner ̱ Ƕ ̾, θ ̸ foundation() ؼ ʿ غ(poverty-stricken) л鿡ԻȰ ݰ б ָ鼭 ִ ϰ ִٴ . poverty : , , Ҹ stricken : (strike źлϱ) , ó, ź lottery corporation( ) ,  ͱ ȸ ؼ ϴ. ڰ Ÿ Wave Pool(ΰ ĵ ü -) ׵ . ׷ ü lottery ̶ޱ⸦ źϱ⵵ մϴ. Ư κ ȸ ׷ tithe() ϴ ʽϴ. gamble ްڴ ̴̰ϴ. gamble gamble̴ϱ. Ϲ ű⿡ ̾߱ ϵ Ƽ δ Ұմϴ. ۰ sign ' հ' ̷ հ, ǻ縦 ϴ° sign language մϴ. deaf(͸ӰŸ), ò ҿ ϴ , Ǵ ϴ Ÿ , auction() ̿Ͽ ǻ縦ϴ . ǻ縦 ϴ body languageϰ ٸϴ. 踦 ؾ Ѵٴ. money ׸ ȭ warning() Moneta . ' ̴' ̷ ε, ƴմϱ? ׷ money ϴ monetary agency մϴ. mint â( ). lottery - " ϴÿ ±" ׷ 츮, ̶ װͿ proverb󵵸 ˾Ƶѱ? , ' ϴ ٿ ȴ' ''ϰ ֽϴ. The love of money is the root of all evil. Lend your money and lose your friend. ָ ( Ұ) ģ Ҵ´. Penny-wise and pound-foolish. Ž Money talks. ְ Who holds the purse rules the house. . , ̷ ֱ. green power - 'ݷ' ̱ ޷ ޸ (green) μ . '޸'̶ ? ޱ, under table 졦. Money makes the mare to go. θ ִ. mare . * mare money, makes Բ 'm' rhym ߴ. 翡 糪(donkey) ' û , Ȳϰ Դ ' ֵǰŵ. ׷ ̼ ȭ ϴ . * 糪ʹ ̱ ִ ¡ ̱⵵ մϴ. ̷ ̴ϡ. "׷ ε װ ϴ . "" ϴ ϱ?" ̱, ij Ͽ ִ μ ð ̹ coat of arms() ̸ logo, ä, ü, layout ü CI design Ƹ ϵǾ ֽϴ.(CI corporate identity, ̹ ̶ . ''~ϸ triangle ڷ '' , 'Z'~ϸ û oval ڷ SAMSUNG Դϴ.) 켱 氡 , Ͱ sign Ÿϴ. Canada national flag() Maple Leaf(dz ٻ) ׸ ũ ̰, Ʒ logo Դϴ. [ ̾߱ Canada bilingual country(2  ϴ ) sign , Ҿ ǥǾ ֽϴ. .] ' ϴ ?' Environment Canada, Atmospheric Environment Service'ij ȯû, ȯ ()' ϸ ǰڱ. 'atmospheric ' sphere ? sphere (), ư ʽϱ? ѷΰ ִٰ ؼ ⸦ atmosphere մϴ. atmos ׸ (vapor) . Ⱑ ѷմٴ ǹ̷ Դϴ. Ʒ 4905 Dufferin St. ּҷ, ġ ƮӸԴϴ. ̰ satellite() dish ׳ Ͽ κ ޽ϴ. ⿡ ° U of T(University of Toronto) Faculty of AppliedScience and Engineering Science, Aerospace Engineering( б װа) Բ ְ, ű⿡ ɸ´ ֽϴ. faculty : к, ɷ, , The faculty of medicine is made up doctors, surgeons, and etc., who teach anddo research. ڱ '' ̷ ϴ ̰ ϰ ̱ ߰ڴµ visa ֽϴ. consulate() ϳ visa ߱ ִ , consulate visa ߱޼Ұ ƴ. ׷ Ϲ ַ visa ̱ δ ٶ󺸴 ̱⵵ մϴ. 迡 ִ ̱consulate visa ߱ϴ μ(Bureau of Consular Affairs, visa services) Ǹ(?) մϴ. 츮 ִ consulate ׷ ƴϿ. ̱ ҹζ  ϱ ׷ ۿ 𸨴ϴ. ̱ illegal alien(ҹ ü) ? ׷ϱ Ӹ ļ ׷ ִٴ ? õ . ڱ 湮Ϸ ؼ ģϰ óѴٸ, ο Ϸ ڴ, . Ѹ ڼ . ׷ ѱ ijٴ visa Ǿ ־ Ѹ "Noproblem." consulate : consulate-general(ѿ) consul : , θ consult : ϴ, ϴ consultant : ϴ , consultation : , consulting : 㿡 ϴ, consultϰ counsel()ϰ ? ƾ Ѹŵ. 䱸Ǵ ô ȸ ʿմϴ. 츮 lawyer consult/counselϿ ϴϱ. ׷ ̱ ȣ縦 attorney counsel̶ Ѵϴ. general : Ϲ, ü, (ü Ѱϴ)- 屺, 强governor-general(ѵ) govern : ġϴ, ϴ government : , ̱ coat of arms() ʿ ȭ ¡ϴ olive branch,ٸ ʿ ¡ϴ arrows bald eagle(Ӹ) ׷ ֽϴ. 1782⿡ ̱ emblem äõ, (outstretched wings) ¡ symbolic of powerϴ. The eagle`s outstretched wings demonstrate its strength. ָ Egypt, Rome ͵ ¡̾ϴ. Napoleon'Napoleonic eagle'̶ ϴ ɹ ߵ, ɹ ϴ. װ͵ ؼ Byzantine(late Rome) Finland, Poland, Russia '' ̴ Ӹ ϳ double-headed eagle(ֵ ) coat ofarms ϱ⵵ . δ üص δ Ƽ(?) ̷ ɹʿߴ ̴. 1613 ̷ double-headed eagle ɹ Russia Ӹ ϳ ̾ Poland, ϳ Turkey ϱ Ѱٰ̾ մϴ. "Kat? Cat?" ̱, ijٸ ƴٴϴ  ݵ Ʈ ĥ 'Ŭ'ε, κ Ŭο  ۾ CAT̶ ֽϴ. CAT? ? , ̾߱ ֽϴ. ٷ 'Ŭ'̶ ε, 󿡰 'Ŭ'̶ ϸ ƹ ˾Ƶϴ. 'Ŭ' ⸦ ϴ'Poclain'̶ ϴ ߱ ȸ ̸̰ŵ. excavator ؾ ǽϴ. ex-(ȿ ) cave( Ĵ, ǫ  ϴ) + or(ϴ , -)excavator װ ׷ ׷ CAT̶ ? ׳ ġæ е ڽϴٸ ׷Ư 浵 ٴϴ ũ װͰ caterpillar(ѱ˵) ޷ ݾƿ? ׷ caterpillar öڰ ʹ ϱ abbreviation(, ) brand name(ǥ). CAT cat ߴ ̹. excavator üٰ Ϳ ̸ cat ̴ ͵ ʽϱ? cat pet 翡 ޴ ̳ ϱ . caterpillar ߹, ''̶ 浵 ֽϴ. ٴ¶ ߹  ѱ˵ ʽϱ? ̴ ־ ѱ˵ ٷ ̴, ܾμ caterpillar ߹, ̰ 翬 . ߹, ¡׷ ̾߱Ⱑ ͼ ϴ ε, ̵DZ׷ ߹ µ űϴϴ. տ kindergarten(ġ) ̵ չٴڿ caterpillar  ϸ鼭 ⵵ ϴ ̴ϴ. ǰԲ. 'What if it sting him/her?' ( ϸ ?)׷ װ (ѱ) ̰, ̳ ̵̳ ׵ ¡׷Ի ʴ. kindergarten ð ̵ caterpillar չٴڿ ϴ ſ. 'Ⱑ .' ׷ ' ϳ?' ߴ ٷ ǰ ٷ ߶󳻼 ű⿡ λ ĥ Ͽ ǰμ caterpillar ̴ϴ. ' ϰ '̾ . ߹ 뷡 ҷ 鼭. 'ƴѰ ƴ϶ ǰ ִcaterpillar(߹) Ǵ.' North America ̴ ۱ North America regional station( ۱) ̸ ߿ KAT ִµ, ɹ Դϴ. ַ rock music . ɾ ̵ 'ɾ߿ (?) cat'  ̿. ä Ҹ ٴϴ cat pet pet ε鿡Դ . ( FM) ̱ ߾ӿ ġ Nebraska State Missouri ִ Omaha country music ַ The Kat(103.7), Kansas STate ׸ Junction City news media Big Kat(94.5), Washington State Yakimaÿ rock music, news, and media KATS(94.5), ׸ ijToronto area new country music The KAT(88.5) ֽϴ. ? ? Ϲ̿ ۱(?) ϴ.  ű ü̶ ͵. ÷ ô ū ü  ۱ ϴϱ. ѹ ̱ Gulf of Mexico ִ Alabama State Mobile õ USS B-60(̱ ) ߿ 쿬 Auburn( ?) ˸ ۱ ߰. ۱ ̸ world WRLD sign ־ µ, friendlyϰ డ ݱ 󱸿. (κ DJ?) 츮Լ new comer Ƽ ϱ "Where are you from?", "Oh, on vacation?Where are you heading?" ϱ淡 ' ij 信 ô ̳', 'Mobile ִ USS B-60 ̳' ߴ "Wow! You cameform far away!"(, յ Ա!)ϸ鼭 װ ׷ ְ ݰ ̿. ɽϴ ߴٴ Ͽϴ. ̴ϴ. coffee ð out of town guest interview on the spot ϸ鼭( ΰ ) 󳪿? hick ֿ ϱ ׷⵵ ϰ ð̶ ־ , Alabama State λ . out of guest : մ interview on the spot : N ͺ hick : , ð߱ hick town() gulf : * 밳 bay ũ ̰ . e.g.(), Persian Gulf( ٶ?) adrift : ƹ γ Ƶ Hudson Bay : ( ϱ.) Canada`s great landlocked sea ij ū , ܿ£ پ ϱ⿡ ϴϴ. bay ߰ explorer(Ž谡) sea captain Hudson 1610 bay ,ٵϿ ȣ James Bay ٰ ⱸ ó ã⵵ ٴٰ ٴ ٶ ű⼭ Ȥ ָ, ӿ ܿ . ̵ , Ҹ ݶ(mutiny) Hudsonteenager Ƶ, ׸ HudsonĿ 6 boat ¿ adrifttlzu ư ٶ Hudson ű⼭ / ׾ϴ. ʳ captain Hudson ߸Ͽ bay Hudson Bay ߽ϴ. drift : ǥϴ, ǥŰ, * The Bay ȭ 1670 Indian fur-trading( ) ѺϹ ְ ij ȭ ̸. ̸ Hudson`s Bay Company, Hudson Bay fur trade ߽ϴ. ijٿ ø 𼭳 The Bay ȭ ˴ϴ. , Quebec Ҿǿ La Baie . å ȸ ־⿡ ݰ ̴ϴ. 'The Bay - Hudson Bay.' "state ̸ Alabama " Uss B-60 Alabama : U.S. Battleship-60 Alabamaȣ (36,500t), World War 2 South Pacific Marshal Islands() 28ô̳ Ǵ Ϻ ħŰ Ȱ ߴ û ū . 16 3¥ turret(ž) 3, ֿ 5turret 12 ־. She had sent 28 Japanese warships to the bottom during World War 2. It is nowanchored in Mobile Bay. : the main armament ѱ/ ر main armament 5twin guns( ׷ ۳ı? ƴ, missile ôŵ. ô ŵ.)turret : ž[5 ̻ʹ ž . 켱 źο еǴ ſ ϱ deck Ʒ ö ź(escalator) ġǾ ϰ, ٵ dz ȣ ϰ, ۵ ȿ ϱ .] ܿ turret ũ ž, ߼ ̳ ǹ ڳʿ ž̶ ǹ̰ ֽϴ. do-it-yourselfer paradise, North America ϴ õ North American Ȱ Ư¡ ϳ ų ġ° Ѵٴ ̴ϴ. ΰǺ ſ ְ ׷ ͸ƴ. lawyer ð û ηµ鵵 ڱ ġ ϴϱ. ڱ , ϴ . ׷ ռ ڱⰡ ų ϴ do-it-yourself ϴµ, ܾ ѱ ̻ϱ ѱ ȸ Ϲȭ Դϴ. 켱, ϴ do-it-yourself ȭ ѱ life styleӿ ݾ þ ֽϴ. μ furniture requires assembly( ) ٰ assemblingϴ ̱ , ص ̶ մϴ. 켱 ε ' ڱ Ͽ ' ʾҽϱ? ູ þ . δ IKEA[ike`a, Ϲ̽δ aike`a] ܿ ! Ϲ store ִµ, 繫 interior ʿ ڱ ȸ streamlined ǰ, װ͵ ä ֽϴ. Ķ ܰ ĥ 游 ص ſ ̶, parking lot ֽϴ. ܼϸ鼭 ٹ̰ǰ ġ Ƽ, װ̾߸ dz ִ ̳ Դϴ.( ʿ䰡 ִٴϱ.)streamlined : ϰ , streamlined furnitures( )streamlined car( ) IKEA ǵ ǰ home furnishing()̳ office fixture() ̳ 繫Ƿ assembling ؾ մϴ. ׷ ū ϱ⿣ pick-up truck̳ mini van . ƱⰡ sedan Ÿ Դ ؿ ġϴ luggage rack rent ݴϴ. (deposit money ް ߿ money back ) ư ͼ manual 鼭 ϴ ſ Ůϴ. screwdriver ʿġ ʽϴ. ʿ Բ ϱ. assembling, δ ᱹ . At times you may get frustrated but you can set it up eventually. furnish : ߴ furnished(room) : ߾ . luggage() : baggage( Ϲ) rack : , , ÷ frustrated : eventually : ᱹ do-it-yourself 3? d0-it-yourself Ǿ , 켱 ׷ Ϳ ̰ ־ Ұ. ׸ ׷ ۾ ִ ۾ , ӽ÷ζ workshop ־ ǰ. Ʈ Ʒ ò ҵŸ ϱ. ƹ Ʈ Ŀ ϰ ġ ݾƿ. Դٰ ٴ̴ ̴ ų ? detached house(ܵ ) ɼ ֱ ѵ, ü ѱdetached house 1 workshop ġ ̳ Ǿ. workshop̶  ׷⵵ ϰ tool ϴ. ִٴ ġ(pliers) ġ(carpenter`s hammer), ̹(screwdriver) ʽϱ? ', ׸ , ߿ ١.' do-it-yourself Ϸ鿩 ־ Ѵٴ . ð ־ ð ȸ ̰ ִ ص ϱⰡ . ᱹ ̷ do-it-yourself , , , ̷ ڰ ¾ƾ ϴ±. , 츮 ִ ̸ ġ, ġ? '̰ Ϻ ʳ?' δ pinchers, ˰ ڸ ε װ Ϻ ġ Ѱ. ׷ Ϲ̿ pinchers ġ ׷ ϴ. pliers . Ȯ ڸ lineman`s style pliers մϴ. lineman ״ line() + man ϴ ()̶ . pliers 츮 Ϲ ϴ ġ ܿ 뵵 ŵ. North American do-it-yourself 켱 ׵ ð մϴ. management(å) ð ְųself-employed person(ڿ) 찡 ٸϴٸ. (Mr. Bush, ̱ ɰ е Ǵ ɸ 20 ̻ ٵ ϰ ߴٴ.) ̱, ijٴ 3úͰ evening rush hourԴϴ. ð Ǹ ڱ ӵΰ ޿. ε ̴ϴ. Ŀ ģ ̱? ׷ ϴ. ׷ ȭ ٰ ('ѱ 븮 ' ), ý û , ؼ Ǭ ׷ ٵ簡 ϴ ' ' Ͽ ׷ٰ "Hey honey, please sign here!"( !)Ҹ Կ? ( , Ϲ ڵ? ̷ Ϲ Ȱ? ׷ . ٸ ̵ ϱ.) ׷ϱ ٸ ߴ ϸ rat race(ٶ ¹ )ϵ ɴϴ. ͼ ϳ? , . Mr. DeLucaó volunteer coach( ġ) arena(hockey ) ̵鿡 hockey ģٵ, ƴϸ Բ sports park ߱ ģ  Ѵٵ, ׷ ܵ , Ǵ ų ġų Ѵٵ. ƴ ģ ڱ garage ոMini, ʹ ۾ Ϳ ʼ ¿ϴ. ĸ ƿ ̰ɰġ μ ִµ, ̷ Ÿ ٴϷ ߴٴ ̴ϴ. wife June handyman ؾ ܶ ϴ ̾. handyman : ؾ , ̰ ġ ü ġ ϴ ׵, 밳 ׵ handymanԴϴ. 켱 ׵鿡Դ Ǹ workshop garage() ֽϴ. 밳 2밡  Ǿ Ƿ ̳ ִ garage 鿩ٺ ϵ hand tool ֽϴ. ׸ ƿbasement(Ͻ) workshop ִ 鵵 ϴ. ΰ âϴ ſ . do-it-yourselfer ۾ ̱⵵ basement basement ü ӿ ִ° ϸ, ణ  ʿ Ͻ̰ ڷ ׳ ޸翡 ٷ 峪 ִ Ͻǵ ִµ ̰ walk out basement մϴ. ó basement ٴڰ 4 ׳ concreteθ Ǿ . װ unfinished basement ϰ, ʳ ٸ finished basementմϴ. finished basement Դϴ. 1,2 , ɻ typicalϰ style ִ ų ̹Ƿ , basement ڱ ٹ̴ϱ ٵ ٸŵ. ׷, Ʈ condo(condominium)  Ѵ? rent Ʈ ƴѰԾƴ϶ . ׷ (츮 о Ʈ )condo Ͻ  ޽ Բ workshop ֽϴ. tenant() ű⼭ ĥ ֽϴٸ,׷ Ϲ condo ̰ų simple life style »̶ do-it-yourselfϰ Ÿ . ֽϴ, one-stop shopping do-it-yourself Ḧ ϰ, װͿ ´ hand tool ־߰?׷ ׷ store ϴµ Ѱ ? ٷ ׷ Ĵ store ֽϴ. ־ ֽϴ. hardware Ĵ . window shopping ص, ⸸ ص ſ Դϴ. ̱, ijٿ ׾߸ hardware Ĵ ȸ/store ִµ ̷̾߸ do-it-yourselfer õ. 峭 Կ ̵鰰 ū  ſϴ ̱⵵ մϴ. ű⿣ ׸ , AAbatteryκ audio/video machine, rake()κ mower(ܵ ) ǰ, ŷκ golf equipment() ̸ leisure ǰ, paint, bath tub() ̸ ǰ, ư ڵ ǰ Ѹ ϴ. ׷ Ѱ ڴ ݳ(hangar)ٵ Ůϴ. ٽ ˴ϴ. ׷ ? ƴ, ׷ . ̷ hardware store ̱ ǥ The Home Depot( t մϴ) ְ(ijٿ ), ij ǰδ Canadian Tire ֽϴ. ' Ÿ̾?' , װ ΰ ӴϿ 4 ̵ ξϴ Mr. Bills 1922 store direct factory distributors( ) tire Ǹŷ ߱ Դϴ. ? tire Ȱ ܿ ڵ ǰ鵵 . garage(̷ ƴ϶ ڵ )ֽϴٸ, װͺٴ Ϲ Ȱ ӿ ʿ ° hardware ִ Ǵ簡 Ǿ. In 1997, Canadian Tire is celebrating 75 years of service to Canadians. ڶ ⸮ ο Ư ǥ ٴϱ.( ϴ store, ε ϴ store, صſ , ȣ , ѱ ִ Դϴ.) е鵵Canada ø Canadian Tire store 鷯 . Canadian Tire ijٿ ķ ϸ鼭 뼭 Ƹٿ Nova Scotia ̾µ, ̿ ׸ ķο naphtha lantern( ) (ʸָӴϰ Ͼ wick) ٽϴ. ڴ '㿡 ױ'ϰ ־µ ϰ, ", Canadian Tire "ϴ ̾ϴ. ', ̷ ̿ ķοnaphtha lantern ٱ? Canadian Tire ü 淡?' ׷ ϱ? ! Canadian Tire ū hardware store ־, 翬 wick ־ϴ. Canadian Tire store 𼭳 ԰ ǰ ˴ϴ. ׷ϱ Canadian Tire Ѱ . ̷ Ѱ ʿ one-stop shopping,׷ store one-stop store մϴ. depot : â, , (뿡) naphtha : Ÿ, (petroleum), , coal tar Ͽ ⸧. ̰ Ͽ ų ŷ ϴ. : refinement refinery : , refine : ϴ, ϰ ϴ naphthalene : Ż, coal tar ȭ  ҵ . * naphtha ׸ inflammable(ҿ Ÿ ) liquid(ü) issuing from earth ̶ ڷ . petroleum petro() + leum() Դϴ. ׷ϱ hardware store 'Home Depot' ó depotfkams 뷮 â sale Ѵٴ ǹ̸ ݴϴ. ׷ Ϲ̿ Business Depot ϴ '繫 ǰ Ĵ â store' â. ' stationery store(汸) ׾ .' Ź ü(plant) մ ñ(deposit) Ź ޾ƴٰ Ź ڿ ѱ, ͸ ұԸ ŹҸ depot մϴ. (customer ڱ Ź depot ñٰ ʽϴ. ׵plant ְ cleaner ñٰ .) depot 밳 mall ְų, convenience/grocery store ϰ ִϴ.('ŸũƮ' ӿsupply depot .) depot ñٴ ǹ deposit ѸԴϴ. ܿ 縸 ϴ Lansing, Beaver Lumber lumber() ȸ  ־, İ ִ handyman ڱ ̳lakeside cottage(), ޸ ־ δ storage(â)͵ ռ ⵵ մϴ. ׷ . å ̷ ͵ North American Ȱ ֺ Դϴ. 츮 ׵ Ȱ ȯ 鼭 ̷ İ ָ ־ϴ. о ֽ в 帳ϴ. "Thank you, see you again!"